sillkplants-blog1 · 7 years
Interior and exterior decorations are proved to be one of the best ways to make any place overwhelming with ThermaLeaf®  artificial plants.
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sillkplants-blog1 · 7 years
10 Inexpensive and Durable Landscaping Products for Modern Offices
The office is the space where you spend most of your time next to the home. A nice and cozy office space with beautiful landscapes is one of the fundamental things that you deserve. For such an attractive and comforting ambiance, you don’t need to spend a fortune. Here are some awesome decor products that are affordable for you. Along with their reasonable prices, they will last very long, and so you can happily enjoy the sights forever
River Gravel pathways for the natural looks
Round stones in the river that are naturally polished by the water are an amazing piece of art. You can find a lot of such small and big stones in the shallow part of the ponds and streams. You can use their immense natural beauty to enhance the looks of your office spaces. Just collect some pebbles or buy them in bulk and pave it on the pathway. The path will look like a path to a beautiful space, and those who walk in the path will certainly adore your brilliant, inexpensive decor idea.
Concrete Retaining Wall Blocks that gives a thousand ideas
Retaining wall blocks made of concrete can be embedded in the slopes of your garden. You can redesign them and can make the tiny fences around the trees. You can use them as a border to the fences and the buildings. Well designed concrete retaining walls are affordable and will look elegant in almost all circumstances. If you give a little notice to the paint and the finish, you will l be the king of long lasting, affordable decors!
Natural Stone Paving Blocks that make you feel comfortable
Paving stones on the pathways is an important thing that contributes to the beauty of your landscapes. While thousands of varieties of landscaping tiles are available, you can look to another direction. Yes, you can go for natural stones of non-uniform sizes. You can pave them on the path, and the non-uniform stones will look brilliant. Make sure that the stones don't project through the soil. You can push the stones in such a way that the lie parallels to the soil.
Garden stones – a never ending trend in landscaping
Garden stones are another beautiful decor product that will help you to enhance the normal looks of your landscapes. They are available in almost all sizes, colors and shapes. They will make your landscape a bit more beautiful. They can be paved in the path between the plants or the path to the office space. Garden stones covered with beautiful plants are a very exciting view to cherish.
Faux topiaries to add charm to your spaces
Faux topiaries are the most affordable and lasting decors that you can ever find for your landscaping needs. Resisting the moisture attack and the sun burns, they will cherish your premises forever. Along with that, they are available in all shapes and sizes which will make the process of landscaping easier. Their portability and reliability are other features that make them the best decor products for landscaping.
Artificial turf that enhances the looks in one go
If you are the one who loves the fresh green looks, you can install the artificial turf on the landscape. With their brilliant green color and exotic fresh looks, they will blow you off. They are highly cost effective and are proven to last very longer than ordinary decors that you might prefer. They are easy to install, and that will reduce your cost of initial installation. The maintenance of artificial turfs is so minimal, and you will have a very beautiful space with them.
Garden statues to create the cutest ambiance
Garden statuses are fun. They can be installed anywhere in your landscape, and you can enjoy the charm they extend. As they are made of concrete, they will last forever, and their shape or size will not be affected by natural agents. Most common garden statues include where cute hares, frogs, nice little deer, garden lights and much more. Each of them can contribute a very elegant look to the garden without being affected by any natural causes
LED landscape lights to save power and spread happiness
Lights play an important role in enhancing the beauty of landscapes. And among that, LED, lights are the best ones that illuminate the space like a champ. With their compact size and wonderful power saving capabilities they are always preferred as one of the reliable landscape decor accessories. They are also available in many sizes and installing them on beautiful lamb holders will make your space heaven
Garden border fence for the herbal garden looks
Garden border fences made from canes and plastics is another beautiful and affordable landscape product that you can find. They are highly reliable and will last a lifetime. Installing them as borders for plants and letting climbers grow on them is an amazing idea to make your space look fresh. They are available in different sizes, and so you can get one of adequate size from any decor stores. They are reliable and will give a premium look to your premises.
