shy-prompts · 2 years
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requested by: anonymous
Feel free to use and reblog!
a bouquet of their favourite flowers
surprise date night
"But I thought you never liked valentine's day?" "Surprise!"
having sleepless nights because they can't think of the perfect gift
getting asked out via a smudgy scribble on a coffee cup
cooking an intricate dinner for their loved one
slow-dancing in the living room
"I like when you're being so soft."
doing all things romance, so they don't have to do it the rest of the year
decorating the bedroom extra special
going on a first date and not realising it's valentine's day
going on a platonic date and being mistaken for a couple
"That's really all I need. Some time with just you."
writing a heartfelt letter
forcing their s/o to watch a soppy movie
going on a spontaneous road trip to get away from everyone
"If you'd ask me, every day could be valentine's day."
taking extra care of their s/o
giving their s/o a massage
repeating the same valentine's traditions every year
love confessions
having their anniversary on valentine's day
"Oh, you're the sweetest!"
celebrating with a bottle of champagne
staying in and having a lazy day because that's what they enjoy most
a bubbly bath together
"You know, I love doing crazy stuff on valentine's day."
giving their s/o a valentine's calendar
having a romantic picnic
taking candid pictures of their s/o to capture the special moments
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shy-prompts · 2 years
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requested by: anonymous
Feel free to use and reblog!
A: "I wanted this cookie!" B: "But there is another one." A: "That's not the one I want."
A: "Stop looking at me so weird!" B: "That's just how I look!"
A: "That's nonsense! I didn't hug you less than usual!" B: "Yes, you did! Don't try to trick me! I know exactly how long you're hugging me usually and this hug wasn't the same. So I don't approve of it as a real hug. Again!"
A: "Get me the remote, please." B: "Why don't you get it?" A: "I asked you a favour!"
A: "But I have to go to the bathroom!" B: *clinging tightly to them* "Not! Yet!"
A: "But it's my turn!" B: "No, it was your turn last time!" A: "That's not true! I remember it clearly!"
A: "Why should I apologise? I didn't do anything wrong!" B: "Huh, it's UNBELIEVABLE!"
A: "Stop vacuuming so loud! I'm trying to work on something!" B: "At least I am vacuuming. You would never lower yourself to do that!"
A: "One more kiss! Please!" B: "Darling, I have to go now!" A: "Please!" B: *gives them a quick peck* A: "Oh, that was too short. It doesn't count. One more." B: "I have to GO!"
A: "You went without me?!" B: "It was just the kitchen." A: "You got something to eat without me?" B: "There is still something left." A: "One second, I go to the bathroom and you immediately break my trust!"
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shy-prompts · 2 years
20 childhood best friends to lovers prompts
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requested by: various anons
Feel free to use and reblog!
#1 - when reuniting, they feel understood for the first time in long
#2 - seeing how greatly the other has worked on themself and being proud of them
#3 - joking that they will marry each other if they don't find someone else
#4 - being much more open with each other than with anyone else
#5 - not seeing the other romantically even if they would be perfect for them
#6 - already being part of the other's family since they were small
#7 - protecting the other from bad decisions in their love life
#8 - saying 'I love you' platonically
#9 - being mistaken for a couple
#10 - describing the perfect partner & it's actually a description of the other
#11 - having a crush on them for years but being too afraid to ruin the friendship
#12 - feeling safe with the other because they know their needs
#13 - knowing the other better than themself because they witnessed everything they went through
#14 - being the first one the other calls when they need someone to talk to
#15 - knowing they can trust each other with everything
#16 - having a history of fake dating each other for public events
#17 - using terms of endearment
#18 - trying to interpret the chemistry between them as platonic because they don't want to get their hopes up
#19 - waiting for the right moment to confess their feelings (bonus: it has been ages)
#20 - going on a date feels weird because they've done all of that already without realising that it could have very well been considered a date
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shy-prompts · 2 years
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shy-prompts · 2 years
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Gail Honeyman, Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine / Susan Sontag, As Consciousness Is Harnessed to Flesh / Olivia Laing, The Lonely City: Adventures in the Art of Being Alone / Tahereh Mafi, Shatter Me / Kitty Stryker, “Radical Self-Reliance” Is Killing People.  / Yiyun Li, Dear Friend, From my Life I Write to You in Your Life
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shy-prompts · 2 years
“I asked: “What’s this between us?” He answered: “Nothing.” He grabbed me by the back of my neck And kissed me hard. He was right. There was nothing between us— Nothing between our lips— Not even air.”
— rubatosis: the unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat (claire v.)
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shy-prompts · 2 years
15 chaotic best friends prompts
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requested by: @wikedphina
Feel free to use and reblog!
#1 - not talking in real sentences but still understanding each other
#2 - dying of laughter because of the silliest things
#3 - hanging out together but literally not doing anything, and it's still the best way they can imagine to spend their time
#4 - messaging each other all the time
#5 - having the same stupid idea at the same time
#6 - sharing all their food to the point that it's ridiculous
#7 - supporting each other's weirdest ideas
#8 - giving each other awkward challenges
#9 - knowing how the other will feel about something before they know it themself
#10 - exclusively talking sarcastically with each other
#11 - "Of course, I love you, dumbass!"
#12 - "Don't make me regret telling you this!"
#13 - "But that's what you have me for, to annoy you all day long."
#14 - A: "... and they told me not to tell anyone." B: *nods expectantly* A: "Anyways, here is what happened."
#15 - "Tell me, why were we friends again?"
bonus: #16 - A: "Oh, come on! It'll be so much fun" B: *sighs in annoyance* "Fine..."
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shy-prompts · 2 years
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shy-prompts · 2 years
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shy-prompts · 2 years
Prompt #314
“The closer you get to the light, the darker your shadow becomes. Remember that.”
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shy-prompts · 2 years
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lush illusions
instagram - twitter - website
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shy-prompts · 2 years
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shy-prompts · 2 years
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by Matt Gibson
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shy-prompts · 2 years
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i can stop and catch my breathe. and look no further for happiness..  […] 𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑚𝑦 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡 ℎ𝑎𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑡'𝑠 ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑒.
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shy-prompts · 2 years
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post-rain shower drive to my favourite spot out on the marsh
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shy-prompts · 2 years
poetry is stored in the tags
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shy-prompts · 3 years
we all love the ‘everywhere else except in this universe we are happy’ dynamic. but what about the other one. what about the ‘in any world, in any universe we end in tragedy’. the ‘we were always doomed from the start, but this will never stop me from falling in love with you’. the 'i’ll live a million lives and in every single one of them i’ll choose you, but it will never be enough’. the 'i’m meant to love you every time my story is told, but we are never meant to be happy’
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