shslsukeban-blog · 12 years
unexpectedly literary girl
There are two things that help someone as jittery as Meira calm down: a knife in her hand, and a safer but much less effective object: a book to read.
Very few people expect someone renowned as a Super High School Level Sukeban Girl to love reading a book in a desolate place, sitting silently by the window, a blanket on her lap.
She had pretty much taken residence in the library in the long, surprisingly quiet days that have passed.
Meira sighs in a relaxed manner, something she hadn't been able to find herself to do in a very long time.
She instinctively freezes up, however, when she hears the door to the library open.
She closes her book and clutches it to her chest.
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"Wh-who...?" she mutters--barely audible.
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shslsukeban-blog · 12 years
She knew she really wasn't going to like what the bear had called them in for, so in the end, she inevitably walks into the airport with the knife behind her back. She's never once taken a hand off of it ever since the trial.
It's taken everything she had to not break anything.
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She enters the airport last, expression sullen, making sure to look away from everyone as she stays behind all of them.
She hates this. She hates all of it.
She wanted to beat him up. Not only for what he did to the singer, but also for what he did to everyone in the island. Meira almost feels sorry for the freaky girl, who was apparently rather close to him, the generalist.
The discovery that he was a boy really isn't helping Meira.
She wanted to beat him up. So badly. Break him, for all he did.
He was pathetic.
So why was she crying? She had already let go of her knife. Fallen to her knees, and crying.
She's pathetic herself.
Despite everything, she didn't want him dead.
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shslsukeban-blog · 12 years
"You... might not like what you'll see there," Meira warns the... exotic-looking girl heading towards the fridge. Despite her warning, though, Meira steps out of her way out of politeness.
She keeps a hand behind her back, her fingers touching the knife's handle to calm herself down and keep from doing something unspeakable.
It was wiped clean, but there was still hope. If everybody had been sleeping when they were supposed to be, then there couldn’t have been any time to use this knife—except if you were the murderer or Koemi. The murderer must have brought it back here to clean the blood off of it, but failed to put it back up when they were done. Aziza places the knife back in the sink for the others to find, but silently takes note of it.
Her brows furrow at the mortar and pestle; true, it held an orange tang to it, but the soap was indeed scentless….where could that scent had come from? Now she looks towards the fridge; perhaps now would be a good time to check out its contents.
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shslsukeban-blog · 12 years
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Judging by the wavy strand of black hair, this must be something related to the freaky girl. The crime scene was found in her room, after all. But she has no idea what this means.
Since the optimistic girl behind her hadn't gone to the freaky girl's room either, she probably doesn't.
As she recalls, the blood trails were leading to two directions. Maybe the other direction leads to the rest of the note...
Meira scratches her head. She can't possibly understand why anyone decided to go through all this trouble. Whoever did this is having a little too much fun.
Among the people she's met, there are two who might fit the criteria, namely the freaky girl and the pink-haired girl, but whatever she could say about them is based on gut feeling. Not everyone trusts her instincts.
She shuts the fridge, and reaches behind her back to touch the knife. "I found something... unlikable in the fridge," she announces to whoever else is in the kitchen, "and this," she adds, raising the piece of paper to her face.
not nice
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shslsukeban-blog · 12 years
A sickening crunch.
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Meira stays silent, as frozen as the hands, for several moments, wallowing in her disappointment at herself.
It took quite a while before she put the small fingers down and, as delicately as she can, pick up the piece of paper.
not nice
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shslsukeban-blog · 12 years
The thought of taking the smaller knife went through Meira's head, but she decides it's better if the others find about it first.
If she did take it, though, what she finds in the bloodied fridge would've been a lot easier to stomach, and sooner.
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The victim's arms... that's really all that needs to be said. She had no thoughts of picking out each and every detail of the gruesome scene. Meira takes a step back, but then reminds herself that she needs to do this. There's... something unusual about the hands.
She gives a trembling sigh to steady herself, and slowly reaches behind her back to clasp her knife, calming her down.
The hands are holding something inside them.
... Should she pry them open?
