sidedecadence · 4 years
Aaron grinned, happy to hear Daniel’s voice again. “Please? So you do know how to beg. Was that something you practiced in the mirror? Or with your wife?” He fingers stroked the small upper area of his puppets back. “Look at how big that cock is. They can’t keep their mouths off you. Goodness, it’s so thick, so large. Stupidly big. I wonder what would happen if someone saw? I can only imagine how embarrassed you’d be.”
And it seemed that Daniel getting caught was a possibility. They were still in a dark corner of the restaurant, but people continued to walk by, and whenever they did, the two hunks feasting on Daniel’s cock would dip lower beneath the table, as if they knew they too needed to remain unseen. “I wonder how many other men in here would like to take a whack at sucking you off. Think you’d be up for that, Danny? Think you could last all day, getting serviced by each guy here?” He leaned in, kissing him on the cheek. Both the men were under the table by now, pretty well hidden from anyone if they were to look over. But there was no clothe covering on the table that dangled off. No extra coverage really. If someone bent down, they’d see it all. “How much longer do  you think you can last, buddy? Those boys are pretty hungry. They need your fat load. They need all you got in there for ‘em.”
Before he could go on, their waitress came by, setting down an appetizer that must’ve been ordered while Daniel was passed out. She asked if they were ready to order, and Aaron smiled to her, telling her what he’d have and then looking to Daniel. “How about you? Know what ya wan, buddy?”
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Daniel whimpered when Aaron playfully teased him about knowing how to beg, the man being just the type who’d be submissive in private. His own wife loved to wear expensive lingerie and grind Daniel’s toned chest under her heel, making him wear a collar and bossing him around, the ultimate punishment being a whip or flog if he stepped out of line. It wasn’t just by men that Daniel loved to be dominated and he knew that Aaron would’ve seen such femme domme porn on his blackmail material.
He nodded when Aaron asked if he’d be able to last all day being serviced, though in truth his hole clenching rather than his cock pulsating. Daniel’s true dream was to be fucked by everyone in the bar all day, rather than being serviced, his mind running wild with such thoughts and fantasies as it had been when he’d watched his favourite porn films in the bar. The man kept writhing and whimpering as he was serviced so well, his gaze continually flicking down to the two frat guys whilst Aaron spoke to him. “I’m so close!” was all he got out as the dominant encouraged him to cum so that he could feed the frat guys below him.
When the waitress then approached, Daniel squirmed in his seat, flushed entirely red as he tried to suppress the moans from the pleasure he was receiving. Still, Daniel was able to order the same food as Aaron and then he immediately turned back to the god when the waitress had disappeared. “I want to suck your cock, that’s what I really want...” Daniel said then, his tone needy and wrecked with lust and the comment the mere start of his sinful, submissive desires. His gaze fell down to Aaron’s bulge then, his heart stammering and his body writhing at all the lust surging through him, desiring more and more.
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sidedecadence · 4 years
“Aw, Danny boy isn’t hungry?” He smirked. “Maybe it isn’t your stomach that’s empty. Maybe you need something else filled?” Aaron scooted back, allowing Daniel room to try and escape, but escaping was part of the plan. It was expected. Aaron figured there would be numerous times the grown man tried to get out of his new predicament. 
