sick-redhead-blog · 5 years
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Oh god if only 😭😔
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sick-redhead-blog · 5 years
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sick-redhead-blog · 5 years
“No, you’re not a bad person…and I’m not a bad person. We’re just people, and people sometimes do stupid things.”
— Francesca Zappia
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sick-redhead-blog · 5 years
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So many moments when realized drugs were destructive.
Many attempts to escape but I found nothing productive.
I glimpsed into the future and I saw that I had cancer.
Feeling like a lost child looking for an answer.
In the beginning it wasn't cool to follow prevention
Skipping homeroom class and detention
I lost myself and developed a social shell
I firmly believed I might not escape my hell
I was chemically bound
My spirit lost and found
feeling like I was lost for eternally
than my passion reignited internally
Figure out if you have true intention.
I realized mine was solo intervention.
Realize your sick, change your mindsets
stop playing Poker with death and blind bets
Experience life the way it ought to be.
I hope this helps, what I taught to me.
Our minds were meant to be free
I couldn't hold my head up I was broken and just fed up
Don't think that you have time,
Empower yourself.
Quiet the mind and rewire it.
Move yourself, it's okay Make mistakes.
Don't get hard on yourself.
Seek healthy and fun activities.
So many moments when realized drugs weren't the answer.
I glimpsed into the future and I saw that I had cancer.
One day I found out life is sublime,
I was almost too late to reverse the sands of time
Healthy and free I am shining my soul to you.
Think to yourself, what are you going to do?
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sick-redhead-blog · 5 years
you better hurry, i’m leaving soon.
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sick-redhead-blog · 6 years
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is life a tragedy or is there hope ? ?
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sick-redhead-blog · 6 years
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Know this: you can start over every morning.
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sick-redhead-blog · 6 years
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أنا صديق سيئ وحبيب فاشل ومريض نفسيآ
" لا تقتربوا مني إيها الملائكة "
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sick-redhead-blog · 6 years
as we know from science, rain is liquid water in the form of droplets which have condensed from atmospheric vapor and then precipitated. it’s not a sign.
-Yazeed , this is a sign and you know it. i mean, the universe is screaming at me right now! how can you off all people tell me to ignore that ?
because maybe it’s dumb to look for “signs from the universe.” maybe the universe has better things to do. i hope it does.
maybe there aren’t any signs. maybe .. maybe a rose’s just a rose , a chair is just a chair. maybe we don’t have to give meaning to every little thing. maybe we don’t need the universe to tell us what we really want. maybe we already know that, deep down.
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sick-redhead-blog · 6 years
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I only fall in love with souls. i never fall in love with people.
People change. they come and go.
But souls remain for ever.
i suppose that is why when i love , it’s deep love. An unconditional love. A Forever LOVE.
-the asshole
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sick-redhead-blog · 6 years
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To The One ☝️
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sick-redhead-blog · 6 years
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Tomorrow is the big day , godd i wish i could talk to her. she and only her can give the confidence that i need for tomorrow. wish you happiness if this found the way to youu
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sick-redhead-blog · 6 years
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If you touched my beard, I will touch your butt.
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sick-redhead-blog · 6 years
Fuck all those perfect people
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sick-redhead-blog · 6 years
freak like me
To them, you're just a freak, like me! They need you right now,but when they don't, they'll cast you out, like a leper! You see, their morals, their code, it's a bad joke. Dropped at first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be.I'll show you. When the chips are down, these.. These civilized people, they'll eat each other. See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve.
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sick-redhead-blog · 6 years
We sit in bars and raise our drinks to growing old
Oh, I'm in love with you and you will never know
But if I can't have you I'll walk this life alone
Spare you the rising storms and let the rivers flow...
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sick-redhead-blog · 6 years
Reality’s kicking faith’s ass
I've always been closer to mysterious souls, who say mysterious says heavy secret, which says secret says pain buried and repressed. I felt better with them than those hypocrites who puking their happiness from everywhere, I loved people who were not really happy, who burst from laughter from the outside but crying from the inside. Those people who came back from the war but who were haunted by the bullets that touched their minds forever... I loved breaking their shell so hard, as i wish someone would break mine. Just shake them to realize they were more overwhelmed than an ocean, I felt I wasn't alone hanging my ball in this endless race.. by what no one likes to be alone at the bottom of the Well... under my fake tunes of woman who understood everything in the sense of life I felt a little stronger to advise them, listen to them, understand them and feel them... give hope to live it Through them.... but finally i was only more lost than them, and to their melancholy melody my wounds reopened in silence and the pain is even more acute... for I saw in them my invisible reflection! It may be a call for help, it may be like when you show a child how to behave and expect him to reproduce this unconsciously... but how can we scream for someone who is Already drowned and how can we ask someone above the sky... who will hear me? Who will severe me?? Who will bleed me out of these
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