signthetimes-blog · 7 years
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signthetimes-blog · 7 years
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signthetimes-blog · 7 years
Sign of the Times @ Troublemakers Festival
The most recent episode of Sign of the Times at the Troublemakers Festival, Volcano Theatre where the people of Swansea came out to tell everyone what they want. Saturday's continuous drizzle made for a busy day indoors, a lot of thinking, talking, questioning and making, with young and old and those in between flooding in to work out what they want. The afternoon rush made for an exciting if chaotic production process, but thanks to some great assistance the production line continued and the mounting display of placards grew in the windows of Volcano. On Sunday morning the making continued apace and as the weather eased in the afternoon a public rally took the messages on a march to the old Palace Theatre, 'wants' were chanted and placards were tied to the fences surrounding the rundown playhouse as a tribute to what Swansea wants. Back at Volcano the workshop closed with the local voices of Erin, Bowen, Evan and Neil reading out from this very long list of desires produced by the people of Swansea....
Thank you to everyone at Troublemakers and Volcano and of course the people of Swansea.    
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signthetimes-blog · 7 years
I want a world where there is room and comfort for everyone
I want to get older with my partner
I want a fair system of welfare for everybody
I want humans to stop damaging the environment
I want more culture for everyone
I want people to treat people with respect
I want more love, less prejudices
I want all children to have a happy childhood
I want my mother’s Alzheimer’s to reverse
I want to be able to enjoy or learn from every moment of my life, even if it is not good.
Mi reino pr un caballo
Con las palabras la mente tine alas
El teatro es poesia que sale del libro para haceroe humana
La soledad es la gran talladora del espiritu
El que quiere aranar la luna, se aranara el Corazon
La traduccion destroza el espiritu del lenguaje
Favor con favour se paga
Solo se vive una vet
Tal para cual
Bailar con la mas fea
I want beans on toast to be made compulsory
I want to be 1¼ inches taller
I want to be a greedy bullfinch
I want my son to get up before 2.00pm
I want a bath of strawberry yoghurt
I want 1970’s platform shoes
I want to be a hamster superhero
I want to own nothing
I want everyone to help the person next to them
I want a longer list
I want greener cities
I want cleaner air
I want everyone to have the opportunity to grow food
I want all to have the chance to grow ideas
I want no plastics or packaging that can’t be recycled
I want income tax NOT VAT
I want a proper welfare system
I want respect for everyone and their needs
I want free travel
I want peace and love for the human and non human world
I want equality
I want an end to hate
I want to be free to be me
I want Sarah for my wifey for lifey
I want to pass school
I want the girls in my class to stop arguing
I want people to stop shouting
I want to stop judging me
I want a tortoise
I want new split sole ballet shoes
I want an end of LAD-CULTURE
I want Liam and Noel to make up
I want everyone to stop asking trans people about their genitals
I want less waste - more upcycling
I want everyone to find a positive, creative outlet
I want my girlfriend to marry me
I want the stigma of tattoos to disappear
I want no more stereotyping
I want to keep the NHS
I want a good night’s sleep every night
I want to be proud to be an artist
I want to be healthy
I want to be world peace
I want to save the planet (environmental)
I want to care for each other
I want to share food
I want to create a shed for creativity (men and women)
I want to  teach the youth to respect each other
I want people to know its about the inside that matters beauty within
I want Corbyn
I want free school lunches for all
I want a car free town centre
I want for the LGTB to have more compassion for the T
I want neater handwriting
I want cake
I want peace- of cake
I want sex
I want cheese on toast
I want everyone to feel purposeful
I want no street sleeping- there are homes for everyone
I want to make a useful difference
I want to stop littering
I want my mum to get all the good she deserves
I want Trump and May to f**k off
I want people to feel more comfortable to make and be who they want
I want a new bike
I want it to stop raining
I want coffee
I want no ads on TV
I want all sports (less football) to be televised free
I want coffee to come out of trees
I want beer machines (vending)
I want to win the lottery
I want my kids to grow up in a safe world
I want Cheetos crunchy to grow on trees
I want more sarcasm
I want less ideology
I want everyone to be happy
I want to treat people the way they want to be treated
I want to breathe underwater
I want to speak every language fluently
I want Justin Bieber to be my brother
I want to live forever- stay young forever
I want to make people who are less fortunate than us to be happy
I want to be famous and meet loads of celebrities
I want to help the homeless
I want loads of money
I want peace
I want love
I want hope
I want oxygen
I want clean water
I want food
I want exercise
I want rest
I want long life
I want Emma to stay happy.