Red energy spread about his fingers tips, dripping down into his palm, flowing through the air. Daniel would find himself slow to get out as the two men grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him back up against the seat of his booth. Restraining him, Daniel’s cock began to change. “I realized that I hadn’t actually seen what your cock looks like, Danny. All this studying I’ve done about you, and I don’t even know what you’re packing. It felt pretty big earlier though. Should we see if it lives up to expectations? Boys, pull his pants down.” His voice wavered and the fraternity donkeys obeyed, using all their might to pull down Daniel’s pants and reveal … 
“Woah. Daniel, is that really what you look like? It didn’t feel that big earlier.” There, resting atop Daniel’s thigh was a cock alright, but there was no way it was Daniel’s. It was massive, probably as thick as his forearm. The head of it was flattened and engorged instead of the normal mushroom shape that all men had. But then again … Daniel wasn’t a man was he? He’d been made a beast. “Are you starting to see just what I can do to you, Daniel?” He leaned to one of the young men and whispered into his ear. Just after, the man grabbed ahold of Daniel’s dick and put his lips around the head, beginning the blow job of a century. “I can change anything and everything about you. I can take away your voice, and I can give you your normal voice back.” And so it was, Danny could speak again. “I can take away your humanity - all at once, or slowly. I can make you harder than you’ve ever been.” He looked on to the other man, who seemingly was put under a silent command, bending under the table to start kissing and licking at Daniel’s balls that were now the size of tennis balls. “This is what you waned right?” He smirked. “I don’t plan on torturing you 24/7, but I do plan on making you live out your deepest, darkest fantasies.”
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Daniel whimpered as he was pulled back into the booth by the two frat guys, their bulk keeping him pinned to the chair as Aaron then began to talk about his cock. Daniel tried to protest but mere braying came out as usual, his eyes widening then as the other men were told to pull his pants down. He tried to struggle but it was useless, the torn tailored suit pants and Daniel’s boxers swiftly yanked down to reveal... something entirely different to what he expected.
As Daniel saw how his cock had changed, now massive and engorged with low, thick balls, he felt his head go light once more and he was on the verge of fainting. He was kept conscious that time as Aaron spoke to him, his gaze fixed as one of the frat guys before them then suddenly bent down and took the head of Daniel’s new, giant cock into his mouth, sucking like his life depended on it. Moans and cries of pleasure came from Daniel as lustful sensations were sent through him, goosebumps forming on his skin and his chest beginning to heave thanks to labored breathing. 
He opened his mouth and found the familiar sounds of his voice were back, a quick and desperate “Thank you” being said in his usual accent to the magical dominant. Still, Daniel’s gaze remained upon the blowjob he was receiving as the second frat guy was then commanded to begin kissing and licking at the large balls he now had. Daniel writhed in his seat, the whole scene entirely perverse yet still driving lust and passion within him as he was pleasured.
The promise of living out his deepest, darkest fantasies drew the most passionate, needy moan he’d given that day. Only then did Daniel turn to Aaron, meeting the dominant’s gaze as he then said “Please, please let me do all that...” in a submissive, wanting tone.
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sidedecadence · 4 years
“Haha! He even talks like an ass!” The men became ripe with laughter, doubling over. Their hollering filled the bar as people looked over to see what all the fuss was about. Aaron was good at his job though. He had mastered his abilities years ago and could layer one reality over another without so much as letting a hair fall out of place. While the two young studs held their sides, the other paying customers along with the employees didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.
He watched Aaron try to speak, only to be stopped, his voice box now blocked as his vocal chords were channeled through a new animal filter. He put his hands on his waist, watching with the same level of amusement as Daniel ran to the nearest reflective surface. He figured Daniel would come back and shake Aaron by his sides, pleading and begging to be turned back. What he had not counted on was the man flat out passing out on the floor. 
With an impeccable reaction time, he was able to keep Daniel’s head from hitting the floor, and used his manipulative abilities to get the two men to help Daniel back to their booth. He pondered over this for a moment, figuring that his unconscious target was no reason to change plans. Instead, he waited until Daniel came too.
Once Daniel did wake up, he’d find that they were in the same bar, in their same booth, but with two added guests: the two strapping studs from before. Only now, the boys had similar features to Daniel: Donkey ears and uncontrollable tails. Plates of foot, mostly veggies sat out before them, with beer bottles strewn across the table. The two young seemed to have fallen victim to Aaron just as Daniel had. “Wondered when you’d wake up. You hungry, buddy?” Aaron had an arm over his shoulder, and he offered him a piece of carrot. 
