sighttrust · 2 years
Reasons To Undergo Cataract Surgery in Palm Beach and Boca Raton, FL
Having trouble with seeing things is a common complaint, especially during the later part of life. Sure, one gets by correcting the power of prescription glasses for a time, but this is not a permanent solution. People above 50 years may see a halo-like effect and often cannot drive at night. These are complaints that are made by most individuals who develop cataracts in one or both eyes simultaneously. No amount of eye drops or vitamin pills will be able to correct this condition. The only treatment to address cataracts that render the natural eye lenses non-functional is to undergo cataract surgery in Palm Beach and Boca Raton, FL.
The procedure involves the removal of the damaged lens and replacing it with an artificial one. It is advisable to visit an eye clinic to have the affected eye(s) examined thoroughly. The eye doctor is equipped to make the diagnosis and recommend the best treatment. There is no reason to be alarmed at the prospect of surgery, however. Removal of the cataract-riddled lens is a common procedure and is performed by experienced eye surgeons. Sure, there are a few associated risks, as with other types of surgery. Such risks do not become real, and damage to the eyes may be seen in the rarest of rare instances.
Replacement Lens (IOL)
The natural eye lens would be replaced with an artificial one that mimics the function of the natural lens perfectly. There are several varieties of intraocular lenses (IOL) to consider. The concerned eye specialist could provide information about each type, highlighting their pros and cons. The patient is free to select by considering varied factors. Some of the lenses that are popularly used to replace the natural eye lens during cataract surgery include:-
· Monofocal- This is usually used to view objects at a specific distance. Reading or watching television may require being fitted with prescription glasses suited for viewing objects up close.
· Accommodating-focus monofocal- This lens is also a monofocal, but it responds to eye movements, and shifts focus as required. This is, thus, a more accommodating IOL that is often preferred by patients.
· Multifocal- This type of lens is similar to a bifocal or progressive lens used in prescription glasses. The user can thus focus on near and distant objects without any trouble. The users can get rid of their reading prescription glasses after recovering from the surgery.
· Toric- Eye surgeons recommend going for Toric IOLs for patients with astigmatism.
The more technologically advanced IOLs are relatively pricey compared to the monofocal lens. Senior citizens may be reimbursed for cataract surgery when they are covered by Medicare Plan B. However, the complex IOLs will not be covered by insurance. A majority of patients prefer the multifocal IOL for its range of vision. It is a one-time expense with the outcome being highly successful. Having cataract surgery in Palm Beach and Boca Raton, FL, is convenient as the best eye clinics ensure a quick recovery and few complications.
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sighttrust · 2 years
The SightTrust Eye Institute allows patients to have both eyes treated on the same day. You can see your best as soon as possible because of the speedier healing process and visual recovery provided by this!
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sighttrust · 2 years
Reasons To Consider An Intraocular Lens Surgery in Miami and Weston, FL
Cataract development is a part of the aging process. The clear protein making up the natural lens in the eye gets clouded due to the coagulation of the proteins. Vision begins to get compromised as a result. Although not discomfiting at first, the patients find it challenging to look at bright lights that have a halo-like effect. Driving becomes difficult, as is reading and watching television. The only treatment available to rectify the condition is intraocular lens surgery in Miami and Weston, FL. It is a fairly safe procedure with minimal risks associated with it. Eye doctors advise opting for the procedure as deemed necessary to prevent blindness with the advancement of age. ​ The term for a cataract surgery includes IOL or intraocular lens, which is an artificial lens that is implanted in place of the natural lens that has been damaged permanently. There are several types of IOLs available today, with the patient having the freedom to choose one that comes with features that are most helpful in restoring vision. It is interesting to know that the IOL is a small-sized lens crafted out of plastic that mimics the natural lens closely. The eye surgeon is sure to discuss the available types with the patient and relate the pros and cons of each. While the most advantaged products come with increased benefits, elderly patients are averse to expensive products as they may not be covered by Medicare plans. Popular IOLs used for cataract surgery · Monofocal- This is the commonest type of IOL that has been in vogue for years. However, it is restricted somewhat in function. Unlike the natural eye lens, this IOL will only allow the patient to focus at a specific distance. An individual hoping to correct nearsightedness may find it difficult to read or view things at a close distance. There is not much to worry about in such a situation, though. The eye doctor will prescribe eyeglasses that will enable the patient to lead an everyday life again. · Multifocal- This particular IOL is akin to a bifocal or progressive lens. The patient enjoys perfect vision regardless of the distance. Sadly, this type of IOL requires some time o be adjusted properly. Many patients complain of increased halo effects after undergoing the procedure. · Accommodating - This is one of the best IOLs for patients who want to get rid of eyeglasses. One can focus on different distances as per the necessity without experiencing any difficulty or discomfort. · Toric- This IOL has multiple functions. While the basic requirement of replacing the damaged natural lens is solved by implanting the IOL, it is the best option for individuals with misshapen corneas. Eye surgeons recommend the toric IOL to correct astigmatism as well. The patient does not have to use prescription glasses after recovering from the surgery. The quality of intraocular lens surgery in Miami and Weston, FL, has been increasing with time. Patients may request being fitted with an “Extended Vision Intraocular Lens (IOL)” that reduces the halo effect substantially.
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sighttrust · 2 years
The SightTrust Eye Institute offers advanced topical, laser-assisted cataract and refractive lens exchange surgery, clear-corneal, cataract surgery, multifocal and accommodating implants, and phakic intraocular lens implant surgery.
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sighttrust · 2 years
Need For Premium Cataract Surgery in Boca Raton and Miami, FL
Vision is one of the most important senses that help human beings to be in control. Like every other organ, eyes can be affected by advancing years too. It is not surprising for a person over 50 to experience blurred vision and observe a halo-like effect when looking at bright lights at a distance. The diagnosis of such symptoms is usually cataract formation. The specific cause behind the visual problems at this stage is the breakdown of proteins within the eye. The clumps of proteins are deposited on the natural eye lens, causing it to appear cloudy too. ​ The only treatment available to eliminate cataracts in one or both eyes is to undergo a surgical procedure. The eye surgeon would remove the damaged lens and replace it with an IOL (intra-ocular lens) that functions exactly as the removed lens. Sight is restored, therefore. The basic surgery includes the insertion of a monofocal lens that requires the patient to be fitted with prescription glasses after recovery from the effects of surgery. It is heartening to learn that such a surgery is usually covered by medical insurance plan. The more precise and improved procedures may be an ideal alternative, with almost all eye clinics offering premium cataract surgery in Boca Raton and Miami, FL. Sure, the monofocal IOL is a perfect replacement for the natural lens, but the patient may have some trouble focusing on near objects. The medical professional will likely prescribe reading glasses and advise eye exercises for vision improvement. Premium surgery has the eye surgeon use any of the following IOL according to the retirement of the patient:- · Multifocal- This lens divides the light perfectly so that both near and far vision is adjusted. Most users are elated to get rid of eyeglasses for good, but a few complain about a halo effect that makes it challenging to drive at night. · Toric- This is yet another specialized IOL that addresses astigmatism effectively. Patients diagnosed with this condition have an abnormal curvature of their cornea. This affects the reflection/refraction of light resulting in visual issues. A Toric lens can help to compensate for the errors, thus ensuring visual acuity despite the faulty curvature of the cornea. Younger individuals with vision problems may also opt for surgery similar to cataract surgery. The Refractive lens exchange procedure involves the replacement of one’s natural eye lens with an IOL that improves all related problems and improves visual acuity. Success depends on the general health of the patient as well as the type of IOL selected. The successive rate of all surgeries, including premium cataract surgery in Boca Raton and Miami, FL, is high. There are little or o complications afterward. The patient needs to do according to the advice of the eye surgeon and go in for follow-up sessions as scheduled. Some redness in the operated eye is expected, with a bit of inflammation. However, healing is likely to be complete within 6 to 8 weeks.
