Alec: When I first met you, I did not like you.
Clary: I'm aware of that.
Alec: But then you and I spent some time together.
Clary: Uh huh?
Alec: It didn't get better.
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Clary: [watching the news] Some idiot tried to fight a duck at the park today.
Jace [covered in bites and feathers]: Maybe the duck was being a dick.
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Izzy: In your opinion, what’s the height of stupidity?
Maia [looking Jace straight in the eye]: 5'11".
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Simon: Are you ever scared of anything?
Jace: Yeah, dying alone. That’s why I brought you here.
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Jace: How come Simon still doesn't understand that I like him?
Maia: All you do is stare at him like a creep, and when you’re actually talking to each other, you’re mean to him.
Jace: I'm not mean. That's me flirting.
Maia: Oh boy.
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Jace: Alec, I just realized I had a bad childhood.
Alec: Yeah, I know.
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Clary: Izzy's going to introduce me to her mom as her girlfriend. I know everything about Maryse, therefore I know exactly the type of person I need to be in order for her to think I'm good enough for Izzy.
Simon: Clary, you'll be fine. Just be yourself.
Clary: Be myself? Simon, I have one day to win over Izzy's mom. How long did it take before you guys started liking me?
Magnus: Couple weeks.
Maia: Six months.
Alec: Jury's still out.
Clary: See, Simon? "Be myself?" What kind of garbage advice is that?
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Alec: I lost Clary!
Jace: How did you lose Clary?!
Alec: Give me a break. She's like two inches tall.
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Clary: So, are you excited to play your first solo gig tonight?
Simon: Clary. You just found out you're a Shadowhunter, and you have to hunt demons. A little perspective.
Raphael: He took his name off the list.
Simon [to Raphael]: I'm breaking up with you.
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Luke: This is just one small corner of the world. There's a lot more out there to see, and I'd like you to see it.
Maia [scoffs]: I don't much like the corners that I've already seen.
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Clary: You wouldn't think it's weird that I'm trying to contact my dead mother?
Simon: Honestly, after everything we've experienced, it'd be weird if you weren't.
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Simon: It's weird how british people say 'lift' instead of 'elevator.'
Izzy: And how my mom says "you're a disappointment" instead of "I love you."
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Simon: What would you do if you won the lottery?
Jace: I'd probably buy a big piece of land in Maine, build a house, work in town. Somewhere I could bike to or kayak to. And I'd either bike to my job at the kayak shop or kayak to my job at the bike shop.
Clary: And then on the weekends, would you hackysack back to reality and spend time with your wife and kids?
Jace: Whoa, saucy. I thought you liked Maine.
Clary: I think we should get a townhouse in Soho.
Magnus: Soho's mostly lofts, but okay.
Clary: And then, every morning, I'd walk out onto my terrace, and I would breathe in the inspiration of the city. You know, and just gather ideas for my painting.
Alec [rolling his eyes]: Oh, God.
Clary: And then my handsome husband--
Jace: Which, ideally, would be me.
Clary: --would bring me a flavored coffee.
Jace: Stop. I'm a barista in your fantasy?
Clary: Well, in your fantasy, we're Stephen King characters.
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Izzy: Just act mature.
Jace: Okay.
Clary: So, what do you do for fun?
Jace: Taxes.
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Alec: The eagles won last night.
Izzy: You watched the game?
Jace: *walks in covered in blood and scratches*
Alec: What game?
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Magnus: Cat told me Madzie said a bad word in class.
Alec: Where the fuck did she learn that?
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Alec: I wasn't sure what kind of chocolates you liked so I got them all
Magnus: Alexander... There are like 300 boxes here...
Alec: I panicked, okay!! Valentines can be very stressful!!
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