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Em's in a bit of a rough spot guys. Grad school is rough on finances. Anything would help! You guys are so amazing!
hey if you’re inclined, now would be a great time to donate to my ko-fi
i have ~$24 to get me to friday
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Wow do I hate to do this, but I am in a bind.
So I just started a new job, which I won’t get paid for for the first time until October 13. I also am in my last semester of grad school and had to reapply for a deferment on my bank granted student loan. Luckily it was granted, but it will not go into effect until next month, which means I have until Friday to find 85$, that I most definitely do not have at the moment.  I really hate to ask to put this out there, but I’m kind of at a loss for what to do, since asking my parents for help is most definitely not an option at the moment, but if there was anyone who is willing to donate something to help me out, I would be forever grateful. 
Think of this as writing commissions if you’d like. Send in a prompt or anything if you decide to donate and I will happily write your request. Click HERE to donate if you can please. 
Thank you so much in advance. 
124 notes · View notes
Wow do I hate to do this, but I am in a bind.
So I just started a new job, which I won’t get paid for for the first time until October 13. I also am in my last semester of grad school and had to reapply for a deferment on my bank granted student loan. Luckily it was granted, but it will not go into effect until next month, which means I have until Friday to find 85$, that I most definitely do not have at the moment.  I really hate to ask to put this out there, but I’m kind of at a loss for what to do, since asking my parents for help is most definitely not an option at the moment, but if there was anyone who is willing to donate something to help me out, I would be forever grateful. 
Think of this as writing commissions if you’d like. Send in a prompt or anything if you decide to donate and I will happily write your request. Click HERE to donate if you can please. 
Thank you so much in advance. 
124 notes · View notes
Wow do I hate to do this, but I am in a bind.
So I just started a new job, which I won’t get paid for for the first time until October 13. I also am in my last semester of grad school and had to reapply for a deferment on my bank granted student loan. Luckily it was granted, but it will not go into effect until next month, which means I have until Friday to find 85$, that I most definitely do not have at the moment.  I really hate to ask to put this out there, but I’m kind of at a loss for what to do, since asking my parents for help is most definitely not an option at the moment, but if there was anyone who is willing to donate something to help me out, I would be forever grateful. 
Think of this as writing commissions if you’d like. Send in a prompt or anything if you decide to donate and I will happily write your request. Click HERE to donate if you can please. 
Thank you so much in advance. 
124 notes · View notes
Wow do I hate to do this, but I am in a bind.
So I just started a new job, which I won’t get paid for for the first time until October 13. I also am in my last semester of grad school and had to reapply for a deferment on my bank granted student loan. Luckily it was granted, but it will not go into effect until next month, which means I have until Friday to find 85$, that I most definitely do not have at the moment.  I really hate to ask to put this out there, but I’m kind of at a loss for what to do, since asking my parents for help is most definitely not an option at the moment, but if there was anyone who is willing to donate something to help me out, I would be forever grateful. 
Think of this as writing commissions if you’d like. Send in a prompt or anything if you decide to donate and I will happily write your request. Click HERE to donate if you can please. 
Thank you so much in advance. 
124 notes · View notes
Things come along like this that make the internet so special, I AM IN FUCKING TEARS
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Remember that one time Sight did that multipart Felix/Carolina with nice Felix/Locus background and I threw in some Tucker/Epsilon implications thing?
Remember it. I think we need a nice little compilation of that in chronological order. Including my two contributions denoted with asterisks.
Epsilon’s Accident
The Father*
Felix and Carolina Talk Pt. 1
Felix and Carolina Talk Pt. 2
Felix Confronts Locus Pt. 1
Felix Confronts Locus Pt. 2
Felix Confronts Locus Pt. 3
Felix Confronts Locus Pt. 4
Felix Confronts Locus Pt. 5
Felix Confronts Locus Pt. 6
Felix Confronts Locus Pt. 7
Felix Confronts Locus Pt. 8
Felix Confronts Locus Pt. 9
Felix Calls Carolina
The Brother*
Felix Wakes Up Pt. 1
Felix Wakes Up Pt. 2
Someone go encourage Sight to write more of this?
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Forever Dream Senior Dog Sanctuary, located in Tryon, NC, is at risk.
Last week a trusted volunteer, and close friend of the sanctuary owner for 30 years, shocked our entire community by stealing all of the sanctuary’s funds and disappearing.
Police reports have been filed, investigations are underway, but while all of that is going on, the sanctuary still has no funds. The local community is already helping out by donating what food and supplies they can, but tens of thousands of dollars worth of donations were stolen. That money goes towards keeping the sanctuary running.
Please, please help. Verna Wilkins, the sanctuary owner, is my friend, and I have had the privilege of working up close with the seniors and the sanctuary, and seeing the amazing work she does. The sanctuary is such a wonderful place. It not only provides forever homes and medical care to undesirable senior dogs, but Verna also rehabilitates feral seniors that were abandoned - something that happens all too often in this area.
Here is the link to the youcaring fundraiser.
Or, if you want, you can donate directly on the website here.
The sanctuary is a 501©(3), IRS recognized, non-profit organization, so all of your donations are tax deductible!
Please, even one dollar helps. And if you can’t donate, getting this spread as far and wide as possible helps tremendously. Help save these dogs from having to be put down, or live their lives out in shelters without proper medical care or love.
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i hear the boys are back
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Hey Sight… Wrote you something…
Keep reading
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SINCE THE END OF 2016 is coming...
take the chance from now ‘til new years to tell me anything and everything you’ve ever wanted to tell me. Anon or not, I don’t mind either way.
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corn warm up
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you, a reader: i really like your story but you probably don't care about in all the ways i like it
me, a writer: you realize you could talk about how you like my story for HOURS and i would be riveted at literally every individual moment
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The last photo Carolina had taken of her before leaving Earth.
My thought process went pretty much like this:
- lol I’m shit at painting light lol
- okay what looks nice when backlit— RED HAIR
- who do I want to make something nice for— REE
- who has red hair, what would please Ree— CAROLINA
- hot date with tablet, HERE I COME
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I can only put 10 screen shots in this post, but there are 167 more reasons not to vote for Donald Trump. Please do not waste your vote this November by voting for a third party, a write-in, or not at all. Hillary is the best and only option to defeat Donald Trump and to keep the public safe from his horrific attitude toward women and minorities.
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