silexiunno · 1 year
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It’s the most appropriate day to repost this GIF I made back in 2015.
The Android Invasion - season 13 - 1975
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silexiunno · 3 years
So I just discovered that there's a kind of salamander that takes entire genomes from males of different species and mixes them up however it pleases. I can't even say it's a "species" because a single individual can have the entire genomes from four different species knocking around in it, so scientists just refer to the "unisexual" members of the genus (because they're all female).
We don't even know what salamander they're originally descended from, because at some point they threw that genome out. Only the mitochondrial DNA are the same in this fucking ship of Theseus of an amphibian. Please keep in mind that it's commonly accepted that the whole purpose of an organism is to propagate its DNA. This salamander said NOPE.
This doesn't make sense. This isn't how species is supposed to work for any organism, let alone an animal. What even is this salamander????
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silexiunno · 3 years
Halloween Special
You and your companions have been on the road for a while and everything’s starting to get a little weird. As the days go by, you realize why: Halloween is almost here! Your next encounter really helps to remind you about that.
You have 8 points to spend.
Setting: (free, choose one) Where the encounter happens
Graveyard: It’s a little rundown but still looks like someone cares about it.
Haunted House: It looks like nobody’s lived in this 3 story house in 50 years.
Haunted Forest: It’s dark, it’s spooky, and it’s making noises you’re not sure you want to identify.
Old Castle: It’s old, it’s dusty, and it’s got a lot of secret passages. It would be very easy to get lost in here.
Abandoned Church: It was once beautiful but now its stained-glass windows lay shattered, its pews sit empty, and its bell waits to be rung again.
Minions: (first 2 are free, others cost 1 point each) They work for the Big Boss
Skeletons: Reanimated bones with the ability to Shadow Walk
Ghosts: Spirits of the dead with the ability to temporarily stun you
Vampire Bats: Bats that want to suck your blood with the ability to drain energy
Werewolves: People who turn into bipedal wolves with the ability to temporarily duplicate themselves
Giant Spiders: Spiders, but giant, with the ability to spit acid and super sticky webs
Slimes: Blobs of goo that can form shapes with the ability to mimic people (shapes/looks, voice)
Zombies:The rotting undead with the ability to briefly force you to dance
Pumpkin Heads: Creatures with vine-like bodies and jack-o-lanterns for heads with the ability to temporarily turn you into one of them
Traps: (first 3 are free, others cost 1 point each) Traps set by the Big Boss
Trap Door: Sends you back down a floor or traps you in a pit
Spider Webs: Super sticky webs that are almost impossible to escape
Falling Nets: Nets that are dropped from up high to capture you
Automated Arrows: Stepping on a pressure plate cause arrows to be fired at you from the walls/a statue/etc.
Transporting Mirror: A mirror that pulls you into a room full of Minions (of your choice)
Wall of Claws: Claws that come out of the walls to grab and hold you
Rolling Stone: A giant boulder that chases you down a hall
Word Floor: A tile floor with letters on each tile. The correct tiles spell out a word, wrong letters break and crumble, falling to a pit below
Flying Sword: A levitating sword that chases you through a hall, trying to kill you
Swivel Door: A door built into the wall that swivels and cuts you off from the group when you lean against it. Can only be activated from one side
Big Boss: (free, choose one) The one controlling the Minions and traps
Evil Witch: A young looking woman wearing a sparkly purple dress and witch’s hat, she seeks vengeance on those who shunned her. She has Earth, Air, Ice, and Fireball Magic.
Vampire: Pale but good looking, he’s just looking for his next meal. He has Shadow Magic, telekinesis, and can turn into a giant vampire bat.
Grim Reaper: Shrouded in a dark, hooded cloak, he’s looking for names to fill his Book of Death. He has Shadow Magic and uses a scythe.
Goblin King: A hunchbacked, grotesque looking creature with leathery skin, he seeks to conquer the Human World. He has Shadow and Fireball Magic.
Mini Minotaur: Half man, half bull, all tinyness. He fancies himself a protector and he’s a little angry you’re in his space. He has Earth Magic and uses an ax.
