Hey Hazel luv! Congrats on 2k 🥳
For the event, can I request Sesshomaru + intimate, fluff please? I love your previous writings and can't wait for more <3
Take care and take your time, luv (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Another Inuyasha request, super glad to see them! Thank you so much! Enjoy some fluffy!
2nd person. GN Reader;
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It was a cold winter night, but you barely registered it. The little snowflakes falling from the sky being stopped by the makeshift shelter, the cold kept away by the fire at your feet. You basked in the warmth, a content smile on your face, and you intertwined your fingers with Sesshomaru’s.
He merely looks at your hands, a small nod the only sign of appreciation for this gesture. You leaned in close and he shifted, allowing you to take in even more of his warmth. You felt so nice, so safe.
It took a while to be this close, this intimate with the demon, and it had taken you so many stories, gestures, confessions, and more to get a place in his heart. But now that you’ve gotten to this place, you knew you’d never let it go. Not that he’d let you. The moment Sesshomaru started to experience the same feelings for you, these human feelings that he’d swore he’d never had, it was already to late for him to turn back. He’d give you anything and everything he could. He’d do anything in his power to protect you. But he’d never say it out loud. At least, not for now.
But he would keep you warm. Let you come a little closer. He would hold your hand.
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Join my quickfire event (click)
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Hazel chwan! I hope you dont mind me sliding into your Box again. I saw that event was closing, so... can i request Inuyasha/Sesshomaru anyone of them. With Soft / romantic ❤ + 🏝 Holiday pretty please!
Ofcourse trash this away if you are busy. Its totally fine! No pressure!! Bye!
Hi Abhi, because last time I picked Inuyasha, I will be going with Sesshomaru for this one, so you get the best of both worlds <3 enjoy!
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Even though Sesshomaru was a pretty calm and quiet man, life with him was everything but calm and quiet. Besides people and demons coming after you every once in a while, there was the ever-annoying presence of Jaken, relentlessly trying to insert himself into every conversation or moment you tried to have with him.
Then Rin came along, and while you loved the little girl to pieces, she was still that, a little girl, with all the questions and tales her mind could come up with. Even though you paid attention every time, and even though you loved talking with her, you missed hanging out with your lover, just the two of you.
You never really openly discussed it with Sesshomaru, not wanting to come across as clingy or needy. But you did feel a little deflated every time it looked like you'd had a moment and then someone would show up.
So you were surprised when you noticed him sending away Rin with Jaken to go collect something from the village you passed a little earlier. The route was safe, he had made sure of that, and instead of walking on, like he usually would, he took you to a nice spot in the vicinity, where you could wait for the two to return.
"Why did send them away, we didn't really need anything?"
"We needed a break. And that's what we're getting right now"
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silenceofthecookies · 1 month
AAAAHHH SO CUTE! I feel you captured Lilia's personality so well? From the mischievous side to the kindness/politeness, to that edge that makes you feel like this small man can do much more than his appearance would make you think. Also that final line 👀 he can bite me anytime
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🕱 Lovebites Masterlist 🕱 this is a VAMPIRE AU event 🕱 ☽☽Character: Lilia Vanrouge (TWST) x Gn Reader ☾☾ ✩ Requested by: anon ✩ [not fluff, not full angst either. Ending open for interpretation]✩ Warnings: none ✩
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You knew bats were common in the park. There had been public service announcements about not making too much noise after dark, as to not disturb them too much. The park rangers took their conservation very seriously. And you had the occasional run-in with one on your way home. The first few times you had been startled by the sudden swoosh by your head whenever one flew over just a little too closely, but now you started to actually enjoy the sound of their wings flapping. 
If anything, you had found some online material on bats, bat sanctuaries and absolutely adored all the videos these organizations posted on their social media. Especially with the bats wrapped in towels munching on pieces of fruit, they never failed to make you smile.
The last few days had been a unique experience though, with a bat whooshing past you a few too many times. It never bumped into you or attacked you, but you were worried about it still; it was not normal behavior for them to be so close to the humans in the park so many times. 
It hadn’t been once either, it had been 4 times the past few days already, and you were getting worried that it may be sick or need help. You weren’t sure what to do about it though, all the online resources warned you not to touch or interact with bats if you weren’t a trained professional, and since it was still flying around proper, you couldn’t really get close enough to get a height of the situation or take a picture to send to a sanctuary nearby. 
Tonight was another one of those instances, and yet, something felt off. The way the bat hovered next to you a little instead of passing you by. Could bats even hover? You wanted to grab your phone, hoping the light might scare it off or allow you to snap a picture, but the minute you stopped, the few lights in the park went out, and you stood surrounded by darkness. 
It was then you noticed that something else was off: you were all alone in the park. It was late, but not so late that there wouldn’t be anyone else passing through anymore. There was little wind either, all of nature seemed to have quieted down with the lights turning off, not even any owl sounds or rustling of leaves was left. The only sounds were your only footsteps and the flapping of the bat’s wings right next to you still. 
The bat was still hovering right next to you and you grabbed your phone, the light of your flashlight doing nothing to perturb it either. If anything, it squinted its big, curious eyes, an almost humanlike reaction to your tactics. You swore you could see it smirk. 
Unsettled by its behavior more than worried now, you figured a quick picture would be all you did before making your way out of the park. Maybe you’d jog a little, just to be safe. Your gut was telling you to run, after all, and who were you to deny your gut? 
You held up your phone, but were confused to find your screen empty, or at the very least, devoid of the bat. It flew away, almost as if it knew to avoid the camera, and the quick snap you took had not a single trace of the bat in it. 
That was your final sign to run. You started walking towards the exit, eager to be out of the park, and away from the strange bat. You would be doing your research on this weird behavior when you got home, but for now, you just wanted to get out. 