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signthetimes-blog · 7 years
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images by Bernadette Russell
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signthetimes-blog · 7 years
I want
I want my health back
I want happiness for all my family
I want a cure for my diabetes and spinal issues
I want a litter free Swansea
I want peace and no more wars
I want crime to become a thing of our pasts
I want cleaner air to breathe
I want jobs for all the young people
I want cheaper house prices for first time buyers
I want to be a football player
I want to make people laugh like Mr Bean
I want to dance like Michael Jackson
I want to be famous to be known around the world
I want to play football for France because it is my country
I want to always help people when they need help
I want to meet a famous celebrity
I want people to be happy it doesn’t matter who it is
I want to stop the violence around the world
I want my neighbour to be happy
I want a shadow’s corpse
I want four tea-forks of sign language
I want a knee cap on your nose so you can smell around corners
I want Francis Bacon’s French ham
I want fourteen miles of levitating whips
I want a bee skin rug
I want a jewellery sandwich
I want three horse of opium
I want a pair of trousers made of a corduroy argument
I want Salvador Dali as the new Dr Who
I want to be healthy again no pain
I want clean, healthy air
I want happiness for my family
I want no wars. Please.
I want to win the lotto. Haha.
I want a litter free town (Swansea)
I want no dog poo and take note
I want jobs for all who want to work
I want the Labour party
I want to smile and be smiled back at. Ha ha.
I want free wool
I want more laughing
I want the re-introduction of Welsh Dragons
I want more sunshine in Wales
I want more 80s music
I want free drinks if you’re ginger
I want six month holidays twice a year
I want a National Flipflop Day
I want diets that work in a week
I want compulsory wine Wednesday
I want everyone to have money
I want everyone to have a home
I want everyone to have rights
I want war to stop
I want to travel anywhere without being followed
I want to work at 13 as you’re a teen
I want school to not give detention for silly reasons
I want to stop changing rules in the world
I want to give everyone a chance to do talents
I want to have fun
I want a normal life
I want a life where there aren’t any stupidities, bullies, currency, idiotic politicians, walls (both figurative and literal), door and where all illnesses are cured with LAUGHTER.
I want Wales to make her own choices about how to be better! #IndyWales
Bod un meun miliwn o sianclwyr Cymraeg
I want fairness
I want education to not make people think learning is a forced march
I want changing the world to be accompanied by coffee and cake
I want no more Victorian values like “deserving” and “undeserving” poor
Gwlad yn hollo clwyieithog (a heb cwyno am fy sillafu Cymraeg dyswraidd)
I want non- angry twitter/comments threads
I want forming better habits to be easier
I want “representative” democracy to be actually representative
I want my children to show a bi of interest in something other than the internet
I want to have a big belly laugh
I want the inhabitants of Grenfell Tower to be rehoused in the plush apartments of Kensington
I want my daughter to smile and look like she is having fun
I want to have nice teeth
I want to make people laugh
I want to lie in a Jacuzzi and be fed champagne and salted crisps
I want the day to be longer
I want to skip along a clifftop without feeling like I’m going to fall off or over
I want to smash the patriarchy
I want a female doctor
I want better queer representation on TV and film
I want Jeremy Corbyn for PM
I want to pet all the dogs
I want Trump to be impeached
I want less rain
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signthetimes-blog · 7 years
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images by Bernadette Russell
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signthetimes-blog · 7 years
I want more social justice
I want avocados that don’t go brown
I want wholesome memes
I want an abundant garden
I want a four day working week
I want to move past capitalism
I want a swing set on the roof
I want adults to be more fun
I want to stop receiving adverts that are based on my gender
I want the people in power to go away
I want more understanding
I want to feel safe
I want to value who I am
I want freedom to be without judgement
I want freedom to change without judgement
I want time for all my hobbies
I want no more money worries
I want to be able to do a second degree without paying both arms and both legs
I want a sense of direction
I want the best of city and countryside
I want a return to nature
I want to write again
I want a pony
I want more psychological education and support for all
I want everyone to make steps towards veganism
I want to stop hate speech and violence
I want to ban or put limits on processed foods and sugars
I want a free, fair and fun education for everyone, no matter who they are and how they learn!
I want everyone to realise how AWESOME they are!