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Daniel came to dazed and confused, the man wondering if it had all been a dream. However, he could see he was in the same bar as before and then he tried to speak, the horrid and dreaded braying sound coming from his throat instead of his usual voice. He turned briefly, only to see the two frat boys in the same predicament as he was, the sight causing Daniel’s eyes to widen. He only turned back when he heard Aaron’s voice, seeing the man just as he put his arm over his shoulder.
He could say nothing to the man’s questions given his ruined voice but he did turn to see the vegetables on the table before him. Daniel shook his head when he was offered the carrot, protesting even if it just came out as braying, the man wanting no part of the perverse transformation. Daniel moved back at the same time from Aaron then, bumping into one of the other guys as he then tried to get up and over the table so he could escape the nightmare he’d been forced into.
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sidedecadence · 4 years
Of course Aaron didn’t need to piss. It was an excuse planned in advance. This whole day had been planned, and so far it was going accordingly. He did however want to wash his hands, because the plan did include food, and Aaron wasn’t about to eat with greasy, dirty hands. Coming out of the bathroom, he could only grin when he saw Daniel confronted by the two young men that had caught them just minutes ago. 
“You always get that dirty in a restaurant dude?” Asked one of the young men. He wore a backwards baseball cap and had a tight fitting T-shirt on with some variation of Greek letters. Clearly he was a fraternity brother. The other man joined in on the hazing, wearing similar clothing. “What a fucking ass, dude. There’s families that come here.” 
“You’re right, he is an ass, isn’t he?” Aaron smirked, coming up behind Daniel. Now the older family man was surrounded. “If he’s gonna act like a beast in public, maybe he should look the part?” Aaron was once started to turn an open hand, almost like he was slowly turning the knob to open a door. This time however as he did so, red energy leaked from his hand and his eyes glowed the same crimson color. As Daniel stood there, he would feel his ears begin to grow, accompanied by a sound similar to that of rubber being stretched. Grey and silver fur began to grow across his ears as they rose just above his head, gaining a small tipped point at the end. “There, now he’s beginning to look the part.” But it wasn’t finished. While one hand turned an invisible knob, his other hand pulled backwards, the same red energy encompassing his fingers. His thumb pinched his pointer and middle finger, as if he were pulling on a string. Daniel was greeted with a ripping sound as his beautiful black pants were torn, a thick, ropey tail making it’s to freedom. It had grown just above his ass crack, and was hairy with a bristle ending. “I think too he can’t just look like an ass. He’s got to sound like one too, right boys?” The two men before Daniel looked shocked, utterly blown away. But a wave of light passed over them, and their eyes glazed over. They just dumbly nodded. “See, Daniel? If you’re going to be an animal, you’re going to get treated like one. Which is why you can’t speak anymore, all you can you do is bray.”
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He kept retreating as the men suddenly turned on him, the jokes of before now replaced with righteous anger. Daniel tried to say something in his defence but he ended up babbling, his hands raised openly in an attempt at a peaceful gesture before he suddenly then bumped into Aaron. Daniel jumped at the contact, his eyes widening as he saw red energy coming from his hands again. The words were barely processed as he was enveloped by the mysterious force, a weird and almost sickening feeling coming over him as he felt his ears burning and then stretching. As he opened his mouth to speak, he heard the ripping of fabric and realised it must’ve been his own. 
Daniel looked behind himself to see the hairy, waving tail and his mouth dropped open in shock. His hands moved to his face then and he felt dangling fur where his ears should’ve been. Daniel felt a pain in his chest, his mouth opening to say something just as another burst of light came over him. Instead of the usual refined tones of his voice, all Daniel heard was the braying that Aaron had promised. He tried to get his words out several times but all he got were brays, his eyes bulging and his heart racing in panic as he then dashed to a mirror hanging on the nearby wall. At the sight of him with donkey ears and knowing he had the donkey tail and voice too, Daniel remained stunned for a few seconds. 
And then, as quick as he’d rushed over to the mirror, Daniel felt himself begin to go. His eyes rolled and his head went light, consciousness slipping from him as he fainted to the floor.  