You picked up the pace when you noticed the bat was following you, and you were full on running when you were nearing the exit. You kept looking over your shoulder to see if you could see the winged creature behind you, especially when the noises the wings made were overpowered by your own ragged breaths. 
You nearly tripped and fell when you noticed the bat had disappeared, looking back just a little too long to try and figure out where it went. When you turned around, you smacked into someone, hard. You let out an ‘oof’, as you almost fell over, surprised the other person, who was smaller than you in statue, didn’t seem as surprised by it as you were. 
“Careful now,” they held up a hand apologetically, “if you look behind you while running, you lose sight of what is in front of you.” 
You shook your head, blinking rapidly to regain composure. The voice of the man didn’t match his petite stature or rather flamboyant getup. You wondered how you didn’t see him before, as he did stand out, even in the darkness of the park, none of the lights working still. 
“Sorry”, you apologized, out of breath, heart racing and wondering where the bat went, “I was just being chased-”
You stopped yourself mid-sentence. He was a stranger, first and foremost, but even more so, you’d be looked at as if you were crazy if you tried explaining that you were running away from a bat with human-like features. Now that you thought about it, his eyes- they seemed almost a little similar. You shook your head and smiled apologetically at the man for your odd behavior. Your mind, still riddled with adrenaline, was probably playing tricks on you. 
“Chased by a bat?” 
You blinked in confusion. You hadn’t said that part out loud, now did you? He chuckled, a lighthearted sound that didn’t match the grin he had on his face. You felt your blood run cold. 
“How’d you-” 
He interrupted you before you could finish your question. “I am awfully sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you. You simply seemed like such a nice person, always kind to the bats. Not to mention that you smell absolutely delicious.” 
There was nothing you could come up with that you could say. Nothing that would make you feel better or more safe. You opened up your mouth, but just closed it again, looking at him with big, confused and frightened eyes. 
“No worries, I will not hurt you. But I would love to properly explain. Care for a walk through the park? I promise I won’t bite.. yet.” 
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silenceofthecookies · 1 month
Hnnnggg the build on this one babe. The softness. The explicit consent about it all. The LOVE. Holy hell Hazel, this one is fantastic. The buildup felt so real and loving. What a fantastic piece darling ❤️
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🕱 Lovebites Masterlist 🕱 this is a VAMPIRE AU event 🕱 ☽☽ Character: Hawks (BNHA) x Gn Reader ☾☾ ✩Requested by: no one, author's pick ✩ [Fluff]✩ Warnings: mentions of blood, biting a small mention of suggestive themes, but nothing explicit ✩
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He would always set the mood. Even after all these times, he made it a point to make you feel special and loved. A date night, ending with some cuddles on the couch, or just a romantic candlelit dinner at home. You’d be at ease, whatever worries may have accumulated during the day now forgotten. 
He’d rub your back, massage your shoulders. Every time Keigo and you went through this ritual, he’d want to be physically close to you. As if he wanted to preemptively apologize for the hurt that was going to come. Even if after all this time it didn’t even hurt as much anymore. You wouldn’t complain though, any extra time you got to spend with him was worth it, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t like all his attention before a bite. It always made you feel so special. 
Sure, when you started dating him, you weren’t expecting him to confess to you that he was a vampire. And sure, you didn’t expect him to be so nice about asking you to drink your blood. He had always insisted on consent, and never pushed you. The first couple of times you were so nervous he had refused to bite you. He insisted that the experience had to be nice for the both of you, and thus a little ritual had grown from it. 
Today was no different, although it was kept pretty lowkey. Work had exhausted you quite a lot, and Keigo didn’t want to add any pressure or stress about going out, making reservations, walking around, or anything like that to it. You were relieved, if you were completely honest, to just enjoy his company on the couch with your favorite takeout. 
He was sitting close to you, shoulders touching, as you barely paid attention to the show playing on the tv, and instead focused on talking a little about your day. The conversation was soft and about nothing too important, but it made you feel relaxed and heard regardless, something he always did so effortlessly. You turned a little to kiss his cheek, feeling the way the muscles of his face moved under your lips as he grinned. 
“Eager to start the ritual?” 
You hummed in response.
“Mostly eager to be close to you.” 
You nuzzled his neck a little, knowing fully well that you didn’t need a bite to enjoy closeness with him, it was just an added bonus. But it had been a while since his last proper feed and you knew how much it’d help him feel better. 
He turned your way, tilting your chin up a little to place a chaste kiss on your lips. You leaned forward, already craving more, but he pulled back for now. 
“Let’s get changed, first.” 
You had no choice but to agree, and he was right too. You had changed footwear, but you were still in your work clothes. They were comfortable, but not cozy and definitely not ideal for what was going to happen. You got up and walked to your shared bedroom, opening the closet to skim for clothes that were the perfect mix of comfortable, cozy and practical, eventually settling on a pair of loose shorts and an oversized t-shirt, where the oversized neck opening made for easy access for your boyfriend to have his way. 
You were about to walk back to the living room, when Keigo entered the bedroom instead, walking up to you and taking one of your hands, pulling you closer to him. You smiled, kissing his cheek, and let him wrap his other hand around your waist, fully closing the distance between the two of you. He pressed another soft and quick kiss to your lips before leading you to the bed, sitting down at the edge with you. 
“Are you okay with this tonight? I know you have been quite tired and if you just want to-” “I am fine, Keigo”, you interrupted him with a chuckle. His worries were endearing, but you actually had been looking forward to today, the act of service giving you just as much pleasure as him, albeit in a different way. 
“Okay then. You know I can always stop, and to tell me-” “-To tell you if it hurts, if I get too lightheaded or something else feels wrong.” 