Micro Fountains to make a wet change
Micro fountains are the latest in the lot. They are the real fountains but are created in a smaller size. If you have a smaller office space or if you don't have the space to install a fountain, you can go for small micro fountains. They will release the water in small quantities and will look extra cute. The major advantage is that multiple fountains can be installed in your garden and they will never look too much for you
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sillkplants-blog1 · 7 years
Elevate the Brand Image of Your Hospital – 10 Decor Options and Ideas
Nobody loves visiting hospitals unless they are expecting the delivery of a bundle of joy. Thus decorating hospitals to bring optimism to the surroundings is a great idea to elevate the brand image of any hospital.
Here are ten decor options and ideas that can transform the look and lift up the brand image of hospitals.
1. Interior decorations of hospitals are often neglected, but a few simple things can make a huge difference. Coloring just one of the walls of hospital rooms in a different vibrant color and keeping all the other walls monochromatic in white, gray, light blue or other lighter colors is a great way to decorate the otherwise monotonous looking hospital rooms. Keeping the colors of the walls in lighter shades ensure that rooms look bigger and brighter where the contrasting colored bright wall makes all the difference and breaks the monotony of the whole setup.
2. Hospitals need to maintain a very pleasant and calming atmosphere and what can be better than plants to encourage such environment. In addition to making the hospital landscape look more beautiful, decorating with plants and trees promotes therapeutic healing. There are certain problems in decorating interior space of hospitals with plants. Some patients or visitors may be allergic to certain flowering plants, and moreover, the organic substances can attract germs, pests and diseases which are obviously not desired. One way to solve this problem can be the use of faux trees and plants for interior decorations as they do not contain any organic substance and comes with the added benefit of no maintenance requirements.
3. Covering up the cemented wall boundaries with thick green foliage of hedges will add greenery to the surrounding and is a great way to decorate the exterior landscape of hospitals. As greenery is known o reduce stress and hedges of several varieties can grow to 3 meters in height, placing them closely together can work as boundaries for the outdoor landscape. Artificial hedges also serve the purpose, and they remain beautiful in the same way for years, without any care. Sectioning areas with these hedges is also a great idea to separate the walking zones, sitting areas, yoga zones, and gardens.
4. One of the smart and cost effective solutions for decorating interiors of hospitals is to use wallpapers. Huge wallpapers can be custom made depending on the size of the walls. Decorating waiting areas, lobby and receptions with wallpapers instead of wall paintings is not only a very cost-effective idea, but it also helps in uplifting the moods of visitors if used in the proper sense. Happy pictures of newborn babies, smiling nurses taking good care of the patients, doctors wishing families with a happy face, etc. are some examples that can be incorporated in the wallpapers to develop a very good and trustable image of the hospital among the visitors.
5. Working with colors and shapes is one of the important aspects of decorating any landscape. When it comes to hospitals keeping things simple can have a huge impact on the whole setup. Including quotes on hope, life and joy in the hospital rooms can boost up positive energy in the surroundings. Decoration lobbies with either written quotes or framed ones is also a great idea to make the surrounding a little more engaging. Moreover adding quotes in sign boards, showing directions to different areas will make them interesting.
6. Using contrasting colors for outdoor sitting areas and the garden around can catch the attention of visitors. However the colors have to be kept very soothing and not at all chaotic to promote a very peaceful environment. Keeping the colors of the shades, benches, flowerpots and other surrounding components monochromatic is a great concept and adding colorful flowering plants in different shapes, sizes and textures can aid in uplifting moods and bring positivity to the environment. It is better to use lighter shades of white and gray for the monochromatic theme and vibrant colored flowers for the contrast. Installing greenery in sitting areas and lawns using artificial turfs, faux-hedges and green mats can work as a stress buster in hospitals.
7. Nobody would love to spend their Christmas in a hospital and thus decorate the interior with basic everyday used elements of hospitals is a great idea to jazz up the surroundings. Wrapping newborn babies in red and white towels such that they look no less than a bundle of joy, using faux turfs to make lifelines and gloves to make Christmas trees are some of the great ideas to decorate hospital interiors during the festive season.
8. Vertical gardening is another great option to decorate outdoors of the hospitals and is suitable for hospitals that does not have much exterior space. It can also be considered for the interiors, but the problem with doing so is that placing lots of plants and organic matter close together can attract insects, pests, and disease-causing germs. However, this problem can be easily solved by using artificial and yet natural looking plants for vertical gardening in indoors.
