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Here's some fluff for y'all. Ok so I got a Zepeto (my # is 5OFXXT) and had loads of fun making pictures of me with my MM boys!! Hope you all enjoy. Sorry for taking a hiatus from theories, I've seriously just been super strapped for time. I replayed V's route to test my Choi twins theory and it didn't really pan out so call me stumped. I will say though, it has given me evidence toward a much bigger theory--and works with my fanfic story I'm working on that I hope to start releasing content for in the new year. This year has been quite a crazy one and I'm hoping to find more time and stability in my schedule in 2019!
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Happy Birthday Jumin Han!! (and also some theory dropping)
Firstly I'd love to say Happy Birthday to our lovely Jumin, and damn do I love that title art!
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That aside I would love to post an update of some theories I'm hoping to chat more about it the future, I'd like to say near future, but the reality is I work full-time and have a lot on my plate right now on top of that. I apologise for being so quiet for so long but it has been QUITE the year. I got married this spring and also honeymooned in Japan, and after that got welcomed back by being slammed at work with work ever since.
Ok so some theories I hope to bring to you all in the months ahead after I do some more replays of certain routes are:
Is Zen V in disguise? (Did he go back in time to fix everything and get his way?)
Are Saeran and 707 really just split personalities in one person? (That later get duplicated from time travel)
And are you...Rika? (Yikes! I'm starting to sound like Yoosung, but then again, maybe he was right all along...)
And finally I plan to add more about the creation and purpose of the Mystic Messenger gameverse, and hope to have a special 'After Ending' comic coming up at the end of this month for you all to enjoy!
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Taking a break from theories for cheritz’s swimwear event! Hope you enjoy!!!
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OK MAJOR SPOILER ALERT FOR ALL 3 CHERITZ GAMES HERE. NOT KIDDING. If you love looking at theories for this game and are as into the rabbit hole with this crazy plot as I am, I suggest playing the other two games Nameless and Dandelion and returning to this theory. Or read on if you are curious but don’t want to invest the time into these games (they are pretty awesome though IMO)
Ok so I’m going to explore here what I think mystic messenger is based on what I’ve gathered from all three games. In short I believe mystic messenger to be a world that has been created/populated from memories that were lost in Dandelion. More specifically, It could easily be a game monitored and controlled by Seven--who is actually a memory himself--sorry folks I think he’s a memory of the wizard but not necessarily the wizard himself. (or at least that how I feel at this moment--V route could potentially shake up all of this) Ok so what are these memories that now live in the game and how did they get there?
So in Dandelion the game is a game set by a wizard who is in love (or obsessed) with the protagonist Heejung. He exists in a separate realm where humans can’t interact with him unless they have a desperate wish. So he creates this game to get wishes from Heejung so he can then actually see and interact with her.  But once isn’t enough for him, so he rewinds time a number of times in order to get her to wish more until he can’t stand it and does something rash to end up with her--I’ll get to that in a minute.  Ok so it’s important to know that desperate wishes can only be fulfilled by sacrificing memories surrounding what you are wishing for. Since Heejung wishes to be reunited with the guy who she fell in love with each time, and who was taken from her, she loses all those memories of them and their relationship in order to get them back. Now the wizard has those memories. Then he rewinds time, that incident doesn’t happen anymore and now ONLY the memories exist. In the end he does this with every character at least once (no wish was made with Jieun though) before he finally decides he just wants to be with her and he’ll do whatever it takes. So he fulfills his own desperate wish to be with her and loses ALL OF HIS MEMORIES--Including the ones he took from Heejung. Because of rewinding time, the love between Heejung and the others now ONLY EXISTS IN MEMORY FORM. So where do these memories end up? The wizard made his own wish so they can’t be with him because he had to give them up to himself?? (idk) So I’m guessing since they no longer can have a host they sort of end up in another universe/world and that world is Nameless.
Ok so now these memories have manifested in another world and they happen to be pieces of a heart that end up being put into dolls that are collected by a girl who inexplicably were drawn one way or another to these dolls that she prizes. Including one doll (teddy bear) who was forgotten by the girl and suspiciously has a lot in common with the wizard’s twisted nature, and also a very similar situation--the girl is unreachable and he ends up playing a game developed by another wizard who sympathizes with his struggle to get her to come to his world and see her again. The girl who likely is a reincarnation of the wizard’s memory of Heejung now needs to collect all the pieces of the heart (ie. Heejung’s memories--and one of the Wizard’s--Yeun Ho is the memory of only the wizard because Heejung didn’t make a wish with him--funny too because he was used and very beaten up (possibly because it’s a memory of a memory and a bit flawed)) in order to remember her first doll--nameless (the wizard) Thus the dolls come to life and she has to win their hearts to get her memories back basically and so that she can remember who nameless is, and once she knows, he can be with her again. She of course is unaware of this and keeps a diary that has all her memories from all the times she spends with her and her dolls in each timeline. This is used as collateral for the wizard who makes the game possible for nameless in return. So in the end this new wizard runs off with a diary of memories of memories. (Inception much?)