You finished the sentence for him with a smile. Your tone was sure and not teasing, for the final time reassuring him that yes, it was fine. He still held your hand with one of his, and moved the other up your other arm, over your shoulder, caressing your neck with the back of his hand and finally cupping your face gently. The way he did made it easy for him to manipulate the angle with which your face tilted, to give him best possible access, but also made it easy for him to steal a few kisses first, which was how he always started. 
He never let the kisses escalate too far, lest he get distracted and move onto other activities instead, but he enjoyed the foreplay for this event just as much. His kisses went from soft presses of his lips to yours, to some more passionate, open-mouthed kisses, gently sucking on your lower lip, before releasing it and pressing a kiss to the side of your mouth. 
You smiled as he took his time peppering your jawline and right underneath with kisses, chuckling as his stubble tickled the sensitive skin of your neck as he nuzzled and pressed more kisses, some soft, some with a little more intention. You let out some soft whimpers at the sensation, your breath hitching in your throat the moment his lips ghosted over the marks of his previous bite. They were healed up well, as he made sure to properly take care of your wounds every time and the days that followed. But the skin stayed a little more sensitive, especially around him. As if your skin had memories separate from yours, and was remembering, anticipating what was to come. 
You put your hand up to hold onto his arm, finding it soothing to hold him, and in return squeezing him reassuringly. ‘Go on’, but saying it with your body instead of with your words. His fangs grazed your skin ever so lightly and you shivered, the feeling so familiar and tantalizing, leaving you wanting for more. You gave his arm another squeeze and he chuckled against your skin. 
“All right, you ready?”
You nodded, before quickly adding, “yes”, verbal consent still asked for every single time after all this time. You closed your eyes, focusing purely on the sensation as he sank his fangs into your neck. 
The teeth breaking your skin was painful, it always was. You breathed out through your teeth and relaxed your shoulders a little, focusing on what followed. The feeling of blood being sucked from your neck was a unique one, a sensation you could never truly describe nor get used to, but it wasn’t unpleasant. Keigo always made sure to drink slowly, supporting your head, almost cradling you, making sure there was as little discomfort as possible and you leaned into his gentle touches. 
When he was done, he licked your neck clean, the feeling sending shivers down your spine, the pain in your neck nothing but a dull throbbing anymore as you instead focused on the kisses he pressed around the area and the way the hand that was holding yours had let go to rub circles on your thigh instead.
When he leaned back, you looked him in the eyes, their usual golden-brown color now even more vibrant, almost like a yellow gold. He looked at you with such love and admiration, and wiped his mouth before pressing the softest kiss to your lips. “Stay here, I’ll get the first aid kit.” 
You nodded, only slightly, not wanting to agitate your neck any further as you patiently sat waiting at the edge of the bed. Soon he’d return, and he’d take care of your neck, and you’d climb into bed together. He would pepper you in soft kisses, and shower you with praise and hold you in his arms. You would cuddle, kiss, maybe make love, if neither of you were too tired. And you’d feel so loved, cause that’s what the ritual was about most of all. From start to finish, there was love involved, and the bite was just an element in all of that.
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silenceofthecookies · 1 month
Oh my god darling. This is ADORABLE?! This is a type of vampire setting I've rarely -if ever- seen in fics. It's so cute to imagine Toshiro all blushy after realising he's not about to be assaulted but was actually -legitly- asked on a date. Also THAT LAST SENTENCE. YOU CLEVER WOMAN. That's such a smooth line. Solid 10/10 for this one babe, love it.
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🕱 Lovebites Masterlist 🕱 this is a VAMPIRE AU event 🕱 ☽☽ Character: Toshiro (Bleach) x Gn Reader ☾☾ ✩ Requested by: @kagechikage ✩ [Fluff] ✩ Warnings: mentions of blood, biting ✩
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As a vampire, you had lived through quite a few decades already. Initially, it was a struggle for you to survive. You settled mostly for drinking animal blood, because the thought of hunting humans was terrifying and made you feel queasy. 
But over the years, you have settled into your nature. You figured out you could ‘ethically’ hunt, even find people that would willingly offer their blood to you. A bite didn’t turn a human, as they would like to think because of their stories. It was perfectly possible to hunt without any of the downsides, in certain cases a bite was actually more of a pleasurable experience. 
Today’s prey however, was proving to be a little more of a challenge. You had met him on a college campus and had an interesting conversation. He seemed only mildly interested in you, but you chalked it up to playing hard-to-get. His body language betrayed him and the rosy blush on his pale cheeks let you know that he was at the very least a little infatuated by you. The way he averted his eyes when you asked him to meet you that night was telling as well. You had gotten good at this over the years, picking out those that would eventually fold and let you have a few sips of their blood before never seeing them again. 
But he had left you waiting in the evening, something you weren’t really used to anymore. He seemed wary when he approached you too, and you knew you’d have to put in a little extra effort. You wanted him at ease, wanted him to consent when you finally popped the question. You didn’t want your hunt to be for naught. 
“So, Toshiro, any places around here that you like to frequent for a drink?”
He was quiet for a bit, seemingly thinking about an answer. When he did open his mouth to reply, he caught you off guard. 
“I don’t know, doesn’t your kind just take their dates into the forest for a drink?” 
He put such emphasis on the words ‘your kind’, but kept the rest of his tone so lighthearted, that you got a mental whiplash from just the one sentence. 
“Wh-what do you mean?” 
It was no use denying it, and you weren’t even sure just why you tried. The hunt was over, and you’d explain and ask for a bite anyway. You should’ve just come clean then and there. Sure, it wasn’t the way you usually let it build up, and sure, you would have preferred that he was more relaxed and happy in the moment you told him -increasing your chances of a positive reply-, but there was nothing wrong with him figuring it out. 
You spoke up before he could even reply. 
“I mean, I wanted to tell you at some point tonight, I don’t do the creepy forest vampire thing. I usually go out with potential targets, have a good time, and maybe if I’m lucky, ask them for a little nibble in the evening.” 