... This isn't the time to be hesitating. There might be something vital there.
Meira holds her breath, lets go of the knife behind her back, and pries them open. Prying the cold hands open might have been difficult for most people, but Meira manages it without much problem. She did fear she'd completely break the hands, though.
not nice
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shslsukeban-blog · 12 years
Meira wasn't exactly expecting to find the noisy and optimistic girl she saw around to be the one greeting her, rooted where she's standing, frozen by the smell of blood.
In truth, Meira didn't want to look, either.
The stench is overwhelming... as though there's blood everywhere. She didn't want to look and confirm its truth.
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"F... for starters, let's drop those fruits in the kitchen.
"... and see what's going on there." There's also a trail of blood leading towards there; Meira might not consider herself smart enough to make any convincing theories regarding what happened, but even she should find something helpful there.
Once they reach the kitchen, Meira opens the door, not sure if she really wants to find something. "Let's go," she tells the girl.
Meira heads straight to where the knifes are kept, and confirms that the knife she used to cook the other day has disappeared. Check the cupboards and the storage.
And lastly, follow the trail of blood she's been trying to ignore.
Her heart beating frantically, Meira opens the fridge.
not nice
At the door to Abigail’s cottage, Meira would probably run into Genki, who was shaking like a leaf.  She was holding a fruit basket, having spent the morning assembling it in hopes of making a peace offering to some of their classmates.  Her eyes were screwed shut tightly, and she was practically rooted to the spot.
“I-I…I can’t go in, I can’t look…I smell blood, but…Koemi-chan can’t be dead…!”
It was a little strange.  They hadn’t even talked before, but twin waterfalls of tears began making their way down Genki’s cheeks as she cried for the singer.  Now opening her eyes, she looked helplessly at Meira.
“What should we do?  Everyone else is here already, and I…I don’t know, I don’t know how I can help!”
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shslsukeban-blog · 12 years
not nice
After the events yesterday, Meira wasn't really looking forward to the following day. She had a bad feeling. She knew something's going to happen. She herself wanted to do something. Not murder, but she really wanted to punch, to destroy something.
Not quite a want, but more of a need. The violence has been an instinct of hers ever since her first fight.
An instinct she tries desperately to hold back.
She hadn't been able to sleep at all. She's at her breaking point. She's not afraid of murder; rather, she almost wishes she could be murdered right now, before she actually kills someone regardless of whether or not she wanted to.
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These... are terrible thoughts.
She's been entertaining them since last night, and the sun has already risen. Meira rises from her bed, and heads to the closet, taking the survival knife in her hands.
And then that announcement rattles her bones.
“A body has been discovered! Following a brief period of investigation, we will commence our school trial! You can check your Electronic Student ID Cards, in the Media folder, for the Monobear File. Good luck you bastards!”
A... a body...
Her hands start shaking, and her grip loosens on the survival knife.
She didn't want to look at the file, but her shaking hand takes out her ID and slowly opens up the media folder. The file of the video yesterday's still there, but that's not something she'd rather look at again. She presses a finger onto the file.
The victim is Fujioka Koemi… The time of death was around 3 AM. The head and torse was found in the SHSL Psychologist’s cabin. Cause of death was blood loss because of several stab wounds to the chest.
Her eyes widen.
...several stab wounds to the chest.
She drops the knife into the closet and shuts it with a loud thud.
She can't... she can't do this.
It wouldn't be safe for her (or for anybody else, especially the boys) to go out without her knife, and yet if they catch her with it, she'll shoot up the list of suspects. She's innocent. She didn't do anything. Her title and her reputation isn't going to help her.
She has to help with the investigation, however. It had been terrible enough without the knife yesterday. She'll just have to try her best at hiding it.
Meira takes the sheathed knife and puts it to her lower back, held there by the garter of her skirt and hidden by her uniform. It wouldn't fit the pocket so this'll have to do.
She heads out to the psychologist's cottage, expecting the worst. She's not exactly sure where it is, but it shouldn't be hard to find.
She could smell the blood.