Ok so where does that leave us? A new wizard (maybe V?) has an obsession of his own (Rika?) and runs off with the diary of memories of memories. It is from these memories in the diary this wizard takes that the world of mystic messenger is created. I think that Saeran is very much like nameless in personality,but let’s also keep in mind he has a twin--707--interesting because by this time around the wizard is now a memory of Eri (or your name) of nameless in the diary who is a memory of Heejung’s. I think only Heejung and the wizard get duplicated from mystic messenger because they are the only hosts of the original memories. So if MC (who looks an awful lot like a faded Heejung) then Eri is who? One guess is someone rather unexpected but sorta works in a way--Eri could be Elly--or rather Elizabeth the 3rd. I’ll have more on where I get that on another theory I’ll post later. I will also discuss further “the game” aspect of mystic messenger another time too. 
So basically, you are playing and watching and controlling the protagonist in all these games, until you--yourself realize that the game is basically all your memories of playing the games you’ve played put together in one place. Kind of like a wizard who wants to be with someone whom he can’t reach unless the game is played, someone who doesn’t remember him--ie. you. Tripped out yet? Well who is the one character who seems to look uncannily like a wizard, is trapped in another dimension from you, seems to know who you are straight away, and loves and protects you in every route??? 
I plan to release a short comic illustrating what I expect YOUR ending is (not MC’s we know what her’s is from the game)  for mystic messenger that I hope everyone will enjoy.  It’s truly fan theory fanfic, but I have lots of evidence I’ve collected for all of my theories for anyone who would like to know what led me to them in more depth. 
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Hello All Mystic Messenger fans! I have loads of theories for this game, and it is my hope to share them with the world thru my tumblr. I want to warn people that I will freely discuss the games as a whole so there will be spoilers for all 3 games (nameless, dandelion, and mm) when I make theory posts. So be warned. I will use this message or similar to mark my theory posts so that readers will know what they are getting themselves into. 
Today I will start with a simple one, something small but interesting that I discovered while playing Mystic Messenger. 
11:11 Make a wish! Theory:
One day I counted chats to see how many are in a typical day, just as a method of time budgeting, and then I realized something odd...all the chats in both the deep story routes and casual story routes--with the exception of day 1--were 11 per day. The ONLY exception was on Yoosung’s route where days 9 and 10 had less. Sure, this could easily be done for the sake of convenience in writing and blocking out routes, but then why specifically 11? and even more strangely 11 days per route.  
This seems more than just coincidence to me and when I thought of it 11 days with 11 chats per day--I immediately was like 11:11!! Superstition tells us that if we see this number we make a wish. It has references to numerology if you all want to look into it further.  
So what’s the point of this? What’s the big deal? Make a wish??? Huh? Well...for those who have played the first game in this series, Dandelion, this becomes rather significant. 
In Dandelion the wizard creates a game to get the protagonist to fall in love so she will make a desperate wish to gain her lover back once he is sent back to his world after winning her love. The game is a set-up by The Wizard because he wants to see the heroine, but can’t unless she has a wish. The wishes are granted in exchange for memories and the game is rewound and repeated with every player getting a chance of her love because The Wizard wants to continue to see her and have her make wishes because he’s developed feelings for her. So what does this have to do with MM? Well all the characters seem to be based off of the memories of love that were taken from the heroine in Dandelion. There’s loads of parallels I will not get into at this point, but the most important one for this theory is that Jieun who parallels to Yoosung in Mystic Messenger is the only route in which a desperate wish isn’t made at the end for the lover to return. Who’s route is the only one that doesn’t follow this 11:11 rule? Yoosung’s. Quite the coincidence...no? 
What we can take from all this is cheritz seems to be using this special numbering to clue us in to the fact that these characters are connected and related from game to game, and that they could actually be based on (or actually are) the memories taken from the protagonist/heroine from the first game. This relationship plays a huge part in my plot connection theory that I will post about later when I get a chance. Hope all fellow theorists like! Feel free to ask any questions or comments you have, I’l love to see what you all think!
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