He raised a white brow, not even bothering to hide the skeptic look on his face. 
“You ask consent?” 
“yeah,” you shrugged, “you’d be surprised how many guys are actually into it. And it feels kind of nice in the right setting, or so I have been told.” 
He was quiet for a bit, overthinking what you said. He may have taken you off guard by confronting you, but he wasn’t prepared for your casual -yet honest- answer. He was not quite sure just how much of your reply he could trust. 
“So you really just want a date right now?” 
You nodded. 
“And if by the end of the night, I do not want to get bitten, then you’ll just let me leave?” 
You nodded again. He went silent once more and you were starting to feel awkward. He was cute, and you were definitely intrigued by him, but you were wondering if it was worth the hassle. The silence went on for what seemed like an hour, but in reality was probably only a couple more seconds. 
“Okay, let’s go then. I will have to disappoint you though, I don’t frequent bars. But I know a nice coffee shop not too far from here that has great cake.” 
You giggled, resisting the urge to make a joke about his small stature and the fact that he’d rather go have sweets than a drink. You figured he wouldn’t really appreciate it, and if you wanted your ‘hunt’ to be successful, you had to have him on your good side. 
“Sounds great, and then afterwards, you’ll be my dessert?” 
“We’ll see about that.”
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silenceofthecookies · 1 month
Better late than never, right? This was ADORABLE. I love the idea of vampire Gundham still keeping hammies despite their short life spans. And giving his speech pattern a proper explanation is so clever! Ngl I adore the way he talks and you've done such an amazing job at writing it down. Also I love how he's like "ok we're totally keeping the kitten" UwU
Thank you so much for this darling! ❤️
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🕱 Lovebites Masterlist 🕱 this is a VAMPIRE AU event 🕱 ☽☽Character: Gundham Tanaka (DGRP II) x Gn Reader ☾☾ ✩ Requested by: @silenceofthecookies ✩ [fluff]✩ Warnings: hurt animal, but you rescue, nothing gruesome ✩
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You liked being a vampire. You didn’t always use to like it. But after a couple of decades, when it didn’t all feel new and scary, you got used to it. There were many benefits, and ever since you met your current partner, you were not alone, more stable, and integrated into life as much as two vampires could possibly be. 
You liked being a vampire, because it came with so many benefits. The enhanced power, speed, senses. You liked feeling strong and powerful without having to exert much effort. You liked being able to observe your surroundings so much better than you ever could in your mortal life. And generally, you liked the immortality. 
But with said immortality, came also the major downside of being a vampire. Because your lifespan was now a never ending one, but those of your surroundings weren’t. Time seemed to slow down, what seemed like ages in your mortal life was over in the blink of an eye now that you had eternity ahead of you. 
The worst of it came in your familiars. Gundham was partial to hamsters, the worst possible option according to you, because even under the best of conditions, they only lived a couple of years. You barely had time to properly get attached to them before you had to say goodbye, breaking your heart every single time. 
Your boyfriend had way more pragmatic approach to it, quoting the cycle of life and death, and assuring you that the hamster had still lived a happy life with you two as its owners, better than it probably would have gotten without the two of you. 
And yet. You longed for another familiar. One that would stick around a little longer. And maybe one your boyfriend wouldn’t be carrying on his person most of the time, allowing you more time to bond with it. You couldn’t blame him for his actions, he was the hamster-whisperer if there ever was one, but the companionship of a familiar was not his right alone to have. 
So when you found the tiniest kitten in a puddle on the street, you couldn’t help but immediately feel connected to it. You had checked, but no mother or other kittens to be found. It was writhing and meowing loudly, and it was shivering from the cold. It immediately calmed down when you gently wrapped it in your coat, holding it close until you were home. 
You got to work immediately, calling a vet you knew for instructions and assistance, and went out of your way to acquire as many of the supplies as you could. The little creature was barely moving, and you were getting worried about its wellbeing. It was then you felt a presence behind you, and you turned around, startled by your partner, standing over you, trying to figure out just what you were cradling, when all of your hamsters, excuse me, dark devas of destruction were all snuggly tucked away in his scarf, their absolute favorite spot. 
You held up the kitten to him and explained your situation, unable to read his expression as he looked at you intently, taking in every word you said.
“Why are we standing around wasting time then? Let’s conserve our energy and channel it into this helpless being!” 
You blinked a couple of times, his sudden outbursts and loud voice still managing to startle you at times, even after being together for literal centuries. His strange way of speaking had evolved over the years, but had been stuck in some time periods, making him a little bit of a weirdo to anyone who’d speak to him nowadays. You thought it was endearing, especially since you knew he always meant well. 
Just like now. With his help and the guidance from your vet at the phone, you managed to get the little thing in the best state possible in no time. Now it was but a matter of patience, and hoping that your actions had been enough. 
Gundham was uncharacteristically quiet, leading you to the couch so you could sit down and take a minute. Two of his hamsters rested in his scarf, but San-D and Cham-P left to sit with you, snuggling up to your neck, providing you with some comfort. 
“I have neglected your wants for a familiar” 
You looked up at Gundham in confusion. 
“We have familiars though.” You smiled gently, gesturing at the two little creatures nestled on your shoulders. 
“Yes, but I am aware most of them are from my choices and introduced to the darkness by none other than me. It is not that I don’t trust you with tasks of such importance, it is just-” 
You held up your hand, quietly interrupting his apology and smiled. “Is this your way of saying we can keep the cat?” “Of course.”  
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silenceofthecookies · 1 month
Late to the party, but here we are! I loved the way you wrote this babe. The chase scene felt so real, I could see it all happening.
Is it bad that I'm kinda curious what exactly he'd do to me and my body? Yes? Fair enough have a nice day.