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silexiunno · 3 years
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silexiunno · 3 years
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I think I’ve posted this before, but it’s a THING now. 
In the game I DM, I ended up making up a recurring merchant NPC just for shits and giggles - a Kobold who calls himself Dumas and goes around selling strange magical/enchanted items which are… not as they seem. His prices are enticing, but the items have strange properties, and it’s a gamble to see if your investment is worth it. 
My players love him so much they have taken to Sending him every time they want something new, and all of their party funds end up going to this little creature, who is delighted, and is now probably the richest bastard in all of Barovia. (Yes, this is in Curse of Strahd…. look, humor needs to be a part of EVERY game imo, even the Gothiest of them all.)
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silexiunno · 3 years
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Painted a little dude for my dorm!
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silexiunno · 3 years
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Photos by Michaela Magaela Ďurišová. Model is Vlasta Gerhardova, the photographer’s mother.
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silexiunno · 3 years
fake relationship but its a king and his concubine that was once an amazing soldier but he couldn’t go up the ranks for whatever reason so the king was like listen. hear me out. you can be my strategy dude. u just gotta be okay w walking around shirtless a lot. and soldier dude is like man that’s an UPSIDE and yknow they end up falling in love
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silexiunno · 3 years
all jokes aside, it makes me very sad how literally the entire internet, especially social media, has just become more and more unapologetic in trying to wring as much money out of you as possible. can’t go on youtube without being bombarded by youtube red ads promising that if you just give them money, they’ll block the pesky ads who are also begging for your money. can’t stream a movie without searching for it on each of the dozens and dozens of streaming platforms. all demanding individual subscriptions for their tiny share of the world’s movies that used to just all be on netflix. every news site counting down your free three articles, all the while begging you to turn your adblock off. click off instagram’s stupid shopping tab, and the first post on your timeline is with #ad. and of course, now, tumblr’s adding post plus. i hate it!! hate getting advertised at everywhere i go. hate that social media’s not even supposed to be social anymore, just another thing to monetize. i’m so sick of it!!! can’t escape it ever!!! give us 9.99 per month for exclusive fucking content!! fuck!!
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silexiunno · 3 years
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It’s the most appropriate day to repost this GIF I made back in 2015.
The Android Invasion - season 13 - 1975
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silexiunno · 3 years
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silexiunno · 3 years
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silexiunno · 3 years
Horses are really fragile animals. Is it still a death sentence for a centaur if one of their equine limbs gets hurt? Or can they help it somehow?
Oh god, now I'm thinking of amputees and how those would work
Horses are SUPER fragile, or maybe more like delicately balanced.. but particularly their crazy spindle-legs which centaurs get to deal with! But a big part of why hurt legs are a death sentence for horses has less to do with "It kills them" and more to do with quality of life, which a centaur can get around! A horse with a broken leg doesn't understand it can't put ANY weight on that leg for an extended period and will attempt to go about their daily life and act normally, which basically guarantees re-injuring the bad leg and a high chance of injuring the other 3 legs as they try to cope with the change in balance and weight distribution. It all leads to a really poor quality of life with almost no chance of truly healing properly. The story of all they did trying to save Barbaro the racehorse is a long sad story that illustrates a lot of the issues even with modern veterinary medicine with trying to deal with a broken leg in horses.
Thankfully with centaurs, They understand the need for healing, are able to manage their own quality of life and have the gear to support themselves in the time it takes for the injury to heal!
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Also perfectly good for long term use in the case of aging, amputation, or general disability! Which is common with the front legs and lower backs of centaurs given the unusual stresses caused by their body-plans. They were created with thicker and more robust front legs to cope with the permanent added weight of the torso instead of a horse head, but injury and disability in that area is still very common!
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Injuries to the hind are less common and usually less severe, and given the hind legs bear less direct weight than the front they can usually get away with wraps and limping until it gets back to weight-bearing. Something like a rear amputation or ruptured tendon would probably require a custom harness/brace attached to a wheel like these and/or basically a peg leg!
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silexiunno · 3 years
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Exellero on Instagram
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silexiunno · 3 years
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Eeveelution fusions
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silexiunno · 4 years
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silexiunno · 4 years
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