“Hmm, let’s see..”  Saki flipped through a few of the options sort of awkwardly with her hand, the wristband helping coordinate the whole thing.
“Hmm..it’s been awhile since I’ve even seen a beach, let’s say..beach at sundown, how does that sound, Mizuko-chan?”
She turned her head and smiled, the avatars that currently reprisented them were a bit basic, but seemed to have the idea down of what each looked like, and had modeled themselves a bit after their actual physical appearance.
Chapter 3/ Open/ Saki Mori/
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“Hmm, alright then.” She stepped towards the second part of that same machine her girlfriend was using, and placed both palms down on the spots.
“I imagine that in a place like this, they will probably be very advanced, I wonder if it will just start up, and change how we see things?”
She pondered, before the machine popped out what looked like a pair of sunglasses and wrist bands in front of her. “Oh, I guess not.”
She put all of the parts on, and her glasses clicked on, a white void on the other side, it was waiting for a program to get picked.
Chapter 3/ Open/ Saki Mori/
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Saki giggled quietly, and took the other’s hand in hers, looping her fingers between all of her love’s, and lacing their hands together with their fingers.
“A-alright, let’s go have a date then!”
She gave a bright smile, and gently tugged the other’s hand, walking back over to nudge the chair out from under the handle she had used to stop people from walking in on her changing, then lead the way out and towards the VR room. By the time they had gotten inside, looking around in wonder.
“Wonder how this works, then?”
Chapter 3/ Open/ Saki Mori/
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Saki laughed at the idea of spending time in the cells overnight, and then shrugged her shoulders a bit. “The VR room sounds fun, I’m sure that plenty of interesting things happen in there.”
Of course, Saki, being the purest maiden of them all, didn’t really think too hard about the cells, nor really wanted to spend much time in them at all, let alone for sexy reasons.
Chapter 3/ Open/ Saki Mori/
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Saki hummed quietly to herself as she strolled through the floor she had finally decided to explore around now that her makeover was complete, her outfit mostly of blue with some black and covering a lot more than her previous dancer’s outfit did, and less pinksplosions to boot.
The first room she decided to visit however, proved disastrous. She walked into the prison-like area, and after a few seconds of roaming she encountered the three and their predicament.
She stared, slack jawed for a few seconds before she collected herself and rubbed at her face with a hand .”Hello there..what on earth have you two..”
Then she looked down at Otoya , unconscious and slumped face-first against the bars and sighed.
“Ah. Need help with Otoya, then? You can fill me in on what has happened while I try and scrape this guy’s face off the bars.”
Uptown funk me up// Mei// Chapter 3// open
Alistair kept his blank expression after Mei noticed him and started acting like an excitable puppy. “…..I’m guessing….you two are trapped…?….” He tried opening the door to no avail. Otoya noticed him afterwards and stumbled far away from the door, collapsing against the bars after.
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“…..So majestic …” He looked around for keys if any were even around, spotting them on the desk near the entrance. “…Hold on….” Alistair walked over and took the keys, he walked back over and unlocked the door.
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Saki beamed proudly at the returned kiss, and grabbed her girlfriend’s hand, giving it a firm squeeze. “I don’t know, where else on this floor have you not looked? I didn’t really have any ideas for anything to do afterwards, /i just wanted to explore this room in particular with you, and it was as fun as I had thought it would be.”
She beamed proudly at the other girl, and leaned in to give her a hug. “So if you want to go anywhere or do anything, just lead me there?”
Chapter 3/ Open/ Saki Mori/
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“I like it, it looks good, thank you Mizuko-chan. It looks and feels a bit shorter than it is now, and is a little less in the way, I think.” She leaned forward to give her girlfriend a kiss on the cheek, then looked over her whole form, her new clothes, her new braided hair, it all felt pretty nice.
“I think I like this look a bit more than pink explosion right now, what do you think?”
Chapter 3/ Open/ Saki Mori/
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Saki smiled at the smooches and sighed happily. “Hey, aren’t you supposed to be braiding my hair, too? Don’t get too excited just yet.” She giggled a bit and winked back at her girlfriend as the other snuggled against her back, and she reached a hand up to pet along the girl’s hair gently, despite the awkward way her arm had to bend to accomplish it.
Chapter 3/ Open/ Saki Mori/
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“Good, I’m glad you’ve stopped putting yourself down.” She blushed a bit at the hug, and raised a hand to gently pet over her girlfriend’s hair as she turned her neck and craned her head to smooch at the nearest part of Mizuko’s head she could.
“I love you too, and I am not too good for this world, I’m good enough for you, right?” She giggled softly. “And you’re my world. Wow that was so cheesy.” Saki giggled to herself a bit as she settled back in the chair and her girlfriend's arms.
Chapter 3/ Open/ Saki Mori/
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“No, you’re not airheaded, not at all. And what relationship would be more meaningful than one with you? You’re the one I’ve taken interest in, I hope that is enough of an indicator that you’re amazing.” She kept the stern look on her face should Mizuko look at her she’d be pouting at the idea that her girlfriend was somehow sub par.
“You’re wonderful, and I love you, don’t put yourself down, darling.”
Chapter 3/ Open/ Saki Mori/
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“Y-yeah? Is it that odd? I just said I got a lot of date offers but I turned them all down. I was more interested in just dancing for people and making them happy, I was never really interested in dating anyone until I met you.”
