signumpacis · 2 years
I went on a six month disappearance, huh 💀
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signumpacis · 3 years
Shipping with me gets you access to so many AUs
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signumpacis · 3 years
hey !!! once again I am so sorry about the inactivity, life’s been out of control lmao and I simply do not have the energy to keep up with everything at once
also winter’s hit and my body decided to be weaker than wet tissue paper, so the cold I caught has been really sapping away at my free time fdkjfdkjdfkj
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signumpacis · 3 years
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                     ❝  While a hero must never seek out unnecessary confrontation, it is important to know how to protect yourself when faced with danger! We are the ones tasked with protecting the world, and we must work to be their beacon of strength in difficult times. That includes knowing when to leave a situation in the hands of the more experienced - there is no shame in reaching your limit!  ❞
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signumpacis · 3 years
build a plushie and discover why you’re loved
You care so much.
You're the kind of person who remembers little things about people that make them smile. Details are important to you! Everything should be perfect. But it's okay if it isn't--your care is still going to shine through. You're an excellent gift giver and people love having you around. People know they can go to you with concerns and you'll take them seriously. Your heart is so big that it feels heavy sometimes, but look around, because there are surely people who would be happy to help you carry it. Keep going! you're doing great.
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signumpacis · 3 years
sometimes, picrews work So Well
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signumpacis · 3 years
why you’ll be okay.
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Whether you recognize it or not, you've got a strong soul. Your last thread of hope might be fraying and thin, but it's still there. You're still holding onto it. I promise it'll be worth it to keep holding on. Over time, you'll notice that it's easier to grab. You won't feel so weak anymore because things will be easier. Things will get better because you command them to. So keep your head up, yeah? You've still got some people to prove wrong.
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signumpacis · 3 years
how do you need to be loved?
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Like the burn marks on my hands.
You need to be loved gently, taken care of. You need to let yourself be taken care of. You deserve the kindness. You deserve to have fingertips pressed to yours, you deserve soft smiles and quiet laughs. You need to be kissed in the middle of the night, you need to be told it’s okay. You’re used to aggressive love, you need it gently.
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signumpacis · 3 years
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signumpacis · 3 years
placeholder tag drop bc I need some sort of organisation, and these are probs going to break anyway, so !!! 
until I can create my long, Aesthetique tags, you get superhero emojis and copy-paste brackets
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signumpacis · 3 years
❝ Isn’t it difficult? ❞ the interviewer had asked, ❝ working with someone so different? ❞
                     ❝  Of course he’s different! Why, if all I wanted was to listen to someone like me, I would have no need for a sidekick!  ❞
It had been obvious what they’d meant. Whenever people had considered the type of sidekick All Might would be drawn to, they’d usually created a near-carbon copy of himself. They thought he’d want someone bubbly and optimistic, rather than… well, Nighteye. He was stoic and intimidating, a stark comparison to All Might’s friendly warmth, but isn’t that part of what made him so lovely to work with?
The public would only ever see what they were allowed to, whereas All Might got to see everything. He got to hear the laughter, see that glare soften, hold his hands between his own and give him all of the affection they could never share in public. The two of them were different, yes, and yet they fit together like two puzzle pieces. Perfectly complementary.
                     ❝  Differences are important, especially in a partnership. While he may not possess the same…  ❞ be kind with your adjective choice, now ❝  social magnetism as myself, his intelligence and eye for strategy both offer perspectives that I never would have considered. I have full faith he will grow into an exceptional hero, even more so than he already is!  ❞
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                     ❝  You can expect great things from us in the future.  ❞
The interview continued as normal after that, rehearsed questions getting equally rehearsed answers, but the gentle flutter of the butterflies in All Might’s stomach didn’t disappear.
The second time, while predictable, was a lot more unpleasant than the first. It took a lot more effort to keep his features schooled into the bright, shining smile these people had come to expect from him, and maintaining that smile was even harder work. The injury still throbbed, carefully hidden beneath his clothes, and their breakup was still carving its own scars deep into his mind as he spoke.
                     ❝  We have decided to dissolve our partnership.  ❞
He felt the audience reaction before he heard it - the air became heavy with sadness, condolences, and a thousand unspoken questions. To these people, working with All Might was an honour beyond anything they could imagine, and there were many out there who’d fight tooth and nail to stay by his side. This sudden announcement must have come as a shock.
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                     ❝  No, no - come now, this isn’t a time for mourning! We must treat this as an opportunity for celebration! Sidekicks cannot remain under your wing forever, and we should not fear the day they outgrow what we can offer them and seek their own life paths. We are living in a golden age of heroism, and now more than ever it is a time for self-evolution and progress. There’s no shame in pursuing that, even if it means having to go independent!  ❞
Though the words felt thick in his throat, All Might continued. Nighteye had made it clear that he wanted nothing more to do with this self-sacrifice, and All Might could not abandon the world for the sake of his own heart. Even if his heart cramped and his eyes swam… he couldn’t falter in his duty! He would shoulder a thousand heartbreaks if it meant the world would be safe, even if it left him lonely and caught up in what-ifs. The Symbol of Peace must dedicate their life to justice, not romance!
