silasthecat · 1 year
“‘Perhaps I haven't seen what you can do,’ she said. ‘But I've seen what you choose to do.’ She looked up. ‘Isn't that more important?’”
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silasthecat · 1 year
Women with swords. You agree. Reblog.
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silasthecat · 2 years
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silasthecat · 2 years
hello! i enjoyed an enchantment of ravens and sorcery of thorns so much. your worlds are always so enchanting and charming and i especially loved how the fair folk are represented in aeor!! they were so eerie yet delightful. all your characters are so unique in fantasy, interesting & lovable. i loved how rook was the dreamy romantic and isobel was more sensible when it’s usually the other way around.
and sorcery of thorns,, incredible amazing show stopping spectacular out of the world. i love the concept the characters the atmosphere & it’s one of my fave fantasy reads ever.
i was wondering if you had any modern day hcs of the sorcery of thorns gang bc even thinking about it makes me laugh hysterically.
like what kind of music would they listen to? what clothes would they wear, their hairstyle, what do they think about movies and current fashion and books? (poor silas)
i feel like nathaniel would try dumb tiktok trends with elisabeth and end up getting hospitalized 😭😭
Hi anon, such a fun ask. I do have some modern day headcanons. One is that Silas would love Benoit Blanc. The other is that Nathaniel reads pulpy scifi novels but is always casting illusions on them to make them look like pretentious literary fiction to anyone who happens to be watching. This is annoying for Silas, who actually reads literary fiction and is tired of picking up One Hundred Years of Solitude only for it to turn out to be Nathaniel's copy of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Elisabeth has no idea what tiktok is, even though Nathaniel runs a viral tiktok account where he posts videos of his strong hot girlfriend effortlessly hoisting ikea furniture over her shoulder and staring at the art museum's medieval armor exhibit with a weirdly hungry expression as the attendant nervously wonders if he should call security. Silas sabotages the ikea furniture while they're sleeping. When their strandtorp table collapses the next day, he looks at them with pity and blames it on poor manufacturing. Elisabeth is banned from Costco's family sized strawberry jam.
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silasthecat · 2 years
nathaniel: take a sip of this coffee and tell me what it tastes like
ashcroft, sipping the coffee: hazelnut?
nathaniel: i don't know i found it in the garbage
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silasthecat · 2 years
anyway i wrote a sorcery of thorns crack (fluff?) fic y’all should read it
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silasthecat · 2 years
I just finished reading Sorcery of Thorns and LOVED it! One question I had though, I don’t think you mentioned specifically how Charlotte and Maximillian died in the book. I get that part doesn’t matter as much as the fact that they did die, and what came after, but I guess I was just wondering if you imagined a specific death for them at all.
Hi there,
I'm so glad you loved Sorcery of Thorns!
Your question will be answered in The Mysteries of Thorn Manor.
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silasthecat · 2 years
Sometimes I regret that I ended up never writing a fight between Lorelei and Silas that I had originally outlined for the end of Sorcery, which I’d described in my notes as a “bitchy demonic catfight”
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silasthecat · 2 years
The Mysteries of Thorn Manor
I come bearing news! I’m thrilled to share that Simon & Schuster will be publishing The Mysteries of Thorn Manor, a follow-up novella to Sorcery of Thorns, on January 17, 2023. This story takes place about two months after Sorcery’s epilogue and is a lighthearted, romantic comfort-read mystery that reveals previously untold secrets about the world and characters. It’s already available for preorder, and you can find links on my website, along with a longer description of the story if you’re curious to read more. I’m also deeply, wildly, madly thrilled to share that the amazing @charliebowater​ will once again be illustrating the cover! Thank you, Charlie!
I’ll be revealing more information about this edition in future updates, but for now my Instagram post has some additional details.
I know I haven’t been around much lately - I’ve been logged into a personal account on Tumblr instead of my official author one. Now that I’ve finally overcome my laziness to switch accounts, I should be around more!
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silasthecat · 2 years
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Books I've Read In 2022: An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson
“ One raven for uncertain peril. Six for danger sure to arrive. A dozen for death, if not avoided. The enchantment is sealed.”
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silasthecat · 2 years
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books read in 2022 (01/?)
An Enchantment of Ravens | Margaret Rogerson
I quite like eggs,” I replied firmly, well aware that the enchantments he described would all turn strange and sour, even deadly, in the end. Besides, what on earth would I do with men’s hearts? I couldn’t make an omelette out of them.
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silasthecat · 2 years
nathaniel: let's talk about the emotions you're feeling right now
elisabeth: stabby
nathaniel: stabbing isn't really an emotion, it's more of an ... activity. which I hope you don't do to me. see, an emotion is more of a feeling
elisabeth: well maybe i feel stabby
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silasthecat · 2 years
nathaniel: the marriage is fake & we are
getting a divorce in a year
silas: oh, okay
silas, scribbling down in his journal:
feral librarian elisabeth scrivener/nathaniel thorn, 100k,slow burn, enemies to friends to lovers, romantic fake-real turn-
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silasthecat · 2 years
nathaniel: the marriage is fake & we are
getting a divorce in a year
silas: oh, okay
silas, scribbling down in his journal:
feral librarian elisabeth scrivener/nathaniel thorn, 100k,slow burn, enemies to friends to lovers, romantic fake-real turn-
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silasthecat · 2 years
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some character designs for Sorcery of Thorns by @marrogerson!
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silasthecat · 2 years
Silas taking care of Nathaniel and Elisabeth:
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silasthecat · 2 years
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I recently finished reading Sorcery of Thorns (by Margaret Rogerson) and it just wouldn’t leave me alone until I tried to draw some fanart too. It’s a particular scene from the book when Nathaniel and Elisabeth are attacked by imps (if that’s the name in english, I read the book in czech) in Brassbridge. For some reason I’ve thought it was a good idea although I’m bad at drawing dramatic scenes or magic or light, not mentioning background. Or clothes. (yes I tried to stick with fashion for the claimed in the book, but… me and cdrawing clothes, we’re not friends… *shrugs*) Ahem. And it looks stupid and as if Nathaniel was just standing there, but it was said there when he started casting the spell, he closed his eyes and just looked calm and concentrated but it probably just turned out looking silly next to tenacius looking Elisabeth. Well… I tried, really. Despite all flaws though I think it somehow is still much better than the dull looking portrait of Scarlet Benoit (Scarlet). (Coloured with Derwent Inktense. Pose ref for Elisabeth by @jookpubstock  (yes, ended up rather different from the original action pose as usual lol) )
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