silkwormlibrary · 1 year
I’m really going to need people to stop referring to deserts as lifeless uninhabitable empty spaces, its colonialist rhetoric that has aided in the destruction of native environments and removal and murder of Indigenous peoples.
It is the Orientalist trope that framed deserts as empty land for ‘cultivating’, and its native peoples - if bothered to be mentioned at all - lacked the knowledge to ‘make the land thrive’ until Colonizers arrived. It was also believed that deserts and droughts were the results of divine punishment for indigenous peoples ‘sinful ways’ which was embraced by colonial administrators and scientists in the 19th century (x). This is also where ‘being from a desert’ has been used as an insult.
The idea of ‘making the desert bloom’ is a type of greenwashing or green-sheen that tries to portray something as environmentally friendly without it being so, deserts and dry-lands are vastly important to the ecosystem - planting non-native trees within a desert environment cannot counteract deforestation in other areas of the world. Planting non-native trees and invasive species in desert environments causes ecological destruction often in the form of wildfires (x).
On top of this, you cannot separate land from people. So many of our desert cultures are entwined with the land, our ways of life and cultural heritage revolve around deserts - deserts are not shameful or lifeless or open for settler ‘cultivation’ or safe areas nuclear testing, they’re our home - as they have been for hundreds upon hundreds of years.
Stop disrespecting deserts
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extra reading: (x) (x) (x) (x)
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silkwormlibrary · 2 years
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Hi, my name is Auryn, and I've been crowdfunding on tumblr for awhile now, I've needed a lot of help this year and I appreciate everything everyone has done for me, but my family and I need help again.
My wife is a disabled trans woman with diabetes who needs insulin regularly, her primary doctor retired, which left us with no safety net for her medications. Her insurance is refusing to cover her insulin, and its $61 a pen.
If anyone out there is willing to lend us a hand with this, that would be amazing and I would be eternally grateful, reblogs are also appreciated.
PayPal. Me / hanafarmer
all the best,
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silkwormlibrary · 2 years
trans men are allowed to like their cleavage. trans women are allowed to like their bulge. no one has the right to tell someone they have to hate a part of their body to be trans
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silkwormlibrary · 2 years
I don’t wanna scare you while you’re high but I actually invited millions of people over and they’re all waiting outside right now. Hope that’s okay
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silkwormlibrary · 2 years
A not so gentle reminder for some hateful people
Deities don't like bigotry
I am just a mere mortal, and I can never claim to completely understand the likes and dislikes of almighty gods, but there's one things I am sure of, deities don't like bigots, bigotry, and any action or belief that harms other human beings.
Kindness, humanity, hospitality, and justice, they are valued in every belief, in every religion of this world.
Cruelty is rooted in arrogance. So is Hubris.
Do you really think that gods support your arrogant beliefs that can cause harm to those innocents who have done absolutely nothing to you?
Do you really think that your misogyny is not a slight against the patron deities of women?
Do you really think that your hatred against some forms of love is not a slight against the almighty gods that rule over love?
Do you really think that your bigotry and hatred against innocent people is not a hubristic slight against those very gods who watch over them?
Do you really believe that deities, who have 'Father' or 'Mother' among their many epithets, will ever support your unreasonable hatred against some of their beloved children?
Bigots aren't tolerated here, neither is Bigotry
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silkwormlibrary · 2 years
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‘I Need Autonomy’ inspired by Jenny Holzer
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silkwormlibrary · 2 years
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children’s dreams / al-yarmouk, palestinian refugee camp in damascus, syria 
little palestine; diary of a siege (2021) dir. abdallah al khatib 
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silkwormlibrary · 2 years
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silkwormlibrary · 2 years
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silkwormlibrary · 2 years
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silkwormlibrary · 2 years
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silkwormlibrary · 2 years
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get ready everyone
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silkwormlibrary · 2 years
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silkwormlibrary · 2 years
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silkwormlibrary · 2 years
fucking hate it when the stuff everybody says "actually works" does actually work.
hate exercising and realizing i've let go of a lot of anxiety and anger because i've overturned my fight-or-flight response.
hate eating right and eating enough and eating 3 times a day and realizing i'm less anxious and i have more energy
hate journaling in my stupid notebook with my stupid bic ballpoint and realizing that i've actually started healing about something once i'm able to externalize it
hate forgiving myself hate complimenting myself more often hate treating myself with kindness hate taking a gratitude inventory hate having patience hate talking to myself gently
hate turning my little face up to the sun and taking deep breaths and looking at nature and grounding myself and realizing that i feel less burdened and more hopeful, more actually-here, that i am able to see the good sides of myself more clearly, that i am able to see not only how far i have to grow - but also how much growth i have already done & how much of my life i truly fill with light and laughter and love
horrible horrible horrible. hate it but i'm gonna do it tho
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silkwormlibrary · 2 years
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silkwormlibrary · 2 years
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