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shslsukeban-blog · 12 years
Meira flinches at the sound of the footsteps heading her direction, and when the person started talking, she freezes. He said something, but Meira couldn't hear--because those are words coming from a boy's mouth.
She wished she didn't discriminate like this so much, but she couldn't help it.
M-maybe it's just a girl with a really low voice... the thought as she slowly turns around, and comes face to face with a boy handing her a pink tissue. Meira slaps the hand away in shock, lifting herself up quickly--and then realizes what she's just done.
"I-I'm sorry!" an apology, hoping she didn't put too much strength in the strike. If the hand's broken, she's going to have to take responsibility--she'd have no problem with that, but this person is a boy!
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So she just weeps helplessly, stuck between wanting to run and feeling responsible.
"D... p... please d-don't touch me," she mutters.
She really should've brought that knife.
a lucky card
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Zino was just as vunerable right now. He’d attempted to confront the bear, but something about him told the boy that this was the worst approach. As it stood, he gave the dumb bear empty complaints. …Just how did he know about his family housing situation? He understood about records, but his father would be off the radar if he wasn’t of such a high job profession. And so that damn bear laughed in his face with every threat he gave it.  He sees a girl is one of the last to arrive at the airport. He has been told that she is a violent girl. the ‘Sukeban girl’, was it? Nevertheless, with her violent reaction to her video, Zino feels it is only right to try to comfort her. Yes, it was true: He had no set plans. Not yet anyway. And yet, plans were forming in his head, little by little. He had to grow up, he realized. If he didn’t man up and look for a solution, he might just die here. Everyone might die here…. Silently, he approached her from behind. Zino was lucky to be wearing a cup, because Meira could probably kick or punch him in the balls from here if she really wanted to. “We don’t know each other…” He began quickly. “But we will bring this bastard bear to justice. He will not kill them…your most precious loved ones.” He grew serious all of a sudden as he offered the girl a tissue. It may have been weird for him to have a pink, strawberry scented tissue in his shirt pocket, but this didn’t matter right now.  “If I may, miss…I would like to be your ally. And to add to it, I won’t make any passes at you. It’s a promise.” The last part was meant to make her laugh if possible. Now may be an awkward time to joke, but he hoped it would help her smile. If he could keep her from giving up hope and form an alliance with him and others…well then that was enough.
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shslsukeban-blog · 12 years
a lucky card
The bear's noisy.
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Rising from her uncomfortable slumber, Meira successfully resisted the urge to crush the television. She takes her time to get ready, showering and getting dressed.
And in her closet, for some reason, a survival knife. She's not sure where it came from, but ever since she saw it yesterday she's been debating on whether or not to carry it. For one, carrying it to comfort herself makes her feel like she should be grateful to the one who put it there, most likely Monobear.
And then there's the fact that no one is comfortable around anyone with a knife. Plus, should they catch her with a knife, their suspicions and fear of her will skyrocket, thanks to the whole graduation system. She could insist all she wants that she will never kill anyone, but nobody will listen to a girl with a knife.
Meira sighs and closes the closet, risking violently punching someone by accident as she decides to leave without the knife.
Finally in the airport, Meira finds herself wishing that she had taken the knife with her, as she, with shaking hands, presses the play button.
The orphanage, its people living a normal life.The children playing, the staff quelling their occasional fights, serving lunch, and telling stories. Kotori-neesan is as scary as Meira remembers, with that ladle as a weapon.
Until the video starts playing in normal speed. A doorbell, and enters Monobear as Kotori opens the door.
The card's lucky to be so sturdy.
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Meira grits her teeth, and her free hand clenches into a tight fist. She could feel tears forming around her eyes, and tries to blink them away, only succeeding in making them fall.
Falling to her knees, she starts crying silently, her hands covering her face.
As frail and vulnerable as she looks right now, she's also currently something incredibly dangerous to approach. She mutters something softly, her voice trembling behind her hands.
"I'm going to beat him up," she says softly. "Beat him up so much he'd wish I'd just kill him."
Maybe she should kill him, but Meira pushes that thought away, as she's always done.
