Signified Monkey
The Signified Monkey The signified monkey was hanging around on his tree one day, when he saw his friend Bruh Rabbit.. he decided to play.. it was a game calleed 'dozens', that he'd learned long ago, and he would play with anyone, except the ape- BoBo "HEY RABBIT", he called getting the rabits attention! Where's your mama? He asked," Dont worry about where she's at." The rabbit answered as he turned to bounce away.  But, before Bruh Rabbit could leave, he heard the monkey say: "Lil Ole Nigga-in your hole you may go, an come out hiding in the grass". But your mama better not let one more day go by without my money, or else I'ma put my foot up one of Y'all hairy ass"! But Mr. Monkey, my mama don't owe you no money! The Rabbit said, ready to fight. "Who said she don't? After all this dick I blessed her with last friday night! That dumb bitch knew she had to pay her way. And I need my motha-fuckin-money, in the worst way" "Well", said Bruh Rabbit,"If she owe you money, you know where to go". "Where"? The monkey asked.  "Where shall i go"? Go ask the Ape, the one called "BoBo".. and with that the rabbit bounced away. "Oh" said the monkey. "That's how you want to play"? So the good sister rabbit was eating ape BoBo's dick today...But the signified monkey was far from thru, he realized that there was only one thing left to do... He searched his tree until he found the longest vine, then he swung around until he saw that rabit's behind. On it in a flash, he whipped the young rabbit's ass! "Y'All gone get my money, like I said, today! Or both of y'all going to have hell to pay"! They heard  something coming, so quickly they split, in a hole shot the rabbit, and up a tree the monkey went..... After the monkey looked back, from making his escape, out of the bush came 'BoBo' the ape! "Hey monkey"! He yelled..." I see you looking from far away, bring your happy ass closer, to hear what I got to say"! So down a few limbs the monkey made his way, wondering what the fuck-was on the Ape's mind today...'Muthafucka, I was in the bush today, and heard what you said"! " I'm going to say this once, before I cave in your head. That rabbit you're hunting, belong's to me. So if you touch a hair on her ass, I'm climbing that tree...now, step out here bitch", the Ape yelled in the busch, out stepped a pretty brown rabbit, with a white patch on her tush... "Tell this monkey what you got to say, so he'll know to stay out my mutha-fuckin-way"! "Mister monkey, last friday you were definetly a pleasure to me, you didn't hesitate when I invited you 'out of your tree'!  Down in a flash, you came, and then you were thru, and somehow slipped in, 'that I now owed you'! So you better listen to what my ape has to say, becasue I dont owe you shit nigga, so stay out of our way"..... The signified monkey had taken all that he could stand, it was time to stand up, like a 'natural born man'! "You dirty bitch you're making me sick aint no way in hell, you thought I served you free dick! For many-a-years, I swung on this vine, drinking my wine and passing the time... and throughout those years, when I came out of my tree, to serve this dick, it was never for free!.... So run quick bitch, and far as you can go, run even-to this nigga "BoBo"! "Your hairy ass gone come off my cash, just watch and see. You aint fucking with a squirrel, I'm the 'SIG-NI-FIED MONKEY"! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Came the thunderous sound of BoBo the Ape beating his chest, which made the monkey pause, like all the rest of the jungle crowd. "Monkey", The ape yelled, Boom Boom while beating his chest again, 'If you fuck with me, there's no way you can win"! "Your face may shine, and your teeth my grit, on your ass I'm going, the first chance I get!! Lil ole nigga, I warned you to stay out of my way, but you went and let your mouth write a check, for your ass to pay"! So run punk run, cause here I come, It's time for your ass to pay, for what your mouth has done...." Up the tree the ape came, from limb to limb he swung, calling the monkey's name... But even faster and quicker, the monkey would flee, he swung around until the ape got tired and climbed off the tree... "Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha"! Came the monkeys laugh from far away. 'Hey Ape", he yelled. 'Is that all the price I'll have to pay"? "Because if it is and you're through, I've got some helluva news for you!" Here the monkey paused and looked down at the ape, who was catching his breath, with a "mask on his face"! "Silly ass Nigga, what's gotten into you? That you'd threaten a playa, behind a nasty bitch with mud on her shoes"? "But since you chose to do it this way, It's time for 'your muthafuckin ass' to hear what I have to say". Down a few limbs came the monkey towards "BoBo" There were a few things he just had to let him know.... "Nigga, in these trees I've never had to run, because of a problem behind a bitch, who owed me, 'for cum'... Now your dumb ass sitting there without breath, about to choke, 'ha, ha, ha' .. the monkey laughed, hanging from a limb .. that suddenly broke! The Ape Bobo, had nothing to say, but he proimsed himself he'd catch that monkey one day. So, when the monkey fell, not far from his feet, he gave that monkey what he'd promised,  An "ass that was beat"! "Slap..slap...slap..kick.." a body slam on the head, he beat the monkey so good, he thought he'd 'beat him dead'! Lying there unconscious, with half his head caved in, the Signified Monkey 'desperately' needed a friend... Someone who could do something with the Ape BoBo, and here came his partner, from long ago.. "Hey ape"! yelled the partner, recognizing his friend, "If you hit him again, in your business-I'm In"!  