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Tears of frankincense from the Boswellia Sacra tree ~ photography by Cedric Pollet.
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☀️💧Ideas for using sun water💧☀️
🌞 drink first thing in the morning, or whenever you’re low on spoons, for an energy boost
🌞consider charging locations, like: sun water charged by/in a courthouse for justice, a playground for energy, a beach for happiness. Etc.
🌞consider charging times, like: sun water charged by the summer solstice for abundance, happiness, and faery magic. Sun water charged by the autumnal equinox for warmth, clarity, prosperity, and peace etc.
🌞 drink when you’re feeling sad for a happiness boost
🌞wash your face with sun water for a confidence glamour, bravery/armor glamour, hapiness boost and to give your skin a glow
🌞drink it before a speech or presentation for confidence and leadership
🌞take your medicine, vitamins, etc, with it, or drink it when you feel sick for a health boost
🌞mix it with lemon juice for a potent cleansing spell
🌞drink before school or studying to help you remember what you learn, stay confident, and protect you
🌞use it as an offering to solar deities
🌞 put some sun water in a spray bottle with a little sunflower oil (or any carrier oil) and some sunny essential oils (citrus, cinnamon, frankincense, etc.) And use it as a room spray/perfume
🌞water your plants with it! Especially cacti/succulents!!
🌞bless your solar magic tools in it
🌞put a few drops in your eye or on your eyelid to enhance clairvoyance
🌞 rub some on your eyes/ears with intent to hear/see the truth
🌞use it for water scrying for a very clear and honest answer
🌞use it for baking or cooking to add a bit of sunshine, happiness, good fortune, and health to your food
Feel free to add more!
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“Fall From Grace”
Draw this sigil on a picture of somebody in high respects or position to cause them to fall from their social pedestal
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The King in Yellow, by Xai Diaz, via ArtStation.
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Extremely Untrustworthy Tea: The Vast and The Lonely
I decided to re-do these two because the originals weren’t vibin with me.
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Nwoosenet RAM Psychetronic chip
(Hyper-charged,total compatibility)
scrolling the chip creates a quantum entanglement resonance; this spreads the energy through the digital holosphere
clicking on the chip activates syncopathic vibrance within the holomind of the viewer, telepathic abilities will begin to awaken
sharing the chip opens nodes within the digital holosphere which increase synchronicity with multidimensional space allowing for accelerated reality coding
downloading the chip; can be used for any awakening or trance meditation, astral projection, hedge riding, lucid dreaming, portal opening or reality coding rituals. Can also be used for techno witchcraft, techno shamanism, symbolic radionics, or any eloptic energy manipulation
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by  Angelina Zhogina
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by Jason Engle
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Nyarlathotep The Crawling Chaos, by Daniel Avilés (Darmus Art), via Instagram.
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Nyarlathotep by Daniele Ariuolo
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“So quaint. So charming. So simple-minded. Do you think, because I take this form, and because I speak your tongue, that we are somehow equals? Child, when this world was a ball of fire and smoke, I was. I have walked half the galaxy in a stride. Before He, whose name I shall not utter here, called light into being, I clothed myself in the darkness of the ancients. I bathed in the primordial deep; I swam in the wine-dark abyss. Before all you know was created, I am. You curse me and you hate me. And yet, who else of my kind will stand before you? You call to your God. Does he answer back? Does he even know that you are here? For I can tell you this, the gods that stand in the outer chaos, that await the end of all things, they do not see you, and they do not hear you, and they do not care whether you live or you die. Only I, Nyarlathotep, move amongst you. Only I care for you. For I do care. I love you. I love you all.” 
-Nyarlathotep, “He Who Walks in Shadow”, by Brett J. Talley
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Voodoo Mama's Spellbook: Potion of the Wicked
A potion made with the specific purpose of picking you up, cleansing you, and reviving your energy after performing a curse on someone.
Club Soda
Mint leaves 
Cucumber slices 
Drop of lemon juice
Allow to sit for a while. It should keep for a few days. I charge mine with the sun. A small cup of this should help you after a hexing someone! It isn’t the best tasting thing in the world but I find it refreshing. (you can add sugar if you wish.)
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Drawing Sigils: My Way
Dedicated to the anon who asked, thank you~ <3
 My sigils are basically just a variant of the Witch’s Sigil Wheel. I’ve just added my own flare to it. If you don’t know what that is, it’s this thing, you kind find pictures of it on google pretty easy.
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The first thing you’re gonna want to do is come up with your phrase. This will set the sigils intention. We’re gonna use the phrase “The Earth keeps me safe” for this example. Once you’ve got that figured out, pick out the words that are most important to you. We’re going to use “Earth” and “Safe” as our keywords.
(note: traditionally letters that are doubled are taken out, and only single appearing letters make the points.)
Next thing you’re gonna do, is draw lines from one letter to the next. You’ll be making separate lines for each word. Feel free to curve some of these lines, but i think it looks like a mountain or a crystal so we’re gonna keep it c:
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And then the next word.
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This is really starting to look like a crystal in my eyes! Now it’s time to add some flare. One thing I like to do is add circles around letters that have multiple points on them. And I add crossing lines to any other line that doesn’t have an angle or connection.
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To really long lines, I like to add another line parallel to it.
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The last part, make it personal! Add some sort of your own flare to it.
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I played around with the crystal idea that I was getting, and added things to make it look sparkling and an arrow in the middle to represent protection. 
Lastly I like to keep my sigils in circles, but feel free to skip this step and call it done! Here’s what I came up with!
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If you make one, please reblog with a picture! I’d love to see ^u^ Hopefully this helps.
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Nyarlathotep - by Winfred-S
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Azathoth 30 x 30 Dot technical
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