I want an end to homophobia
I want an end to xenophobia
I want an end to transphobia
I want to not be scared to marry my boyfriend
I want to not let my anxiety and depression stop me from doing things I love
I want Jeremy Corbyn to become Prime Minister
I want everyone to embrace difference instead of being afraid of it
I want a Daihatsu Hi Jet or Bedford Barnbi camper van
I want people to actually use their indicators when driving !!!
I want the government to leave the NHS alone!
I want peace of mind for my daughters
I want to speak Welsh
I want to live out my last 20 years without ill health (I’m 70)
I want to climb every mountain top in Wales
I want to do yoga till I die at 101 years
I want to see grandchildren safe and happy
I want to write poems
I want to see Donald Trump impeached
I want to see the end of massacre in the Middle East
I want to get my teeth straightened LOL!
I want to fly like a butterfly
I want a strawberry house to live in
I want a star wars costume
I want a balloon face
I want a picture of a balloon head
I want to grow a strawberry tree from a seed
I want a chair that talks
I want more lego cards
I want trainers that talk
I want loads of toys
I want refugees to be welcome
I want dinosaurs back
I want all babies to sleep 6pm-8am (or 6pm-11am on Sunday)
I want everyone on earth to be friends
I want the freedom to love
I want the freedom to not be harassed on the street
I want not to be a man
I want men to be free of patriarchy
I want women to be free of patriarchy
I want the end of meat
I want no more war
I want to take all the money from the rich
I want to sort out the water
I want free trans people
I want absolute and total equality of men and women
I want all the answers
I want humans and the planet in total harmony
I want an end to violence
I want an economy based on happiness not money
I want well-being in Wales and the world
I want to never to have to use sun screen
I want troublemakers in charge
I want greed viewed as a crime against humanity
I want fun
I want NASA to make a device to make us breathe in space without a helmet!
I want world peace!
I want to come together!
I want more flowers!
I want more fantasy time!
I want a new ship built in space!
I want everyone to be who they are!
I want more people to have cars!
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signthetimes-blog · 7 years
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images by Richard James
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signthetimes-blog · 7 years
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images by Richard James
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signthetimes-blog · 7 years
I want less superhero movies to star men called Chris (and more women)
I want no more homophobia (or biphobia/transphobia)
I want women to be allowed to govern their own bodies
I want more community clubs
I want more nature walks (with picnic benches everywhere)
I want more places for old folk
I want more places to hang out I want more balloon festivals (with balloon graffiti, balloons shaped differently)
I want money
I want equality
I want McDonalds
I want no hate
I want my mum to treat me with more respect
I want to be a millionaire
I want to pass my GCSEs (with A*s)
I want to have nice teeth
I want to be funny
I want free dominoes
I want to meet Rihanna
I want my children to do what I ask (first time!)
I want to go running every day
I want everyone to be happy
I want a new hair dye that only needs ot be applied once and never again
I want a better brain
I want good weather at festivals
I want to live nearer my sisters
I want my children to grow up as good, kind, well adjusted citizens.
I want the brain to switch off
I want drinking alcohol to be good for your health
I want freeconomy economics
I want peace on mars
I want Scooby doo to be real
I want the world to be made of sweets
I want happy and stress free daughters with a  zest for life (and to practise what I preach!)
I want a boyfriend that isn’t a light sleeper so that I can snore all I like/need to
I want dinner
I want a day off, jut one. That’s all I ask!
I want my neighbour to be less of an aggressive arse around my rescue dog
I want the moon on a stick
I want multiple rose bushes
I want at least one orgasm a week
I want everlasting bananas
I want for cheesy porridge to work (and be a thing)
I want Trump to shit himself in public
I want Theresa May to drown in a wheatfield
I want to find the end of the rainbow
I want for gold to be at the end of a rainbow
I want to get my kitchen done
I want humans to show that they are capable of love and kindness
I want tolerance of our differences
I want everyone to have a chance to achieve their dreams
I want kindness more kindness
I want creative freedom
I want to feel comfortable in our own skins
I want books, a lot more books in public libraries
I want a celebration of the good in the world
I want to follow my heart wherever it leads
I want an end to the unfairness of the 1%
I want to have no wars
I want a gummy bear
I want to be in a musical
I want to do well in my GSCEs
I want to have a pig
I want a big chocolate cake
I want not to have so much rain
I want to live in PJs
I want to do well in our next show
I want to always have a nice pair of ballet shoes
I want Brexit stopped
I want full citizenship for everyone who lived at Grenfell Tower
I want an immediate right to remain in Europe for everyone trying to cross the Mediterranean sea in small boats.
