shuastars · 7 days
under the same stars
songs : night changes by one direction, photograph by ed sheeran
in the bustling corridors of the high school, jeonghan was often overlooked. to most, he was just the quiet, bespectacled boy who spent more time in the library than on the sports field. his mop of dark hair often fell over his eyes, and his oversized sweaters gave him an unassuming presence. yet, there was an undeniable charm in his intelligence and the way he meticulously organized his notebooks, filled with intricate diagrams and neat handwriting.
you, on the other hand, were known for your vibrant energy and your knack for bringing people together. as the captain of the debate team and the editor of the school newspaper, you were always at the heart of the action. your paths rarely crossed until one fateful aternoon.
it was a particularly busy day in the library, with students cramming for the upcoming finals. you had come in search of a book in rhetorical strategies for your next debate, only to find it missing from its usual spot. frustrated, you approached the librarian, mrs kim, who pointed you toward the secluded corner where jeonghan sat, engrossed in the very book you needed.
taking a deep breath, you walked over to him. “excuse me, jeonghan, right ? i was wondering if i could borrow that book for a bit. it’s really important for my debate preparation.”
jeonghan looked up, his eyes widening slightly behind his glasses. he nodded and, without a word, handed you the book. as your fingers brushed against his, you couldn’t help but notice the warmth in his touch and the slight smile that tugged at the corner of his lips.
“thank you,” you said, a bit taken aback by his quiet kindness. “how about i buy you a coffee sometime to repay you ?”
jeonghan’s cheeks turned a light shade of pink, and he nodded again. “that’s sounds nice”, he replied softly.
from that moment, an unexpected friendship began to blossom. you found yourself seeking jeonghan’s company more and more, drawn to his quiet wisdom and gentle demeanor. he, in turn, seemed to enjoy your lively stories and infectious enthusiasm. the two of you made an unlikely pair — the vibrant social butterfly and the shy intellectual — but it worked.
one chilly autumn afternoon, you decided to take jeonghan up on your coffee offer. the two of you walked to a cozy café near the school, where you spent hours talking about everything from favourite books to future aspirations. jeonghan opened up in a way you had never seen before, his eyes lighting up as he talked about his love for astronomy and his dream of becoming an astrophysicist.
“why didn’t you ever join any clubs ?” you asked, sipping your hot chocolate.
jeonghan shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips. “i guess i never felt like i fit in. i’ve always been more comfortable with books than with people.”
you reached across the table and squeezed his hands. “well, for what it’s worth, i’m really glad we met. you’re one of the most interesting people i’ve ever known.”
jeonghan’s smile widened, and he squeezed your hand back. “i’m glad we met too.”
as the weeks went by, your bond grew stronger. you started studying together, and jeonghan even helped you with your debate research, his analytical mind proving invaluable. in return, you coaxed him out of his shell, inviting him to join group activities and introducing him to your friends. slowly but surely, jeonghan became a more prominent presence in the school’s social scene, though he still preferred the quiet sanctuary of the library.
one evening, as you were working on a particularly challenging debate case in the library, jeonghan leaned over and whispered, “do you want to see something amazing ?”
curious, you nodded. he led you up to the school’s rooftop, where he had set up his telescope. the night sky was clear, and the stars shone brightly above. jeonghan adjusted the telescope and motioned for you to look.
you gasped as you saw saturn, its rings clearly visible through the lens. “this is incredible, jeonghan,” you whispered.
he smiled, his eyes reflecting the starlight. “i thought you might like it. i come up here often to stargaze. it’s my way of escaping.”
you looked at him, a newfound admiration in your eyes. “thank you for sharing this with me.”
jeonghan turned to you, his expression serious. “thank you for seeing me for who i am, not just the nerdy guy in the library.”
moved by his words, you took his hand. “you’re so much more than that, jeonghan. you’re brilliant, kind, and amazing. i’m lucky to have you as a friend.”
as the months passed, your relationship deepened. you found yourself looking forward to your late-night study sessions and stargazing adventures. jeonghan, once the quiet, overlooked student, became a central figure in your life. you supported each other through the stresses of senior year, and when it came time to apply for colleges, you cheered each other on.
one evening, as you sat on the rooftop, watching the stars, jeonghan turned to you, his eyes full of determination. “i’ve decided to apply to MIT. it’s my dream school, and i want to study astrophysics.”
