shonamacleodexhibition ¡ 6 years
Vernacular Photographs as Privileged Objects
‘Vernacular Photographs as Privileged Objects:The Social Relationships of Photographs in the Homes of Gujarati/New Zealanders‘ by Kathleen Harrington-Watt.
“...mirrored reflection of the vernacular photograph can be both objective and subjective.” - Just like how the glass reflects the image viewer too.
“...their universality and social embeddedness that elevates their [vbernacular photography’s] significance in social science research.”
“...vernacular archives operate within active social contexts and are alive with social agency.”
“Vernacular photographs are at the centre of these transnational exchanges and networks, shifting from place to place, creating tangible and virtual threads between individuals, families, villages, and communities. They anchor these relationships at various sites, such as the wall in the family home, in albums, wallets, and on the internet. Vernacular photographs mirror these complex processes, and silently record and embody the social lives of people in a visual way.”
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shonamacleodexhibition ¡ 6 years
Ann Shelton
‘Room Room’ Vantage points Keyhole Domestic Empty/eerie
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Interesting installation differences between City Gallery:
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...which feels more traditional compare to McNamara Gallery which feels like the inside of a house or non traditional gallery building. Doorway almost as if the images were shot there.
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‘House Work’
Relates well to our exhibition, was one of our precedents in the wk.4 proposal. The removal of all furniture minus some stools from the domestic house. How it transforms the space and lets the work breathe. 
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I really like the emptiness of the shelves compared to the full neighbouring wall. 
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shonamacleodexhibition ¡ 6 years
Patrick Pound
Unfortunately my phone had gone swimming the night before so these images are off Emilia Gribben’s phone.
Swallowed by a 1080 protest march on my way down to the gallery, a surreal moment of calm washed over me upon entering Patrick Pound’s On Reflection exhibition.
Slightly obsessive in its meticulous curation, but intensely satisfying to navigate through a palindrome of independent yet correlating ‘museum’s of things’. The deliberate structure of the different museum’s mirrored throughout the exhibition felt like invisible connecting threads of shared experiences and relatable moments.
Pound’s hoarding and collecting of these images, reflects the essence of the intention behind taking photographs, the desire to capture or hold on to a moment in time. The images, to the original owner, is a private artefact capturing a moment, but to the exhibition viewer, a chance to project their own perception and association through stimulation of imagination.  
The display of ‘private’ images in a public space was a takeaway moment, a chance to reflect on how our exhibition could play with blurring the line between public and private within our location, the works, it’s display individually and as a whole. Pound’s exhibition expanded my perception of the power of curation, and it’s ability to create a more cohesive and poignant exhibition.
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shonamacleodexhibition ¡ 6 years
Super happy with how the exhibition went. Was a really enjoyable day with great sunny weather. Having the event during the course of the day meant that a steady stream of people came through, meaning we could properly talk with each group. The kitchen did get a bit jammed as the food was on the breakfast bar and guests were super hungry but it never became too much of an issue. Having coffee in the morning made the room smell super yum and inviting.
It was really nice to have the ephemera commented on so much, people really enjoyed the keyring and the doormat. It was cool to see the keyring on people’s keys! The publication went like hot cakes.
It would have been nice to have been open for the next morning (Sunday) for people who couldn’t make the Saturday. Also note to self to take proper pictures before everyone comes! 
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These images are my own and other group members. 
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shonamacleodexhibition ¡ 6 years
Final Poster and Event Gif
It took me a bit of iterating to get to this final but I’m very happy with how it compliments Dexter’s publication and is a consistent visual style. I also am pleased with how the FB event gif worked out. A bit more eye catching on the FB feed than a stock standard banner. 
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shonamacleodexhibition ¡ 6 years
My Spending
Copies of receipts for everything that I bought.
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shonamacleodexhibition ¡ 6 years
Week 10
Hazard Control Plan’s - This also includes Jess being our sober supervisor for the exhibition.
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Last Jobs Schedule
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Tidier Version Here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12rdMk0XA0G4E0RYFHs3ybMPG9vZI7-cPirR0MW6wV7Y/edit?usp=sharing
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shonamacleodexhibition ¡ 6 years
Lighting Test
After everything we settled on borrowing some halogen’s and extension cords to light the stairs. Another factor on our side was daylight savings and the change of time in exhibition. This meant that the only time where the lighting dipped was between 7:30 and 8pm. Below are some initial halogen install tests.
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We decided on position two on the left side (different from above). This meant no extension cord crossed the path, limiting trip danger. Between the two halogens was a street lamp which activated at night time.
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shonamacleodexhibition ¡ 6 years
Printing/Folding/Pressing Publication
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A group effort, although it took a while it was very therapeutic and a nice break from studio. 
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shonamacleodexhibition ¡ 6 years
Welcoming Sign
As our exhibition is up a bit of a hidden location, even the stairs are slightly hidden and on the other side to the footpath we knew we needed to organise a sign of some sort. Originally intended to be a balloon, it made it seem like a birthday party so instead we settled on a large format print of our poster on Mikey’s pinboard.
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shonamacleodexhibition ¡ 6 years
Spray Painting Mat
Based on the type formatting from the keyring, Jess laser cut some mdf as a stencil for me to spray paint the mat. 
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I really enjoyed doing this! Think it is a very fitting welcoming to our exhibition and also can be used another time - woohoo.
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shonamacleodexhibition ¡ 6 years
Camera Lucida - Roland Barthes
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shonamacleodexhibition ¡ 6 years
Ways of Seeing - John Berger
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shonamacleodexhibition ¡ 6 years
List of work/jobs to be done and a timeline. Also digitalised it: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S0m9GdK_AUkNdMeV8AkN5Q0N7ZT0cEjoZNzYN-HPG8c/edit?usp=sharing
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Link to finance sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fOLpgs2z07ld5nfaBUR_VSbhzbwqymlbA3PQMbrtLRA/edit?usp=sharing
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shonamacleodexhibition ¡ 6 years
Shannon’s Site Visit
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Notes from our meeting:
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Plus we got our keychains back and put them on the keyrings.
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shonamacleodexhibition ¡ 6 years
Fun with the Scanner
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shonamacleodexhibition ¡ 6 years
Posters Cont
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A banner version of the last poster. Including Massey and our sponsors. 
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