Senka made a slight “tch” sound at Caspar’s remark, his irritation from their last encounter beginning to resurface. However, as much as he currently disliked Caspar, he couldn’t deny that he was attractive, albeit his current attire of sunglasses hiding his (very) nice eyes. Though… why was Caspar wearing sunglasses indoors? It did seem very pretentious, but it suited his personality.
“Oh. It’s you.” Senka said as he eyed Caspar up and down. His attention was still currently on Caspar’s sunglasses and cigarette.
“Smoking AND wearing shades indoors. You must really not care about much, huh? Or your own personal health for that matter. I’m surprised Monoko is letting you smoke– though, you’re basically slowly killing yourself so I can see why he would be all right with it.” Senka was practically smirking at Caspar.
“And I’m not your doll. But I can always be something else~” Senka said slightly flirtatiously, despite having insulted Caspar a few moments ago.
Caspar stopped walking when Senka spoke to him. Caspar hadn’t been planning to have a conversation with the setter, but his criticism and flirtation was too much to pass up with no reply.
“Obviously, I don’t care about much, you’re right. I also don’t care about that Monoko bastard. He took away most of my shit, but he left me with my cigarettes and shades, so I’m going to take advantage of it. The fact that you mentioned my personal health suggested that you’re concerned. Why are you concerned?” Caspar asked with a small smirk as he twirled his cigarette between his fingers idly. Caspar took a step closer to Senka and grinned flirtatiously.
“Is it because you’re falling for me?” Caspar asked, lowering his voice to a suggestive growl. Caspar’s shade lenses reflected Senka’s own image back to him, and it was impossible to see into the confectioner’s eyes.
Then, Caspar took a step back from Senka with no warning and put his cigarette back to his lips for another drag. Once he released the smoke away from Senka’s direction, he turned back to him, his grin having lost it’s flirtatious twinge. Now, it just seemed amused, but uninterested.
“You had better be careful, sweetheart. Most people don’t know what they get themselves into when they offer themselves to me.” Caspar stayed silent for a few moments as he let his words sink in before he raised his hand and showed Senka his bloodied knuckles. The blood slowly and gradually traced down Caspar’s pale skin to his elbow as he displayed it to Senka. 
“I’m not sure what kind of infections I can catch in this damn mansion, but I’m on a mission to find disinfectant. You can either leave me alone so I can get back on task or you can help. It’s your choice.” with a shrug, Caspar adjusted his shades slightly and pushed past Senka, towards one of the storage rooms.
Caspar hoped he would decide to tag along with him, but to say so, it would mean sacrificing this reputation he has already built for himself. That wasn’t going to be a part of Caspar’s plan anytime soon.
From Bad to Worse || Closed Starter for shslconfections
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God fucking dammit. These are essentially the only words Senka can use to describe the situation– he knew that this killing game wasn’t a joke, but he had a faint hope that at least someone from the outside was going to save them. Hell, even someone noticing that he was missing was good enough for him. He knew he couldn’t count on family members setting out Amber Alerts for him (he left them a long time ago), but at least some of the members on the Volleyball Team would notice!
And then there’s the possibility that Kiyoko is kidnapped.
He and his little cousin weren’t very close (though Kiyoko would beg to differ), but he did feel a sense of responsibility towards her. He was the whole reason she was stuck in Japan in the first place! Kiyoko was much frailer than he was, and if she really was in Monoko’s hands, he wasn’t sure how long she would last. Kiyoko definitely has a big heart, but it won’t do her much good in this situation.
Eventually, as Senka was lost in thought and gazing at the portraits on the wall, he saw a not-so-friendly-but-somewhat-familiar-face. The boy he encountered a few days ago was staring back at him in the form of a dismal portrait. Senka couldn’t help but snort.
“Serves him right. . “ Senka said quietly, but loud enough for someone to hear if they were standing near him.
Caspar didn’t take kindly to Monoko’s announcement.
All of their families and friends are gone? Did the freak who encased them in this mansion really travel all the way to Germany just to abduct his family? That seems a little far fetched. Especially considering all the security at the mansion.
However, he wouldn’t need to travel to Germany to get his mom... and his mom was the one who meant the most to him out of everyone on this Earth!
Caspar’s eyes scanned the hall before they finally rested on the plaque with his name engraved.
Caspar looked up at the portrait. It revealed a portrait of his mother, his younger siblings and his father all stuck in some unfamiliar room. His siblings looked worried, while his dad looked inconvenienced and his mother appeared to be absolutely livid.
The confectioner didn’t like seeing his mom like that, looking so.. distressed. He didn’t like it all. He had half a mind to bash Monoko’s skull in, but that would likely cause more harm then good. Ah, he has to try to think rationally about this.