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shslsukeban-blog · 12 years
A cheerful girl. Without any expression of being threatened, and an unusually perfectly innocent smile and perfectly proper manners. She left off her title, and Meira only finds it more suspicious.
There's... something about her. Meira can't quite explain it, but she's always trusted her gut feelings (probably why boys find their lives endangered around her).
Like with the freaky girl from earlier, Meira immediately decides that she doesn't like this pink-haired girl.
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"I don't like you," Meira tells her explicitly, not thinking to be subtle about it, keeping the knife pointed at the newcomer, ignoring everything she said. "Maybe I should beat you up."
the comforts of a knife
Nobara, like many others she figured, felt that the best thing to do would to have some form of weapon on her. Though not for self defense. The funny thing was that pinkette was sure she had a pocket knife on her before she came here! Nobara took extra precautions and carried a pocket knife with her everywhere, though she preferred axes or sharp knives. Well, beggars can’t be choosers!
She was surprised when she found someone in the kitchen before her. The girl’s tone was full of authority, like she owned the place. Nobara immediately decided she didn’t like her, and that she would be one of the first to go.
Putting on the innocent act, she smiled.
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“Nobara Andou,” she dipped her head in greeting. “You can call me Nobara though. Nice to meet you Makigami-san.” Nobara purposefully left off her SHSL. “What are you doing here Makigami-san? Are you hungry already? Though I don’t know how long we’ve been out, so I guess you’re right in eating already!”
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shslsukeban-blog · 12 years
Meira swings the knife down.
"No! I didn't give you permission to call me by my given name! Who do you think you are!?" she says threateningly.
She blinks several times after a moment, looking away, scratching her cheek, an embarrassed look on her face. "I'll give you the permission now, but frankly, boys scare me."
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How is that even related, though?
Don't ask that. Don't.
She points her knife at him again. "Yes, I still find boys as small as you scary. I hope that isn't a problem."
Hands on her hips, and looking away again. "Sorry. Boys scare me."
You might have heard that before, but don't question it.
"Don't look so scared, I'm not going to kill you." She scoffs, and turns away to check out the storage.
the comforts of a knife
Of course, if Kazue were to spend more time on the island, he must get himself used to what was around. He wasn’t planning on living here forever… No one was, but there was nothing wrong with familiarizing with the things around him. His journey brought him to the place’s inn. Well, this was the place he was probably going to spend a lot of time at, so why not check each room out while he was at it? 
He opened the door of what looked like… the kitchen. His eyes caught the sight of another person, though that wasn’t too big of a surprise for him. Kazue was about to call out to the long haired person he spotted but the female seemed to have acted faster. At first he gave no particular reaction at her introduction but the knife… “—!!” He let out what could be described as a soundless shriek… terrified by the weapon in front of him. The drained color on his face though, was probably more than enough of an indicator showing of how frightened he was.
“D-don’t go pointing dangerous things at people!” Panicking, he waved his hands around in the air as an attempt to defend himself. “I’m Oonishi Kazue, Super High School Level Sculptor. P-please spare me, M-Meira-san! If you’re okay with me calling you that…”
The words ‘scary’, ‘dangerous’, and perhaps ‘avoid in the future’ were the things that came to the boy’s mind as the first impressions of her. ‘Not to mention, her title…’
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shslsukeban-blog · 12 years
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A boy... shouldn't be this nice. It's messing with her head. Because of her reputation, the boys who had ever bothered communicating with her were always ones looking to get beat up. That, or they were always too scared to even be able to talk straight with her (Meira shared the feeling).
Meira sighs, almost wishing she had brought a knife with her.
” If it’s okay with you, can I turn my head so you can see the side of it? I promise I won’t look at your direction. We’ll take it slow yeah? If it’s too soon for that just say so. I’ll walk backwards with you if necessary! I have actually quite good balance ya know! ”  
Meira nods sheepishly.
"L... let's go to the inn," she successfully mutters after a few moments of silence, hoping the boy hears her.