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sighttrust · 2 years
At SightTrust Eye Institute, we offer our patients the option of treating both eyes on the same day rather than one at a time. We provide a shorter healing time and quicker visual recovery, allowing you to see the best you can the soonest as possible.
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sighttrust · 2 years
Importance of Visiting An Ophthalmologist in Davie and Fort Lauderdale, FL
Vision is an essential gift that nature gifts mammals. It is important to care for one’s sight, as becoming sightless is not an option worth considering. Unfortunately, the statistics tell a different story, with a majority of Americans being extremely careless about getting their eyes checked regularly. There is no shortage of eye doctors across the nation today, and one may visit a competent ophthalmologist in Davie and Fort Lauderdale, FL, or decide to go to an eye hospital to ensure a meticulous examination.
Unfortunately, people do not take such advice correctly and may often dismiss it as inconsequential. The right way to understand the significance of ensuring perfect eyesight regardless of age and complexities would be to consult an ophthalmologist who is one of the best in the area.
First, it is essential to know the meaning of the term. It suffices to know that an ophthalmologist is a doctor of medicine specially trained to diagnose and treat eye-related conditions. An ophthalmologist may prescribe medication or perform surgeries as and when required.
Some of the advantages that one obtains by visiting an ophthalmologist regularly and having the eyes examined thoroughly are:-
· The professional assesses the risks of developing eye ailments after considering the history of parents and grandparents. The risks by race, gender, and age are gauged and communicated as well. Precautions are suggested to prevent severe eye problems in the future.
· A thorough examination of both eyes will enable the doctor to spot the first tell-tale indications of a condition. Even the ordinarily silent diseases that get manifest at an advanced stage can be diagnosed ideally by a trained professional.
· Risks of going blind as the disease progresses are evident when the patient is diagnosed with macular degeneration, glaucoma, and/or ocular melanoma. The ophthalmologist will be sure to create an extensive plan to prevent progression.
· The top ophthalmologists would be sure to question the patient closely and advise lifestyle changes as needed. A nutritive diet may be advised, along with taking proper protective measures against UV Rays and harsh lights. Smokers are often asked to quit smoking as continuing with it may lead to worsening of eyesight. A majority of eye doctors offer personalized tips to their patients, thus helping them to improve their vision as far as possible.
· Medication is yet another area that an ophthalmologist excels. While most eye doctors prescribe eye drops to help retain sight, the professional may prescribe medicines and vitamin supplements to deal with eye health.
· Explanation about the present condition of the eyes and vision problems is also expected from an experienced professional.
While it is essential to seek an appointment for an eye examination by getting in touch with the top ophthalmologist in Davie and Fort Lauderdale, FL, emergency treatment is offered instantly. Severe injury to the eye or infection that fails to subside requires urgent intervention by an experienced eye professional. A change in vision or sudden blindness is an emergency that may also require eye surgery.
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sighttrust · 2 years
SightTrust Eye Institute provides customized vision correction plans for patients with lens changes, hyperopia, myopia, and astigmatism, using the most advanced technology available in the field.