9. Decorating the cafeterias with beautiful decorative lights can deliver a very interesting feel to the area which otherwise gets complains about boring foods more often. Using special lightings over the tables, plants, wallpapers, etc. and keeping the overall lighting a little dim can transfer a feeling of calmness and optimism to the cafés.
10. False ceilings are very popular and are a great way to decorate interiors of a hospital. Using false ceilings in waiting rooms, receptions, lobby and cafeterias can transform the look of a dull hospital and give it a jazzed up feel. Combining false ceiling with special lighting effects will add up to the charm of the whole setup.
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sillkplants-blog1 · 7 years
10 Awesome Health Benefits of Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera does not need any introduction.  Although the short stem plant looks like a cactus and has tiny thorns, this is a succulent. When we talk about Aloe Vera, the first thing that strikes us is its application after a long day on the beach. However, it has amazing ability to provide all round wellness. This plant has been in use from ancient time in the history for its ability to remedy many internal and external maladies of the human body and also found engraved in many Egyptian tombs.
It can be used in many ways; you can take the juice or apply the gel. Aloe Vera is great for rejuvenating health and can also help in making the serious transition in health conditions. When taken in moderate doses, this delivers great health improvement.  While we discuss the remarkable health benefits of Aloe Vera in this article, we should not forget that this succulent is also used as a decorative item.
Besides the health benefits, it provides, having thick green leaves Aloe Vera can be extensively used for both interior and exterior landscaping projects. These are very easy to grow in tubs and help to purify the air around its installation. When used in combination with artificial succulents, it livens up the interior decor. Placing Aloe Vera with faux cactus and artificial ferns is also a good way for outdoor landscaping.
Read on to know 10 Awesome Health Benefits of Aloe Vera
1. Boosts up immunity system
Free radicals present in our body weaken the immune system and also accelerate the aging process. Aloe Vera is rich in antioxidants that have the power to fight the free radicals. Drinking Aloe Vera juice every day lets you have a regular supply of high percentage of antioxidants that makes your immunity system gets stronger to win over the vinous and bacteria attacks.
2. Ensures skin health improvement
Aging has many curses. With passing years of the youth, your skin becomes thin, and you notice spots, wrinkles, sacking, etc. Fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, Aloe Vera helps to ensure healthy skin. This is also an excellent natural moisturizer. By applying fresh Aloe Vera gels on your skin regularly, you are sure to get a glowing skin free from blemishes. This also works great for treating sunburns.
3. Promotes healthy hairs
Aloe Vera helps to grow new hairs and also take care of the hair follicles present. The proteolytic enzyme present in Aloe Vera cleanse the dead skin cells formed on the scalp and ensures reduction of dandruff.  Its chemical character almost resembles that of keratin, and for this reason, it acts as a great hair rejuvenator. Applying aloe Vera masks to your hairs regularly ensures smooth and shiny hairs.
4. Fights acne and pimples
Acnes are primarily caused due to the generation of more oil by the sebaceous glands. Combined with dead skin and dirt this excess oil blocks the pores on the skin and thus give rise to acne and pimples. Being a loaded with anti-inflammatory properties, Aloe Vera acts a natural healer for acne and pimples. Applying Aloe Vera juices on the affected part helps to reduce acnes and pimples.
5. Improves cardiovascular health
Aside from many other health benefits, drinking Aloe Vera juice regularly helps in decreasing the level of LDL or bad cholesterol that tend to clog the arteries and veins resulting heart strokes. This also reduces the triglyceride level and contributes to increasing the HDL or good cholesterol level. Aloe Vera further helps to regulate BP, improves blood circulation. Thus, consuming Aloe Vera regularly gives your heart all round protection.
6. Improves digestive power
Aloe Vera is loaded with minerals, vitamins and some of the specific digestive enzymes like aliases, amylase, catalase, proteases, etc. All these enzymes help in breaking down the fats and sugars for enhancing digestion and absorption of nutrients.  Aloe Vera is also conducive for maintaining right pH balance also for the healthy gut condition. Drinking Aloe Vera juice every day can help you a lot for improving your digestive power.
