definitely not the first person to notice this but memes are the new dada actually, absurd response to an increasingly uncertain world (or has it always been this way and I wasn't old enough to notice? though I do think there has been a paradigm shift, really)
have more thoughts on this if anyone's curious
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i <3 big wordz
as a verb hound i intend to list off, no hesitation or consequence, several word what I like. agglomerated, variegated, flagellated, obviated (encountered in systems theory intro book and it goes against its whole purpose fuck you obviated), gestated, chittered, castrated, subsected, striated, delineated, dismembered, oscillated, ingratiated.
nonverbs: fuselage, antidecathectification (my own invention fuck you freud decathexis is mine now), sulfate, trepidation, anhedonic, latency, ablution, perfunctory, synchronicity, potent/portent, condor/candor, therein, gerontocracy, kleptocracy, cherryontopcracy, pester, kestrel, sinew, tripartite, palpable, incipient, incidence, apotheosis/apoptosis, dysplasia/dysphasia, fluorescent, inviolable, mellifluous, suture, banal, pellucid, parietal, diaphanous, firmament, ineffable, mercurial, malleable, ascetic, pilfered, persiflage, quadrilateral, lathe, adroit, cloistered, sterile, careen, crab, pip, seismic. and many others in between.
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i hate blanket statements so thats why i never post anything. this is the only reason. next.
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the smurf movies are actually a coverup for the fact that there are real little blue men who live in mushroom houses and wear teeny-weeny white hats. however. the real smurfs are, in fact, green. the blue is a psy-op. proof:
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ohmigowrsh it’s sough dark
pitchblackbut I haven’t seen tar so
well maybe that one time.
i’ve seen illustrations after all
dinosaurs or mammoths stuck in pitsch
clambering ceaselessly weighed down by bleak terror and imagination
on both the artists’ and the creature’s parts
not a good job one might say
hand goes palmout pointerstretched
illumination no longer foregone, objects revealing subjective reality
there’s the sink.
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