silentsenpai · 10 years
He shrugged, still smiling. He was still beaming in the victory of the last race, how he managed to pull through with few seconds to spare. It was a difficult race, which made it even better. It made him think that maybe it were  possible to persevere as well in a real race, and plus he had Teshima on his time at those times so it'll be a breeze. He was pobably getting too far ahead of himself, though.
He thought about it for a few minutes though. They had both agreed onto sleeping over at Aoyagi's place for the night, and there was nothing really o do besides play video games
Although they could always watch a movie, too. He pointed a finger up as if to tell him to wait, and got up from his seat, moving towards the television. He popped in  a ghibli movie, he was always a nostalgic person when it came to those movies. He looked at him and shrugged again, as if asking him if that was what he wanted to do.
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Teshima groaned as he came in second, only just before Wario crossed the line. In his opinion the race had been far too close. Usually either he or Aoyagi managed to get a nice big lead, with second also away from the pack, yet this game hadn’t gone too well, it resembled some of the races they had had in the cycling tournaments.
   "That sucked." He commented, closing the DS and tossing it away, gaze drifting toward his friend, he seemed quite content in his victory, and it wouldn’t have pissed Junta off as much as it did if it weren’t for that stupid computer, the last thirty seconds of the race had by far been the hardest.
"What’ll we do now?" Quirking a brow as he waited for a response knowing that Aoyagi may not actually give him one, he did that at times; however Teshima seemed to always know what he was meaning even if he didn’t say it with his words.
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silentsenpai · 10 years
He must have not realized how hungry he was, because his stomach started growling afterwards. He didn't eat lunch after all. Something about having to study for finals and not having the time to eat. It was a pain in his ass. He nodded quietly, covering his stomach, embarrassed.
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That was alright. Whatever was keeping the other student from school was probably important. He was most likely sick, poor guy. Yuusuke flipped out his own phone and checked the time. There was enough to sneak a light snack or two before club was scheduled to start.
"Hey, feeling hungry?"
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silentsenpai · 10 years
Aoyagi saw it too, the kart that was speeding up to them quickly. He almost gasped as he saw the other karts' struggle upon impact with it. He was careful to keep out of it's line of impact, although it may overtake him but at least all was not lost. What Teshima would do was up to him, since he couldn't help him. They were still enemies in this plane of reality after all.
Then a the miraculous happened, the stupid bullet missed the last turn and flew right off the track. Aoyagi's eyes widened and he smirked at Teshima, they'd still get a chance to fight each other in this race.
The last few seconds of the race had ended with a lot of anticipation. With Aoyagi in first, Teshima in second, and Wario in third, it was a good race. Aoyagi grinned at the other, smug but not taunting. He thought he had enough Mario Kart for the day.
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He’d almost begun celebrating as his kart pulled ahead of Aoyagi’s. Whoever sent that blue shell had helped him a lot, the gap had closed within seconds, he was going to take first, he could see the finish line from here!
    A warning flashed on his screen. "Fuck, is that a bullet bill?!" From what he could tell of the map, the computer players had gotten passed the last row of presents a while ago now, they never held onto them, they always fired them straight away.
The line up of players was rapidly changing, the order scrambling completely as karts were clearly taken out by the coveted item. "Aoyagi!" The line was right there, the computer couldn’t possibly catch up from last place and taken them both out.
     It was closing in on them fast, Teshima swerved to the side, it always, always drove down the middle of the path, he was fairly certain of that. "Damnit! If that thing beats me." Losing to his friend he could manage, but losing to a computer? Never.
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silentsenpai · 10 years
He looked up at him and shook his head then averted his attention back to his phone. Teshima was texting while waiting at the doctor's office.
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The still air was only disturbed by the soft taps of Aoyagi’s fingers against his phone. Sociable; as per usual. Not that Makishima minded. 
"He’s at school today, isn’t he?"
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silentsenpai · 10 years
He laughed at the other's frustration, it was amusing to see him get riled up over a video game as hard headed as he was. He enjoyed that side of him, to be honest, it made up for his lack of assertiveness. That was how the pair worked the way they did, and even if it was against each other. 
He was focusing very hard now, he was reaching the goal quickly and Teshima was close to catching up. He was careful of other computer players, trying to make a big gap between them but his attempt proved to be pointless when a shell hit him.
He cursed quietly, shaking his DS violently but not as so he would break it. Now he was in third place, catching up to second which was Donkey Kong. Fuck Donkey Kong.
He supposed Teshima was just going to have to take this win. The goal was already in front of them and he couldn't overtake him without any power-ups. He easily passed Donkey Kong with a few seconds left to spare, and he decided it was not so bad.
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Teshima was yelling profanities at his DS, he didn’t want to lose but right now he was ages behind, these bloody karts didn’t go fast enough. He did think about distracting Aoyagi; but ended up thinking the better of it, he may have wanted to win, and desperately at that, but he didn’t want to do so in such a tasteless fashion.