Even if he desperately he wished to have both.
                ��    ❝  I will forever remember our time as colleagues, and I thank you all for your support, but we will no longer be working together.  ❞
He’d foreseen it way back when they’d first teamed up, of course - people demanding answers as to why All Might, who had famously worked alone, had decided to take on a sidekick, why a man like Nighteye was the one who had ended up meeting whatever standards the Symbol of Peace had apparently set.
Still, the questions were wearisome, even if Nighteye expected them, and he was always curious as to what All Might’s answers would be. After all, there wasn’t a way for either of them to tell the truth - that they were no longer merely a hero and sidekick, but actual, well -
So, then, what would he say? Something that would appease the public, surely, but - Will it appease me?
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His lips crinkle into a smile at the thought, a chuckle is disguised as a clearing of his throat - both while he waits patiently backstage. How demanding you are yet again, Mirai…
And, really, the phrase ‘social magnetism’ nearly made him forget to hide his laugh. “Well…That is one way to put it, isn’t it?” he muses, under his breath. Social magnetism. The word you mean is ‘vibrancy’ or ‘popularity,’ isn’t it?
Still, as he listens to the rest of the interview, he can’t help but to feel - a smug sense of ease. After all, he knows things about the Number One Hero that the public never could - and All Might knows that, too, and knows everything about Mirai in turn.
You can expect great things from us in the future?
Yes, they certainly could - and they did not need Nighteye’s Foresight to know it.
The second interview is - worse. 
It is so much worse, and Nighteye isn’t there for it, because when the press had tried to pester him about the dissolution of their partnership, he’d merely said one thing to them:
“No comment.”
But All Might didn’t have that luxury. No, the public would want an answer from All Might, which was why Nighteye was now sitting here, watching on the news as All Might declared their ‘breakup’ as something to be celebrated.
Sure, All Might was spinning that story well, but - 
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Nighteye’s lip trembles. No, this wasn’t a thing to be celebrated. This wasn’t Nighteye leaving to ‘spread his wings,’ this wasn’t an amicable parting of the ways.
This was - 
This was -
A breakup, in every sense of the word, and the public had no idea.
The love of my life is going to die, and he won’t do anything to stop it. And he wants the world to celebrate our parting. Don’t they know what they’re really celebrating?! Why we really went out separate ways?! He’s going to die! He’s going to die! And he won’t let me help him!
Oh, how badly he wants to scream it all at the TV, how badly he wants to let the world know what they - what he - is going to lose.
Has already lost.
He almost calls All Might, after the interview. Almost demands to know what that was about, how All Might expected him to feel, hearing that they should ‘celebrate.’
“Is that what you’re doing, Toshinori?” he wanted to snarl. “Celebrating?”
But he knows that wouldn’t be fair, because it isn’t as if All Might can tell the truth. No - All Might needed to keep the public’s comfort in mind. 
(Mirai thinks back, briefly, to their first kiss, and what he’d promised All Might at the time - 
I know what I’m getting into.
Well - he had known, so why was this outcome so surprising?)
He doesn’t call, ultimately. He does text, though, one small sentence: “I’ll forever remember our time together, too.”
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signumpacis · 3 years
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Toshi bought the smol sunflower omg
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signumpacis · 3 years
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no cap, this is open to mutuals only, posts will vary in length, and multis please specify a muse
this will be rb’ed a few times for the morning/evening crowds
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signumpacis · 3 years
All Might isn’t as broad and large a figure as he’d once been - but he’s still warm, warm and close and alive, and Nighteye feels like a missing hole in his heart has finally, finally, been filled.
He lets All Might - Toshinori - break the kiss to speak to him, foreheads resting together whenever All Might isn’t pressing feather-light kisses into his hair, those still-strong hands pressed into his back while Mirai’s own trembling ones clutch at All Might’s shirt in turn.
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“I- I- Oh, let me see you, please,” he says, finally letting go - only to reach and caress All Might’s face, tracing the lines in those gaunt cheekbones as reverently as he’d once caressed him in his prime.
“As beautiful as ever,” he whispers, and means it.
(It shouldn’t be this easy.
They haven’t seen each other in six years, and All Might had only spoken to him once in that time, despite Nighteye’s attempts to bridge the gap - and that conversation had turned into yet another fight, too.
But - here they were, holding each other the way they used to, as if they’d never broken up at all.
Was it merely because of their mutual fear and shock? Would they go back to fighting when this passed, or-)
“I don’t,” he says, voice thick with the weight of six years of fear and grief, “want to lose you again, Toshinori. The future…I’ve never stopped trying to change it. I thought- I thought I had failed. And I felt so helpless, behind that screen. I should have been at your side. Why didn’t you call me to help you…?”
