"Sorry, man. Blame Hybrid, alright?" He winces a bit, but tries to tone it back. "The guy -- or whatever he is, he's a jerk. Ruined it for everyone. Haven't done anything with 'New Mutants', yet. Had a few mutant students at the school for a while, though."
"Yeah, yeah," Nate grumbled. "I know better than to do that, okay? Geez, cut me a break. I’m with the New Mutants."
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"I don't just let anyone say they've been riding my ass. It's an honor, even as a suggestion. You're riding shotgun until we get in there, and then you're...rematerializing or whatever. And you're not going anywhere in my head other than what you need for this to work. Got it?"
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"My body will go into the aether in a state of dimensional grace. I liked it better when I said I’d be riding your ass, though."
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The teen remained rather rigid, despite his efforts to take deep soothing breaths. Relaxing wasn’t his strong point. “I’m Will. Uhm…Are you Brandon Sharpe?” Okay, it had to be asked. No amount of uncertainty would have kept that question out of his mouth.
This was the easy part. "Yeah," Brandon said with a sharp grin. "That'll be me." He turned towards the other, extending his hand out to the rest of the city. "Where we eat's up to you. Hungry for anything specific?" Maybe now the guy would relax a bit more, since he's not just a nameless guy off the street.
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Even with the warning, Brandon still recoiled a bit. "I don't have a good track record with telepaths, alright?" His hands go up, palms out, but he doesn't make to flee or attack. "That's appreciated. But the second there's a twinge of control or if I even feel funny, I'm out of here, alright?"
Nate scratched his head. “You can’t freak out, okay? I’m a telepath. But I’m not reading your thoughts, promise. I’m just getting, like, impressions about you. It’s like intuition but stronger and more accurate.”
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     [ Brandon still winced at the shot, the splatter, even after he'd been so fired up just a minute before. He doesn't turn completely away, doesn't look completely towards the ground. ]
     He deserved it. For what he did, he deserved it.
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(This kid is overzealous, that or he’s just as bloodthirsty. Frank pulls the trigger, splattering the brain matter against the wall; a quiet meep exits his lips and the final breath of air draws.)
I’m sure.
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    "Soooo..." His palms rub together as he tries to figure out what to say next. Obviously, he's interested in talking to Ares, but isn't about to try to push it. "You guys doing anything interesting, lately? Dimensional incursions, rising masterminds?"
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"That is very wise, Sharpe."
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In that case, you sure I can't get a shot in first?
Kidnap and rape.
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Keep moving.
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"That's something I don't hear enough." He can be smart. He can totally be smart. Not Jeanne smart, but still.
"I'm pretty important." Minor public figure. Third grade Avenger. "Or at least I think I am," he conceded with a nod to the side. "What'd you pick that up from?"
Nate snorted. “You’re smarter than most people that hear about them. My world’s not a good place. This one’s so much less dead.”
He looked Brandon up and down. “So who are you exactly? I sense you’re kind of important. Or you think you’re important. Can’t tell.”
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"Really not helping your case here. Besides, if you're swimming around in my head, where's your body going? Without the innuendo, this time."
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"I wouldn’t need to possess you to do that, Brandon. I’m much more powerful, now, than I was when I joined up with the Academy."
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"Sorry, but. No bells." Maybe intense frowning came with the whole, 'open jacket, bad boy' aesthetic. "Had my small share of parallel or future universes, and I do my best to steer clear."
"Different universe." Nate’s frown deepened. "The Age of Apocalypse is what people here call it when they hear about it. You know about that kind of stuff?"
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"You're selling me on this less and less. Do I get some kind of collateral? Assurance that you're not planning on reading me like a book and holding it over my head for free drinks?"
"I won’t take control, just sit in there and watch. Won’t even read your memories while inside. Promise."
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His hands go up, and he takes a step back. "Alright, where are you from? Different time, different planet, different-- whatever? Are there more coming?"
"What’s a press release?" Nate frowned.
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"To start,that was the actual worst way to phrase that. Moving on, did you just ask permission to possess me? Possess as in control my movements and all that? Some parasitic thing I could probably deal with for an hour or so, but this body's mine. Not a fan of letting my hands off the wheel."
"I was actually planning on riding your ass into the club."
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"I’d love to try a full body possession spell."
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"Tough to tell if that's an invitation or a cop out -- but I'll leave it be. As nice as you might look now, I'm not going to bet much on your patience."
"I have no stories I wish to share, at the moment. Perhaps when I am drunk."
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"You must've missed that press release." Still, he leaves it; no need to get ornery. "You want to deal with wind chill and get some sun, not up to me to stop you. You do you, and all that."
"I’m Nate Grey." The mutant scowled. "Why aren’t you going to tell me how much I should be cold or that nobody wants to see this or whatever? Everyone does.”
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"Right. Magic. Some of us get all the toys, others stick a fork in a power outlet. Just find me when you're inside, alright?"
"I’m magic, dude, I can get anywhere I want."
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