It was hard. Thinking rationally was hard at the moment. Caspar’s expression shifted into a sneer, but his body language said it all. He was obviously very troubled. Caspar slipped his hand down to his pocket and withdrew a box of cigarettes and a small zippo lighter.
Caspar popped a cigarette between his mouth and lit up the end, taking a slow, heavy drag before shoving the carton and lighter back into his pockets. He locked his eyes on his mother’s. He couldn’t let her stay trapped. He had to do something for her, he had to find her.
How would we go about locating her!
Caspar placed a hand on his head and tried to steady his breathing and manage his smoking. Suddenly, Caspar surged forward and punched the wall right next to the portrait of his captive family members.
His fist throbbed with pain, a pain that made Caspar clench his jaw on impact, but he had done enough punching in his life to recover from the initial shock pretty quickly. Ah, fuck. Blood dribbled up from the little cuts on his knuckles where the wood was too rough for Caspar’s skin.
Was there any kind of infirmary in this godforsaken mansion? Caspar didn’t want to get infected with something around here. The confectioner withdrew the sunglasses that he had tucked in his v-neck and placed them on his face- not for protection from light. There wasn’t much light in this place, after all. No, it was definitely for his eyes. If Caspar were to begin to tear up, he would NOT want anybody to see. He cares about his mom, but he also cares about his image.
Crying wouldn’t help anything, it’s pointless. Don’t cry, he told himself.
Caspar let the blood drip freely down his fingers as he slowly made his way to a storage area, in an attempt to find something that could help his busted knuckles. As Caspar neared the door, he ended up passing Senka. Boy, was he glad that his sunglasses lenses were reflective so Senka couldn’t see anything past them. Caspar withdrew the cigarette from his lips for just a moment to speak before replacing it. “Watch it, doll.”
From Bad to Worse || Closed Starter for shslconfections
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If things go right, we can frame it
It has been an extremely tense week or so since you woke up on the dusty old rug adorning the manor’s entryway floor, locked in and surrounded by total strangers. You met the… delightful little host, Monoko, who told you that the only way you could escape was to kill someone else in this manor and get away with it. Surprisingly, no one has cracked from these circumstances alone, and everyone is still roaming about in one piece, more or less. With all of the supplies offered inside of the mansion, you’ve begun to think that being stuck here until someone can come to help you wouldn’t be so bad. Cozy furnishings, running water, working plumbing, it seems like a normal house, minus the utter lack of bathing accommodations. And the smell festering thereof. All is calm.
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Chocolate cupcakes with strawberry frosting
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hipster blog
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- only grunge posts -
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Nerunerunerune Ice Cream with apple, strawberry, and soda flavors, and ramune pieces. Blend them together and it turns into grape!
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Senka almost sneered back at the retort the boy just made- just who the hell does this pretty boy think he is? Licking his bottom lip and putting one hand on his hip, Senka reached out with his other hand and grabbed (more like yanked) the boy’s shoulder. Hard.
“Listen here, scrawny ass. I was standing here before you even waltzed over here.” Senka made a dramatic gestures with his hands as he spoke, most likely in hopes they will agitate Caspar. “And instead of using my feet to ‘get the fuck away,’ how about I use them to kick your ass instead?” Senka wasn’t exactly looking for a fight, but he was feeling aggravated enough to talk shit. Besides, he almost wanted to spend a little more time with this boy, albeit he was kinda sour with him.
He then gave Caspar a challenging smirk, as if to say, “So what are you going to do next, hmmmm?”
“Do you even have a name? I bet it’s something gay like ‘Gary’ or some shit.” Senka said in an attempt to piss this guy off even more, if that was even possible.
Caspar smirked a little when he felt the boy’s hand on his shoulder, yanking him backwards. Caspar lifted his arms quicker just in case Senka was planning on throwing a punch, so that Caspar could block it- but instead, only jeers followed.
When Senka asked him if he wanted to get his ass kicked, Caspar simply pushed back a strand of his bangs with his finger and gave a little chuckle. This guy is all bark. In response to the smirk he received from the setter, Caspar took a step closer and just rolled his eyes as Senka insist that he tell him his name.
“I do have a name, but it doesn’t have to be on your lips or in your mouth.” Caspar looked down his nose at Senka with a satisfied smirk, seeing as how Senka had no intention of actually fighting him- if he did, he would’ve already initiated it.
Caspar ran his tongue ring across the bottom row of his teeth a little as he hummed in mock contemplation, as if he didn’t already know what he was about to do as he took another step closer to Senka.
In an instant, Caspar suddenly grabbed at Senka’s neck and plowed his shoulder into Senka’s shoulder, forcing Senka right up against the wall. As Caspar took a step forward to keep his grip on the volleyball setter, he brought up his other leg and slammed his knee right between Senka’s thighs- an optimal position to knee Senka in the crotch if it comes to that.
