silascrenshaw-blog · 7 years
Grace was startles by the man, she’d not noticed him in her panic, as her eyes found him she wondered how she could have missed him. He was a presence to say the least. She carefully listened to him recall the events leading up to their current predicament, focusing on her breathing in a feeble attempt to calm herself. Grace watched as he shifted in place and asked the one question she couldn’t bring herself to answer. “I remember enough.” She sighed, exhaling a breath that sounded like it had been held in for a very long time. Unfortunately, with the sigh, followed none of the tension and pain she felt. “Perhaps too much.” She added. “Thank you–”
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“Silas,” He finished for her. “Silas Crenshaw. I’ve set up home just down the way, saw you on the way back. Hope you don’t mind me bringin’ you in here, you were makin’ some noise and needed to get you somewhere quiet.” His wife had always said he’d had a penchant for talking too much, filling spaces with words that could be left unspoken. Silas never had been able to break his habit--he was a rambling man, in more ways than one. “Mind tellin’ me what you can remember? This town has good people, and their safety is important. I don’t know your face, so right now darlin’, I don’t trust you.”
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silascrenshaw-blog · 7 years
     “Really?” Miran asked in surprise, believing that she wasn’t even close to completing the trap. Miran nodding, tightening the ropes like the man suggested. “Thanks for helping me. Normally people would have continued walking, so it means a lot to me.”
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“Mm-hm,” He hummed, holding on to his hat as he nodded. “Guess you’re lucky I was comin’ ‘round this way then.” Silas smiled, his stubbly cheeks looking as if they were dirty. “I’m just teasin’, Miss...?”
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silascrenshaw-blog · 7 years
Eyes now open, the brunette took in the room before her, her mind racing rapidly as she adjusted to her surroundings and tried to figure out where she was. One thing was sure. She wouldn’t be here long. A coppery taste stained her tongue as she raised her fingers to her swollen and bust up lip, with a groan. Grace sat up and swung her feet off the bed she had woken up in, readying herself to move to stand on her feet. By doing so, a sharp pain shot through her leg and coursed through her entire body, eliciting tears and a soft cry from her lips. Letting her body fall back to the bed, causing yet another cry in pain, she sighed. Defeated. “Will someone please explain… Where am I? W-What happened…. Or do I not want to know?”
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The man sat, tired and wary, adjacent to the bed. The chair was rickety, and the table in which his boots rested was even more so. He had no idea who the girl was, and the Southerner made it so that he DID know all the faces that passed through the town. Silas’ head rose at the gasp, and he watched as the brunette fell back onto the bed. “Dunno what happened to ya, darlin’. Found you in a hell of a mess, though.” Silas shifted his feet, planting them on the floor so he could regard her seriously. “Remember anythin’?”
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silascrenshaw-blog · 7 years
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SILAS “SI” CRENSHAW has entered Astoria. HE is FORTY TWO years old, represented by ANSON MOUNT.
“I’m going where the cold wind blows.”
+; confident, charming -; quick tempered, stubborn
Despite possessing a face that is anything but friendly, Silas is always ready for a conversation and a chance to impart his own words of wisdom. It comes from his mother, a timid woman with an abundance of soft smiles. Silas grew to be of his father’s stature—broad with a tapered waist, and hair that is far from tameable. He didn’t, however, acquire Silas Senior’s tendency to become lenient with his fists. Silas had often watched domestic disputes involving his parents in the company of the rest of the Crenshaw brood. Another six, to be exact. Silas was the eldest. There was a collective sigh when their Pa bit the dust, but their mother remained the same, just with an even quieter disposition. Silas often wondered whether it was relief that her husband was dead, rather than grief.
Silas didn’t attend college. He graduated high school with an average GPA, but it didn’t bother him. He worked with his hands, quadratic equations didn’t matter when he stacked bales of hay. During his time in school, Silas had met Annie. As the old adage goes; men marry women like their mothers. That’s exactly what he did—Annie blushed, giggled, and slapped at his shoulder if he so much as embraced her in public. A gentle soul, Silas wasn’t all too disappointed when the couple found out that Annie couldn’t conceive. It bothered her, but if Silas could spend those lazy days on the ranch with her until they were old and wrinkled, he paid no mind.