you beamed at him. “that’s amazing, jeonghan ! i know you’ll get in.”
he looked at you, his expression softening. “what about you ? what’s your dream ?”
you took a deep breath. “i want to study journalism at Columbia. it’s always been my passion, and i want to make a difference with my writing.”
jeonghan nodded, his eyes shining with pride. “i know you’ll do great things.”
as graduation approached, you both received your acceptance letters. jeonghan was going to MIT, and you were headed to Columbia. the realization that you would be miles apart was bittersweet, but you promised to keep in touch and visit each other whenever you could.
on your last night together before leaving for college, you sat on the rooftop, reminiscing about the past year. jeonghan took your hand, his eyes reflecting the stars. “no matter where we go, or how far apart we are, you’ll always be my best friend.”
you squeezed his hand, your heart swelling with emotion. “and you’ll always be mine.”
as you looked up at the sky, you knew that your bond with jeonghan was something special, something that would withstand the test of time and distance. and as you embarked on your new adventures, you carried with you the memories of a friendship that had changed your life forever.
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shuastars · 13 days
dances in the rain
song : lover by taylor swift, kiss me by sixpence none the richer, perfect by ed sheeran
the rain began to fall just as you were leaving the small, independent bookstore downtown. you had hoped to beat the weather, but the dark clouds had other plans. pulling up the hood of your jacket, you clutched your newly purchased book tightly and hurried down the street, searching for shelter.
as you approached a nearby café, you noticed a figure standing under the awning, seemingly unfazed by the downpour. he was tall and slender, with an effortless style that caught your eye even through the rain. the man had an umbrella, but instead of using it, he held it out towards you, a kind smile on his lips.
"do you need some cover ?" he asked, his voice gentle and warm.
you hesitated for a moment before nodding. "thank you. i didn't expect it to rain this hard."
he laughed softly, the sound soothing despite the chaotic weather. "spring showers can be unpredictable. i'm minghao, by the way."
"yn," you replied, accepting his offer. as you stepped under the umbrella, you noticed the soft fragrance of his cologne and the slight hint of rain on his clothes. the two of you walked side by side, heading towards the café entrance.
inside, the café was a cozy haven from the storm. the warm lighting and the scent of freshly brewed coffee created an inviting atmosphere. minghao gestured to an empty table by the window, and you both sat down, grateful to be out of the rain.
"can i get you something to drink ?" he offered, glancing towards the counter.
"a hot chocolate would be nice," you replied, feeling a bit shy.
minghao returned shortly with your hot chocolate and his own coffee. the steam rising from the cups provided a comforting warmth. "so, yn, what book did you get ?" he asked, his curiosity genuine.
you showed him the cover of the novel you had just bought, and his eyes lit up. "i've heard great things about that one. do you enjoy reading often ?"
you nodded, surprised and pleased by his interest. "yes, i love getting lost in a good book. it's my favourite way to escape reality for a bit."
minghao smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "i know what you mean. i feel the same way about dancing. it's like a different world where i can express myself without words."
for the next hour, you and minghao exchanged stories and passions, discovering a shared love for art and creativity. his dedication to dance and his thoughtful insights on life fascinated you, and you found yourself opening up more than you usually did with strangers.
as the rain continued to pour outside, the conversation flowed effortlessly between you. the café buzzed with quiet conversations and the clinking of cups, creating a backdrop to your deepening connection. minghao's presence was calming, and his genuine interest in your thoughts made you feel seen and appreciated.
"i have an idea," minghao said suddenly, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "how about we go for a walk in the rain ?"
you glanced outside, where the rain still fell steadily. "are you serious ?"
he nodded, standing up and extending his hand. "sometimes, the best moments happen when you step out of your comfort zone. plus, i promise it'll be fun."
his enthusiasm was contagious, and you found yourself agreeing. you both stepped outside, and minghao opened the umbrella, but instead of using it to cover both of you, he spun it playfully, creating a mini waterfall around you.
laughing, you joined in, twirling and splashing through puddles. minghao's laughter mixed with yours, the sound like music in the rain. he took your hand, spinning you around, and for a moment, it felt like you were dancing in your own world.
as the rain began to lighten, you both found yourselves standing in the middle of an empty street, drenched but happy. minghao looked at you, his eyes filled with warmth. "this has been the most fun i've had in a while," he admitted.