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🕱 Lovebites Masterlist 🕱 this is a VAMPIRE AU event 🕱 ☽☽Character: Bakugo (BNHA) x Gn Reader ☾☾ ✩ Requested by: anon ✩ [Angst]✩ Warnings: mentions of violence, wounds, blood, biting, possible character death implied ✩ [A/n] this one is very reader focused and less character focused. I really enjoyed writing this one, I hope y'all enjoy reading it. ✩
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That’s what you should have screamed. That’s what they always taught you anyway. Yelling help will only cause people nearby to maybe look over, but nobody wants to get involved in a dangerous situation. Most people will hear someone screaming for help, and turn the other way, maybe even walk a little faster, just so they can have deniability. 
When you yell fire, people are more inclined to help, to do something. Call a fire department, stop the fire from spreading. A certain human selfishness would kick in and they would help -because what if their house was next? 
It didn’t matter anymore at this point, you were far past the point of where your fellow humans could hear or see you. Main street had turned into little alleyways what seemed like an eternity ago, and now you were outside your village, surrounded by nature. Meadows all around you, not even a forest for you to hide. You were so painfully easy to spot, there was nothing you could do but run. 
Your heart was racing, the rushing of blood in your veins physically hurting, especially in your neck. As if your body was already anticipating what was inevitable. Your legs were starting to cramp up, and even though adrenaline had made it possible for you to push way past your limits, you knew that your body was at the end of what it could do to carry you away from danger. Danger that was rapidly approaching. 
He had seemed like such a nice guy. A little rude, maybe, but almost in a funny way, so you laughed at the way he initially pretended like you weren’t flirting with each other. The chemistry between the two of you had been apparent. He had introduced himself as Katsuki, and when you had said your name, he had repeated it, twice. It was as if he was tasting the letters when he said it, and only now you realized that maybe he was already trying to figure out what you were going to taste like.
Your foot caught in a little ditch in the grass, and because of the speed with which you were running, you were propelled forward in the field. You landed on your knees and outstretched hands in an attempt to break your fall, hurting your wrist in the process. If it weren’t for the sound of your breaths, whimpers and the ringing in your ears, you might have heard it snap. 
He was right behind you. He had been on your heels the entire time, laughing as he barely exerted any energy chasing you. It was like a game to him, and you were like a plaything, indulging him in his fun. You hated how the only chance you had at survival was by actually allowing him to do what he wanted: chase you down, hunt you, the way a predator animal would hunt their prey. 
The grass was damp, dew already forming on some of the blades, and you were wondering just how long this whole ordeal had been going on. If your fatigue was any type of measurement, you’d say you had been running for hours, but that couldn’t be. 
It was already quite late when you had kissed him in the alleyway behind the bar that you met him in. Past midnight, probably. You hadn’t really paid any attention to the time, but the bar was getting more and more empty by the minute and you were well aware that a good conversation could warp your ideas on the flow of time. 
The moon had been your main lightsource when he had first bared his fangs to you, his cocky but joking tone suddenly turning serious as he detailed what he’d do to you and your body. You had tried laughing it away, pushing him away, but he had held you in place with a strength that you could only describe as supernatural. 
Your saving grace had been a cat wandering through the alleyway you were in. It had made sufficient noise for Katsuki -if that even was his real name- to be distracted for a fraction of a second, his gleaming red eyes leaving your frame and grip loosening just a little. You had kicked him hard, and the surprise made him let go. You had started running right then and there. 
You had hoped to have gotten away from him, but you should have known better. In the stories, vampires are insanely strong and insanely fast, and there was no way to escape from them unless you were a vampire hunter, or a chosen human, or whatever something special of sorts. But you were none of that. You were a normal human running for your life, not sure if you were having the worst, most vivid nightmare ever, or if fantasy stories did come true in the worst way possible. 
You were a normal human, now lying on the damp grass, your body aching as you tried desperately to get up again, to get away from the footsteps approaching behind you. He was walking slowly, he had enjoyed the hunt a little too much, and now seemed somewhat disappointed that you had given up already. It wasn’t so much that you gave in, but there was nothing left of your energy. Your body, no matter how much you wanted it to, didn’t want to move anymore, adrenaline run out and all willpower gone.
You were pulled back up by a strong hand at the back of your neck, and the force with which he did so made you surprised that he didn’t snap your neck right then and there. 
“Oh you little-” he chuckled, turning you around, red eyes looking directly into yours as he tilted your face, giving him the best access to your neck. “I’ll really enjoy having you for a meal”. 
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silenceofthecookies · 5 months
Yall this is the funniest shit to me somehow
Hi babbeee! For your awkward event... how about 10, 12 or 14 woth Sanji? I think that would be funny uwu thanks and enjoy writing! ❤️
henlo my love, I come here providing you with a little Snooj on this rainy day. I hope you enjoy <3
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☁️ Pillow talk event - Masterlist ☁️ Prompt: “I’m awful at pillow talk, so… can I interest you in some food?” Character: Sanji (OP) x GN reader (no pronouns or genitals mentioned) ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ Suggestive content | Minors DNI | Fluff ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
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It was almost silent in the room, save for the sound of your heartbeat, still rapidly whooshing through your ears, and the pants and heavy breaths that were by now slowing down and evening out. You were laying on your back, hands behind your head on the pillow as your chest heaved with your breaths. 
You felt the bed next to you shift a little as Sanji got up, and you lifted your head to get a nice view of his back, still glistening with some sweat after the hours you had spent together in bliss today. Every single time you thought you both were spent, he coaxed one more climax out of you. Sanji was nothing if not generous in the bedroom, but all the passion and vocalness from just a few minutes ago seemed to have disappeared, as you saw him reach over to grab his pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He was quiet as he lit one, blowing the smoke away from you, towards the window. 
