shymoontraveler · 4 years
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shymoontraveler · 4 years
The Amazon Forest Crisis: What we can do to save Amazon.
Lately, many of us have been reading or witnessing the unfortunate devastation of the Amazon rain forest. Why should we even be concerned about this in the first place? Being the largest rain forest in this world, the Amazon is the most diverse ecosystem on the planet. In addition, it sustains the lives of indigenous humans and a myriad of animals and plant species, not forgetting its role in lessening the adverse effects of climate change. Though we may feel overwhelmed in the massive scale of this catastrophe, there are numerous ways we can take to help protect what is left of the rain forest.
One of the most cost-effective ways to reduce our carbon footprint is by reducing our meat intake or ideally switches to a plant-based diet. You may wonder, “How does what I eat impact the Amazon rain forest negatively?” Consider this: Brazil is the world’s largest beef exporter according to the US Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service. Brazil’s cattle are mostly grazed on grass and these results in farmers and corporations clearing precious rain-forest land for their herd to feed on. As conscientious consumers, we have the power to reduce or cut out our demand for beef linked to the Amazon deforestation by changing our dietary decisions.
An often overlooked but crucial method of rain-forest protection is educating children. When the natural environment and sustainable living is at the heart of education systems, impressionable young minds will begin to understand the wonders of the rain-forests. For instance, the Adopt-A-School program was created through a partnership between the Detroit Zoological Society and CONAPAC, a not for profit Peruvian organization. What makes this program so attractive is the contractual arrangement in place where communities in the Amazon’s remote areas receive rain-forest-relevant educational support and school supplies by agreeing to sustainable living and usage of the forest’s natural resources. Now more than ever before, it is critical that the next generations are groomed to eventually lead nations, conduct businesses and make decisions which are compatible with sustainable living.
Finally, we have the principal stewards in rain-forest conservation which are indigenous communities. The Rain-forest Alliance partners with local communities in the Amazon to promote sustainable businesses for indigenous people and participate in the ‘Amazon beyond the Crisis’ gathering. Indigenous people have long lived on the land and have deep roots and traditional values, making them one of the best stewards of the rain-forest. Increasingly, their way of lives, rights and lives are at risk as they continue to battle deforestation. To support them, we can fundraiser or donate towards indigenous-led efforts in rain-forest protection.
Rethinking our meals, educating children and backing indigenous people are only some of the ways we can take to protect the Amazon forests. Let us strive to reverse this crisis and restore balance once again.  
Amazon rain-forest incident was one of the most shocking moments for which Eco-smart conservation model should be built and we should stop killing endangered  species.
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shymoontraveler · 4 years
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shymoontraveler · 4 years
Amazon forest burning what a shocking moment
The Amazon River Basin is home to the largest rain forest on Earth. The basin -- roughly the size of the forty-eight contiguous United States -- covers some 40 percent of the South American continent and includes parts of eight South American countries: Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador,
Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, and Suriname, as well as French, Guiana, a department of France.
Amazon forest burning was a shocking moment due to which a lot of animals and plants lost their natural habitat. Amazon forest is the lung of the earth as it contributes 20% to the earth oxygen. Its a ecological hub for both life below water and life on land. A lot of villagers, poachers, and woodcutters kill animals, cut trees just to satisfy their needs and wants.
This leads to deforestation, desertification and soil erosion. It harms the Amazon ecosystem in a very drastic massive manner.  Amazon resources are limited but they are misused by the villagers and woodcutters. Our mother earth provided us with a lot of natural- physical resources which needs to be sustainably used by the people who are living in the society. Only a collaborative environmental approach can help us rejuvenating the Amazon forest. We should protect the nature of our mother earth at all costs as it is an important part of the earth's ecosystem. Amazon forest contains
30 percent of the world's species.
Amazon may have more species of ants than the entire British Isles, while alone hectare of forest (two-and-a-half acres) may have more than 500 species of trees and a single park can have more than 1,400 butterfly species. Killing of animals and cutting down trees needs proper attention. The government should make laws and regulations to protect the Amazon forest from getting destroyed. Amazon forest is a protected area and we should preserve its natural habitat. As human beings it's our duty and responsibility for protecting the environment. For protecting the Amazon forest from getting over-exploited one should take several steps such as reduce the consumption of beef and reduce the consumption of oil, also don't harm the ecosystem of Amazon. Hold businesses accountable as they use the Amazon forest to earn the profit.
Pray for Amazon and help protecting it.
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shymoontraveler · 4 years
Why Ecotourism is important
Nowadays ecotourism is one of the best platforms for conserving and protecting tourist spots. Ecotourism means the environment and tourism should go hand in hand with each other. Ecotourism may have both positive and negative impacts on the environment, but this concept is not properly fit into the minds of the tourist, which leads to the destruction of the natural habitat of the tourist spots and also its natural physical resources. Ecotourism should be promoted everywhere into our heart, mind, body, and soul. Ecotourism should be positioned and implemented in a manner that tourist follows and obey the principles of the same.
We should never underestimate the power of the environment, because as we all know the capability of the environment and its very own characteristics. Ecotourism can contribute in various ways to protect the natural habitat of millions of species and conserve common pool resources such as wetlands, coral reefs, land, air, and water.
Ecotourism can help in creating awareness and education towards the protection of the animals and plants which are critically endangered and endangered. It minimizes carbon emissions which are emitted from various transport services such as aircraft, cars, and cruise. Ecotourism makes tourists aware of the environmental issues faced by tourist spots monthly and annually.
Promote the positive side of Ecotourism and conserve natural resources. Shop with us to protect the environment and its resources. Thank you and have a nice day.
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