shockxzd ¡ 4 years
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“What’s the matter?  Don’t like to play in the water?”
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shockxzd ¡ 4 years
“Mhmm, he is” Copper nodded enthusiastically. “They might, but Tod’s been my very best friend for about as long as I can remember, my family never really liked our friendship before so what’s a few more people’s disapproval?” He said with a shrug. “He’s always been there for me, I’m not just going to abandon him in his time of need.” Copper listened as she spoke about zombies and their memories, growing more excited as she spoke. “Yeah? That…That actually makes me feel a lot better thank you. Maybe one day he’ll be able to remember who I am!”
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“You’re a gutsy one,” Shock chuckled, admitting - if only to herself - that she might just be a little impressed.  In her experience, people tended to follow the crowd or the fads and fashions of public opinion.  So yeah, she found it kind of cool that he apparently didn’t.  “Don’t want to raise any expectations,” she warned.  “We’re all kinda different, you know?  But . . . maybe.”
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shockxzd ¡ 4 years
Copper let out a sigh of relief. “Oh thank goodness. Me a Hunter?” He said his eyes growing wide and shaking his head “Oh no definitely not, as much as Chief and Amos would love it if I was, I much prefer helping everyone rather than being a big ol’ meanie like them.” He frowned “If you ever…if you ever do come across Tod, will you let him know his pal Copper is out looking for him? Not that he’ll even remember who I am.” Copper said sadly
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Shock’s lips twitched.  She really needed to check what was going on in the cosmos that she’d somehow managed to trip over two guys who seriously needed . . . protection? guidance?  Whatever the hell it might be, neither of them belonged in the Wastelands by themselves.  “So . . . Tod’s one of my sort, huh?  You know people get a little weirded by you normal folk having zombie friends, right?” Wrinkling her nose, she sighed and did something she rarely managed - tried to offer a little comfort.  “And he might - our memories are odd.  Bad, yeah, but they pull out the oddest shit at the strangest times.”
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shockxzd ¡ 4 years
“I.. uh.. You’re not really gonna eat me are you?” He asked looking at the girl concerned. “I’m not gonna hurt you, I promise. I’m just out here looking for my friend Tod.”
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“Lucky for you, sweetie, I already ate today.” She looked him up and down.  “You don’t look like a Hunter, so figure maybe we’ll avoid the fight.  And Tod?” She tilted her head, trying to remember.  “Not ringing a bell.”
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shockxzd ¡ 4 years
“Who the heck is Jack? I don’t think I know that guy, but if I run into him, I promise to let him know that you mentioned him! I’ll be like ‘yo dude, don’t eat me, I know your friend Shock.’ and hopefully he won’t because I need all the zombie help I can get out here.” He laughed. He thought about what she was saying, about the hunters, for a moment. On the one hand, he could always use a new friend, and Shock seemed like the perfect one.
On the other hand, did he want to risk his new friend’s life? He looked at her for a moment, then back towards where the city lay, then back at her, and once more back at the city. He was never the best with making decisions, especially when he felt under pressure, but today he was determined to make the right one. If he could only figure out what that was. “Uhh..” he chewed the bottom of his lip, “I…okay.” He softly replied, sighing a bit. “But..you gotta listen to me, okay? I know I’m not like..the smartest person around, but I would never let you get hurt..so trust me. If I am going to trust you, Shock, you gotta trust me too.” He smiled and turned to walk towards the city as if she had agreed to anything he just said. That was Ben, though, he usually pushed forward before allowing an answer to any of the questions, and then he wondered why he was always so confused. “So, Shock, what’s it like being a zombie? Do you sleep?”
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“Jack’s one of mine,” she shrugged.  Which basically covered it for her - she counted Jack as a friend, so she would take care of him . . . even if it usually worked the other way around.  “And he’s not really the type that goes eating people . . . lucky for you, ‘cause he’s that good at being tricky.”
Shock waited, letting the guy figure out his own answer.  Patience might not have always been one of her virtues, but what the heck else did she have to do these days?  Play hide and seek with the Hunters? And yeah, that could be fun, but . . . this kinda counted in the same way.  Her eyebrows rose at his words.  It sounded like he intended to protect her - which made her grin.  He was going to protect her?  Loud and all limbs, he didn’t really strike her as the hero sort.  Still, she found it amusing, maybe a little cute - kinda like a puppy that thought himself a wolf.
“You’re an odd duck, Ben.” Shrugging, she followed him.  If nothing else, he definitely amused her.  And hell, maybe she’d keep him safe for that alone.  Not that she really expected him to protect her . . . but what the hell?  Let the puppy pretend to be a wolf.  It was different and beat the hell out of people screaming or trying to kill her.  “And yeah, I sleep.  Don’t much like the fading senses, but still gotta get some rest, you know?”
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shockxzd ¡ 4 years
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shockxzd ¡ 4 years
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shockxzd ¡ 4 years
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Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse + Aesthetics
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shockxzd ¡ 4 years
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shockxzd ¡ 4 years
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shockxzd ¡ 4 years
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shockxzd ¡ 4 years
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7 Deadly Sins - Wrath 
Anger is blood, poured and perplexed into froth; but malice is the wisdom of our wrath. 
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shockxzd ¡ 4 years
Jack had decided that today would not be a day to search for any of his friends, including Zero, because today, Jack merely wanted to wander and explore. The way Jack saw it, if he couldn’t find Zero, then maybe he was just going to have to collect a bunch of little knick-knacks and place them around the Wastelands for Zero to find. He knew or hoped that his lost friend looked for these little clues to help him find his way back home to the small hut in the woods. However, it had been quite some time since Jack had seen his best friend, so he figured that perhaps the old high school would have something in the art room to help make his clues stand out more.
