showfallmallsecurity · 9 months
Ayup! Still patrolling?
[The camera is blocked by red mass, and a very dull, heavy chewing sound can be heard.]
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have you ever seen a security with their jaw ripped off? The bits of their jaw also looked like tusks
0̷1̷1̵1̶0̴1̴1̶1̸ ̵Z̷Z̴Z̷ ̷0̷1̶1̷0̸0̷1̴0̸1̸ ̴H̶H̴H̷R̴S̴S̸ ̴0̷1̸1̶0̶0̸0̵0̷1̵ ̴S̸S̶S̸R̷R̴R̴ ̷0̴1̸1̶0̶1̸0̴1̶1̶ ̴T̶T̶T̷
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0̶1̸1̴0̴1̴0̶0̵0̴ ̸S̶S̴S̸S̶T̶ ̵0̴1̷1̸0̴0̵1̸0̸1̸ ̴R̴R̴G̶G̴F̷F̸ ̸0̶1̷1̶0̶1̷1̶0̸0̶ ̶H̵H̵S̷Z̴ ̴0̴1̸1̴0̴1̷1̴0̴0̶ ̸S̷H̷H̸Z̵ ̷0̵1̵1̵0̵1̵1̷1̷1̴
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hiii <3
0̴1̸1̶0̶1̵0̷0̵0̴ ̶R̴Z̷R̵R̷R̴ ̷0̴1̴1̵0̷0̴1̴0̵1̵ ̵Z̶Z̶ ̶0̷1̸1̸0̵1̸1̶0̸0̶ ̵Z̵Z̴Z̸Z̴ ̷0̵1̴1̶0̸1̴1̶0̴0̸ ̵S̴S̵S̵T̷T̶S̸Z̸Z̷ ̸0̸1̴1̸0̵1̵1̶1̷1̵
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what do you eat, if you eat at all
0̷1̷1̷0̷0̸1̶1̵0̸ ̶H̷H̴S̷S̸S̷Z̴ ̷0̴1̵1̷0̶1̸1̴0̴0̸ ̴G̴R̷R̷R̵S̵H̴H̸H̴ ̵0̴1̴1̴0̶0̷1̸0̵1̷ ̶F̵F̴F̵R̸R̷R̶ ̷0̴1̶1̷1̶0̷0̷1̴1̸ ̷R̴R̷R̴S̴S̷S̵ ̶0̵1̷1̶0̷1̴0̶0̶0̴
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[@showfallsquig] Hello there ( ゚▽゚)/ I'm Iris, Head Security at another facility than the one you work at, how are you today?(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
0̸1̶1̸0̵0̶0̴1̴0̴ ̷Z̶Z̴Z̸R̸R̴H̴H̶ ̶0̶1̵1̸0̶1̷1̸1̵1̸ ̷G̷G̷G̶F̷S̸S̵S̶ ̵0̶1̷1̸1̸0̷0̴1̶0̶ ̷H̵F̷F̵F̷S̵S̴Z̵ ̶0̸1̷1̸0̷0̷1̷0̶1̵ ̴H̸H̸H̴Z̴Z̴Z̷ ̷0̶1̴1̴0̸0̷1̵0̴0̷
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01101000 01101111 01110111 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101
0̵1̴1̸0̴0̸0̵1̵0̶ ̸Z̵Z̸Z̸Z̶ ̵0̴1̵1̷0̵1̴1̴1̶1̴ ̷H̸H̴H̷H̸H̸ ̸0̸1̵1̸1̸0̶0̷1̴0̵ ̷G̸R̸Z̶Z̷Z̴H̵H̷ ̸0̸1̵1̸0̷0̵1̷0̶1̶ ̴S̵S̶S̶S̸Z̶Z̵ ̶0̴1̵1̸0̸0̴1̷0̷0̷
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01101000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111
0̷1̵1̵0̸1̴0̵0̷0̴ ̷S̴S̵S̷ ̶0̸1̴1̶0̶0̴1̶0̵1̷ ̶G̵R̸H̵H̴H̸ ̸0̵1̵1̶0̵1̴1̵0̶0̴ ̴R̶R̸R̶R̸R̷Z̴Z̷Z̶ ̶0̶1̶1̴0̷1̸1̶0̶0̴ ̵F̵F̴F̵F̶F̷F̶F̷F̶S̸S̴ ̶0̵1̷1̸0̸1̵1̶1̴1̷
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Iris told me to attach a spare phone to one of the Taskmanagers here, she said something about wanting to learn more about what the other facilities' Securities are like. I don't know what she plans to gain from having it technically be able to answer asks through a transcript app on Tumblr, but I've learned it's best to just go with what Iris says.
[Transcript set to: ON]
[User: Steve logged out.]
-a brief chase is seen through the phone's camera, ended by Steve hiding behind Securities of a different model-
-Security returns to its patrol, before pausing-
-metallic scraping can be heard against the phone's microphone, as if Security is trying to claw it out-
-scraping stops, followed by heavy footsteps, Security has given up trying to remove it-
(OOC below)
Heyo! Despite the character the intro is written by (it was actually written by @showfallsquig as well) this blog is actually run by the same mod as @hetchofficial. I wanted to try out a character who largely speaks with G, F, R, Z, H, and S combinations. (Ya know, because Security in actual Gen Loss never said words on their own.)
Ooc tag is 'not security.'
The GangTM of Encoreverse Blogs:
@/showfallsquig @showfallen @showfallmediaarchives @showfallmediacleaningdivision @kid-at-showfall @showfallmanagement @lostnfounder @tlhprophetofficial @showfallmediamaintenance @katherinefromdennys @showfallmediacameracrew @showfallmediaeditor @marilostfieldblog @maifromshowfall @showfallsecuritydev @showfallstreamer @showfallmediaunofficial @@showfallfoodcourtemployee @olivethedream @the-showfall-worker @showfall-costumes-department
And we now also have our very own OOC blog! Full of the random screenshots we take from the chaos that is the discord.
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