7. Helps detoxification
Aloe Vera has the unique ability to help removal of toxins from the body. This happens because Aloe Vera helps different body functions to perform in a better way. As you take Aloe Vera regularly, its gelatinous nature helps to absorb all toxic substance present in the entire digestive track. This is also rich in many minerals that aid smooth transportation of fluid in the body, and thus it also helps to relive toxins through perspiration over and above the waste removal process.
8.Help to manage diabetes
Aloe Vera is well known for its anti-diabetic properties. Diabetes is a condition of disruptive metabolism of carbohydrate-related with insufficient insulin secretion. Studies conducted indicate positively to use Aloe Vera for balancing blood sugar level. Taking Aloe Vera juice regularly helps to bring down the sugar level. Due to the anti-inflammatory properties, it also accelerates the wound healing process which is another associated risk of diabetes.
9. Weight and energy regulator
Taking Aloe Vera juice regularly greatly improves your digestion and also ensures proper cleansing of the body system through detoxification. With improvement on these fronts, all of your body organs function with a very high efficiency and your metabolism process also speeds up. Some of the foods you consume result exhaustion and fatigue, and Aloe Vera helps to flush those out. Thus, you have a control on body weight and beam with high energy level.
10. Helps stress reduction
Although seems to be crazy, Aloe Vera works well for stress reduction.  It is a great adaptogen and helps the body to adapt to all changes that cause malfunctioning of the various body functions. Taking Aloe Vera juice regularly helps to improve your body functions for keeping good health. It also increases the ability to cope with dietary, emotional and environmental changes and thus you maintain perfect health free from stress.
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sillkplants-blog1 · 7 years
How to Prepare for Seasonal Marketing
Every season knocks your door with lots of opportunities for your business, and early preparations help you in excelling. Drawing up a seasonal marketing strategy is never a cakewalk so let us unravel the process of equipping oneself for seasonal marketing.
Understanding Seasonal Marketing
Different seasons bring different opportunities for one’s business to flourish. Each season is characterized with certain holidays, events that can be cashed in. Seasonal Marketing involves identifying those events or days that will be best for your business i.e. you can intertwine that particular theme with your good or services to serve the customers. A good seasonal marketing is a combination of a number of factors - planning, understanding the psyche and behavior of customers, timing and the aptness of products and service offered.
 Take Note of Your experience
When preparations of seasonal marketing are going on it’s very important to go back and explore areas where one fell short. Collecting data of previous sales and analyzing the trends and customers’ behavior pattern gives one an idea of the possible areas of improvement. Moreover, it helps in exploring prospects that could help one in evolving the services for better.
 Become the early bird
Starting the promotions before contemporizes gives one an early bird advantage. The only way to get that advantage is to start planning the strategy early. Devising a good seasonal marketing campaign doesn’t happen overnight. It takes the time to develop a strategy and then to work on every possible detail. Starting early gives you enough time to design, develop and implement your action plan.
 Planning the year in advance
“He who fails to plan plans to fail.” The success of seasonal marketing solely depends on how well one can foresee the challenges involved and equip one accordingly. It is best to plan the whole year in advance and identify all possible potential days, events that can become revenue generating opportunities. One should mark all these days with short notes containing ideas and scope of the campaign. Once the theme gets finalized one can move to assigning the budget as the rest all things from the inventory to staffing ultimately depends on budget.
Stepping in your customer's shoes
Seasonal Marketing is customer centric. Customers show different pattern during different seasons hence it is vital to understand customers. To find what drives the customer's retailers have to stay in sync with their customers. The best way to know this is by organizing customer review sessions. These reviews reveal your customers’ perspective to you.
After understanding, next task is to come up with ideas of some tailored made products or service by the season to attract the customers. For example, during Mother’s Day many stores have started providing in-house help for male customers looking to buy gifts for their mothers.
 Getting the timing right
Timing is the crucial factor that makes or breaks the seasonal marketing. It’s very essential to strike the right chord at the right time. We cannot expect promotion offers on travel to work during August when back to school season is going on. One has to keep in mind customers respond to deals differently at different times. Right content delivered at a wrong time is no good. So proper research has to be done while scheduling a particular campaign.