“Don’t pick fights if you’re not prepared to deliver, doll.”
Caspar put a little more pressure on Senka’s throat until he convinced himself that Senka had been shaken enough. They’re all stuck in a dangerous situation together anyways- perhaps he shouldn’t go about burning bridges so early on.
Caspar removed his knee from the wall and released the grip that he had on Senka’s neck before sauntering off, towards the direction of the stairs. Part of his mind was still on edge, just in case Senka decided to come at him again with verbal or physical sparring, but the other part was content in the belief that Senka wouldn’t try anything after that.
Irritation (Open)
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As Senka was angrily muttering and murmuring to himself about this “god damn shitty as fuck” situation, he noticed someone was suddenly very, very close to him. He hadn’t been paying much attention to his surroundings since he opted to lean against the wall away from everyone else and quietly lament about how much he wants to punch the 12-year-old kid.
Senka wasn’t going to really say anything to the person who almost bumped into him (maybe give a patronizing glance)- however, this boy gave him a sneer, and for some reason, it really pissed Senka off. Maybe it had something to do with him being in an already foul mood, but he glared back.
It also seemed that the boy wasn’t much taller than him, maybe only a few centimeters? Senka instinctively looked him up and down as well– Senka seemed to be more built than him. For some petty reason, it made him smirk.
His face was quite charming though…
“Watch it. You have eyes so use them.” Senka spat out. 
Caspar had already made his decision to just keep walking, but when Senka snipped at him, Caspar stopped in his tracks and turned to face the stranger. He was bigger than Caspar, but not too big. Caspar has definitely won fights against people scarier than this pretty boy. 
“You have feet, so why don’t you use them to get the fuck out of my way?” Caspar responded just as quick, and just as foul as his verbal opponent. Caspar turned his back to start walking away, back on route with his intentions to find evidence, but Caspar could feel his hairs standing on end. Not in fear, but in expectation. Caspar would be genuinely surprised if this guy will let him get away with saying that to him without trying to argue or fight with him.
So, as he walked away, he kept his arms slightly raised forward so that he can throw a jab quickly if he needs to.
Caspar also didn’t feel very bad about getting into a fight so early into this experience- he actually felt kind of excited. It’s been awhile since he’s gotten his adrenaline pumping in hand to hand with someone worth his time.
In the past, he was used to fighting with simple low lives, people were almost so ugly that Caspar felt regret for even touching them with his fists.
However, Caspar wouldn’t exactly mind touching this pretty boy- even if it is just to show him who’s in charge around here.
Irritation (Open)
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Irritation (Open)
Once the 12 year old left them to explore the manor as they pleased, Caspar simply took a step back and observed the students around him. Some were livid, some were confused, some were worried. Caspar wasn’t exactly sure which category he would fit into.
He was more irritated than anything else.
Caspar couldn’t really recognize much of anyone around him, except for one guy who he might’ve seen on a television infomercial once- he wasn’t sure if that was even an accurate recollection anyways.
He didn’t have any energy to try to rack his brain for answers right now. He had a massive headache and his whole body was sore.
There were better things to do than stand around here and yell at the 12 year old punk or sit down and cry over this.
Caspar instead decided to spend time searching the mansion for anything helpful.
As he turned to leave the room, however, someone was standing in his way.
He very nearly bumped into them, but he didn’t say anything to them- he simply raised an eyebrow at the student and gave a small sneer.
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return the slaaaaab
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Takeo's pretty chill, he's going to wander upstairs and investigate the dorm rooms. What's up with those?
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Well, upon reaching the second floor, Takeo would notice a bunch of dorm rooms. Each of them is decorated the same way; there’s a single queen-sized bed in the center of the room, with a nightstand on either side. A trunk can be found at the foot of the bed. There’s a sofa with a table for comfort, a closet for storing clothes, and a vanity. 
Outside each of the doors is a nameplate, which assigns the students to the dorms. There are two in each rooms, as follows: 
1: Miyako and Ueli
2: Takeo and Misami
3: Hugo and Minho
4: Caspar and Shigeo
5: Senka and Madoka
6: Tomio and Kiri
7: Sumire and Phoebe
8: Atsuya and Eijiri
9: Koro and Ryouta
10: Maverick and Hanako
11: Lucida and Maemi
12: Iain and Ayame
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Hope’s Peak Academy. A school founded on hope, devoted to finding the world’s most talented, elite teenagers and cultivating their abilities in order to create the brightest possible future for society: one filled with clean, pure hope. It has been successful thus far, not a single bump in the road. Of course, as unbridled success normally does, Hope’s Peak’s officials were lulled into a state of calm. As long as they could continue to successfully recruit students and strive for excellence, they didn’t much care for the small personal disputes that occurred within their walls, so long as it didn’t blemish their pristine reputation. This led way to many cases of bullying between students, hazings on newcomers, and even small scale feuds among rivaling students. If a parent was concerned, they were paid off for their silence. Looking at the grand premise of the school grounds from the outside, you would feel nothing but pride for the progress society had made since the creation of the school. But what was held within the school was a dark, bitter energy that sprung it’s madness at every corner.