When he approached the all too familiar high school, something seemed a little different about it, but he didn’t think twice  because everything in the wastelands changed almost daily. He figured, maybe the building just had a bit more dust on it, perhaps some bonie had made it their home, regardless it only intrigued him more.  The dusty walls always made Jack feel like he was at home in the old high school, which still caused a small smile to spread on his lips. He had been making his way down the abandoned halls, taking in the deteriorating walls and lockers, but it was the noise in the room he had just passed that caught his attention and halted his little mission. 
“Come out, come out, wherever you are.” He softly sang, leaning in the doorway entrance of the old science room. His dark pupils scanned the room before stopping at the far corner of it when he noticed a figure that seemed to be huddled up. There was a type of energy the figure was giving off, not a scary one; it was an energy that told Jack to be cautious for now. So. he kept his eyes patiently on it, unaware that it had been a friend he had been secretly hoping to find.
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Shock heard the soft voice and for a moment, she tucked herself up tighter into a ball.  Not right now.  She didn’t want to deal with anyone right now.  A breath of time passed as she retreated into the childhood game - if I don’t see them, they won’t see me.  Too realistic to buy that, but she didn’t feel like fighting or running or doing any damn thing.  Bonies probably wouldn’t bother her - she did’t have the blood or brains they wanted.  Zombies . . . well, people like her could go either way, depending on the day or time or situation.  Humans didn’t worry her - except maybe for the Hunters, but even then she only truly feared Oogie.
And worried about Barrel and Lock.
The others might kill her one day, but she’d learned most of their tricks from Oogie when she still worked for him.  Hell, she’d made a name for herself among their number before they’d learned of her real nature.  
Then her mind clicked in, recognizing the voice, and she looked up.  No doubt her eyes looked red from the crying, but she did her best to blink away any signs of moisture so she could focus on her friend.  He looked the same as always - his face holding that look of . . . well, she’d call it patient curiosity.  For the first time in hours, she relaxed a little - still huddled in the corner, but no longer hiding in a tight ball, she allowed herself to try and smile.
Even if it probably came out more like a grimace.
“Hey, Jack.”
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shockxzd ¡ 4 years
Copper realized he was lost and looked around himself before turning around in a quick circle trying to figure out where he was. He spotted a figure approaching in the distance. “Excuse me!” He called out to them “Can you tell me the way to get back to the city wall? I uh, I seem to have lost my way.”
“Is the city just full of people with death wishes these days?” Shock demanded as she stared at the guy.  First the excitable funny one, now a lost one?  What the hell?  “You know, there are probably easier ways to get eaten.”
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shockxzd ¡ 4 years
“I KNOW, right?!” He threw his arms in the air,” I don’t get how people can be grossed out by you guys eating brains, but some people are eating humans, and they don’t even have the whole ‘zombie’ reason thing!” He shook his head in disbelief. In all honesty, Ben had no idea if cannibals still existed, but he remembered seeing it in a movie one time, and it never left his memory. That’s the thing with his mind; it always chose to retain the weirdest of things. “And, by the way, thanks for not going for my brains. I’m telling ya, I just had to run away from another zombie, and that zombie was not as cool or nice as you. I’m kind of tired of running.” He laughed, before shaking his head at her question, “I have no idea if we’ve met before. I don’t think so. I can’t seem to remember you, but I also don’t have the best memory, but still, I think I would remember someone as cool as you.” He nodded, smiling brightly. 
“Well, figurative or not, you definitely shocked me. I mean that, like really, you’re not like other zombies. Do you know Jim? You seem cool enough to be his friend too.” He had forgotten all about his mission to get back to the city, up until Shock reminded him again, and he brought a hand to smack his forehead, “Oh yeah! I forgot that’s where I was headed.” He laughed, shaking his head, but at her proposal, he got a little quiet. “Um…I don’t know, Shock.” He kicked the dirt a little with his shoe, looking down at the ground, “I’m not sure you should because I don’t want the guards to shoot at you or something.”
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At his words, Shock did a quick scan of the area, head tilting as she tried to listen. That’d be all they needed - a zombie with a brain showing up or a bonie with a hungry stomach.  She hated the deadening of some of her senses - it gave the Hunters too much of an advantage.  Yeah, she knew they had jobs to do, and she couldn’t even blame them for that, but such a pain in the ass.  Not that she heard anything - and Ben didn’t seem to be reacting to anything either.  But . . . well, she’d have to question his survival instincts.  An ordinary citizen running around in the Wastelands?  He had some kind of death wish.  “I don’t remember you either,” she informed him, “so maybe we’re both right.”
“Good,” she chuckled.  “Then I lived up to my name.”  This kid needed a keeper.  “No,” she shrugged.  “I don’t recognize the name anyway, but maybe I’d know him if I saw him.”  Big maybe, but Shock didn’t want to think about that.  “I know Jack,” she offered, as if pointing out that she hadn’t forgotten everything.  Then she had to blink at his concern.  “Okay, so one, we’ve established you don’t know me,” she pointed out.  “And second . . .” Here she paused for a moment and then shrugged.  “And second” she repeated, “I know how to get around the Hunters.”
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shockxzd ¡ 4 years
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shockxzd ¡ 4 years
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