BoBo the Ape turned around, ready to fight, because surely no on in this jungle would challenge his might.. What he say, made his scared, here stood a beast, with a 'crown on his head' "Back away" his mind tried to say, but who the fuck was 'this lion' to order him this way? The ape beat his chest "Boom, Boom, Boom...Boom" and told the lion, he wasn't leaving anytime soon! "Ok, Mr. Ape, before I give you what you surely won't like, let me explain to you how me and this monkey got so tight".... By then the monkey had 'come-to in a daze', So he heard every word the lion had to say.. "Me and this monkey go back to when, fucking bitches for money, was a helluva sin.. he was called SIG-NI-FIED, an I became Bruh Lion, I would fuck as many on the ground-as he could from his vine..... Then came the day when I served this 'good dick' to his wife....she loved it so much she walked out of his life... I had to 'stomp on his ass, for many-a-day, but 'still' I felt bad, for treating him in such a way. He feel in love with wine around this time, and still I 'dicked his wife', as if she was mine.... Then one day I was in a 'compromising way', so I left this side of the jungle, for only him to play..." "But then thank god, I came back just in time, to kick 'your' ass, for disobeying an order of mine"!... Their battle was hard an fierce, but in the end the ape was dealt with.. "BoBo the Ape" limped away that day, he knew it 'just wasn't his day', so he had nothing else to say.. the lion let out a ferocious growl, "Chump-never again will you hear an order of mine you won't obey"! After saying that he turned to 'signified' who'd made his way up a tree, a pile of 'shit' was thrown in his eyes, and he couldn't see.. now it was he who had little to say, he just 'couldn't believe the monkey would act this way' "You punk-muthafucka",  growled the lion, gettin the shit out of his eye. "I saved you from that ape, but for 'this shit' you're gonna die"! The signified monkey sat there with a devilish grin, then he grabbed some more shit, and hit the lion again!...... "Muthafucka" "Shut up bitch", the monkey yelled, "Take it like a man"! "Take all the shit I can chunk at you like a man if you can! I heard all that bullshit you told the ape, you lying ass lion! You're no better than a low down snake! Not once did you mention your big booty mama, Ms. Lyons. I did you a favor for fucking her for free, and right behind my back, you couldn't wait to betray me! And you didn't leave this end of the jungle, cause you wanted to be free, you left because that's what your mama asked you to do, because I had cut off her blessings, and as long as you were around, it was my 'dick' she was missing!..... Now I suppose you're back because you heard my dick keeps her broke"  "Cuz Bruh Lion, she's paying for every stroke"! "Shut up monkey, or-on your ass I'm gonna get"! "Fuck you Lion, cause you dont know who your fucking with"! Back and forth they went, spending their time, on the ground was the lion, and the monkey from a vine... as time went on, they went back to their old tricks, while enjoying the fruits of "selling their dicks"! But suddenly, tired of the hassle, and tired of the rumble, the monkey sent word throughout the jungle...that he would be retiring his dick "by the end of the year", but before he did, there was something he wanted them all to hear.... So, on the chosen day they alll came, many didn't know 'signified' personally, but had heard so much of his name.... Bruh Lion, Bruh Rabbit an BoBo the Ape, were among the many animals, birds and snakes, there on this special day... from high on his limb, the monkey "Addressed the crowd", and since 'so many had come', he had to speak loud... "For all you bitches and hoes, I just want you to know, I'm keeping my dick in my pants, so don't ask for no mo!! I've been in these trees many-many days, telling my lies in my 'sig-ni-fied' way! I've drank the 'good water', and smoked the 'good herb', an tried teaching niggaz the good lies, from my sig-ni-fied proverb...." Here he paused and looked out over the jungle's crowd not satisfied with what he saw, he kept on talking loud.... "Most of you niggaz are full of envy", the monkey grabbed his dick and said, "Of this pleasure pole, that I've served to many... and to all of y'all who I served their wife, fear no more, cause I am out of this life...." "My only regret was how I've treated Bruh Lion, behind a two timing' bitch, I once thought was mine... when I should've tipped my hat, to him, for taming that cat!"... And then he said.... "Now before I go, I just want you all to remember, that I was the Sig-ni-fied monkey, from the first of January to the 31st of December.. I played by the rules "I" created and had my way, every-single-muthafucking day! " Then, like a flash, he went up his tree, leaving behind everybody wanting more, of the Sig-ni-fied monkey!!
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