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sighttrust · 2 years
Gains Of Laser Cataract Surgery in Boca Raton and Palm Beach, FL
The thought of undergoing surgery is enough to send the concerned patient into a tizzy. The mere thought of having an individual wield a sharp instrument to cut into the body makes one panic. Older adults diagnosed with cataracts in one or both eyes can rest assured. Laser cataract surgery in Boca Raton and Palm Beach, FL, is one of the most modern and effective procedures in vogue. It comes with a host of benefits that has the patient and the eye surgeon pleased with the outcome. Moreover, it is also a bladeless surgery as laser energy is employed to break the clumps of cataracts and eliminate them immediately. ​ The ophthalmologist will be able to diagnose the condition as cataract formation once the patient complains of blurry vision and a halo-like appearance in bright lights. The eye surgeon is sure to provide insights about the types of surgical procedures feasible and is likely to ask the patient to select the best-suited one. Laser surgery may seem a trifle expensive compared to the traditional process, but it is in high demand at present. It is interesting to note that laser-aided equipment is utilized to create a tiny incision so that the cataract can be broken into fragments. The aperture is minuscule and provides a more precise approach as opposed to traditional cataract surgery. Advantages of laser-aided cataract surgery This procedure is believed to be the safest and most reliable type of cataract removal today. It is believed to be one of the gentlest ways to eliminate cataracts promptly, thereby correcting the vision. The associated benefits of going through the procedure include the following: Safety- The most crucial part of cataract surgery is capsulotomy, which involves carefully opening the thin membrane and carefully holding the cataract-riddled lens. A computer-guided laser will open it with perfect precision, thus eliminating the risks of damage to the capsule. The laser will map the inner structure perfectly and enable the concerned surgeon to cut a circular opening to reach the damaged lens. The prospects of accuracy are high when a laser is used for the surgery. This type of surgery is favored when the patient wants to get rid of eyeglasses for good. Correction of Astigmatism: The shape of the cornea is distorted by a condition known as astigmatism. Cataract surgeons can use laser technology to correct the corneal shape, thus ensuring perfect vision for the patient. Cataracts that may be present are removed at the same time too. One may opt for refractive lens exchange in Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale, FL, to correct various defects with the vision. Both nearsightedness and farsightedness can be reversed by undergoing this procedure. It is similar to cataract surgery, with the only exception being that the patients are not diagnosed with the formation of cataracts. Old patients who are not eligible for LASIK are advised to try this type of vision correction surgery.
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sighttrust · 2 years
The SightTrust Eye Institute has world-class doctors specializing in Bladeless & Premium Cataract Surgery and Multifocal & Intraocular Lens Implants in Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Palm Beach, and surrounding areas.
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sighttrust · 2 years
Reason To Visit a Doctor of Ophthalmology in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, FL
Cataract surgery is advised for most seniors after they reach a certain age and experience trouble viewing the world around them. There is no reason to worry, as this surgery is standard and includes almost no risks. It is also important to remember that cataract is not an ailment. On the contrary, it is a part of aging and is likely to occur in advanced age. Removing the cloudy eye lens and replacing it with an IOL or intra-ocular lens is the accepted treatment. Also known as intraocular lens surgery in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, FL, it can improve the patient's life, allowing the individual to follow the same lifestyle as before. ​ Purpose of IOLs An artificial lens replaces the natural eye lens and takes over the role without causing any problems to the patient. It enables proper focusing of light on the retina, thus clearing the vision so that the patient can view objects clearly without feeling any additional need for other aids. It is essential to note that man-made lenses may not mimic natural lenses perfectly. Selecting the right one is of utmost importance, therefore. Not all IOLs are the same, though. Almost all of them come with certain limitations. Therefore, it is necessary to select wisely as the IOL would remain in the eye for a lifetime. Yes! A layperson may not be equipped to choose as per the requirement. This makes it imperative to consult an eye specialist well before surgery. The surgeon will place the selected lens after removing the cataract-riddled one. The surgeon may inform the patient about the materials used and provide two options: a rigid IOL or a foldable one. Interestingly, the rigid IOL is not favored widely as it requires a reasonably large incision to be inserted into the eye. On the other hand, a foldable IOL is made out of silicon or acrylic materials. The lens is inserted in the folded state that opens up once it reaches the right position. Types of IOLs Apart from the material, the clarity achieved by using IOL is regarded as all-important. The patient has the liberty of selecting from the following varieties: Monofocal- Most patients prefer this type of lens as it helps them focus at a distance and view far-off objects. Elderly persons must be provided with reading glasses after successful cataract surgery to read correctly. Near vision thus needs to be corrected with prescription glasses. Multifocal- The IOLs have the power to focus as required. Patients may be able to view both near and distant objects equally well once the IOL replaces the blurry natural lens. Unfortunately, it is not always the perfect solution, as many patients have complained of seeing halos or glares. Advancement in technology has resulted in using trifocal IOL that effectively overcomes such problems. It is essential to visit a doctor of ophthalmology in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, FL, regularly to have the eye problems diagnosed at the earliest. The development of cataracts can be corrected without any issues once the ophthalmologist and cataract surgeon recommend it.