Handling the capital woes
Budget allocation should be done very carefully. One has to keep in mind the share of extra inventory during peak season, pre-seasonal advertising and promotion, a separate decoration budget, off season staff and additional staff required during peak season. Planning in advance saves money and prepares you beforehand. For example, if the staff is hired during the off-season the same work is done at a relatively lower cost.
Collaborating in style
We can team up two or more ventures together or partner with other retailers in the business and paint a concept through that collaboration as part of seasonal marketing strategy. Concept driven marketing is more relatable to the customers and helps in attracting more customers. For example, during Valentines week travel industry can collaborate with hotels and offer special discounts to the couples or can gift them a complimentary dinner. Or during December sales, Home Décor retailers can tie up with a bakery. Those buying hanging ornaments like chandeliers, Christmas trees, artificial topiaries, poinsettias, silk roses, wreaths, lights, etc. get a complimentary cake.
Mix n Match of seasonal marketing strategies
Although many people handles long-term seasonal marketing and the short term strategy independently as both serve totally different goals. Long term strategy targets a season as a whole and aim are to retain customers’ attention. However short term strategy is set around a particular event or a day, hence it is made crisp, attention-grabbing. Integrating short term seasonal strategy with long term helps in exploiting the benefits of both strategies. Integration of Halloween with back to school season is an apt example of two strategies running concurrently. Thus finding such combinations where one can drive sales and retain their customers simultaneously help in preparing a powerful marketing campaign.
Efficient use of assets
Customers form the core of the seasonal marketing strategy and hence making the customers aware about your upcoming offers is vital. One should use social media, emails efficiently to create an impact about the same. Retailers should start by preparing a mailing list which will help them to reach their customers at regular intervals. One should send tailored emails to communicate and stay in contact with their customers. During off seasons social media help in engaging and staying in front of your customers.
Brownie points for loyal customers.
Nowadays almost every business rewards their loyal customers. There are loyalty discounts, preview sales, tailored gifts and bonus points for recurrent customers. These loyalty programs ensure customer retention, building brand trust and relationship with the customer and thereby increasing customer lifetime value. Having said that it's proven that these program increase sales too hence it becomes an essential part of seasonal marketing.
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sillkplants-blog1 · 7 years
Top 10 Plants That Can Kill You
During the evolution of the human civilization, people have learned which plants are safe for consumption and which plants should be avoided through many trials and errors. But the present human populace has lost that knowledge and many plants are grown backyard without the slightest hint of how dangerous those could be. There are large numbers of poisonous plants around us, and some of them are real deadly. Most of these deceptive plants, we have in our surroundings, have strikingly beautiful flowers and attractive fruits, but these could be deadly enough to kill humans.
While gardening in the backyard or maintaining a park, one should take the car that these plants are not included in the landscaping project. The best landscaping option, therefore, happens to be using artificial plants and artificial floral arrangements so that the kids are safe from any poison ingestion. With this aim here is a list of ten poisonous plants that can cause death in few hours.
1. Rosary Pea (Abrus Precatorius)
The Rosary Pea or Abrus precarious has many other names as Crab’s eye, cock's eyes, jequirity beans, etc. These beads have brilliant red colors adorned with a black spot at the center. Its pious name is due to its use as rosary beads and ornamental uses. This is a perennial climber mostly found twining around other trees and shrubs. Although native to Indonesia, these are now found all over the world. This invasive plant contains one of the most deadly poisonous substance abrin. Only three micrograms of abrin are enough to kill any adult human.
2. Castor Oil Plants (Ricinus communis)
Many of us were forced to gulp down castor oil in our childhood without any idea that this also one of the most poisonous plants in the world. This is widely grown in the tropical regions. The seeds of the plant contain a deadly toxin called ricin. Ingestion of 4 to 8 seeds can cause nausea with acute pain in the abdomen and diarrhea. The symptoms begin to show within 2 to 4 hours of ingestion and will surely lead to death if left untreated for 36 hours.
3. Belladonna (Atropa Belladonna)
Commonly known as Deadly Nightshade, Belladonna is indigenous to Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia and also one of the deadly plants that can kill a human. Every part of the plant contains tropane alkaloids in various proportions and also has atropine and scopolamine. It can cause delirium and hallucinations besides feeling of dry mouth, breathing problem, checking of voice, etc. They berries are attractive and taste sweet. Ingesting a few of these berries and only one leaf is enough to kill an adult. 