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sidedecadence · 4 years
“No, not yet. She doesn’t have to. Not if you continue to do so well.” His fingers traced invisible lines through Daniel’s hair, down the back of his neck, all the way south of his back, and then reversed. He continued this long, slow motion of rubbing up and down the man’s body while he himself was serviced. “I mean, why would she believe me? I’m just a guy who can change anything about your life. She’d never believe something as crazy as me, let alone the fact that deep down her powerful, domineering husband is nothing more than a slave for any man that shows him a bit of power and some skin.”
A couple of guys walked by with girls on their shoulders. Aaron nodded to them when their attention was grabbed by the scene playing out in the corner of the bar. The lighting around Aaron and Daniel was dim, but once you stopped by and stared you could easily tell what was happening. “Shit,” one guy said. “Looks like he’s getting some action.” The other man laughed and pointed, agreeing with his buddy. “Shit, if only our girls did that to us.” Aaron merely smiled before responding. “He’s quite good once you give him some incentive. I haven’t rented him out yet though. If you guys know anybody looking for such a stud like this,” he clapped Daniel on the back, “hit us up.” 
“See that? You’ve only been with me not even an hour and already I’m helping you get other guys. How’s that little cock in their doing?” He pressed his palm up against Daniel’s crotch again. “Oof, still so hard. Tell ya what, I’m gonna take a leak. Why don’t you look over the menu, see if there’s anything you like. When I come back, you can start on my other arm.” And as he left for the bathroom, Aaron was fully prepared for his new piece of property to try and escape. He hoped he did try. It would just make this all the more fun.
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Daniel nodded when Aaron told him that his wife would remain unaware of their activities for the time being, his adrenaline easing slightly as he knew he wouldn’t have to face the probable breakdown of his marriage from such a bizarre day. The man continued whimpering and moaning as he felt Aaron’s touch moving down the back of his neck and then down his back, causing Daniel’s posture to arch as he kept lavishing Aaron’s muscles and armpits with kisses, sucking and licking. By then, his cock was almost impossibly hard against his suit pants and he was entirely in the zone when suddenly he heard other voices.
The deep red blush returned to Daniel’s cheeks as he realised they’d been seen by some guys and their girlfriends. Daniel returned to trembling, his movements briefly pausing as he expected jeers and insults but instead their words were more joking and more friendly. Daniel found then that continuing to kiss and lick against Aaron’s arms helped distract him from the sudden interrupted, a whimper coming as Aaron slapped him on the back whilst sleeping.
Naturally, Daniel could only moan as Aaron mentioned the prospect of him being whored out to other men, another fantasy of his. The moans and whimpers got needier and louder as the dominant pressed his palm against Daniel’s crotch, leaving him breathless and flushed as Aaron then got up and said he was going for a leak. With Daniel then left alone, he took a few moments to settle his breathing and he wondered if the magic was still there.
Slowly, Daniel moved to stand up and found he was no longer restrained. He got up out of the booth and looked down the hallway to the toilets where Aaron must have gone to. His heart stammered and stomach lurched again as he debated whether to make a run for it or whether to stay given the power and information the other man had on him. As he stood, Daniel found his legs shaking and he walked back a little, only to find himself face to face with the group of guys from before. Meekly, Daniel looked down amidst grins and moved away from them.
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sidedecadence · 4 years
“Use your tongue, Daniel. I want you to clean my arm until it sparkles. Kiss, suck, lick. I want people to smell you on me when they get close.” His fingers spread through the man’s hair, massaging his temple, pulling at strands of wavy black hairs. “I’ve been watching you for some time. You might be surprised by what I know, you might not. But I do know what you like, what makes you undone.” He leaned his head down and placed a kiss on his forehead. “Want something to eat? I figured you might be a big hungry since it’s lunch time.” 