You are a new student at this greatest of academies, and you are none the wiser of these incidents. As you take a few nervous yet hearty steps up to the academy gates, your vision begins to weaken, however. Everything goes black. You can’t move. What’s happening..?
This continues for moments, but you finally feel your senses stir. You can hear a faint giggle, but it’s blocked out quickly by an intense pain in your skull, and the unbearable stiffness of your limbs. You fight to open your eyes, and your vision is spotty, but sure enough you manage to awaken yourself. You are face down on a dusty old carpet, which covers a dull hardwood floor. The space you reside in seems rather open, with dark red walls, a grand staircase, a beautiful crystal chandelier dangling precariously from a 16 foot ceiling, and the bodies of 23 other students scattered on the floor around you.
Wait. Bodies?
Yes, bodies.
Unconscious bodies. Everyone appears to be about the same age as you are, and all suffering from the same discomforts. As you all pick yourselves up from the ground and try to make some sense of your surroundings, you realize that they are very unfamiliar. A few of you begin to panic even, gripping at your pockets and bodies for your bags or your phones in order to get ahold of someone who can tell you what you may have done to be where you are right now. You don’t know a single person in this room, of course you aren’t going to ask them. You all realize, however, that your are empty handed, except for a small card.
No bigger than your average credit/debit card, it flashes to life almost as soon as you hold it up. You can see your name, your personal information, this card displays almost everything. How do you even work this thing? Some are furious, yelling even. Where are our phones, our several hundred dollar bags, and how the hell does someone have all this information? The card bears the HPA insignia, but… this clearly isn’t the school. What kind of a game is this?!
“Wow, you are a noisy bunch, aren’t you?”
Everyone stops at the sound of a rather young child addressing them. Following the sound, you all turn and see what appears to be a child no older that 12 years of age, with black and white hair and a face mask. He is simply watching from afar, eyes flickering about to each face. You cringe as he meets your gaze: One eye is a dark grey color, the other is fully red; sclera and all. You question if it’s even real, it almost entire transfixes your attention, but he resumes speaking.
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“Now that you lazy bums are up at least, I can go ahead and get introductions out of the way. My name is Monoko! I’m gonna be your guiding light for the next few… forevers. It’s nice to meet you all! And don’t worry about introducing yourselves, I already know everything about all of you! Isn’t that handy?”
He watches you all for another few moments and sighs after a period of silence.
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“Too strong, I guess I gotta back off in my approach… but now is the part where I get a good explanation out of the way!”
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“Welcome to your new home! This estate and all that it has to offer shall become your whole world for the rest of your lives! It’ll be fun, you all get to live with me forever! Well, some of you probably. Why only some of you? Don’t be stupid, no one lives forever. But it’s also because… living here isn’t all you guys get to do. That would be sooooo boring, y’know? I say… we play a little game. Not really a little game since it, you know, deals with life and death, but you get what I mean.”
Life and death..?
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“You see, what you all get to play is a mutual killing game. All of you are strangers more or less, so it should be pretty easy! You all see this door behind me? It’s locked tight, and nothing is gonna bust it down. All the other exits? Barred, locked, you name it; no one is escaping. You want out? There’s only one way: one of you must kill somebody in this room and get away with it. If you do, you get to leave everybody here in the dust. If you don’t… ohohoho, let’s just say you’ll be in for a nasty little surprise.”
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“Enough of my ramblings, though. Now that you’ve all been acquainted with your situation by none other than your charming host, why don’t you all look around and get to know your new home~? The little card you all found in your pockets will help you. Have fun, and feel free to ask questions~!”
Monoko simply stands in silence at the front of the room, watching you all and your cacophony of reactions to this sudden, dreadful news. The only thing on your mind is the same one perforating everyone else’s thoughts…
What are you going to do?
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Welcome to hell
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Ah yes… hell indeed. For the twenty four students listed beneath that cut down there, this is where they shall be spending the next chapter of their lives. It’s been a really fast 6 ½ months, but we’ve gotten this far, and now things can really get started. To those of you who spot your OC below, congrats! You’re stuck with us three nerdos on this road trip to hell for the next couple of months.
But for those of you who don’t… no hard feelings, really. You all tried your best, and it really showed! But at the end of the day, 40 isn’t 24. We hope you all understand this, and don’t let it bring you down; we wish you all good luck in your endeavors, and encourage you to keep putting your best foot forward!
So, without further ado, we present to you all the Despair Trigger final roster!
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Caspar Kaziemierowicz, Super High School Level Confectioner
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