"me too," you replied, feeling a strange yet wonderful connection with him.
minghao took a step closer, his hand still holding yours. "yn, would you like to do this again sometime ? maybe without the rain ?"
your heart skipped a beat, and you smiled, nodding. "i'd love that, minghao."
the rain finally stopped, but the magic of the moment lingered. under the clearing sky, you and minghao walked back to the café, hand in hand, knowing that this was just the beginning of something beautiful.
from that rainy afternoon, you and minghao continued to meet, sharing more adventures and deepening your bond. each encounter brought you closer, and with every step, you discovered more about each other and the beautiful dance of life you were creating together.
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shuastars · 3 months
song : chemical by post malone, cruel summer by taylor swift
warnings : smoking
it's december 31st, so you were invited to a new year's party. you're not a fan of parties with your shy nature but your best friend really wanted you to be here to celebrate the new year with her.
so here you are, preparing for this party which, for you, is going to be catastrophic. because your best friend + alcohol = never ends well. but with her, you were always having fun. speaking of her, she arrives behind you with her silver dress and her red hair, normally smooth, was curly.
"so, what do you think of the final look ?" yunjin asks, taking a little turn on herself. "you look absolutely gorgeous, girl" i said, with a smile. "thank you, my little pookie. you look stunning by the way." she answers with a wink. i turned around to look at myself one last time in the mirror then turn around to yunjin.
"are you ready to go ?" she grabs my arm and pulls me towards the entrance of our apartment "always, pookie".
we got into her car and went to sakura's house, the one that had organized the party and a friend of mine. during the journey, yunjin did not stop singing taylor swift. she is the biggest swiftie i know.
twenty minutes later, we were in front of sakura's house, knocking at her door. she comes to open us a few seconds later. when she sees us, she smiles and pushes us inside so that we can go have fun.
the house was full of people, some already drunk. it was very hot inside, it made me want to go back outside. yunjin yelled at me that she was going to dance but when i take a look at the dance floor, there is no sign of her.
suddenly, i feel a hand resting on my shoulder. i turn around and i see seungkwan, a guy from my history vlass with whom i get along well.
"hi seungkwan, how are you ?" "good, and you ?" seungkwan answers with a thumbs up. "i'm okay. have you seen yunjin ?" he shakes his head. "shit. i knew she was going to do some shit."
seungkwan sits next to you "maybe she is outside. go take a look."
so that's what you do. when you go outside, you find the fresh air again and you take a big breath of air. but as you looking left and right, you still don't see her. you then decide to go to the front of the house. but instead of seeing your best friend, you see the guy you've had a crush on since the beginning of the year, vernon.
he's seungkwan's best friend you've already met several times and talked to him. just by seeing him, your heart starts to beat faster. you think you're down bad for him.
he is smoking weed, probably and drinking coke. he must have felt your presence because he turns towards you and when he sees you, he smiles softly. your heart beats faster when you his beautiful smile.
"hi yn. do you want to watch the fireworks with me ? it's going to start soon." you look at your watch. ten minutes before the new year. so you sat down next to him. "you want some ?" while he hands you his joint. "no, thanks." he shrugs and throw it on the floor.
"what are you doing here ?" he asks, looking at you intensely, waiting for your answer. you tore your gaze from the stars and look at him. "i was searching for yunjin." his eyes widen. "oh, i saw her with a guy when i was inside. she was going upstairs." "oh my god, i knew she was going to do that. this bitch." you roll your eyes which earns a laugh from vernon.
"i thought you didn't want to come." "yunjin forced me to come beacuse she wanted to celebrate the new year with me." "i see." vernon answers.
there's a huge scream inside. "five minutes, everyone !" you hear everyone cheering.
"seungkwan is inside if you want." "to what ?" you look at him. "to celebrate with him the new year." vernon turns to you with a serious look on his face. "but i want to celebrate it with you." you look at him, surprised by his words.
"two minutes !"
"what do you mean by that ?" vernon is getting closer to you and takes your hands in his. "you know exactly what i mean, yn." "i need you to be more precise, vernon."
"one minute !"
"i love you yn. shit, i'm so in love with you, you might get scared." vernon answers with a soft look and sparkling eyes. your eyes are widening as you take in his answer. after a lot of seconds, you manage to articulate a what breathless.
vernon smiles sweetly as he caresses your hand softly.