When his mother eventually passed when he hit thirty, Silas had the land. His brothers and sisters made their own ways in life, far from the ranch in which they grew up. It was now left to Silas to keep up the family business. It was tough work, but it was work he liked. Silas wasn’t built to sit behind a desk.
Silas was wiping the sweat from his forehead when Annie called him from inside the house. What he discovered made his stomach drop. Bent in agony, Annie seemed to be in the midst of a fever. Silas pressed cold compresses to her head, called for doctors, and cared for his wife for three days. On that last day, her colour seemed to return she smiled at him. Silas felt relief—she was getting better. He had gone to call for the doctor again in need to spread the good news. Although Silas didn’t get an answer, he returned to Annie who was up and out of the bed. Silas had approached her with a large smile, but that soon fell once she turned and lunged. Teeth gnashing and eyes wide, Silas didn’t know what to think. In an act of panic, he shoved her away and left the house. Her snarls followed him, so he had no choice but to lock her inside.
Annie had gone rabid. Immediately, Silas had saddled up his horse, Beau, and rode into town in search of help. But what he found was chaos. As if it were a scene straight out of the bible, God had brought the apocalypse upon them. Flesh was tearing flesh, and Silas watched as humanity descended into something akin to a horror movie. Silas left the small town in a cloud of dust and panic. For a week, he holed up in Beau’s stable. It took a while for him to realise that the dead had started walking. Annie had died from a fever, and she returned as something that WAS NOT his wife. He found himself in their bedroom on the eighth day apart, waiting for her to come up the stairs. Always quick with his gun, Silas put a bullet between her eyes the moment she rounded the corner. Now, Silas hadn’t shed a tear since his mother died. But that night, his tears could have filled the river of the Mississippi.
Packing up all that he deemed essential onto Beau, Silas didn’t look back at his ranch. The country wasn’t safe, as he had spent a year firing bullets at the undead until it all got too much. He traversed city after city, state line after state line. He reached Astoria, and the community promised much more than the others. Silas set up a home on the outskirts, a suburban house with a garage for his horse. It wasn’t ideal, but it would do for now. But one thing he missed was work. When it snowed, Silas shovelled at the pavements. And when autumn came and the leaves fell from the trees, Silas cleared the driveways. It was hard to go back to the way things used to be, but he was determined to find peace in the little city.
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silascrenshaw-blog · 7 years
                              When they died,                               all things soft                               and beautiful                               and bright                      would be buried with them
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silascrenshaw-blog · 7 years
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                                Your heart is a galaxy, and your soul is lined in stars.                                        You are something extraordinary, my dear.
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silascrenshaw-blog · 7 years
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Padma took a couple steps back as the stranger began talking about the horse, claiming it to be harmless. she on the other hand was still a bit doubtful.. But careful eyes followed as the older man walked back over to the horse, but hearing the snort the animal let out she jumped back, the noise having startled her. “What..? You want me to touch it..?”
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Silas bit his lip to keep from laughing. “I sure do. He won’t do you no harm, I won’t let him.” Silas dug inside his pocket, revealing a handful of oats. He fed the horse some, glancing towards the girl. “See? He’ll love on anyone who can feed him. My wife used to say the same about me.” Silas’ lips pulled downwards. “Are you sure you don’t wanna try? I won’t force it.”
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silascrenshaw-blog · 7 years
She did a slight nod, “yeah.. suppose so..” she said and smiled slightly, sure she had had a dog or two growing up, but they were all for work, and herding and not as pets, so she didn’t spend much time with them really.. Her eyes quickly moved with his gestured, landing on the water.. “Oh yeah.. I’m sorry, go a head..” she said and pulled away.
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Silas stepped forward with an appreciative smile. The man proceeded in rolling up the sleeves of his sweat stained shirt--a pointless effort, really. He submerged his dirtied hands below the water, beginning to wash off the remnants of his chores. “Not much of a talker, huh?” Silas clicked his tongue. “I get that. S’nice to see folks not havin’ the need to run their mouths. Gets ‘em into all kinds of trouble.”
