shxroba · 9 years
Artist: まち
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shxroba · 9 years
For august 15th, i drew Shiroba
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shxroba · 9 years
So back almost a month ago when I was typing everything up for Kouao-week, I found these little “ficlets” as a friend of mine and I like to call them (Short drabbles from one pov) for both the GE and the BE. Here’s the BE one, and the other will be posted on knightlyoath​
  Red. Red  is the only colour you can remember in this world of yours that’s slowly become black and white. Slowly feeling your mind slipping away from the depths of your sanity. Your mind is being slowly drained, slowly shattered by a single voice.  A voice you grew to worship as one of an angel. A voice that was just as calming as your own mother’s as she would speak her last dying words as her body was torn apart by the man whom wasn’t you.  But all you could see was red now. All you could hear was that same voice repeating itself over and over; like a broken record. It would never stop; the single thought was glued shut in your hazy mind. It assured you that everything would be alright; that there was nothing to fear any longer. That regardless of your past you’d always be forgiven with a single phrase.  Your karma soaked back leaked with blood. The one thing your taste buds seemed to taste now a days. Blood was the only taste that stained your lips, even when met with the contact of another’s. Your eyes no longer resembled those of your mother’s. Your hair withered away as it grew and grew to the single shade your eyes could ever see now. Red. Red  and white. Those were the only colours that seemed to fill your mind as it was slipping away. You could feel the chains weighing down your body, telling you to never leave. There was a man there. One whom you could even say you had recognized before; perhaps somewhere in a distant memory. His appearance aggravated you; how you hated how you thought you knew who this man was…but he was nothing like you expected. He would praise you with love, and you would only bite back.  The man never seemed to mind. He would be met with the uttermost pleasure, his voice chuckling as his words dripped and spilled from his lips, pricking away at your mind with each and every word that fell from his voice. His touch was cold, his actions were hungry. They were conveyed in the only things you knew now; Hunger and lust.  The man would greet you every day, the sound of light clicking down the long pristine hallway filling your ears. And as the sound of a creaking cell opened did you know the man was here. There were days where he’d present you with food. The scent and sight alone enough to make your salivate. It was never long though before the second thing you knew the most was always shown. He would settle himself on your person, cold touch crawling against your skin, giving you gentle loving caressed her and there. No time would be given at all for cold lips to be met to dirtied ones. He would take no time at all to begin intimacy himself, feeding off of your desire for lust. He did this every day, and your body never got tired of it. Perhaps your mind was slowly just getting used to it because it was apart of routine. Or perhaps it was because of how drained your mind was that you were degraded to nothing but a mindless beast; an animal. This is how your life seemed to be now.  Red  stained with white. How your eyes desired to see shades of blue, shades of beautiful azure that filled your mind with nostalgia. The deep, deep blue of a distant past that always seemed to ease your mind. Maybe that’s what could quell the beast deep inside of you.
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shxroba · 9 years
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if you didnt expect this from me idk what to say
they can think up a fun safeword
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shxroba · 9 years
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“Ahh, I’m sorry, Koujaku.” He apologize, each word dripping from his lips the pure truth. Honestly, he hated everything as well; how they had to keep acting like Koujaku was some sort of beast around everyone but themselves. How whenever Toue’s android’s came in, or if anyone was around...they’d have to act like nothing happened. Feeling as his head nudged at his shoulder did his pale hands extend, bringing his forehead up to press a small kiss to it--a small nip afterwards. Once pulling himself away did the snowy haired male undo the crimson blanket that held the bento before opening it. Inside was an array of meats--Koujaku’s diet always consisting of protein. “Mmm, I brought chopsticks to.” Reaching into the box did he take out a pair of red and gold chopsticks, holding them properly in his hands. “Do you want me to feed you again, or do you want to try this time?” Though at this rate Koujaku was better off scarfing down the bento.
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There’ a quiet sort of rumbling at the back of the beast’s throat, hunched over as he awaited the arrival of his keeper. Always perfectly on time, save for a few exceptions, the sound of the other’s voice echoed into the cell, and he waited with less patience for his arrival. Especially at the thought that perhaps the albino had brought him a treat– he had been absolutely starving, but he understood the difficulty there was in obtaining the meals they would share.
As Shiroba revealed that he had in fact brought a treat, he squirmed the slightest until his cuffs were removed. The first thing he did was rub at his wrists, still less than satisfied with the living arrangements, but he made do. Then, he reached for the bento a bit hastily, at least until his hands were on it, then looking at Shiroba with the best puppy face imaginable.
“Please? It’s been at least a week or more since the last meal… I’ll have to become some sort of cannibal at this rate, Shiroba…” Nudging at the albino’s shoulder with his head, whining the slightest. Pretending to still be a complete monster was tiring and he was stupidly hungry, more than willing to beg for food at this point, especially good food.
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shxroba · 9 years
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“Kouuuujakkuuu~” his voice sung merrily as his boots clacked down the pristine hallway, bouncing off the walls; most likely reaching the ears of each prisoner inside(but it’s not like they wern’t use to their glorious love making sounds anyway.) Like every day did his heart pound as he traveled down to the basement, unlocking the cell door as he slid in. Icy hues lifted to the beast, delighted to see him. From his robes did he present a nicely wrapped bento box that he prepared just for the two of them when the kitchen was bare. Oh how he loved to see those crimson hues light up, catching sight of him letting out pools of saliva. Approaching him did the pale demi god settle close to him, placing the box down and reaching to unlock the cuffs that kept Koujaku’s hands restrained. “I brought you another meal today~ You must be starving. Fufufu.”
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shxroba · 9 years
[6:07:58 PM] 今剣 || JєƖƖу: That Croco post you reblogged
[6:08:06 PM] 今剣 || JєƖƖу: P sure that's canon in our verse 8)
[6:08:15 PM] 今剣 || JєƖƖу: Since Noiz can feel
[6:08:42 PM] 今剣 || JєƖƖу: If Shrobs feels like it he can throw Noiz into his cage as punishment or out of boredom
[6:08:49 PM] kanoozle ( imbruedinblossoms ): screams
[6:09:43 PM] 今剣 || JєƖƖу: SCRAP, or throwing someone in Koujaku's cage is his sollution to everything
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shxroba · 9 years
Everyone welcome bravadoes to the world of Koujaku’s BE
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shxroba · 9 years
му      мαѕк      ιѕ
                                αre    yoυ    reαdy    тo    ѕee    нow
                                                                                                       I    αм?
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shxroba · 9 years
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shxroba · 9 years
Oh gonna feed me to your pet huh? Oh I'm so scared. Doesn't change my opinion. You are a forever bottom no matter how much you try. Like do you even know how to?
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“Just because I love a monstrous cock up my ass dosen’t mean I’m forever a bottom. Fufu, such a nai~ve droid you are. I am quite more feistier than Reason ever was.”
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shxroba · 9 years
You should kill Toe
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“Which toe?”
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shxroba · 9 years
I don't think you top. There's noooo way. Not a little wuss like you
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“You wanna say that again? I could very well feed you to Koujaku if you continue to insist something like that. Fufu.”
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shxroba · 9 years
Do you ever top?
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shxroba · 9 years
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shxroba · 9 years
Morning sex with soft touches under the sheets and slow, hot kisses peppering jaw lines and lazy thrusts covered by whispered “I love you“‘s and small gasps
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shxroba · 9 years
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People who say they haven’t read Re:Code are honestly missing out on so much
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