4. Monks Hood (Aconitum)
These nice looking herbs are known as the queen of the poisons for a long time for their extreme toxic character. Warriors of the old days used these for making the tip of their arrows poisonous and also for poisoning water sources. The plant is also commonly known as Wolfs Bane and Devil’s Helmet. These plants mostly grow in the mountains of the northern hemisphere and contain aconitine neurotoxins and cardiotoxins that can cause instantaneous death if applied in a large dose.
5. Water Hemlock (Cicuta)
The name Hemlock is associated with the death of Socrates. Cicuta is a group of extremely poisonous plants.  A toxin called cicutoxin is found in all parts of the plants and high concentration in the roots. These plants have umbrella shaped green or white flowers and resemble edible parsnips. Ingestion of these plants causes nausea, tremors, confusion, irregular heartbeat and almost immediate seizure. It causes death due to respiratory failure in a few hours time.
6. English Yew (Taxus Baccata)
These conifers are also known as European Yew and mostly grow in many parts of Europe, Northern Africa and South West Asia. Except the red fleshy aril, all other parts of these plants are poisonous. English Yew contains poison that id called taxes. Ingestion of any part of these plants delivers symptoms of breathing problem, muscle cramps, increase in heart rate and a person meets death within a few hours.
7. Angel’s Trumpets (Brugmansia)
These woody shrubs have their name from the elegant flowers of white, yellow, orange and pink color that hang like bells. Although native to South America, these are now found in many parts of the world. All parts of the plants are highly poisonous containing hyoscyamine, scopolamine and many other tropane alkaloids.  There are reported secretive uses of these plants as recreational drugs for creating hallucination, but overdose is sure to cause death. 
8. Oleander (Nerium Oleander)
Although this is used as a decorative element due to the stunning flowers, even in schools, this is one of the most toxic plants in the world. All parts of the plant are poisonous and when the plant is burnt for destruction, the smoke generated can also be fatal. Oleander contains lethal glycosides called Oleandrin and Nerine and ingestion of leaves, flowers or fruits cause diarrhea, irregular pulse beats, vomiting and can be fatal.
9. Doll’s Eyes (Actaea Pachypoda)
Also called White Baneberry, this flowering plant is native to the eastern parts of North America and Canada. The white berries contain a black scar, and hence the name. Although the whole plant is toxic, the berries are the most poisonous with a high concentration of carcinogenic toxin that causes sedation almost immediately. Symptoms include salivation, diarrhea couple with stomach cramps, hallucination and ultimately cause death due to cardiac arrest.
10. White snakeroot (Ageratina Altissima)
These are also known as White Sanicle or Tall Boneset. This is one of the deadliest poisonous plants native to North America. These plants contain a high percentage of a toxin tremetol that is indirectly responsible for killing of humans. When eaten by cattle, the toxin gets absorbed in the milk and body. Any person Taking meat or milk of these infected cattle develops a fatal milk sickness and die. 
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sillkplants-blog1 · 7 years
Artificial Landscaping with a Difference - Using Thermaleaf® Spiral Topiaries
Spiral Topiaries makes the landscape look fresh, pleasant and attractive. The structure of the plant adds a varied look to the spaces, and the color of the follicles imposes a warm and welcoming feel to space. But growing and maintaining natural Spiral Topiaries will consume time, and you will be hesitant to go for it. Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could beautify your spaces in a unique way with artificial Spiral Topiaries?
Yes, ThermaLeaf® Spiral Topiaries is the ideal choice for you to decorate landscapes in the best way possible. Without worrying about maintenance and management, you can grab the Spiral Topiaries and can place in your landscape and can enjoy a unique, attractive space. You can now forget the mess created by the leaves or subsidiaries from the fresh trees. These Spiral Topiaries looks completely natural and will make you proud of your premises.