     It was just his luck that he scored another present, however as the dial slowed, he could already see that it would be nothing to help him. A green Koopa Troopa shell, it wouldn’t be so bad if he could actually see and aim up his friend, but there was a corner and an obstacle between them, this road didn’t have any of the speed ups on it either.
"Damnit!" Moving his shoulders as his little character turned, he was perhaps getting a little too into it. At the very least though, his green shell could be used as protection, and just in time too as a red shell appeared on his screen. Deflected by the one he had, he lacked protection now but it was alright. "Hah.. that was too close." Wiping his cheek on the side of his hand.
     By the looks of the map, Hajime was nearly there.
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silentsenpai · 10 years
He side-glanced at the other, not taking his eyes off the game for too long and zipped right past him again. He was in first place now, and a smug smirk had creeped onto his lips as he passed the last kart. He wiped a bit of sweat from his forehead, leftovers from the past ordeal involving a bomb and a shell.
Soon he was almost finished with the lap and the anticipations could be seen on his normally expressionless face. He looked on the map to see that Teshima wasn't far behind, and the anticipation grew.
In the real world when something like this happened, it was always easy to just accelerate or have a friend close by. But this was Mario kart, and his go-cart was moving at the same tedious speed and Teshima could have easily caught up with him if he used one of his power-ups.
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He’d only just been caught up in the blast, spinning out a little, nothing like having your kart tossed up into the air, because of that he was able to overtake Hajime. Unfortunately, one of the computers was hot on his tail, it had probably been saving something good for him, perhaps a red shell or something, he couldn’t be sure, the game seemed to favour the computer players. 
    Though in reality it was all a game of chance, real world ideas didn’t work in Mario Kart; the crazier you drove and held onto first, usually the better luck you had. In some cases, it was pretty unpredictable.
Teshima was doing pretty well, although he’d notice Aoyagi was creeping up on him, and oh fuck. Who left the banana peel there? Ah, it was probably one of his own, he’d held the lead most of the race and that was all he’d been given, and a fake, but very useless present. "No, no no.. keep driving damnit!" Mashing the ‘A’ button repeatedly.
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silentsenpai · 10 years
He silently snickered at him. They were almost at the check point, and the bomb that was following Teshima would do him some good. He kept a steady pace, in case something else would come out of the blue and he was prepared to avoid it. He was definitely surprised when he was almost at the goal and a shell hit him from behind.
He frowned once more, especially when two karts had passed him. It was the last checkpoint and he was hoping to get off to a good start. Once more he had to recover and catch up, and again he was close behind the others. Luckily he managed to overtake one of the computer players.
The battle was definitely getting more difficult with the last lap in mind, and he could feel the coldness in his blood as he tried to catch up with the others. However as long as he overtook Teshima, he didn't mind. They were both having a small private battle between themselves.
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Teshima was ready to throttle him as the damned mushroom helped him pass. Sometimes the presents were in his favour, other times they were not. At the very least they were beating the computer players by quite a bit; he may have entertained that thought a little too soon as a leader bomb entered his radar.
    "Shit." He cursed, he should slow down or something, you used to be able to avoid them, but now they had an explosive radius, that’d never work out for him, their vehicles were too close, Tadokoro-senpai had also taught them to push on despite the odds, but this was a game, surely that method didn’t apply?
No, it wasn’t just a game, for these two it was an all out war, they were the best of friends, and yet getting the edge in something like this, well, they could become very fearsome opponents, gaining the thrill of a race without much physical work, so it was all expended in other ways.
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silentsenpai · 10 years
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His palms were sweating with all the concentration he was exerting, and his eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were narrowed. Mario kart was something he and Teshima never agreed on- probably one of the only things. They were both born racers, of course. They were very close teammates as well, but when it happened that they were up against each other, which both of them were reluctant to do so most of the time, they proved to be strong enemies.
He was right behind Teshima, and was having a hard time gaining on him. He put all his hopes on the item boxes, expecting to get something like a shell to knock him off his course. But of course by the way things were going, Teshima was the first one to reach it and he dropped banana peels as the gap between them grew.
Aoyagi almost threw his DS down in frustration, gaining a snicker from the other and he smiled. He wouldn't give up so easily. Especially not on Mario kart. Luckily he got his hands on a mushroom and was speeding up as soon as he recovered.
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silentsenpai · 10 years
He just shrugs and looks down at his phone. He was texting the one that was aforementioned, even though his replies consisted of solely exclamation points. 
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"Huh. You’re alone?" How strange. He was so used to seeing the blond with his dear cycling partner Teshima.
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silentsenpai · 10 years
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tired scribs
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silentsenpai · 10 years
He points to Teshima.
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silentsenpai · 10 years
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i caught the T2 flu
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silentsenpai · 10 years
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Stares at.
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❝ ~ ❞
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silentsenpai · 10 years
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猫とT2 par  サクラ
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silentsenpai · 10 years
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