His face was so smug, full of confidence that only came from someone with powers beyond understanding. The jury was still out even on whether or not they were in a real bar, transported there by Aaron’s powers, or if they were still in his office and it had just undergone a serious remodel. Were the patrons of this establishment real? Were the faces of men around the bar actual people? Or were they a construct of Daniel’s imagination brought to life by Aaron. There were women working, enjoying drinks and food at tables. Perhaps then this was real? Or maybe the females were just another aspect added to make it all the more believable. 
Aaron didn’t dare close his eyes. He watched intently as his bicep was made slick with saliva, as Daniel dragged his tongue across his flesh, under his bicep, down near his elbow. For a moment, Aaron pulled his arm away and dragged on Daniel’s bottom lip with his thumb. “You already look so pretty like this.” His other hand came down, pressing into the man’s crotch. “And you’re already so hard for me. What would you wife say, dear Danny?” His expression grew into a grin as he lifted his arm and pressed his armpit into the man’s face. “What would she say if she knew what a whore her husband was?”
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At the command for Daniel to use his tongue to worship Aaron, the politician briefly gulped but then nodded. He immediately did what he was asked, his tongue coming out to run against Aaron’s flexing muscles, whimpers and moans coming from Daniel at the same time. His arousal was helped even more along by the soothing comments from the other man, somehow making it like discovering his hidden kinks was a good thing and that somehow Daniel would be looked after despite being found out and succumbing to the magical pressure applied.
Daniel could hear no jeers or cries of astonishment from the patrons around them in the bar, though in truth his mind wasn’t focused on whether the bar was real or not but rather how he could worship Aaron. There was still an undoubted element of survival about it, the man intimidated by the magical power shown to him but equally thriving on the heady, quick lust of having fantasies he’d craved for years suddenly given to him. Daniel nodded to the question of food, the man almost in a trance and saying nothing as he moved between licking, kissing and sucking against Aaron’s arms.
The man looked up as Aaron pulled away and then dragged on his bottom lip with his thumb. Daniel blushed as he was told he was pretty and moaned as he felt the other man press against his crotch. Daniel’s blushing went a deep red then as Aaron brought up his wife, his heart stammering and adrenaline pumping at the thought of Kara, his trophy wife. “D.. does... does she... know...” Daniel asked then, his words stammering as his tongue then flicked out once Aaron pressed his armpit into Daniel’s face. The politician couldn’t resist kissing and licking against the sweaty, hairy pit as the musk filled his senses, drawing needy moans from Daniel.
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sidedecadence · 4 years
Aaron breathed out a slow, quiet moan. Daniel’s soft, supple lips felt so nice against his skin. It was like a splash of cool water onto a warm surface. He turned his arm over, letting Daniel kiss and peck all over his bulging solidness. “There you go. Your buddy thought it might take longer to turn you over. But he didn’t now all I could do. He didn’t know all I knew.” 
There was an aura around Aaron that allowed him insight into how Daniel was feeling. Just as Daniel was getting aroused - even while fearful - from this stronger man’s presence, Aaron was hardening in his pants, enjoying the scene before him. But it was nowhere near what he had planned. They had so much more to go through together. “You’re doing good, Daniel. But I think you can do a bit better. This office, while incredible - good job by the way on it. It’s quite a place. It doesn’t have enough … enough eyes. Not eyes on you, but eyes that could be on you. I’m feeling … wings. Sound good?” And before the politician could answer, Aaron lifted his arm up, leaving Daniel an empty space to kiss at, his face now closer though to Aaron’s damp armpit. 
His fingers wiggled about, and the room itself began to spin while Aaron and Daniel were left perfectly still. Everything in his office became a blur, some color schemes changing. Elements of their new space become clearer as the spinning died down. And once the room stopped fully, Daniel could see that they were no longer in his office. They were in some restaurant, maybe a bar. The pair were seated at a round booth table, two drinks already there for them. “There we are. How’s this?” He reclined in the seat, arms extended across their seats. “Now, if the chance presents itself, you’ll have an audience.” He dipped his head in indication to his arms again. “Go on, Danny.”