Maybe she should go to her own cottage first, but before anything else, she wants a knife by her side, even though she's fully aware that such a habit is something she has to break soon.
pleasantly calm
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Alright! She’s slowly getting more confidence into talking with him. Still having his back to her, he jabs out his right arm to the right with a thumb up.  ” Yes! We’ll both do and can it! “ It wasn’t like he knew exactly what she wanted to say, but for now she just needed the confident boost. He gave her yet another promise, but this time not even knowing what it was. Whatever it was he probably would’ve accepted it anyway. He could hear how the tree was breaking again, guess she was having another nervous fit. It’s something yeah, not scary, no no. Eccentric, yeah that’s it. She’s being very eccentric with her nervous behavior.  ” Take your time, yeah? The weather is nice today don’ya think, Meira-san? Right now I don’t think we’re in a rush to do anything. We’ll find you somewhere to cook later ya hear? If we are to live here for a longer time according to that teddy bear, I am sure there’s something that makes this island habitable. “ Since his eyes could not focus on the girl, they were looking around the beach. The other students were socializing with each other, out of the lot, Baku probably got one of the hardest one to befriend. But he was stubborn when it came to help people. His reasons non-existent other than it makes him happy and he was adamant about that one thing. He slowly crossed his arms, his face was getting a more serious, determined look on it. He felt already the responsibility he’d have to take to help everyone here. Each individual a unique person with a different attitude, personality and way to things. ” If it’s okay with you, can I turn my head so you can see the side of it? I promise I won’t look at your direction. We’ll take it slow yeah? If it’s too soon for that just say so. I’ll walk backwards with you if necessary! I have actually quite good balance ya know! ”
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shslsukeban-blog · 12 years
"Something blunt?" Meira echoes from underneath the cupboards. "Do you want a ladle? It can hurt if used right."
Her head rises into sight.
"You know, if you overthink like that, you'll never get anywhere," she says, still avoiding putting the lawyer in her line of sight. "This may seem surprising from someone you think of as a delinquent with a knife, but I've gotten in a lot of fights for two years and I've never killed anyone."
Stirring some things on the frying pan.
"The weapon makes no difference; it's the thought that counts. You can kill someone just as easily with a ladle as you could with a knife if you really wanted to, but I never have, and that's because I don't want to."
She points the knife at him again, and then remembers the fact that he's a boy, immediately looking back to her cooking. "I know my logic is terribly flawed, but that's what I believe."
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“So uh, Ms. Meira if you don’t mind me asking why exactly do men scare you? You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want too, I just find it kind of strange seeing as how you could easily beat down any guy if he tried messing with you.”
She stabs the knife down. "IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS--" and immediately regrets yelling, putting a hand over her mouth.
She blushes in embarrassment and keeps her eyes on her cooking. "S-sorry, I'd rather not talk about it."
"...seeing as how you could easily beat down any guy if he tried messing with you.”
... That's exactly what she's been doing, but Meira chooses not to say that. It just so happens that she has a knife presently, and the lawyer should consider himself fortunate.
the comforts of a knife
“I figured as much, I also doubt I’d be able to stop someone from killing me with just my bare hands if they came at me with a knife. Fighting isn’t exactly something I’ve ever been good at.” he muttered, the one thing Sato regretted was not taking self defense classes when he was younger, they sure would of come in handy, especially now considering the circumstances.  “Maybe something blunt, a knife would be to dangerous. After all I could accidently kill the person trying to kill me and I’m pretty sure that would still count as murder.” Sato sat down on a chair near the door and began writing down in his notebook, something he hadn’t done since waking up on this island. Maybe he’d keep notes on some of the others, it might help him figure out who was trustworthy and who wasn’t if he had notes to work off of. “So uh, Ms. Meira if you don’t mind me asking why exactly do men scare you? You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want too, I just find it kind of strange seeing as how you could easily beat down any guy if he tried messing with you.”
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shslsukeban-blog · 12 years
Meira smiles at the girl. She seems sweet and elegant, unlike that psycho from earlier. Her eyes twitch at the thought of the freaky girl, so she shakes her head.
Meira happens to be in a good mood after finding a knife, and she won't let the thought of such a poisonous person ruin it.