Neither of you made any further moves, nor did anyone speak up. You felt some type of awkwardness creep in, as you opened your mouth to say something just to fill the silence. Nothing more than a stutter left your lips though, as you couldn’t find the right words to say. 
‘Thank you for all the orgasms?’ No- horrible idea. That made it sound as if it was a service, almost. ‘That was really good?’ Well you had said that already in the heat of the moment, before your first break, when you initially thought it was over. 
Maybe you should just- 
Your train of thoughts got interrupted by Sanji shifting again, stubbing out his cigarette and putting it to the side. Then he cleared his throat, finally speaking up, and immediately diffusing the tension that had slowly been building up. 
“I’m awful at pillow talk, so… can I interest you in some food?”
You chuckled in response, feeling a little lighter with the awkward atmosphere dissipating. You sat up, leaning over towards him sitting on the edge of the bed, and pressed a kiss to his exposed shoulder.
“That sounds amazing”
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silenceofthecookies · 5 months
Yall this is the funniest shit to me somehow
Hi babbeee! For your awkward event... how about 10, 12 or 14 woth Sanji? I think that would be funny uwu thanks and enjoy writing! ❤️
henlo my love, I come here providing you with a little Snooj on this rainy day. I hope you enjoy <3
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☁️ Pillow talk event - Masterlist ☁️ Prompt: “I’m awful at pillow talk, so… can I interest you in some food?” Character: Sanji (OP) x GN reader (no pronouns or genitals mentioned) ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ Suggestive content | Minors DNI | Fluff ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
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It was almost silent in the room, save for the sound of your heartbeat, still rapidly whooshing through your ears, and the pants and heavy breaths that were by now slowing down and evening out. You were laying on your back, hands behind your head on the pillow as your chest heaved with your breaths. 
You felt the bed next to you shift a little as Sanji got up, and you lifted your head to get a nice view of his back, still glistening with some sweat after the hours you had spent together in bliss today. Every single time you thought you both were spent, he coaxed one more climax out of you. Sanji was nothing if not generous in the bedroom, but all the passion and vocalness from just a few minutes ago seemed to have disappeared, as you saw him reach over to grab his pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He was quiet as he lit one, blowing the smoke away from you, towards the window. 
Neither of you made any further moves, nor did anyone speak up. You felt some type of awkwardness creep in, as you opened your mouth to say something just to fill the silence. Nothing more than a stutter left your lips though, as you couldn’t find the right words to say. 
‘Thank you for all the orgasms?’ No- horrible idea. That made it sound as if it was a service, almost. ‘That was really good?’ Well you had said that already in the heat of the moment, before your first break, when you initially thought it was over. 
Maybe you should just- 
Your train of thoughts got interrupted by Sanji shifting again, stubbing out his cigarette and putting it to the side. Then he cleared his throat, finally speaking up, and immediately diffusing the tension that had slowly been building up. 
“I’m awful at pillow talk, so… can I interest you in some food?”
You chuckled in response, feeling a little lighter with the awkward atmosphere dissipating. You sat up, leaning over towards him sitting on the edge of the bed, and pressed a kiss to his exposed shoulder.
“That sounds amazing”
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silenceofthecookies · 10 months
Hazellll this is so sweet 😭😭 Inumaki best boy
Hi babe! I'm here for one more request, and I noticed a certain sweet cinnamon roll isn't on the list yet, so can I have P from the fluff abcs with Inumaki please? Thank you! The event has been a lot of fun ❤️
Honestly, I was surprised you didn't ask for him sooner! <3 Here is a little fluff for you! thank you for asking me loads of letters and allowing me to write many a thing!
2nd person. GN reader. Pure fluff.
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P - PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Well, you won’t hear Toge bragging much, as you won’t hear him talk much at all. But you will see his affection towards you all over social media. Toge compensates for what he cannot say with texts and such, and even when it comes to public displays of affection, he is pretty open about it. So be prepared for loads of online bragging and cute posts.
He posts freely about your dates, posts pictures of you alone or you together with the most sappy quotes underneath, tags you in loads of posts. He is the meme king of affection, and it’s mostly done in a playful way, making sure to not overload or annoy you. Somehow he always manages to catch beautiful candid pictures of you and you don’t know how he does it. He always jokes that his camera sees you the way he sees you, and that’s why you look so good in all his pictures.
As for physical affection in public, it’s a bit of a hit and miss. He will hug you, hold hands and be touchy in a friendship type of way as well as a little more than friendship, but actually kissing and more intimate gestures he prefers to keep inside, with just the two of you. It’s not necessarily that he is shy, but more that he just really likes those moments to be just for the two of you.
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silenceofthecookies · 11 months
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On November 7th, I turn 27 °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
It has been a good while since I have had the time and energy to do a birthday event, but having a week off the first week of November seemed like a great opportunity to do one! So without any further ado, here's the deal:
❣ This is a quickfire event: it means small requests for single characters. ❣ Whenever your request is fulfilled, you can send in another one. There is no limit on your total amount of requests. ❣ As of now the end date of the event is November 10th, but this can change depending on the amount of requests I get.
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Requests are for ALPHABET headcanons. There are 3 options (click to view)
Fluff alphabet
General alphabet
Smutty alphabet
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❣ Send me 1 character of a fandom mentioned below and 1 letter of the alphabets linked above (specify the alphabet) ❣ Anon asks are allowed for the fluff and general ABC's ❣ All readers mentioned (in case applicable, because not all prompts have an x reader element to it) will be genderneutral. Even the smuttier ABCs are designed to be either character-oriented or open for all genders. ❣ Smutty ABCs are OFF ANON only and 18+ characters only ❣ Fandoms open for this round: Jujutsu kaisen - Hero Academia - Bleach - Naruto - One Piece - Demon Slayer - Twisted Wonderland ❣ Be polite, please <;;3 ❣ CHECK HERE to see if a letter has been written before. (only applicable if you're asking for One Piece, Bleach, Hero Academia or Kakashi) ❣ This event will have a separate masterlist with what's been asked and what's been written too. You can find it here.
