shyglaive · 5 years
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Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV → Gladio getting hit vs Ignis dodging the Marilith
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shyglaive · 5 years
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More Viera Prompto with his feathered friends.
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shyglaive · 5 years
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I’m still upsetti we won’t be getting male Viera. Since we ended up getting male Miqote, I’m hoping this issue will be rectified in the future as well. Male kitties have been very popular, male bunnies would be too, come on!
I want to get his ears matching his hair color better, but I don’t want to waste too many fantasia potions :’V I wish I could take the ears into the creation tool. And in my head, his spotted ears are like coeurl spots to play off the pattern of his pants in XV.
So yeah, Feol Viera Prompto. I corrected his height in the creation tool, so now he is canonically his height in XV, making him very short for a Viera. And while the majority population would be weary of a male Viera who are known for their solitude and aggression, Prompto comes as a surprise as he’s out in the open alongside his friends and super friendly and sweet because it’s Prompto of course!
I’ll take better screens when I get him nicer cloths.
If you want to make your own Viera, this is the mod I used for the ears. I used this one for the tail. It’s the kitten Miqote tail, which I think is more similar to the tails of rabbits I’ve personally petted. But if you want the circular puff ball kind, here’s this one. And if you search ‘viera’ in the archive, you’ll find a lot more options for your Viera. Prompto is using the Miqote body, and though I would consider him a sun kitty, I made him a moon kitty so his eyes would be more rabbit-like.
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shyglaive · 5 years
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Prompto’s turn in the XIV/XV event. He’s married to Ignis and has taken Ignis’ last name <: I had trouble picking an outfit for him. If you have any suggestions for what you think might suit him better, let me know! For now, I’m happy to be able to check off, sleeveless, material on his biceps, a make-shift skirt thingy, and plaid. I think this hairstyle is the best I can I can do. It reminds me of his hair down in his teen years. This is his freckle mod, because the original freckles are just dots and that won’t do. A fat chocobo, of course, who Prompto has to keep on eye on so it doesn’t eat both his companion chocobo and his baby hatchling chocobo.
Today, I changed him to a Miqote, to use some viera mods on him, because I was a little disappointed with the Hyur options for him. Looking back at these screens, I don’t think Hyur is a bad look for him. I’ll show the Viera ones tomorrow.
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shyglaive · 5 years
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Yeah, I did it :V His last name is Argentum ‘cause he’s married to Prompto, and yeah, I finished the event with Prompto today as well so expect screens for him too /u\
I’ve never played Dragoon before, it was fun, but I doubt I could actually tank. Ignis rides a Coeurl, of course. I should have made his eyes a bit darker because they are kinda hard to see and makes him look eerie. There’s two hairstyles that suit him, one is for his hair down. And I think Hyur’ have a hairstyle that could pass as a more tamed version of his spiked up hair, but I wanted him to be an Elezen since his glamour in XV is for an Elezen. And I’ll also level him as a Ninja since that and Lancer goes with his XV weapons. He should have the Regalia tomorrow \o/
Ignis’ makeup mod is by Bee, but it’s no longer available.
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shyglaive · 5 years
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Ep. Ardyn German Informational Loading Screens
Translated by @moribirb  Screens edited by me
-I expressed a desire on twitter to know what difference in information the German version of the loading screens held.  Moribirb graciously offered to translate and brought me such joy! These all add just a little bit more descriptiveness and clarification, that my heart bleeds fresh. 
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shyglaive · 5 years
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shyglaive · 5 years
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you are the WORST
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shyglaive · 5 years
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Episode Ardyn → Flashback
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shyglaive · 5 years
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Ardyn:  He’s staring at me isn’t he?
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shyglaive · 5 years
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breaking news: local being of supreme daemonic power too fucking tall
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shyglaive · 5 years
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yeah i’d like to wake up to this after a 2000 year nap too
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shyglaive · 6 years
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I love how Ardyn just tosses him 😂
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shyglaive · 6 years
Re: Verum Rex + Gatekeeping
I got a few asks about my thoughts on this. 
Verum Rex: the commercial that is featured in Kingdom Hearts 3. It has many similarities to Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Final Fantasy Versus XIII is Nomura’s brainchild/baby that was taken away from him by the Square Enix higher ups
Nomura has a history of being petty/butthurt about things and will retaliate accordingly (the belt comment he got he literally made his characters wear at minimum 3 belts in retaliation)
Definition: Gatekeeping -  When someone takes it upon themselves to decide who does or does not have access or rights to a community or identity.
I personally laughed hard when I saw the commercial on screen, it was basically Nomura’s drama queen habit and pettiness at its finest. I suspected this would happen in the game and Nomura would do it in a way that he could get away with it. Is it a jab at FFXV? Yes it is, it’s Nomura being petty and angry that the Square higher ups took his baby from him. Do I think Nomura is deliberately doing this to spite FFXV and Tabata? No, I think Nomura did this to spite the Square Enix higher ups as they’re the ones that have to think about the company image.
There’s also the fact that even some ffxv devs aren’t exactly the brightest either, flash back to Feb 7, 2018 (Ignis’s birthday), the devs asked for what the fans wanted to know about Ignis and so people tweeted the devs, and guess what the devs did in response posted 10 photos of person dressed as Ignis wearing a very bad render mask of Ignis’s face doing mundane tasks. Fans repeatedly asked for them to stop and the devs basically said “Okay we’ll stop. (laughs), losers”
The concept Nomura has in that commercial is great and I wouldn’t mind at all if Square actually published it out, at least on a positive note people who enjoy ffxv can enjoy it in peace and not have people shaming others for liking what they like. 
I also got an anon who was basically butthurt that I wasn’t angry with the commercial and they were giving me shit: “Why do you even have ffxv in your name? Some great fan you are” <- This is gatekeeping. They also posted KH3 ending spoilers so I deleted that ask. It’s a shame that I didn’t block them as I still haven’t finished playing KH3.
So I answered back: “Yeah some ffxv fan I am, I’m not butthurt that Nomura took a jab at ffxv, I should delete my blog because I don’t take attacks to ffxv seriously or personally. That I don’t blindly love the fact that there are plot holes to ffxv and that there’s no proper character development to Ignis or Lunafreya” 
A fan is a fan, there’s no fucking rules for what level of a fan you are. You like the game or you don’t like it. I love ffxv in my own way, I voice my opinions on ffxv and I’m not blind to the deficiencies in the game, I voice them because I care about the game. Is it really that hard of a concept that you can love something and still have an opinion on it?! 
NO ONE can dictate how anyone should love the things that they love. If you don’t like how I like things then don’t follow, it’s that easy. I get so many anons that keep trying to dictate how a “proper” ffxv fan should be when seriously they’re the ones that need to check their privileges and shove their Gatekeeping thoughts up their Pitioss Ruins.
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shyglaive · 6 years
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When the bros stay with Ardyn at the caravan before heading to the Disc of Cauthess, there is an interesting camping scene.  If you watch long enough, Ardyn creepily reaches out for Prompto’s face. In the first image, you see what that originally looked like. With the power of Ansel, we can now see more angles and reactions from the bros.  Ignis is clearly not amused.
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shyglaive · 6 years
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shyglaive · 6 years
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