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silascrenshaw-blog · 7 years
         “ Yoυ looĸ lιĸe HELL… “
                                                         {  I  just  got  back.  }
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silascrenshaw-blog · 7 years
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“Well no, but people tend to say that when they don’t really mean it…” she said before pulling back seeing as he crouched down by the trap, where he started playing with it for a few moments before turning to look at her.. “hm..? uhm..” she mumbled with him asking if she had anything on her mind.. Her gaze quickly moved over to the horse, before back at him.. “Just.. that thing…” she said, pointing at the large animal. 
“That should do it,” Silas stated, succeeding in making the trap that much more precise.
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“Ah,” His expression became one of understanding. “Beaufort is a big boy, I know. But trust me when I say he’s harmless.” Silas stood, making his way towards the horse. Beau snorted, the force or air rustling a few of Silas’ flyaway hairs. “He likes it when you run your hand along his nose. Come try it.”
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silascrenshaw-blog · 7 years
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“hat’s I never knew that, but that’s also just weird..” she mumbled, but smiled. The one other she knew to not have the greatest sense of humor was Rohan, but it was at least jokes she got regardless of how bad they were.. Her eyes looked at him for a moment, finding it weird that he did kinda look like her dad, but not really.. Bambi laid her long hair back down before wiping her hand on her leg.. “Yeah, its really humid.. “
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Silas’ lips quirked, barely visible beneath his unkempt beard. “Owned a lotta dogs. You pick these things up.” He gestured towards the water, his hands lined with dirt. “Mind if I steal some if you’re finished?”
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silascrenshaw-blog · 7 years
     Miran yelped, surprised at the sudden sound of the male’s voice. “Oh, uh, really? I was sort of hoping that I was getting somewhere,” Miran coughed, embarrassment visible upon her face.
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He dropped down, landing on the balls of his feet. Silas removed his hat, placing it atop of the saddle. “You’re close, if that eases your worries some,” Silas approached, pointing towards the way the contraption was tied to the tree. “But no animal is gonna stay caught in that. Might wanna tighten some of the ropes.”
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silascrenshaw-blog · 7 years
Her eyebrows narrowed for a moment, “thats the weirdest saying iv ever heard.. “ she mumbled before letting her hair fall back down on her shoulders and down her back.. “I mean.. I grew up in a desert, i know heat but.. I still refuse to like it..”
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“It’s a fact, darlin’. They sweat from their paws, too. I made a joke, an unfunny one at that.” Annie had entertained his goofy humour for a time, often accompanying her empathetic laughter with an eye roll. It seemed Silas had that effect on women. “Naw, I know what you mean. This kinda heat sticks, it ain’t dry like the desert.”
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silascrenshaw-blog · 7 years
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Honestly Padma couldn’t stand big animals, it wasn’t that she didn’t like them.. Or she didn’t like them, but mostly cause they freaked her out.. But instead, she tried ignoring the horse, and kept her eyes on the older man.. “I mean if you don’t mind…”
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“Certainly is no bother to me, ma’am. S’not like any of us are in a hurry these days.” Silas crouched at the trap, setting on adjusting and tightening the knots. He turned towards the lady, his head tilted with the sun washing out his features. “I think snares may be more your--,” Silas paused, taking in her expression. “Somethin’ on your mind?”
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silascrenshaw-blog · 7 years
Mitchell swiftly turned to face the other. “You say that like no other place was left with a mess,” he added before he looked back to examine what else was inside. He knew he was going to have to break the glass anyways. “Maybe there’s better than a candy bar in there.”
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His lips twisted in silent agreement, but he didn’t voice it. “No reason why you gotta add to it.” Silas moved towards him in his own quiet way. “Never mind, it’s done now. If you see a Baby Ruth, toss it my way would ya?”
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silascrenshaw-blog · 7 years
Padma bend her head down as she heard a male voice coming from behind her, criticizing her very much makeshift trap.. And taking a deep breath through her nose she turned her head and looked up, taken back when the first thign she saw was a giant horse.. Dark hues slowly moved up, until they landed on a man, which his whole getup was one thing… “I know..” she finally said, truth very much was the fact that she had no idea what she was doing as she’d never had to do this before..
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Silas made a noise that sounded a helluva lot like a tut. He leant forward, giving the horse a pat as he swung around his legs and landed on his feet. “Want me to help ya, miss?”
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silascrenshaw-blog · 7 years
Silas urged Beau forward with a nudge of his heel. “Forgive me for interrupting--but y'all know that’s not how you set a trap, right?”
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