That's it, pretty easy. Asks are open now, until the 10th of November. I may publish non-event things still amongst requests!
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silenceofthecookies · 11 months
I am weak, this is so damn cute
unlike what the general public says... i think that dabi is actually a very caring person, especially with and towards his beloved girlfriend.
when you two are together, walking on the sidewalk, he’s always the one who walks on the road’s side and if by chance you’re walking on that side, he would stop the two of you on your tracks, put an hand on your hip and gently move you to the inner of the sidewalk.
whenever you two are in crowded places, dabi would stand closer to you while using his arms to keep strangers and weirdos out of your personal space, then opens a path for you to get out of there while leading your figure with an hand resting on the small of your back, walking right behind you so he can have a better view of your surroundings and intercept any type of danger if it ever dares to comes your way.
ohh this one, dabi rests his hand on the small of your back a lot; when he wants to tell you something only you need to hear, when he wants to get your attention, when he wants to assure you about and with his presence, when he’s curious to see what you’re doing, when you two are shopping and you show him something you want to buy or simply when you’re standing while listening to the other members of the league talking.
he, for some reason, just feels so much reassurance in that gesture and he also hopes you feel that too (you do by the way, it’s impossible not to honestly).
whenever you’re nervous, in panic or worried about something dabi would hold your hand, intertwining your fingers and then start rubbing his thumb across your skin in soothing circle motions while looking straight into your eyes with what to other seems like an unbothered expression, but being the person closest to him you can notice all the minuscule details; his slightly furrowed eyebrows, blazing eyes that says thousand of words, lips pressed in a thin line with the corners of his mouth curved downwards, tensed jaw, vein on his scarred neck pulsing and ah... there he goes “it’s okay baby, i’m here” which means ‘nobody’s gonna touch you on my watch’ because he’s going to protect the hell out of you and burn to ashes every stupid ass piece of shit that dares to lay a finger on his woman.
when you guys are sitting down with league eating, dabi would go “slow down there princess, nobody’s chasing you” at you as he rests an hand on the back of your neck running his thumb on your nape gently, looking at you quizzically with a lifted eyebrow but still amused by all the sudden hurry into eating. you low-key remind him of a little hamster and that makes the arsonist melt every single time, he will never tell you though.
everytime you’re sick he does his best to be of aid to you. if you’re vomiting out your soul he’s gonna be there to hold up your hair and rest a reassuring hand on your back that rubs it in circles, if you’re down with a cold or the flu he would keep you warm using his quirk alongside the blanket and never let you lift a finger until you become able to stand without your legs wobbling like a newborn deer.
whenever you fall asleep somewhere that isn’t your shared bedroom, dabi would not leave your side for a second or he’s afraid something bad might happen to you when he’s not there, even when you guys are at the league’s hideouts. the moment the man sees your nodding off he sneaks an arm under your chin and resting his hand on the side of your head he gently places it on his shoulder or when you’re out like a light in kurogiri’s bar or any other hideout, dabi straight up puts your head on his lap and while the others just talk or do anything he’s there silently listening to their antics while caressing tenderly your head, run his finger through your hair or rest his hand on your arm as he watches over you.
the times when you guys are on mission, be it only the two of you or with the league, and are walking into decadent or rather small places dabi will put an hand over your head to keep you from bumping it into something or would walk ahead of you then tell you to hold his hand since it can be dangerous.
when it comes to a person he loves and cares for, i can see dabi become a little of a worry wart and always looking out for you even when it comes to the smallest of the things, that’s because he’s afraid of losing you and he doesn’t want that to happen with all his heart that many think he doesn’t have when he actually does, it just needs the right person to unlock every door of it.
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silenceofthecookies · 11 months
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Proudly I present to you, a mini-event: Awkward pillow talk.
As I dive into slightly more adult content on this blog without writing full on smut I found these prompts which seemed to be right up my alley. They are from @creativepromptsforwriting, check them out! They have SO MANY great writing prompts and tips!
Here's the rules for this event:
All my normal rules apply
Since sex is implied: all characters involved have to be 18+ and all askers have to be too. That also means NO ANON requests for this round.
Since I won't be writing smut itself, I will keep the readers genderneutral for this event too. If bodyparts are referred to, they will be ambiguous and tagged up top. I want everyone to be able to enjoy these writings.
Event is open for limited fandoms (ANIME ONLY) ➺ Bleach (old anime only) ➺ One Piece ➺ Demon Slayer ➺ Jujutsu Kaisen (new! all anime & movie charas are fine, I will be fully caught up soon) ➺ Hero Academia ➺ Black Clover
I may close a fandom as requests proceed, with the exception of JJK, since that is on my mind now, and I would like to get into writing it proper!
If you want to request but stay anonymous, you can just DM me and you won't be named in publishing the request.
these will be written and published after Spooktober! They will be shorter(ish) writings.
How to formulate a request:
Send me a character and 3 prompts, I want to be able to be a little picky and see who fits what prompt best. I am also going to be picky with characters this round, and only do the ones I have inspiration for! -> I will update the list with what's been taken regularly.
Prompts under the cut!