"you heard me, yn." he tells you
you're regaining your mind as you think at the next move you're going to do.
you lean in and vernon too.
your lips met as everyone is screaming "happy new year !" to each other. all you can think about is vernon kissing you so gently and holding you so softly like you are made out of glass.
after ten seconds, you break apart and you look at vernon with heart in your eyes.
"stop looking at me like that, i might kiss you again." "i wouldn't mind honestly." vernon hits you gently while laughing.
"anyways, happy new year yn." "happy new year vernon."
my masterlist
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shuastars · 3 months
help me
warnings : reader's family being assholes, violence against reader, jeonghan is kinda whipped for reader :)
you went home, tired but already knowing what's going to happen. after closing the door behind you, you raise your head to see your parents looking at you with a mixture of anger and disgust.
"we received your school report today," said your mother after a heavy silence. "always second after this boy to what i see" adds your father.
your mother comes towards you and gives you a huge slap that you fall from it. then she grabs your hair so you can look at her.
"you didn't quite understand the message of the last time. i want you to surpass him at all cost, even if your health is at sake, did i make myself clear ?" you nodded so as not to annoy her even more. she then dropped your head suddenly.
"get out before i hit you even harder." you didn't need to be told twice. so you ran out of the house.
your steps took you to the park in your city, which was thirty minutes away from your home. you sat on a bench, touching your cheek, still red from the trace of your mother's hand. you started crying thinking about all the things your parents made you live.
"yn, what are you doing here at this hour ?" a familiar voice spoke. it was the voice of your lifelong rival, the number one in your school. but even, if he was you rival, you were still in love with him.
yoon jeonghan.
you raised your head to look at him. he had a smirk on his handsome face and his voice contained irony and amusement as he was speaking to you.
but the moment he saw your tearful face and your big red trace on the cheek, his smile faded and he looks concerned.
"who did this to you ?"
"it's none of your fucking business, jeonghan." he sighs and crouchs down to be at your height.
"i'm serious, yn. who did this to you ?" you look at him with tearful eyes. "my parents". he sighs again and get up. you looked up at him as he holds out a hand to you.
"come with me." you looked a little lost. he takes your hand and looks at you with such a sweet look and caresses your hand softly. "don't worry, we're just gonna buy ice cream."
while you're walking around, you wonder why he didn't make fun of you. he remains your rival. you stop in the middle of the street which makes jeonghan turn and he looks at you softly and lovingly like you hung the stars.
"why didn't you run away when you saw me ?" "because you weren't okay." he answers. "and if i told you i'm in love with you, would you run away ?"
he looks at you a bit surprised but regained composure as he was walking towards you. when he arrived at your level, he smiles softly and leans in to kiss your lips gently. "never" says jeonghan as he pulled away from you.
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shuastars · 4 months
midnight rain
song : midnight rain by taylor swift
it was 2:00am and you were in your bed listening to some music as your parents were yelling in your living room for the nth time today. you didn't count anymore. you wanted to get out of this living hell asap but you couldn't. you were trapped in this home with no issues.
you heard your phone ringing. it was your boyfriend, seokmin. you placed your phone on your desk so he could see you.
"hi sunshine, how are you today ?" he tells with a sweet smile on his face. the one reserved for you and only you.
"i'm good, and you, minnie ?" "i'm better now that i see you". you chuckles at his comment. he was really the ray of sunshine in your dark life.
at this moment, there's a big boom in your house that makes you flinch a little. you sigh, tired of the mess your life is.
"babe...i'm at your window. so get down and get on the car with me". you nod and end the call with seokmin.
you climbed your window and fall to the ground, without a noise. after your fall, you raise your head to see seokmin, arms wide open and a huge smile on his beautiful face.
you run towards him and fall into his arms. he squeezes you so hard while telling you sweet words. "i missed you so much, princess" he says, his head in your neck. you stop the hug and he bends over to kiss you, to show you his love and passion for you.
"we can go wherever you want, sunshine. i will follow you everywhere you go". he was looking at you with sparkling eyes. you wanted to cry.
but you didn't have to cry because seokmin was by your side. always.
cause he was sunshine, i was midnight rain.
(it's my first imagine so please be indulgent :) )
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shuastars · 4 months
seventeen masterlist
fluff=f; angst=a; smut=s
help me [a];[f]
under the same stars [f]
midnight rain [f];[a]
dances in the rain [f]
chemical [f]
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