sientityof255-blog · 7 years
“The Beach Trip” by Tiara Nurjanah
     I had a fun day today. I went to the beach with my family. It was my first time I had gone to the beach in North Carolina. We woke up early and drove for two hours until we reached the beach. There was a lot of traffic.We finally found a parking spot and walked to the sand. It was pretty outside and the beach was very crowded. There were a lot of kids playing.
     My dad set up a big umbrella. I laid my towel out on the sand. My mom helped me put on sunscreen. I didn’t want to get sunburned.I walked down to the water and stuck my toes in. The water was warm. It felt good. I walked backto my family and told my brother to come swimming with me.
“I don’t want to,” he said.
“Why not?” I asked.
“I’m afraid of sharks,” he said.
"You unnecessarily afraid of. Sharks usually be at sea, in the edge of the beach nonexistent. Except, shark that carried away by waves and can't to in again because it have very heavy body".
"Ohh.. like that. But i am still afraid to swim" I said.
 "You unnecessarily afraid of provided that you don't swim too far. "I said 
     If like that let's we swim together! He don't want swim to far for me. We see the the beauty of the sea that amazingly even though only in the edge. After getting bored and tired of swimming, i ate too much. Because my brother and i didn't satisfied to play we were playing sand and making palaces from sand beaches. My brother built a castle palace that i made he destroyed.
     I was annoyed, then i destroy again the palace that he made. I also complained it to my mother but my mother did not respond. Suddenly, my father came to invite me and my brother to play together. Father serviced the ball to hard so the ball soared and thrown marine washed away waves. 
     We can't play volley anymore. We decide to went back to the hotel because it was getting dark. Though the beach is more beautiful at night. This is my exiting and unique experience. I learned from this vacation. Holiday is not solely spending money. With the holidays we can strengthen the family relationships and harmony.
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sientityof255-blog · 7 years
“The Beach Trip” by Teya Prasetyo Putri
     I had a fun day today. I went to the beach with my family. It was my first time I had gone to the beach in North Carolina. We woke up early and drove for two hours until we reached the beach. There was a lot of traffic.We finally found a parking spot and walked to the sand. It was pretty outside and the beach was very crowded. There were a lot of kids playing.
     My dad set up a big umbrella. I laid my towel out on the sand. My mom helped me put on sunscreen. I didn’t want to get sunburned.I walked down to the water and stuck my toes in. The water was warm. It felt good. I walked backto my family and told my brother to come swimming with me.
“I don’t want to,” he said.
“Why not?” I asked.
“I’m afraid of sharks,” he said.
     I laughed at his words. I took his hand and walked to the water. He looks so confused. I splashed water to him. His clothes became wet. He was angry and splashed water to me. I ran away but he chased me. His clothes completely soaked. I laughed at his angry face. His face became softer and he patted my head. 
"Let's play together". I smiled widely. 
     I took a ball and we played it together. After several games, we decided to take a rest. We sat down together and looked at the sea views. It was relaxing and fun because the kids playing. Suddenly, i got an idea to play with the sand. I tried to make a turtle from it but it turned out to be bad. My brother laughed at me. 
     He showed me the way to make it properly. It turned out to be perfect. I thought my brother has talent on creating a sand creation. My brother smiled cockily at me. I replied his cocky smile with a kick on his sand turtle. He about to pout his mouth when our parents called us. 
     They asked us to have lunch together. After we ate lunch, we prepared to go home. We felt a bit sad but today was so fun. We talked about today experience cheerfully on our way to go home.
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sientityof255-blog · 7 years
“The Beach Trip” by Neyla Isti Ayesha
     I had a fun day today. I went to the beach with my family. It was my first time i had gone to the beach in North Carolina.
     We woke up early and drove for two hours until we reached the beach. There was a lot of traffic. We finally found a parking spot and walked to the sand. It was pretty outside and the beach was very crowded. There were a lot of kids playing.
     My dad set up a big umbrella. I laid my towel out on the sand. My mom helped me put on sunscreen. I didn’t want to get sunburned. 
     I walked down to the water and stuck my toes in. The water was warm. It felt good. I walked back to my family and told my brother to come swimming with me. 
“I don’t want to,” he said. 
“Why not?” I asked. 
“I’m afraid of sharks,” he said.
“I promise there are no sharks here” I said.
     He was kinda scared at first, but after he got in the water and swim, his expression changed. After swimming we made sand castles, it was so hard to built because it kept falling apart.
     While making sand castles we found a crab, we ran away because we were scared but our dad told us not to be, 
“The crab won’t hurt you, if you’re not disturbing it” he said.
     But still we won’t come back to our half-made sand castles. We ate home made pizzas, fishes, and lobsters. The fishes and lobsters were so fresh that you don’t need to spice it up before cooking it. The original flavour of seafood are amazing. 
     It was already sunset when we finished eating. The sunset was beautiful, the colour of the sun blend with the sea and made a beautiful combination. We sat there for about 30 minutes to watched the sunset. We went back home after that.
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sientityof255-blog · 7 years
“The Beach Trip” by Cindy Maharani
     I had a fun day today. I went to the beach with my family. It was my first time I had gone to the beach in North Carolina. We woke up early and drove for two hours until we reached the beach. There was a lot of traffic.We finally found a parking spot and walked to the sand. It was pretty outside and the beach was very crowded. There were a lot of kids playing.
     My dad set up a big umbrella. I laid my towel out on the sand. My mom helped me put on sunscreen. I didn’t want to get sunburned.I walked down to the water and stuck my toes in. The water was warm. It felt good. I walked backto my family and told my brother to come swimming with me.
“I don’t want to,” he said.
“Why not?” I asked.
“I’m afraid of sharks,” he said.
“hahaha... Shark only exist in the deep sea, there is no shark on the beach, “I said.
“Really? Yeay!!” He immediately pulled me to the beach.
     After 10 minutes of swimming, we were bored and hungry. Mother bought us a salad. We didn’t like salad, but we kept eating because we were very hungry. While we were eating, i saw many people crowded on the beach. We want to go there, but mother told us to finish our food first.
     We quickly finished our food and joined the crowd. Evidently, there will be a contest to built a sand castles for children and the winner will get a dinner package of fish and meat. My brother and i really like meat, so we were interested to join the contest. My father also agreed and registered us as a contestant.
     We weren’t very good at built a sand castles, but i know that we should not use to  much water or to little. Our sand castle is finished quickly, with a simple design. We were pessimis when we saw rival sand castle, because their sand castle were very beautiful and majestic. 
     After that, rival sand castle had finished built. But the sand castle instantly destroyed by the waves. Fortunately the waves are far from our sand castle. Only 2 sand castles left to be determined the winner.
     We felt anxious while waiting for the winner. We were shocked to hear that we were the winner. The jury said that our sand castle has the right structure. Rival’s sand has too much water. We were very happy because we can have dinner with delicious meat.
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sientityof255-blog · 7 years
English Task
Hello, we made this blog as in purpose to accomplish an English task as a group, the members are:
Cindy Maharani
Neyla Isti Ayesha
Teya Prasetyo Putri
Tiara Nurjanah
that’s all for starter, thank you for reading and we hope you enjoy our blog.
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