Spiral Topiaries- Beauty with a twist
Spiral Topiaries always stands out with their beautiful twisted structure. The shape and size of Spiral Topiaries impose sophisticated looks to your premises. Let it be a long corridor or very wide open spaces; the Spiral Topiaries make space look unique. With the fantastic looks and natural colors, they have the ability to make space look more symmetrical and attractive. These Spiral Topiaries can be decorated beautifully with small lights or other accessories in the festive seasons and thus can be made impressive than ever.
Fresh out of the woods look is here
With the fresh looking green foliage, the Spiral Topiaries adds real natural looks to your spaces. They look ultra realistic and irresistibly real. With a very detailed and well-crafted design, the foliages and the bark look ultra fresh and natural. The presence of these Spiral Topiaries will add a rejuvenating air to space, and that would certainly reflect the mood of the people near them.
Make the space special with Spiral Topiaries.
Making a space look special is now easy as it sounds. Yes, these beautiful and elegantly attractive Spiral Topiaries are enough to make the space look insanely beautiful. The ultimate end of artistical beauty and be seen in each and every follicle of the Spiral Topiaries. Even the shades and colors of the follicles from dark to light are so visually impressive. Interestingly, the fresh looks of Spiral Topiaries can enhance the visual appeal of the premises.
Blend Spiral Topiaries with any design and be ready to accept applauses
When you plan to incorporate the beautiful design of artificial boxwood hedges at your premises, no other tree can complement the hedges as that of these Spiral Topiaries.These fire resistant creative art pieces will be the right fit to place both in your gardens or open spaces with any of the garden accessories. Heat or light will never affect the beauty of the Spiral Topiaries, and so you can leave them without any further maintenance.
Installation is fun with Spiral Topiaries.
The installation of faux plants is so tricky at times. They may be sold as parts and integrating them to a single piece is head cracking. Here also, the Spiral Topiaries comes to your rescue with the easy to install feature. You will not have to spend hours to integrate them into your landscape design. They will blend with any landscape design and make them look natural than ever.
Spiral Topiaries over other options is not a question
•    You will certainly fall in love with the beautiful and cherishing look of the Spiral Topiaries. With their elegant leaves and well-designed posture, they look stunningly beautiful and will be an asset to your premises
•    Spiral Topiaries are the best choice of plants to decorate your premises without the hassles maintenance. You can forget to water and trim the plants. You will never have to walk across the courtyard with open scissors if you install these beautiful Spiral Topiaries
•    Let your premises be small or wide; these Spiral Topiaries will suit. They fit any space and with any lighting. Despite the climatic change, they resist water and weather in the best way
•    The one-time installation process is so overwhelming such that you install the Spiral Topiaries and can forget them. They add beauty to any spaces, and the interesting part is that you will never have to take care of them.
•    If you love to keep the plants look, fresher, the only thing you will have to do is to dust them and that too when you feel that they are too covered with dust. A single dusting will make them look brand new with fresh follicles.
•    These Spiral Topiaries give the most rejuvenating looks to the premises, and they are the best ones to be placed in the hotels, resorts, hospitals or any buildings that have a wide courtyard. They will also suit the ambiances that require a lush green look.
Go minimal maintenance, to get the maximum results
With the minimal maintenance and no use of water, these awesomely beautiful Spiral Topiaries will capture the eyes of anyone who watches them. They will add an elegant, majestic beauty to your premises when kept in dim light. In the cold weather, they will give the feel of a beautiful resort where you can relax. The feel that the Spiral Topiaries can extend according to the lighting and the climate is a very interesting yet unique feature. The resistance to the climatic changes and the ability of the Spiral Topiaries to cope with any designs are so amazing. The fire resistant feature of the Spiral Topiaries is a real boon to the landscape lovers who has kids at home.
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sillkplants-blog1 · 8 years
Enjoy Unmatched Landscaping Style with Faux ThermaLeaf® Trees
Interested in building a landscape in your commercial space that also consists of large trees? Well, it would not be possible to grow large real trees as soon as this thought will stuck your mind. Still you have even better options available to grace your garden with beautiful large trees. Not any magic spell, not much effort, just a decision of height that you want your trees to possess. The artificial trees will meet your desires of crafting a landscape full of large stunning trees. The creation and design of ThermaLeaf® large trees is magnificent, and the most important thing that makes them lovely is their realistic appearance. So if you have large indoor or outdoor spaces in your office then these give you the ideal way to accentuate your area perfectly.