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Daniel heard the moan from Aaron and it sent a brief surge of joy within him, knowing that he was doing well now after the criticism from before. As the visitor turned his arm over, Daniel resumed with hot, needy kisses against his bulging muscle, the man not even stopping when Aaron revealed that his employer had thought it would take longer to turn him into the obedient slut that he was now being. Instead, a mere whimper of lustful agreement came from the submissive. 
His cock kept growing hard in his suit pants as he continued to worship Aaron’s muscles, another content moan coming as the dominant praised him once more. Daniel’s gaze flicked up as the other man began to talk about needing more eyes on him, a certain degree of fear mixing in with the thrill and lust as he wondered what it could mean. Regardless, Daniel still moved up and kissed at Aaron’s under arm, a second kiss stolen against his damp armpit before the room suddenly began to spin. Daniel looked back down as the scene changed from his ornate office into a regular bar type restaurant.
The bar looked similar to the setting of one of Daniel’s favourite porn videos, one where a man was wrestled to the floor by drunken patrons, stripped and then gangbanged. Daniel couldn’t even count the amount of times he’d gotten off to that video, even adding his own little headcanons about things like how the man could’ve been pissed on afterwards or left tied up as a perennial fuckhole for the horny patrons. 
As Aaron then spoke whilst they sat in the booth, Daniel looked back to him. He gulped as he knew what was to come, his heart stammering in fear once more and his stomach lurching, even if his cock pressed hard against his pants in aroused contradiction to the concern the rational part of him felt. His eyes looked back down to Aaron’s bulging arms as he told him to resume worshipping them, the political consultant leaning in as if mesmerised, driven by his lusts entirely even as he blushed a deep red. Daniel pressed kisses against the bulging muscle, whimpering slightly as he wondered if he was being seen.
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sidedecadence · 4 years
“You can do better than that, Danny. I’ve seen what you watch, I know what you get off to. Put those pretty lips to use. Worship. Me.” He brought his other hand up to the man’s cheek and slowly drew it down his face. Aaron knew quite well how much Daniel loved watching other men be forced into submission. He would climax to other men being put under the handle of another. Now he wasn’t only in that position, but he was forced into it. 
Just so they wouldn’t be bothered, his eyes wavered over to the double-doored entrance, and with a snap of his fingers the doors clamored, locking everyone out, and keeping Daniel in. He continued to make slow, long strokes up and down the man’s face while his bicep pushed up against his lips. “If you don’t do a good job, I might be forced to change the setting. Your office is a bit too … quiet now that I think about it. Maybe you need a more public place?”
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His gaze flicked up briefly as Aaron told him that he could do better when it came to worshipping his muscles, a stammer of fear running through him but then followed by a jolt of lust. The dominant male before him was absolutely right when he said that Daniel got off to watching powerful, suited men being forced into worshipping other men, each time with Daniel fantasising that he’d be the one controlled and now he was getting that entirely. The fear still mixed in with growing lust as Daniel then increased the number of kisses he was applying to the god’s bicep. 
His kisses grew desperate and quick as Aaron made long, slow strokes up the side of his face. Daniel’s gaze flicked up as the dominant then threatened exposure, a whimper coming from him at the thought. At the same time, there was another lustful jolt within him at the thought, another dirty fantasy of his. By then, Daniel’s cock had begun to harden in his tailored suit pants and he’d stopped struggling against the almost invisible restraints. Whimpers and slight cries of submission came from Daniel as he kept kissing quickly against the dominant’s bulging bicep, his mind racing with thoughts of whether he was doing enough to satisfy Aaron’s needs. 
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sidedecadence · 4 years
“Money, power, your connections - nothing I’m in short supply of. And I’m not here for me,” though I will enjoy all of this. “I’m here on behalf of another.” Aaron’s smile had turned from simple and friendly to more secretive, because he knew something the other didn’t. “You’re a smart man, Daniel. Probably a little too smart for your own good. So I’m sure that while this initially will come as a shock, you’ll learn fast that there’s a whole world you got no clue about.” 