I want safe transport to Europe for all those trying to cross the Med in small boats
I want David Davies, Boris Johnson and Liam Fox to be sacked
I want free citizenship classes about sexuality, racism and gender in all towns
I want no more “welsh” schools but Welsh in schools for all and focus on learning more than 2 languages
I want more music, dancing, singing, art in schools immediately
I want roll out schemes of nurseries in old people’s homes
I want a living wage for all
I want more peace
I want people to love people for who they are
I want people not to be racist, sexist, homophobic etc
I want Swansea Council to recycle soft plastics
I want to be me, without judgement
I want to be able to buy all the clothes I want
I want clothes not to be gendered
I want more art in the streets
I want shelter for those who need it
I want wars to be stopped
I want more love
I want no DUP coalition
I want for Barry the cockerel to be safe
I want fidget spinners to burn!
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signthetimes-blog · 7 years
Sign of the Times march, Troublemakers Festival, Swansea, 16/07/17
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signthetimes-blog · 7 years
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images by Richard James
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signthetimes-blog · 7 years
I want people not to pass the poor but ALWAYS give money!
I want more poetry!
I want to be hopelessly in love
I want to have breakfast at Tiffany’s at least once
I want violence to be unpopular
I want to work to live, not live to work
I want Theresa May to step down
I want my dog to love me as much as she loves my mum
I want to pass my degree
I want to have a good singing voice
I want to be considered cool, at least once
I want to learn that what everyone thinks doesn’t always matter
Azt akarom napsütés (sunshine)
Azt akarom eper (strawberries)
Azt akarom szeretet (love)
Azt akarom tanya (a farm)
Azt akarom cselló (to cheer)
Azt akarom boldogságot
Azt akarom mindenkinek (happiness for everyone)
Azt akarom istent közel (to be near the goddess)
Azt akarom hosszú hajat( long hair)
Azt akarom örök életet ( eternal life)
Azt akarom tej (milk)
I want a more annoying dog
I want a hot dog
I want a dog
I want a toby dog
I want a lesser dog
I want a greater dog
I want a tiny dog
I want a big dog
I want a fat dog
I want a brick
I want to see a phoenix
I want to see a shooting star
I want a real live Christmas tree for Christmas
I want a pet rabbit
I want to be a caracal
I want a kitchen
I want a rat who’s friends with a bunny
I want a new cat costume
I want to race with an eagle
I want to see a basilisk lizard
I want thriving , safe and fun neighbours
I want inspiring work that transforms, for all
I want a healthy lifestyle to be the most fun, tasty, attractive option
I want co-creation and synergy as how we do things
I want lovely, creative housing for everyone
I want all corporates to be ethical- people, planet, profit
I want connection, communication, play
I want lots of places to dance and improvising
I want conscious, restorative, collaborative practice
I want eco-thriving, green streets and youth enterprise.
I want “safe spaces” for black people
I want regular “political” cinema
I want justice
I want honesty
I want trust
I want sustainable clean energy
I want reparations
I want community everywhere
I want car/bike pools and sharing
I want public green spaces to always have some food growing especially nut trees for winter protein for vegans
I want more grime
I want to be able to be good at something
I want to be famous
I want there to be no such thing as war and hate
I want to be able to teleport
I want to be fast
I want to not be in the bottom set for maths, English, science, French, and welsh
I want there to be five more series of Breaking Bad
I want to be in Macdonalds
I want to be taller
I want a big bag of money
I want Swansea to be the city of culture
I want the seagulls to go somewhere else (like Cardiff)
I want to see bio luminescence in the sea once more
I want a direct train from Swansea to Southampton
I want another referendum so I can change my vote
I want another election so more young people can vote
I want proportional representation
I want facebook and twitter to go “somewhere else” (like the recycling bin)
I want the High Street to be pedestrianized
I want another Troublemakers Festival
I want a more compassionate government
I want people to question everything they’re told
I want the patriarchy to be dismantled
I want the global far right to absolutely leave the planet
I want people to embrace renewable energy
I want for everyone to pronounce “gif” with a hard g
I want some of Corbyn’s jam
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signthetimes-blog · 7 years
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images by Richard James
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signthetimes-blog · 7 years
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images by Richard James
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signthetimes-blog · 7 years
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images by Richard James
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