 Choose from Multiple ThermaLeaf® Large Tree Options
The artificial trees can be built exactly as per your office landscaping needs. You can find multiple options to choose from in large faux trees. Whether you are attracted by the charm of palm tree, bamboo tree, pine tree, faux tree or attractive bonsai tree, you can get any of these introduced to your commercial indoor or outdoor landscape. Every single type of fake tree is ideal to make your area unique and lovable by all your visitors. These let you add a blend of nature to any your business environment ranging from professional offices, supermarkets, retail stores, wholesale stores and even more.
 Give a Grand Look to Your Commercial Space by Customizing Your Tree
If you feel that a standard kind of large faux tree can't suit your commercial indoor and outdoor area, then you can custom design your artificial tree as per your architectural properties. For a perfect landscape be a graphic designer and start building ideas of how a large tree can grace your space effectively. You can take help from any graphic designer or can directly ask the artificial plant dealer about your particular design requirements. You can even choose the height of your large tree as per your requirements. The large scale custom artificial trees can really transform your interior as well as outdoor area amazingly into a lush space offering a feeling of warmth and natural environment. Only highest quality artificial foliage is utilized in creating these trees so that realistic looks can be reflected.
 ThermaLeaf® Large Trees - A Safe Way to Decorate Your Business Space
In addition to defining your business class and style statement for which these trees are meant for, ThermaLeaf® large trees cover the most important feature that is safety. In the certain commercial environment the fire safety is a major concern. Most of the commercial centers and even residents are going towards artificial plants to enhance their interior as well as outdoor beauty. Hence ThermaLeaf® artificial trees have been made with great precautions by including various fire retardant chemicals in branches and leaves. These chemicals make these trees completely safe from fire risks. This special fire safety feature makes these large faux trees much more preferable.
 Best Artificial Tree Organization in Your Commercial Landscape
The artificial trees are crafted with a combination of realistic foliage and wood trunks. All such elements make these trees look realistic thus giving an appearance of your landscape that is much closer to the natural habitat. These trees can be organized in a large number of ways to create a fantabulous and eye-catchy landscape in both indoor and outdoor areas. If you are placing your large faux tree in outdoor area, then you can have multiple combinations. Like you can either organize multiple faux trees inline or can surround a single tree with beautiful boxwood hedges, artificial boxwood mats or any artificial foliage. These trees can also be utilized in your indoor landscape of your indoor area have sufficient space. The height of these trees depend upon your preference hence you can have 5-6 feet tree for your business as well as 15-20 feet giant tree standing in your landscape.
 Why Artificial Trees are Preferred Over Real Trees?
There are numerous plus points of artificial large trees that make them preferable over real trees. Have a look on below listed points that will make you understand the major advantages of artificial trees.
•    The first and foremost limitation of real trees over artificial trees is that it takes years for a tree to grow and thus if you want to have a large tree in your office area then you can't achieve this using real trees. Whereas faux trees can be made available whenever wanted.
•    A landscape consisting of large trees cannot be achieved using real trees in the indoor areas. But with artificial plants can fulfill your desire of having a greener indoor surrounded with large trees.
•    Even in outdoor areas it is quite difficult to maintain large trees as these have cut, pruning as well as watering needs. Unlike real trees artificial plants don't have any maintenance cost and can be easily established with quick installations.
•    Another major advantage of faux large trees is that these have realistic looks and can decorate your commercial area even better than real plants if organized perfectly.
•    Artificial plants are highly light in weight and thus can be assembled easily by anyone to create an eye-catchy landscape. If in future you want to change the design of your indoor or outdoor landscape then these lightweight trees can be shifted from one place to another easily to have some change in the landscape design.
•    Along with large trees, some additional foliage, artificial boxwood walls, boxwood mats and similar products can be combined to form an outstanding garden area.
•    Artificial trees come with special water resistant as well as UV resistant properties and thus don’t get faded away or damaged due to any of such factors.
 Do you find large artificial ThermaLeaf® trees interesting and appealing for your office space? Don't wait anymore, just get the best artificial tree supplier contacted and find out the best way to decorate your indoor and outdoor commercial space to mesmerize visitors.
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