Aaron reached a hand out, turning his wrist ever so slowly. As he did, power poured from the tips of his fingers, pulsing out of his palm. And when that power, expressing itself as a cascade of light reached Daniel, he found himself being pulled down to his knees, against his will. Try as he might, Daniel Walden was under the dominion of the Red Wonder. “How should we begin, hmm? I know we’re going to get close, so we should start there, yes? Since I’m now your god, why not treat my body like a temple, and worship me.” Those last two words escaped his mouth with the same power he used to make to Daniel bend. If Daniel had not already felt weird enough, surely what happened next would perplex him all the more. The long, red sleeves on Aaron’s arms disappeared. They faded away to show off Aaron’s muscly arms. Biceps that were sculpted by the cosmos, filled with strength. He walked over to Daniel and knelt down, flexing his arm in front of the man’s face. “Go on. We both know you want to.”
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Daniel’s bribery had fallen on deaf ears, his wealth and power just instantly dismissed like it was nothing. The man opposite him had a teasing, knowing smirk, as if he knew everything that was about to happen and Daniel did not, which was of course the truth. His mouth remained hanging open and he couldn’t speak, not when he was still fearing the consequences of what the mysterious dark haired man had on him. 
If Daniel had been stunned then, it didn’t compare at all to when the man turned his wrist and emitted a powerful light from his fingers. Daniel stared at the energy as it approached him, only crying out when it then enveloped him and pulled him down to his knees. He tried to struggle but it was useless, the grip so powerful that it made Daniel’s own muscles entirely ineffective. As a result, the political consultant was forced to listen and watch as the man referred to himself as Daniel’s new god and then instructed him to worship him. 
Again, Daniel’s mouth hung open as the red sleeves on Aaron’s arms disappeared, revealing muscular, toned arms. It was yet another mind-bending example defying all laws of physics, Daniel remaining stunned as the god approached. His gaze remained upon the muscular arms as Aaron knelt down, instructing him to worship them. Daniel gulped, his eyes wide in fright but somewhere within him, an instinct screamed at him to submit, partially out of desire but mainly out of a desire to survive. The visitor could command supernatural forces and Daniel was shaking out of a fear he’d never known before, all cockiness gone as he knew he should do what he was told. 
Daniel then subsequently nodded meekly and leaned his head forward, body trembling as he pressed a slight kiss against Aaron’s bicep. His gaze remained locked on the other man as he then did a few more kisses in quick succession, hoping that was what he’d meant. 
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sidedecadence · 4 years
“I’m sure you don’t find this surprising but they’d like to remain anonymous. Though if you were to think hard I’m sure you could figure out which person has it out for you the most. They must, since they went to a great deal of trouble to finagle me into helping them.” He put his hand down when it was clear Daniel wouldn’t be returning the friendly gesture. No offense taken. Aaron probably wouldn’t do it either. And of course he had to get in on the laughter, not because he agreed with how absurd this was, but because Daniel had no idea the turn his life had just taken. 
“It’s not so much as you going anywhere, it’s just more of me … dividing up your attention. It’d be way too easy for me to simply take you out of the game. What we agreed upon was something more … bipartisan.” He smiled and walked over to Daniel’s desk, sitting his backside against the edge and putting one foot over the other. “I know a lot about you, Danny boy. Maybe more than you’ll ever know about me. I did some digging and I found that you, heh, you’re quite the kinky fuck aren’t you?” Aaron raised an eyebrow. “Piss play, gender roles, humiliation just to name a few. And those aren’t even the biggies.” He paused for a moment breathing out the word, “incest.” 
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The man didn’t reveal who he worked for, a show of arrogance that caused Daniel to roll his eyes. In a way, the guest was right in the sense that he could work out who it might be if he thought hard enough, the man having no shortage of enemies. His grin was cocky then, a rather smug comment of “I’m sure I’ll get to the bottom of it soon” coming from him. He watched as the other male moved over to his desk and perched against it, the move rather familiar and one that Daniel was poised to call out. 