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"Say, Saginomiya-san, you look hungry. Do you want me to make you anything?" she offers, waving the knife around. "Think of it as a treat for being the first likable person I've met around here."
That one boy might count, but well... he's a boy. Meira still can't get over that, no matter how much of a nice guy he was. Meira blinks, and looks away, blushing at the thought of him.
She shakes her head and looks back to the miko, smiling proudly, hands on her hips. "And don't be shy! I can make anything you ask for."
There's a surprisingly lot of good ingredients in the storage, and Meira wants to utilize them in many ways.
the comforts of a knife
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shslsukeban-blog · 12 years
As she rummages through the kitchen, Noboru Sato continues talking.
Someone, sooner or later, is going to take the bear seriously, Meira's sure. Trying hard not to be biased in her judgment by thinking that it would probably be a boy. After all, there also was that freaky girl from earlier.
She does hope that she's wrong, though.
Something to defend yourself with? "You know, you can defend yourself with pretty much anything you can hold in your hand. If you're good enough, you wouldn't even need anything but your hands," Meira advises him from beneath one of the cupboards. "Might not be something you want to hear from someone used to fighting, though."
She nods, content that everything she needed for cooking is there, and heads towards the storage room as she keeps listening to the boy--avoiding having to look at him and mentally telling herself that the person talking is a girl.
She turns on the stove, lays the frying pan on it.
Of course, she keeps the knife in her hand.
There's plenty of food in here--she could probably make anything she wants with any of these.
“…Oh right, my super high school level title is lawyer. Also Ms. Meira do you remember how exactly you ended up on this island?”
Emerging from the storage with some ingredients, Meira kicks the door close.
"I don't think anyone does," she replies nonchalantly, putting down the ingredients and pouring down some oil in the heated pan. "I certainly don't."
Starts chopping, and puts a piece of the fresh radish in her mouth with a pair of chopsticks.
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"This is surprisingly high quality," she comments offhandedly, too engrossed in her cooking to even care for their grim situation.
the comforts of a knife
Sato let out a sigh of relief, for a second there he thought she was actually going to beat him up. Of course that’s until she said boys scared her. “Sorry, I’m still a bit jumpy after that bears little announcement. I’m not sure who’s actually going to take this seriously and I came here looking for something to defend myself with just in case.” Sato said as he took a look around the room. Of course after this run in maybe a knife wasn’t such a great idea, it’d be to easy to accidently kill someone if they attacked him. “…Oh right, my super high school level title is lawyer. Also Ms. Meira do you remember how exactly you ended up on this island?”
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shslsukeban-blog · 12 years
"Ara, don't be silly. I won't kill you," Meira promises, waving her knife. She keeps at this for a few moments before suddenly stabbing it down.
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"I'm not smart enough to get away with it," she says, eying the newcomer, "and it'll be much less of a bother to beat you half to death. From what I've read, the rules don't say anything about that."
Meira takes a moment to review what she just said, and pulls up the knife again, touching her cheek with the blunt side, looking away. Evidently, Noboru Sato isn't taking too kindly to her greeting.
Well, not that she could blame him. She already has an unhelpful reputation as a delinquent, and the knife in her hand isn't helping her image, much less when being pointed at someone. Even if it's within the kitchen.
She blushes and looks away. "I'm sorry. Boys scare me," she confesses, putting the knife out of sight.
Why was she here again?
Ah. She was going to check out the kitchen. Meira moves to do exactly that. Maybe she could even whip something up. She's getting hungry.
the comforts of a knife
“Ms. if you stab me now I’ll make sure to get my blood all over you so you won’t be able to get away with my murder, I’m sure that’d be unpleasant for both of us as well so please don’t.” Noboru tried his best to keep his poker face still going but deep down inside he was ABSOLUTELY terrified. He’d come looking to find something he could defend himself with, not a meeting with a chick that could easily kill him even without a knife, what rotten luck. “Noboru Sato, I’d like to say it’s nice to meet you but, well… knives aren’t exactly a nice thing to get greeted with.”
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