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sighttrust · 2 years
At SightTrust Eye Institute, we used Crystalens, which helps the eye's internal muscles to flex and focus on objects at varying distances, from distance to intermediate tasks. We enjoy a wide range of vision for most activities, including Reading, working on the computer, driving, and more!
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sighttrust · 2 years
Tips To Find the Right Cataract Surgeon in Plantation and Palm Beach, FL
Visual acuity is not something to be taken for granted. Sure, aging affects eyesight too, but most individuals complain about their inability to read the fine print or watch color television as well as before. Reading glasses can help many patients, but there is no way to halt the progression of steady degeneration due to aging. It is not surprising to learn that one has a cataract that is labeled as the primary cause of ineffective vision. Surgery is the only way to eliminate the source of problems by having the riddled cataract lens. It is replaced by an artificial intraocular lens that functions like the natural eye lens enabling the patient to enjoy restored vision.   ​ It is essential to have the procedure performed by a professional with the requisite credentials and experience. It is not difficult to find a top cataract surgeon in Plantation and Palm Beach, FL, to perform the surgery. Believing in tall claims is a strict no-no. Instead, one should ensure that the concerned ophthalmologist /eye surgeon has the right skills. Some of the things that one must be aware of when trying to find the right surgeon to remove cataracts include: In-Network- The first thing most patients do after being told about undergoing surgery is to check with the health insurance provider. However, simply being a part of a network does not make the concerned surgeon the best in the trade. The patient should insist on a board-certified ophthalmologist who is adept at performing cataract surgery. Asking Around- It makes sense to ask others about the surgeons in the locality or those associated with the top eye clinics. Inquiring at the local eye clinic and asking optometrists or eyeglass manufacturers may lead one to the right professional. Friends and family members who may have undergone surgery in the past can also refer the patient to their eye specialists. State License- The patient must check the licensing state of the surgeon. It is essential to have the procedure performed by a surgeon licensed to practice in a particular state. It is an excellent idea to visit the State medical board’s website and review the list of experienced cataract surgeons certified to handle surgeries within the state. One may also find information about litigations against the concerned surgeon. It is vital to opt for another professional when there are instances of disciplinary action or legal suits filed against an eye surgeon. Consultation- The patient should not avoid a consultation session with the designated cataract surgeon performing the procedure. Feeling comfortable in the presence of a professional is most important. The patient is free to direct the questions to the surgeon so that all doubts can be clarified days before the procedure is done. Undergoing an intraocular lens surgery in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, FL, can help the patient get rid of cataracts with complete restoration of vision.
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sighttrust · 2 years
SightTrust Eye Institute provides excellent vision over a wide range of distances, reducing or eliminating the need for glasses for most activities, including driving, reading, laptop, desktop, computers, and more!
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sighttrust · 2 years
Reasons To Undergo Bladeless Cataract Surgery in Boca Raton and Palm Beach, FL
The eyes are one of the most sensitive organs in the human body and need appropriate care to keep the vision intact. Unfortunately, even the best care may not be enough when one experiences dryness of the eyes, irritability, or itchiness. Aging is yet another reason that weakens one’s eyesight bit. The natural lens loses its transparency as cataract begins to clod the vision when one reaches and exceeds the age of 40-50. The vision change is not dramatic, however. On the contrary, many telltale indications point towards cataract formation. ​ Surgery is the only known way of getting rid of the unnatural protein on the lens. Most individuals are scared of needles; some may try to postpone them as far as possible. That would only aggravate the problem and compromise the visual acuity further. A fear of needles may be resolved by learning that modern technology has resulted in bladeless cataract surgery in Boca Raton and Palm Beach, FL, which is believed to be more beneficial. The ophthalmologist will refer the patient to an experienced eye surgeon who will perform the procedure. The concerned patient would be informed about the Bladeless Femto Laser Surgery in detail so that it becomes easier to make an informed decision about the necessary surgery. Interestingly, the steps followed during