shut-uprae-blog · 5 years
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shut-uprae-blog · 6 years
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The more you look at this picture, the more anxious it becomes.
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shut-uprae-blog · 6 years
where’s my ghibli moment?? Not the cute one, I mean the one where a wild girl tries to stab me in the neck and I dramatically mumble from the dirt ‘you’re beautiful’ up at her
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shut-uprae-blog · 6 years
in my expert opinion, baby dick grayson is an absolute angel w everyone EXCEPT bruce. like obvi kids act out to get attention, so its all one big ploy to have bruce take notice of him, not that either of them realise that, but bruce is always super exasperated. like “alfred, how do i get him to like me. how do i get him to just stop being a nightmare for 2 seconds” and alfies like “are we talking about the same kid? master richard who helps me put the dishes away at night? master richard who leaves me hand written notes telling me to have a good day?”
then he tries talking to clark and diana about it, like “surely youve seen the way he talks to me on the field. hes a demon” and they, too, are like “dont speak about him like that. hes an angel.” and no one EVER believes him
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shut-uprae-blog · 6 years
calling it now
the next big tumblr discourse is going to be that it’s problematic to make fun of anti vaxxers for some reason
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shut-uprae-blog · 6 years
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shut-uprae-blog · 6 years
The short involves Goofy doing domestic chores for his wife, which was an odd concept in the 1950′s. So based on the Milkman not knowing who he was kissing in this bit, it implies that Goofy’s wife was fucking the Milkman.
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shut-uprae-blog · 6 years
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shut-uprae-blog · 6 years
This Is Everything I Know: A 24-Hour Comic About Comics.
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Hey, all. This is a comic I started on 24 Hour Comic Day, but I only managed to complete 12 pages on that day. That makes it a technical failure, but I decided it was worth finishing regardless of that.
I sold copies at APE, but I didn’t anticipate the demand and ran out of them pretty quickly. So, I promised to re-post the mini on tumblr when i got home, and here it is.
Some further reading, if this kinda thing is up your alley.
Kevin Kelly’s original essay on 1000 True Fans. He also links to associated articles dealing with the theory, even one that disagrees with it. Interesting reading.
If you don’t know about Kickstarter and what its done for indie comics, get out from under that rock already. Lots of small press and micro publishers now pre-order ALL their projects on KS, myself included.
Patreon is the new kid on the block; not quite up to scratch as of yet, but full of possibilities. Search “comics” to find a number of creators using it to draw a page rate from their fanbase.
I hope someone finds this helpful. I may put a print-rez PDF up for sale, if any interest is expressed.
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shut-uprae-blog · 6 years
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“if I’ve ever received an artist’s free labor on a silver platter then I think that should be the default and anyone who wants compensation is gouging me”
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shut-uprae-blog · 6 years
fun fact nonbinary ppl with boobs, nonbinary ppl who like their boobs, and nonbinary ppl who want boobs are cool and valid and just as nonbinary as ppl w flat chests and deserve to have a good time all the time
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shut-uprae-blog · 6 years
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Friday The 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988)
Happy friday the 13th! Beware… Jason is here.
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shut-uprae-blog · 6 years
Did everyone just…. forget how to create, all of a sudden? Disney pumping out the fourth remake in a row? Movies are like 70% sequels? Stories in games being just bad if they exist at all? Haven’t had a book get hyped in like half a decade? Are we okay? What’s going on?
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shut-uprae-blog · 6 years
After your parents found out you are gay and kicked you out, the only place left for you to go was the magical forest. Write about your life.
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shut-uprae-blog · 6 years
the fact that literal kids, 12, 13, 14 year olds, are scared of getting put on cringe comps for making art they’re proud of is fucking disgusting. it’s not funny or anything, it’s just horrible. if you would genuinely bully a kid for making some undertale art with bright colors i don’t quite know how to say this but die
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shut-uprae-blog · 6 years
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how to draw arms ? ? 
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shut-uprae-blog · 6 years
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*Jim Carrey voice* Aaaaaallllllllrighty then. 
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