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Chicago Tribune 4.01.21
Chicago police murdered a 13 year old Monday. His name was Adam Toledo.
The police and other white supremacists are using the argument that because he was with someone who was armed/that he was armed that he deserved to be chased and killed. No child should be hunted down and executed for being drawn into a gang.
If you want to know how to prevent this, you should’ve been paying attention to BLM the past year. Black and brown communities need adequate funding: schools, jobs, housing, healthcare. Police divest from Black and brown communities. Gang violence is not preventable through policing, but it is preventable through community investment ensuring economic security.
Defunding the police (as a means to abolish) and guaranteeing a decent standard of living to all people is the only way to end the violence our current system produces.
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Just watched a video where a man three times the size of this Asian woman in her 60s completely beat her up on the street while screaming at her that she doesn't belong here in broad daylight right in front of a store with an open door where someone is visibly watching all this go down doing absolutely nothing until the man walks away and another employee from the store walks into view and straight up just closes the door on this woman who is literally like five feet in front of it writhing in pain on the ground after getting her face stomped on. I don't know how heartless you have to be to see an elderly woman get the shit beaten out of her and not only just stand there and watch but then the only action you take is to walk over and close the door in her face.
Absolutely disgusting. There is no excuse for behavior like that and I am ashamed to belong to the same species as people like this.
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no i dont want white people to post a yellow box on instagram and make me sign another change.org petition. i want them to stop making and defending weird, racist jokes against asians. i want them to stop treating us like we’re other. i want them to stop making fun of asian names. i want them to START defending asians when they see all of the above happening and NOT handpick which asians to defend against fucking racism.
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BLM open your mouth and acknowledge the fact many of the perpetrators of Anti-Asian violence have been Black men.
We’ve all seen the video of a elderly Asian lady violently attacked by a Black man, while two other Black men watch then close the door on her.
Admit you’ve protected and encouraged Anti-Asian rhetoric. I’ve seen dozens of posts mocking, condemning and targeting Asian people on Twitter by the same Black people crying out for support of BLM.
Speak UP against the Anti-Asian hate like others have spoken up for you. Work on your own racism.
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There are only a few times in my life, that I can recall, where my father wept. Truly cried. When our pets died, when our grandparents died (both sets), when my baby sister was in pain. He is an empathetic man, despite his troubled past, and a loving father. His friends say that he's a tough guy, hardened from playing football, but respectful. I, myself, agree with all of the above.
But it really hit me today just how much he truly cares.
My parents were watching the trial for Derek Chauvin today and they played the video of the... Murder. I couldn't watch it because I knew that the video would come up. The first time I saw it, I burst into tears. I don't think I could handle seeing it again. While I was sitting out in the backyard, my dad came out. His eyes were brimming with tears and his grip on his coffee cup was tight. I asked him what was wrong (at this point I didn't know what part of the trial was being shown).
Looking me dead in the eyes, he said, "Míja, I just watched a dying man plead for his life..."
I didn't need to know much more after that.
All of this breaks my heart. That poor man's family having to go through this trial. The fact that that officer, that disgusting human being, saw no problem with taking the life of an unarmed black man. It honestly baffles me how people can be so evil and cruel. Aren't we all people? Living, breathing people with family, friends, dreams, and aspirations? Color of skin shouldn't matter, but unfortunately, it does. Especially in cases of police brutality.
How is it that people like Dylan Roof will get calmly arrested and fed burgers, while people like George Floyd, Sandra Bland, or Breonna Taylor are executed without remorse? What kind of bass ackwards society are we living in? Why is systemic racism still strong? Why do people think this way?!
People like Derek Chauvin makes me lose faith in humanity. But those who show empathy and actually take the time to do something, restore that faith.
Sorry, rant over, carry on.
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i'm thoroughly convinced that i would feel a millionth time sexier if i wore a dagger straped to my thigh all the time
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full thread
how to disarm Boston Dynamics drone dog
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also i said “some reedy guy with a mild italian accent” for a reboot!cosmo’s va but honestly the best guy for the job would probably be john mulaney
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watching this while fully knowing she lives in CHICAGO made me want to cry
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it’s the 21st day of the 21st year of the 21st century.
you can only reblog this today.
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i did not have “born in the wrong body” childhood transgender angst i had “blissfully unaware of the concept of gender until the world lucifer’d me and made me bite that fucking awareness apple and then suddenly everything was Wrong” angst
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please reblog if you can. I don’t have alot of followers on here but I could really use the help…
i need two root canals, 3 fillings, and at least one crown, plus 3 of my wisdom teeth are starting to impact. it’s getting really difficult to eat, and i haven’t been able to eat in a while without pain. i have insurance that will cover 80% of the cost for me, but I still have at least $2,000 worth of work to do after insurance.
if you have anything to spare in these hard times, please consider donating so that i can eat without being in constant pain. thank you if you read all this and please stay safe.
venmo @ivyberry
i also have a zelle and payoneer if anyone would prefer that.
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