silberspring-blog · 5 years
Silver Springs - Fleetwood Mac
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silberspring-blog · 5 years
Bittersweet reunion rp starters(Warning:death mentions and angst)
•"It's been awhile..."
•"Long time,no see..."
•"How long was I gone?"
•"Do you have any idea how long you were/I was gone?!"
•"You've/I've been gone for so goddamn long and the only thing you have to say is HEY?!"
•"I've missed you."
•"Did you miss me?"
•"Why are you here?"
•"Did you miss me like I've missed you?"
•"Why did you come back?"
•"Why did you leave?"
•"You're the reason why I've returned..."
•"Where have you been all this time?"
•"I thought you were dead!"
•"But you're here and that's all that matters"
•"I'm so glad that you're here"
•"You owe me an explanation."
•"So...what's new?"
•"Things have changed since the last time we saw each other..."
•"You're not leaving me again,are you?"
•"Will we ever meet again?"
•"Don't do this again!Please..."
•"I'll never abandon you again..."
•"You/I shouldn't have come back"
•"You/I shouldn't have left"
•"I brought you a gift.I hope you like it"
•"I'm so sorry for disappearing so suddenly"
•"I told you I would come back!"
•"Thank god I've returned in time to save you!"
•"[insert name here]?Is that you?"
•"Are you real?This must be a dream"
•"It's been so long since we've talked like this"
•"I have no good reason for excusing myself.I'm sorry"
•"I left because I...I.."
•"Let's sit down somewhere comfy.Tell me all the juicy gossip that I've missed!"
•"I have so much to fill you in.."
•"Things were much better before you/I left..."
•"You know that legendary dog Hachiko?I'm just like him.At least my patience paid off..."
•"I've/You've changed..."
•"So,how's it going with [enter convention topic here]?"
•"I see that nothing has changed while I was gone"
•"Nothing ever changes here"
•"Suprise bitch!Bet you thought you'd seen the last of me."
•"Well...I've waited here like I promised"
•"I thought I would never see you again"
•"So,what do you want to talk about?"
•"You didn't even try to look for me!"
•"You left me to die!"
•"I/You left because of [insert person/reason here]!"
•"I wasn't able to tell you at the time"
•"You/I could've at least said goodbye."
•"How dare show yourself here after all this time?!"
•"Next time,take me with you,ok?"
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silberspring-blog · 5 years
Show - Gatchaman Crowds
Song - in exchange for my life…
Artist - Taku Iwasaki
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silberspring-blog · 5 years
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silberspring-blog · 5 years
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Rammstein - Rammstein (2019)
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silberspring-blog · 5 years
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silberspring-blog · 5 years
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     “To be honest” he begins, voice soft. Kuroh had never truly committed any real criminal acts, and if he did something mildly wrong he was always quick to right the wrong.  “Neither have I, I guess this will be a new experience for the both of us.”
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    “ We should ask Daikaku to help, he might know something that we don’t !” To be honest, she just likes to show off her husband to whomever she can, and she trusts his judgement in people !  “ We can use the kitchen at my place and ask ~”
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silberspring-blog · 5 years
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    “ Yes, that’s a good idea. Everyone deserves a delicious meal to enjoy” he nods in agreement. “I have my suitcase of cooking utensils, we may need to stop by and get a few things first.”
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    “ Sounds exciting !”  Perhaps she can talk her new partner - in - crime into leaving something for Daikaku, she always ends up wondering if he ever truly eats.  “ I’ve never done crime before, I’m a little nervous ...”
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silberspring-blog · 5 years
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   “ Good idea. They’ll never suspect a thing”
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    “ Maybe we can cook something special, to make sure they have something delicious for the day !” 
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silberspring-blog · 5 years
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   “Let’s go.”
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    “ We should leave some nice presents for them !”
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silberspring-blog · 5 years
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    “ I’m thinking of doing a B & E.”
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silberspring-blog · 5 years
imperialsea replied to your post:     Survival AU, when Shiro figures out he has to...
I come online. And see THIS. I can no longer see it because CRYING ��
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    She’s probably befriended everyone and everything, a few select people know of the plan - which may include Munakata and Fushimi.  ( I’m guessing Izumo and Anna too ).
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silberspring-blog · 5 years
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    Survival AU, when Shiro figures out he has to destroy the Dresdan slate:     Shiro: If I destroy it you’ll die !     Klaudia: That’s okay Adi, I’ve been living on borrowed time anyway.
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silberspring-blog · 5 years
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“You do??!” At that, his eyes seemed to light up, visibly excited and interested to hear about that. “Wanna share ‘em with me?”
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    “ I usually do things like, adding vegetables into the sauce or cooking with diced vegetables -- I can show you some of my techniques if you’d like.”
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silberspring-blog · 5 years
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“Tell that the shitty monkey, he’s still refusin’ to eat his vegetables.” Might need a tip on how to make him eat them.
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    “ I know a few ways to hide vegetables into meals, Adi used to hate eating vegetables too - so I had to get creative !”
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silberspring-blog · 5 years
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    “ Taking care of ourselves is important.”
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silberspring-blog · 5 years
causeborn replied to your post: causeborn replied to your post: ...
Insert handcuffs into the plot.
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    “ AH !”  How did he figure out she was the juice thief ???  Was it the lack of glasses ???
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