the procedure are identical to a traditional type of cataract-removal surgery. Still, no-scalpel or blade is utilized to cut the cataract-riddled lens. Instead, the damaged lens would be removed with the help of a computerized laser technique. One is likely to hear it being referred to as a combination of live OCT-guided imaging and Lensx Femtosecond laser technique. Bladeless Surgery Procedure The procedure involves using a couple of precise laser systems to ensure precision. The process is done in two stages. Initially, a tiny cut is made to the cornea with the help of a laser, and a flap is created. A second laser is then used to reshape the tissue of the cornea. The “Small Incision Lenticule Extraction,” known by its acronym SMILE, does not have any flap created, however. The damaged lens is removed through a tiny 2mm incision instead. Advantages of the Bladeless Surgery Procedure There are multiple reasons to opt for laser surgery without the use of blades. Some of the pluses that inspire patients to go for this advanced technology include the following aspects: · Exceedingly short recovery time · Absolutely precise surgery · Rare chances of errors · It is an improved form of the LASIK surgery that does not use sharp cutting tools either · The surgeon receives information about the nature of the lens via image mapping done by ultrasound energy · The laser also breaks the cataract into fragments and emulsifies it for easy removal · This is a safer procedure with the risks of injury, and human error is reduced substantially The bladeless surgery is a trifle more expensive than the traditional cataract surgery in Boca Raton and Plantation, FL making it more suitable for patients with a limited budget.
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sighttrust · 2 years
SightTrust Eye Institute is recognized as a world leader in refractive eye care innovation. We will improve our patients' lifestyles and vision by using the best technology, surgical results, and unparalleled customer service.
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sighttrust · 2 years
Role of a Cataract Doctor in Miami and Plantation, FL
Young children are often led to an eye clinic to examine their vision. With education being at stake and the organs growing rapidly according to age, it is necessary to have the perfect focus that helps one to see perfectly regardless of the distance. Sadly, the urgency to visit an eye doctor or experienced ophthalmologist in Boca Raton and Fort Lauderdale, Florida, reduces as one becomes an adult and takes charge. Sure, a few eye problems here and there necessitate the intervention of an eye specialist. Still, most individuals begin to experience a host of vision-related issues once they turn 50 or advance further. True, laypersons do not know specialized medical terms with very little understanding of the need to visit an ophthalmologist. It is essential to be aware of the eye problems that such a specialist can diagnose. Advising the right treatment is their responsibility too. It is interesting to note that an ophthalmologist treats a wide range of eye and vision problems. The concerned patient would have to undergo a thorough eye examination and may have to go for diagnostic tests before the root cause of the issue is discovered. The treatment usually follows a pattern, with the ophthalmologist informing the patient and the family about the associated risks and options for treatment. It is essential to seek an appointment with an ophthalmologist right away when any of the following eye problems are noticed: Vision Changes: Failing to see clearly or read properly is usually the first sign of eye trouble. One may have to update the prescription glasses by correcting the power. While this may solve the issue within days, more severe problems may cause one to experience trouble with vision too. An eye examination will reveal whether the occurrence of such a problem is due to loss of acuity or involves retinal damage. Certain eye health issues may be manifested with an inability to see clearly. Dry Eyes: This is a condition often associated with high myopia or nearsightedness. Individuals using the computer or mobile phone for extended eyes may experience dry eyes too. It is usually discomfiting without being too troublesome. Most eye doctors prescribe lubricant eye drops to combat the situation. Severe dry eyes may lead to corneal scarring as well. This is best treated by the ophthalmologist, who would be able to gauge the extent of dryness during slit-lamp examination. Pain: Experiencing pain in one or both eyes is a symptom that requires immediate diagnosis and treatment. The ophthalmologist will perform an extensive examination to rule out several eye ailments such as dry eyes, episcleritis, or uveitis. Pain may also be caused by injury or infection in any part of the eye. Again, pain in the eye may be a symptom of other conditions, notably sinusitis or head/brain ailment. The ophthalmologist can double up as a competent cataract doctor in Miami and Plantation, FL, and perform cataract surgery in senior patients, improving their vision.
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