Chapter 3/ Open/ Saki Mori/
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Saki giggled a little and color touched her cheeks when the other girl nuzzled at her hair and declared how soft it was. “I’m glad it’s easy on you, it’s certainly a hassle to brush every day, but if the results are good I will continue!”
As the other braided she relaxed back into the chair and let her eyes roam around the room absentmindedly, her hands clasped in her lap. As the other asked a question about dating she giggled softly.
“Uh..I don’t really know. I’ve never been on one. I’ve had a lot of people who wanted to take me on dates but I never really was interested in them so I declined, you’re the first person I’ve dated.”
Chapter 3/ Open/ Saki Mori/
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“You’re right. Also that sort of is a given, I’m certainly not going to murder anyone pact or not, but I don’t think I’d have it in me. You can have me if you want, I’ll certainly be doing my best to keep you safe too, you and Mizuko are my top priorities.”
Saki smiled that sweet smile of hers again and nodded slightly, though her expression looked firm, she wasn’t going to go back on her word.
Chapter 3/ Open/ Saki Mori/
Seigen gave his friend’s words some real thought. She was right, in a way. As the guy who lost an arm, he didn’t have to worry about how his friends might adjust to the permanent damage—of the physical variety, at least. At this point, none of them were safe from trauma. That being said, he couldn’t bring himself to wish a missing arm on any of them.
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“You don’t have to worry about us, mate. She’s got you, and I got, uh… me. And you, if you want.” The captain barked a laugh. “Besides, Mizuko and I got a pact: no killin’!”
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“It’s alright, I brush my hair often, there shouldn’t be too much.” She settled in, and other than wincing once or twice, it was pretty nice. Her hair was shiny and healthy, and very copious, long and naturally straight but a handful as soon as you tried to do anything other than brushing or letting it hang, this was going to be a bit of a trick to braid up, but she seemed happy still.
“It’s nice so far, kind of relaxing, like brushing my hair normally is. Do you think you’re going to be able to handle braiding that much hair, dear?” She questioned, tilting her head slightly as her blue eyes peeked over her shoulder.
Chapter 3/ Open/ Saki Mori/
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“No, I can’t say that I’m glad that you got wounded instead of me. At least if I was the one wounded I could be happy that all of my friends were alright. Well..except that a lot of them are injured too right now, but for different reasons.”
She managed a small smile as the other grinned at her, and she nodded slightly. “I’m just glad you’re okay besides the arm, I’m glad you’re safe, Seigen.” Saki’s smile got a little wider as she said it.
“I almost lost Mizuko the first round of this game, I didn’t want to lose someone else dear to me in the second.”
Chapter 3/ Open/ Saki Mori/
“Hah, whatever works. Guy needs some friends, that’s for damn sure.” Mouth pulled to one side, Seigen eyed his friend. Saki was smart—more than likely she could navigate a conversation with Otoya without having her hand held. There was plenty he wanted to say, but he bit the words back and moved on.
“Just a person,” he repeated, nodding slowly. “Yeah, I can—”
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His mouth snapped shut and his eyes popped open when Saki wrapped her arms around him. He was about to return the gesture in kind—much as he could, anyway—when she stepped back again.
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“Yeah…” he muttered, eyes finding a wall. “Coulda been a lot worse.” The captain found it in him to grin and looked at his friend again. “But better me than you, eh?”
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“Oh, so that’s it? I thought there might have been something malicious..but if he’s just that scared, I guess it’s not quite as bad. I might have to try talking to him again sometime, perhaps after spending more time together silently, he seemed to like that.”
When the other questioned pronouns, she shook her head. “Anything works. She, he, them, they, I’m okay with any of it, whatever comes to mind or tongue faster. I’m not a girl though, I’m just a person. Does that make it a little easier to understand? Oh and uhm..”
She suddenly darted forward, and hugged tightly around his middle, head off to the side since he was only an inch taller than she. Just as abruptly as the hug happened, she took three steps back. “Sorry, but I’m glad you’re safe beyond the arm, it could have..been worse.”
Chapter 3/ Open/ Saki Mori/
Running a hand along his jaw, Seigen gave a low laugh. There was always something funny about the guy running away. He was so damn strong—he really had nothing to be afraid of.
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“The guy’s just a big shy baby. Punches anyone who doesn’t let him run away.” He offered a shrug. “Guess the Korona kid’s an exception. They, uh… don’t get along too well. But you’re not anything like the little guy, and you’re pretty smart…” He squinted into the middle distance, a grin splitting his features. “Is that… friendship I see on the horizon?”
Laughing off his remark, the captain leaned back against the wall and thought through what Saki had just shared with him. It came as a complete surprise—Saki had beyond passed as a woman—but he tried to keep that to himself, along with any unflattering thoughts about his friend’s mother.
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“I’m gonna be honest, mate, I don’t got a lot of experience with this.” He peered at Saki, scratching at his chin. “I can get used to a gender change real easy, but uh… neutral? Never even heard of that before.” Crooking an eyebrow, he asked, “What do I call you?”
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“I’m glad you like it.” She smiled a bit as the other girl started to braid her hair, and she watched, curiously. “Hmm, all in one, then loop it I guess? I think that’ll look nice.”
She kissed her girlfriend on the cheek in return, and went slightly pink at the cheeks.
“I’d be happy if you could braid it for me please? It gets in the way sometimes and it would be nice to have it feeling shorter.”
Chapter 3/ Open/ Saki Mori/
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