The hug turns into a squeeze, All Might gently breaking his face away from the caresses to lean down and bury it against Nighteye’s shoulder instead. It’s an uncharacteristic display of shyness, something he rarely showed even back when they’d been working as hero and sidekick, but it’s the only response he could give to the mess of feelings currently swirling around inside him.
The stress of the day, the last dregs of adrenaline still pumping around, the sudden uncontrollable relief he’d felt at seeing Nighteye here... It all blended into one until the only thought left was the need to comfort and be comforted, to fill this moment with as much softness as he could and prove that they were more than just clashing opinions and arguments waiting to happen.
Hearing the thickness in Nighteye’s voice only makes All Might nuzzle is head closer, stepping forward until he swears there’s not an atom’s worth of space left between them.
                     ❝  I couldn’t ask you to do that for me.  ❞
His voice is a little muffled, seeing as how he’s still refusing to raise its head from it’s warm resting place, but he makes an effort to make sure he can be understood.
                     ❝  I knew you’d come if I asked, even despite everything I’ve put you through... but what if something had gone wrong? I didn’t want to risk you getting hurt.  ❞
Not only that, but what if he’d gotten hurt? What if Nighteye had had to watch him die in person rather than on a television screen? 
All Might’s head finally raises, his eyes wet and shining with his own unshed tears. Today could have ended so many ways, most of the possibilities unpleasant, and yet he was here, alive, holding the man he loved. How lucky he was.
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                     ❝  I’ve missed you... So much... But I couldn’t allow us to reunite under such dangerous circumstances. I love you too much for that.  ❞
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signumpacis · 3 years
Poke-Moves Meme
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List a Pokémon move for each type that applies to your muse
Tagged by: @xfaucheuse​ , like a month ago dskjskjsajk
🍞[ NORMAL ] Mega Punch
🥊[ FIGHTING ] Sky Uppercut
🦢 [ FLYING ] Sky Drop
🧪[ POISON ] Shell Side Arm
⛰️[ GROUND ] High Horsepower
💎[ ROCK ] Smack Down
🐞[ BUG ] First Impression
👻[ GHOST ] Shadow Punch
🔪[ STEEL ] Behemoth Bash
🔥[ FIRE ] Blast Burn
🌊[ WATER ] Crabhammer
🌿[ GRASS ] Wood Hammer
⚡[ ELECTRIC ] Volt Tackle
🔮[ PSYCHIC ] Stored Power
🧊[ ICE ] Ice Punch
🐉[ DRAGON ] Dragon Energy
💀[ DARK ] Knock Off
🌸[ FAIRY ] G-Max Smite
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signumpacis · 3 years
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no cap, this is open to mutuals only, posts will vary in length, and multis please specify a muse
this will be rb’ed a few times for the morning/evening crowds
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signumpacis · 3 years
The kiss makes him stiffen, not because it’s unwanted but because it’s surprising. All Might had imagined a reunion many times, playing out all of the ways their futures might align once more, but none of them had been quite this... romantic? That doesn’t feel right. Surely it’s not romantic to get back together under this haze of exhaustion and terror.
Not that the word choice matters. His arms have already begun to move, wrapping around Nighteye to keep him close, a reminder that he was here, doing this. After everything All Might had done to push him away, he’d still found his way here.
                     ❝  It’s okay now, see? There’s no need to get upset, I’m here with you and I’m safe. You didn’t watch me die.  ❞
And suddenly, he realises just how little has changed during their six year separation. They still fit so perfectly together, even with how different his body was compared to the last time they’d seen each other. It is still so, so easy to hug him tight, to press kisses into his hair and share all of the affection that had been building up in his chest for the entirety of their separation.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, isn’t that what people always said? And while this reunion might not have been like anything All Might could have imagined, it was perfect all the same.
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                     ❝  I’ve got you, Mirai. It’s okay.  ❞
closed starter for @signumpacis​
Sir Nighteye ignores any and all attempts to stop him as he tears through the halls of UA, simply waving a visitor’s pass at people - Eraser, Mic, Midnight - and continuing on. It was Mirio who’d gotten him in, but it’s adrenaline that is keeping him going - straight to the teacher’s lounge, where he gets his first up-close-and-personal look at All Might in six years. 
And what a look it is.
All Might has lost so much weight, his eyes sunken and hollow, hair not quite as shining as it had once been, muscles wasted away. But he’s still Toshinori Yagi, still Nighteye’s Symbol of Peace, and to see him, really see him -
The tears come, and they don’t stop.
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“I thought- I thought that was going to be it-” he whimpers. “I- The fight at Kamino- I watched the whole thing. I- I thought- I thought I was going to see you d-die, again, on television, and I’d be powerless to stop it. I- I couldn’t- Oh, Toshi-”
And then he throws himself into All Might’s arms, only barely remembering to make sure they’re alone before his lips crash against his former partner’s with an all-too-familiar desperation.
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