sillagetrace · 5 years
it’s like everyone else has found their place and their friends and they all have lives but all i can do is sit in my room and sleep. it’s like i’m losing my youth to my own mind.
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sillagetrace · 5 years
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(Not mine, i found it online w/o credit so idk)
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sillagetrace · 5 years
dont eat december: dove diet — 🌿🕊♡
*dont break the rules
*drink lots of water
*no drinking cals
*cals in vitamins/drugs/medication do NOT count. this includes edibles, diet pills, etc
*dont lie, have accountability
*weigh urself after every 50 hour fast, dont weigh at all any other times
*1 hr cardio
*liquid fast
*30 mins cardio
*30 mins work-out #1(see bottom)
*liquid fast
*1+ hour(s) of workout #2(see bottom)
*break fast with mono
*400 cals max, try to stay under
*1 hr cardio
*liquid fast
*1+ hour(s) of workout #1(see bottom)
*30 mins cardio
*30 mins work-out #2(see bottom)
*only eat fruit
*stay under 1000 cals
*no workout
*drink a lot of water
*no workout
*no cal count
*mono fruit
*plank 1 min
*50 push-ups
*plank 30 sec
*25 push-ups
*100 bicycle kicks
*light yoga
*100 sit-ups
*2 min plank
*50 sit-ups
*100 arm circles (big)
*100 arm circles (small
*50 scissor kicks
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sillagetrace · 5 years
i thought i was dead
i had a experience today where my body overheated i started to lose focus in my schoolwork my heart started beating so loud and fast and hurting like a mf and i thought “omg this is it this is how i die i am going to die in the middle of art class” then i decided to try to alert someone i tapped my friends thigh my breathing was shaky and loud and my face was red and tried to tell her “get the teacher somethings happening” all that came out was a scrambled mumbled sentence and i thought i was about to faint but she understand and the teacher got her to take me real quick and since she knew i was anorexic she got a proteing bar and made me eat that shit and the second i took a bite everything slowly started to calm down and i have honestly never been more terrified
dont take life for granted as someone with an ed it doesnt matter whether your bmi is high or low your heart can stop at any second
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sillagetrace · 5 years
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I hope you lead a life you are proud of. And if you find that you are not, I hope you find the courage to make a change.
Dress size doesn’t determine how beautiful you are, your confidence do.
Same person, same smile. ok back to eating ice cream. ciao.
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sillagetrace · 5 years
I'm sick
- Im sick of elastic bands giving me muffin top
-I’m sick of having to wear jeggings because jeans are uncomfortable
- I’m sick of looking bad in tight AND loose clothes
- I’m sick of having days where I feel too fat to wear ANYTHING
- I’m sick of dreading trying on clothes in my favorite store
- I’m sick of having fat rolls when sitting, bending forward, or laying on my side
- I’m sick of having to pull my pants up high on my waist to hide my fat bump
- I’m sick of knowing he’d rather look at skinny girls than me
- I’m sick of being afraid that I’ll finally tip the scale to overweight
- I’m sick of covering up at the pool/beach
- I’m sick of always giving in to my cravings
- It’s time to make a change because I’m sick of not feeling good in my own skin
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sillagetrace · 5 years
them: you’re so quiet !
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sillagetrace · 5 years
i’m “why am i still alive” years old
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sillagetrace · 5 years
depression tips™
shower. not a bath, a shower. use water as hot or cold as u like. u dont even need to wash. just get in under the water and let it run over you for a while. sit on the floor if you gotta.
moisturize everything. use whatever lotion u like. unscented? dollar store lotion? fancy ass 48 hour lotion that makes u smell like a field of wildflowers? use whatever you want, and use it all over. 
put on clean, comfortable clothes. 
put on ur favorite underwear. cute black lacy panties? those ridiculous boxers u bought last christmas with candy cane hearts on the butt? put em on.
drink cold water. use ice. if u want, add some mint or lemon for an extra boost.
clean something. doesn’t have to be anything big. organize one drawer of ur desk. wash five dirty dishes. do a load of laundry. scrub the bathroom sink. 
blast music. listen to something upbeat and dancey and loud, something that’s got lots of energy. sing to it, dance to it, even if you suck at both.
make food. don’t just grab a granola bar to munch. take the time and make food. even if it’s ramen. add something special to it, like a hard boiled egg or some veggies. prepare food, it tastes way better, and you’ll feel like you accomplished something. 
make something. write a short story or a poem, draw a picture, color a picture, fold origami, crochet or knit, sculpt something out of clay, anything artistic. even if you don’t think you’re good at it.
go outside. take a walk. sit in the grass. look at the clouds. smell flowers. put your hands in the dirt and feel the soil against your skin.
call someone. call a loved one, a friend, a family member, call a chat service if you have no one else to call. talk to a stranger on the street. have a conversation and listen to someone’s voice. if you can’t, text or email or whatever, just have some social interaction with another person. even if you don’t say much, listen to them.
cuddle your pets if you have them/can cuddle them. take pictures of them. talk to them. tell them how u feel, about your favorite movie, a new game coming out.
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sillagetrace · 6 years
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sillagetrace · 6 years
3 months
It takes 3 months to make a drastic change to your appearance. By September you can be at your goal weight. By October you can dress in that Halloween costume you were waiting to wear until you lost the weight. By November you can wear big sweaters and cute socks and look ADORABLE. By December you can actually enjoy the holidays and not be concerned about that extra fat you used to carry around. By January, you can cross out “lose weight” from your New Year’s resolution because you were disciplined enough to get to your goal weight a long time ago. Just imagine where you could be if you just stick to your plans for the next 3 months.
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sillagetrace · 6 years
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sillagetrace · 6 years
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sillagetrace · 7 years
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sillagetrace · 7 years
My workout routine 😁
once a day if fasting, 3 times a day if i eat my regular calorie amount (300 cals)
🌹30 second plank
🌹20 side hip plank
🌹30 bicycle crunch’s
🌹25 side crunches (both sides)
🌹20 knee to elbow planks
🌹25 hip raises
Booty/legs 🍑🍑🍑
💧50-100 squats
💧20 lunges (each leg)
💧40 leg raises (each leg)
💧25 calf raises (each leg)
💧50 hip raises
Cardio 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
🔥 150 jumping jacks
🔥20 burpees
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sillagetrace · 7 years
Do it so 2019’s goal is to STAY thin.
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sillagetrace · 7 years
i think the worst part of trying to lose weight, no matter where you’re starting from, is that it’s so internal.
i walk around knowing that i’m slowly losing weight, but everyone else just sees where i’m at right this second. they just see me as the fat girl.
i wish i could disappear until i’m thin. i don’t want to be seen until i’m thin.
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