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“Wanna watch a movie?” “Yeah, sure.” ->
“Should I…? I can just… leave.” ->
“Well, thank you for that. It was fun.” ->
“Sorry for the cuddling. I’m usually not that clingy.” ->
“Wow. I never thought that was something I would like.” ->
“So… that was…” “It was good.” “Yeah, it was great.” ->
“Do you… want to stay? We could order food.” ->
“Have you seen my socks? I think I’ve lost at least one of them somewhere.” ->
“Well, that happened.” “Yep.” ->
“I’m awful at pillow talk, so… can I interest you in some food?” ->
“It’s only awkward if we make it awkward.” “Agreed.” “That sounded awkward.” “I know.” ->
“Sorry for laughing, but your hair…” “Oh no, those knots will be hard to get out. You owe me dinner.” ->
“I’m so embarrassed I didn’t ask before, but what’s your name?” ->
“Does it also feel awkward for you now?” “A little bit.” ->
“That was great. We should totally do that again.” “Totally.” ->
“Well, it was really nice getting to know you.” ->
“I’m still wearing half of my clothes, is it weird if I remove them now?” ->
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This drabble is part of my summer celebration collection! Prompt: Beach Characters featured: Bakugo (BNHA), 2nd person GN Reader Requested by: @coolannepotts [a/n]: Finally getting to the final 6! They will be posted in quick succesion, maybe not even proper queued, cause we only have 2 more days of summer 🙈
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It wasn’t too often that Katsuki took a break. In between studying, training, training some more and keeping up a pretty impeccable rhythm in his daily routine, there was very little time left to take it easy. Of course, he made time for you, but big trips and elaborate date nights were more of a rare treat than a regular occurrence. 
So when he offered to go to the beach with you, you jumped at the opportunity. You were ready to prepare everything, the food, transport, timing… but were even more pleasantly surprised when he took care of that for the both of you. “You always do all that, let me take care of you for today.” He didn’t have to say that twice. 
You had a lovely train ride, head resting on his shoulder as you held hands and looked outside to the ever-changing landscape. You walked in the dunes, enjoying the sun on your face and the way the wind tickled your skin. At the beach itself, Katsuki surprised you with his homemade bento. 
“Katsuki… did you break your nighttime routine to make these?” 
He looked away, a clear pink hue visible on his cheeks. Even after being together for a while, he still couldn’t help but act standoffish when put on the spot like that. You could only laugh in response, kissing his cheek and taking the first bite. 
“I could get used to this.” “You better don’t” 
He sounded harsh, but you turned your head to see that he was smiling. A genuine, relaxed smile. You chuckled and leaned against him, enjoying more of your bento. He spoke up when you were almost done, quietly, so you almost missed it. 
“You always take such good care of me. It only felt fair for me to return the favor.”
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🥺🥺 I am weak. He is so cute.
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This drabble is part of my summer celebration collection! Prompt: Flowers Characters featured: Gaara (Naruto), 2nd person GN Reader Requested by: @silenceofthecookies [a/n]: soft Gaara? soft Gaara.
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Gaara is a busy man. You knew when you got together with him, and it hadn’t really changed. He takes his job as a kage very seriously, and you admire all the hard work he puts in. But sometimes you wished that you could get a little more attention from him, that you could spend just a little more time together. 
But you never brought it up, because you knew how hard he tried, and you knew how much he loved you. You couldn’t get your selfish wish past your lips, because you loved him so much and you knew he’d bend over backwards to give you what you wanted, only to chip away at himself even more in the process. And that was the last thing you wanted. 
So you tried to help out instead. You brought meals to his office, sat with him on late nights, even if it was just reading a book on a couch nearby. You helped wherever you could with the paperwork -although that took quite a lot of convincing-. You made sure the house was always a home for him to be happy to come home to. And you never even mentioned your extra efforts once. 
But they didn’t go unnoticed. One day you come home from grocery shopping to find a huge bouquet waiting for you at the dinner table. Your initial worry -who got inside the house? Gaara is working- makes way for all warm fuzzy feeling when you notice the redhead sitting on the couch, smiling, waiting for you to come home. 
“Gaara, I thought you were wo-” He interrupts gently, taking you by your hands and pulling you closer to him. “Not today. You have been doing so much to ease my burdens, and never once asked anything in return. So please, allow me to properly thank you today.”
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They are both so damn cute 🥺
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I'll post the Live Action redraws here too.
First Sanji🧑‍🍳
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Babe. Have I told you you're my favorite Dabi writer yet? No? Well, you are. You always make him so soft and still so in character 🥺 thank you ❤
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This drabble is part of my summer celebration collection! Prompt: Sparklers Characters featured: Dabi (BNHA), 2nd person GN Reader Requested by: @silenceofthecookies [a/n]: this is a little softer Dabi. Considering the current anime climate, it seemed fitting to have a little.. quiet for a bit. This one is also... too long again, oopsie. Enjoy!
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You didn’t exactly remember what the occasion was, but Twice was ecstatic. With the league finally getting some more money in, he’d been able to find you all some food in celebration -which was well received by everyone with no complaints-, and he had found some sparklers on clearance from New Year’s earlier this year. 
Once the normal dinner became a little too rowdy, feeling more like an actual celebration, Dabi removed himself from the scene. His retreat had not gone unnoticed by you, and you decided to test your luck, following him outside, to where he was sitting on the roof, looking over the city from the little house in the mountains that you were staying in. 
“Too much?” 
He looked up at you, seemingly relieved that it was just you who had followed him up there and not another member of the league. A slight not was all the confirmation you got and you sat next to him, putting a plate down with some snacks you had gethered from the table -Dabi hadn’t eaten much yet- and putting two of the clearance sparklers right next to that. 
“You brought these?” “I figured we could celebrate still, just lowkey. Just the two of us.” 
He scoffed, picking up a sparkler and studying it. You half expected him to just toss it to the ground, but instead he lit it, blue light quickly making place for the bright sparklers. He handed it to you and lit the other one, silently holding it up. It was quiet for a while, and you smiled. It wouldn’t be long before the sparklers died out, Dabi said something sarcastic or someone would come find you and it would ruin the mood. But for now, you’d just enjoy it. The proximity, the sparklers, the summer air, the quiet. Him.
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