And then, the man revealed his kinks in rapid succession. As each one rolled off his tormentor’s tongue, Daniel’s face grew pale and his mouth dropped open in utter shock. His hand lowered and the iPad slipped out of it, the device crashing to the floor but the sound barely hitting Daniel as he tried to think how his secrets had been exposed. He’d used incognito windows, VPNs and covered up his webcams, the man thinking he’d been entirely alone as he’d jerked off numerous times to the degrading, humiliating porn that had just been revealed. 
Daniel remained in shock for a few seconds, his heart stammering and stomach lurching as he thought he might be sick. As he processed the revelation, a survival instinct then kicked in. He raised his hand up and said “Look... I’ve got money, a lot of it, I’ve also got power and connections... I can get you whatever you want, no problem... we can work together and nobody need know, we can come to an arrangement...” Daniel’s words were broken and stumbling, the man babbling through desperately as he tried to save himself.
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sidedecadence · 4 years
Aaron watched as who was soon to be his new best buddy strode into his office. There was so much confidence in how he walked, a swagger that one could only get from having the type of power that Daniel had. Power and money - but more specifically than that, from what Aaron had gathered in his bit of research, Daniel had influence. Influence was something Aaron also had - it came easy to him when you had the type of abilities that he did. 
When he was finally noticed, he offered a soft smile before rising from the sofa. “You might need to find a new secretary then. I was told we’d be meeting today. I’m a friend of one of your colleagues from across the isle. He wanted me to come and see you.” Aaron extended his hand. From his appearance, Aaron looked almost out of place. He was well dressed and had his hair groomed, but there was something about his outfit that reminded one not of upper-class men, but of … nobility. Black dress shoes, slick black pants that outlined curves in his waist, but a gold band around his neck, and a red vest with intricate details. “I’m afraid that you may have pissed him off a bit. He sent me to … more or less knock you down a peg.”
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As Daniel regarded the unfamiliar man before him, he couldn’t help but noticing the attire he had on. The gold band around his neck and the intricate red vest drew his gaze the most and his eyes were a mixture of curiosity and suspicion as he wondered just what the deal was with the man before him. The mention of the man being from one of his rivals in the other party brought a more suspicious look and Daniel’s immediate response was “Which colleague?” 
The man remained where he stood, still looking down at the visitor, although his posture was more on guard than before. It was a position that held when the visitor revealed that he’d been sent to ‘knock him down a peg’. At that, Daniel couldn’t resist a laugh, shaking his head then as he saw the meeting for what it was, some attempt to intimidate or blackmail. “You’ll have to go and tell your dear master that I’m not going anywhere and I’m certainly not letting them stop me in my campaign. They’re losing fair and square, they might want to hire a decent advisor rather than some quasi thug like you,” Daniel replied, his tone sharp and commanding. 
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sidedecadence · 4 years
Daniel entered his office, the expansive suite taking up one of the corners of the floor within the skyscraper where his consultancy resided. A mixture of oak, metal and leather in design, the room offered Daniel total privacy and an excellent view of the city. The door closed behind him but his gaze focused upon the iPad he was reading. As Managing Partner and one of the foremost political minds in the country, his days were long, the decisions tough and the demands unrelenting, so much so he was absorbed in his own little world.
Therefore, Daniel didn't notice the man until it was too late, catching a figure out of the corner of his eye sitting on his couch. He stopped in his tracks and looked up from his screen, seeing the tall, dark haired man lounging on the sofa and looking expectantly at him. His mouth dropped open in surprise and his brow furrowed in confusion. “Uh... who are you?” Daniel asked then, his tone one of befuddlement. “This is my private office and according to my secretary, I have no appointments for the rest of the day...” Daniel then said, remaining where he stood as he looked sceptically at the man before him. 
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