Missing You // lyrics to an unrecorded song
In the past I never gave you what you needed Now I'm opening up myself hoping you'll come back to me I swear on my soul it'll be more than different [chorus] I see that you're no longer alone I'm still waiting here by the phone For you to give me another chance again I wait for my Naomi till she's home You gave me more than love, you know I'd do the same for you Why stop now? Why would you keep yourself from me? Is there something you wanna say? Good or bad, I'm just dying hear you
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What do you think of the stereotype that all asians are smart?
It is very harmful due to the following reasons:
There is a lot of pressure within the Asian community for Asian children to do well academically and this stereotype just intensifies the need to do well outside of the Asian community.
If an Asian child is having difficulty at school then it is assumed they are being lazy. This needs to stop! Some Asian children have learning difficulties and instead of pinpointing the difficulties the Asian children are deemed as lazy because they are not living up to the “smart Asian” stereotype.
If there is a sudden drop in the academic performance/ attendance of an Asian child at school then people say “they don’t care anymore” when in reality it may be due to personal issues/ depression/ anxiety/ anorexia and many other mental issues.
If an Asian person does do well on an Exam, then their achievement is brushed off as “well you’re Asian so it’s normal”. This actually lowers self esteem and self worth, I can tell you this from personal experience.
Ultimately, the “Asian kids are smart” stereotype hinders society from viewing Asian children as capable of having disabilities; as capable of having a mental illnesses: as capable of being an individual person rather than some foolish stereotype.
It has a greater effect than some people think so think twice before you repeat it to another person.
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this video is beautiful
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i miss my crusties
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“A young woman was restrained, force-fed and injected with cosmetics in a high street shop window as part of a hard-hitting protest against animal testing.
Jacqueline Traide was tortured in front of hundreds of horrified shoppers in a bid to raise awareness and end the practise.
The 24-year-old endured 10 hours of experiments, which included having her hair shaved and irritants squirted in her eyes, as part of a worldwide campaign by Lush Cosmetics and The Humane Society.
The disturbing stunt took place in Lush’s Regent Street store, one of the UK’s busiest shopping streets.
Jacqueline appeared genuinely terrified as she was pinned down on a bench and had her mouth stretched open with two metal hooks while a man in a white coat force-fed her until she choked and gagged.
The artist was also injected with numerous needles, had her skin braised and lotions and creams smeared across her face.
Passers-by were gobsmacked to see Jacqueline, a social sculpture student at Oxford Brookes University, forced to have a section of her head shaved.
The gruesome spectacle aimed to highlight the cruelty inflicted on animals during cosmetic laboratory tests and raise awareness that animal testing is still a common practise.
The Humane Society International and Lush Cosmetics have joined forces to launch the largest-ever global campaign to end animal testing for cosmetics.
The campaign, launched to coincide with World Week for Animals in Laboratories, is being rolled out simultaneously in over 700 Lush Ltd shops across forty-seven countries including the United States, Canada, India, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and Russia.
Lush campaign manager Tamsin Omond said: “The ironic thing is that if it was a beagle in the window and we were doing all these things to it, we’d have the police and RSPCA here in minutes.
“But somewhere in the world, this kind of thing is happening to an animal every few seconds on average.
“The difference is, it’s normally hidden. We need to remind people it is still going on.”
For more information about the campaign, visit www.fightinganimaltesting.com”
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“If you love somebody
Why not set them on fire…”
Make sure to order my new 2015 calendar featuring more wonderful images of Vex Voir!
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Cards Against Humanity.
I’m a big fan. Well, I bought this.
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It’s great. It hold all of my shit. But it holds something else too.
If you have it, open your box.
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You see how I started to tear away at the top of the box there?
Do that.
Do it carefully.
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Holy shit.
There’s something in there. What could that be?
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There’s a card.
There is a card literally hidden in the top of the box.
But what card?
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I fucking love these people.
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Traditional as fuck
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Can I get everyone to REBLOG this please? I can’t imagine this ever happening to kids, especially at a place MEANT for them! Teens or a group of teens are doing this in playgrounds, please watch your child(ren) at all times! REBLOG PLEASE!
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Donnie Darko :33
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