One night the gods decided to share with me their love story...
Once Upon a Time the gods, Mercury and Venus lived in beautiful Harmony. Mercury was terribly in love with Venus, for she was breathtaking. As she walked with power it was obvious she was a force to be reckoned with, but in the most graceful of ways. If you didn't look quite right you wouldn't have a clue. Venus was hysterically in love with Mercury as well, though the two never shared this. She marveled at his strong wit, and was simply overall impressed with his nature. For one night, Mercury took a bold step in pursuing his love. While the moon was only half present in the sky this night, the other was present in the hands of the offender. He stole a sliver of the Moon where the light shines the brightest, the most fluorescent piece. He placed it on a pedestal of clouds, and took it in his fingertips. And across the night sky with the moon as a witness he presented her with this ring... With this, he floated it to down to her on cloud in the shape of a rose. And with this gesture, Venus can't help but present to him, oh so delicately, her fragile heart, forever locked with a key only held by her dear true love Mercury. The two loved and laughed and loved and danced and loved entirely with their existence, tirelessly. She is his everything, and she looked at him as if he alone decorated the night sky just for her and they lived happily ever after. The end.
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It's fucking cold. Beginning of Febuary. Cats laying on the bed. It's time to get up and get ready for work. As soon as I move the blanket the cold takes over like an unwelcome friend, entering and eventually feeling comfort, not leaving any time soon. 5:23 and it's time to shower. The water as cold, the pipes haven't warmed up yet. I hop in and the air is so cold the water feels warm to the touch. I try to hurry and wet my hair while the water stays nice, washing away the nights sleep, waking me for the start... of another fucking Wednesday. I look down at my cold pail toes, so cold in the Luke warm water and decide its time to get out. Slippers with black fluff and soft cushions keep me warm. Walking through the house I turn on the kitchen light only to see a cat on the table, staring right at me. "Good morning" I say to my companion creature, as it meows in response to my eye contact igknowlaging it. I walk through the chilled house, enter my bedroom and turn on the light. As I begin to take out my clothes my mother enters, "go back to sleep" she says quietly and turns off the light. It felt like it made sense but I felt as I had something to do. None the less she didn't seem herself, so I decided to stay home this day. Mother came out of her room slowly, followed by more cats looking for a meal. She opens a can and begins to feed the creatures. As she makes coffee, eggs, bacon, toast, she still does not seem herself. She seems off in a way I haven't seen before. She sets two plates out and begins to eat, I sit down across from her. Something is wrong today because as I pulled a chair out for me to sit the noise it made against the floor startled her and she looked at me in confusion. "What?" I said as I began to sit down and eat. The smell of the bacon wafting around the house. Warm eggs right under my nose. I ask mother to get me a glass of juice, considering she's so close to to the plastic cups but she blatantly ignored me. So I went to get a glass and on this lovley Tuesday morning, I dropped a glass. As it shattered on the floor my mother was scared half to death. "I'm sorry I'll clean it up" I said but off she went to clean it by herself. "Fine. Do you want help?" Still no response.. "why are you ignoring me?", she rose from the broken glass and looked in my eyes, "go away" she said. So off to the livingroom i went. Moment later she entered, telling ME "go away", "but mum I don't have anywhere to go I don't know what you mean" . "Go away" she says again. Tears begin to flood my eyes as I have no idea what's gotten into my mother, as we have a good relationship. As I cry the lights begin to flicker, and I feel as though I need to sit down. "Calm down" says a voice I've never heard before.
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