I Swear That I Don't Have A Gun
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You grew up in Ohio with your father, brother, and sister. Your family was small and strange. Because of that, you were picked on relentlessly at school. Until another weird kid showed up. Her family moved in across the street from you. It wasn't long until the two of you became friends. Your friendship became the light in your life. Until it ended suddenly. Rumors followed your friend's disappearance. Russian spies. You didn't see her again until you crossed paths at work.
Table of Contents
Chapter One: I Thought You Died A Long, Long Time Ago
Chapter Two: Flower In A Hailstorm
Chapter Three: Would You Like To Hear My Voice?
Chapter Four: Between Fact and Fiction, Which One Of Us Changed?
Chapter Five: Take Me, I'm Bad
Chapter Six: He's Killing Me For Mercy
Chapter Seven: You Don't Know Me
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Boundless Devotion - Part VI
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Pairing: princess!Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: MedievalAU. Natasha is the eldest princess of the Romanov Kingdom. As the time of her coronation approaches, she is suddenly forced to make a decision – either find herself a partner or her parents will choose one for her.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
Part 7
Warnings: sight fluff, slight angst, blood
Words: 5616
Past - Previous Year
Lively sounds of celebration fill the castle’s ballroom as people gather for the birthday of Princess Natasha. Laughter and spirited conversation flow through the air, blending with the enchanting melodies played by the musicians.  
And yet amid all the revelry, there’s a noticeable absence from the crowd. 
The celebrated princess mysteriously vanished from the ballroom shortly after the party began, leaving guests to speculate and whisper in hushed tones about her whereabouts. 
In a quiet corner of the room, you stand with Kate, listening intently as she shares her latest attempt to convince her mother to allow her to become a knight. 
“I just don’t understand why she's so reluctant to let me join the Royal Guard,” Kate says disappointedly.
“She’s just worried, Kate,” you tell her, giving her a comforting pat on the shoulder.  “Why don’t you have Yelena come with you next time? Maybe she can give some reassurances to your mom about being a knight.” 
The younger princess is known for her close relationships with the castle’s knights, often training with them alongside her sister.
Suddenly, a voice calls from behind you, prompting you to turn around. You find Queen Melina standing before you, wearing a tight smile.
“Y/n, may I have a word with you for a moment?” She asks.
You nod in response as Kate excuses herself to go find Yelena, leaving the two of you alone.
“This is a lovely celebration,” you compliment her, knowing how much time she spent organizing the event.
“Thank you, everyone seems to be enjoying themselves,” Queen Melina replies, her expression seemingly calm as she nods to passing guests, but you can sense the tension behind her forced smile.
Her tone carries a hint of annoyance as she continues, “However, it seems that Natasha has disappeared. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?”
You shake your head in response. “I’m afraid I don’t,” you reply.
While you expected Natasha to escape these kinds of events sooner or later, you didn’t witness her leaving yourself.
Queen Melina rubs her forehead in frustration and lets out an exasperated sigh. 
“Y/n, can you please find my daughter and bring her to her celebration?” 
You manage to conceal your amusement, holding back your smile as you provide an assuring response.
“Of course, Your Majesty.” 
Excusing yourself, you leave the ballroom and make your way to the location where you know Natasha is most likely to be. With all the food and wine already served, there is one place in the castle where there's a slim chance of encountering anyone else.
As you round the corner toward the castle's kitchen, you spot a familiar figure walking down the hall toward you.
“Madam B, I didn’t realize that you were here,” you greet her.
Madam B has been your governess since your early years, responsible for teaching you different subjects and lessons at your home. She is known for her strict and unyielding nature, a trait she’s kept from her time as a general for your father during the war. She often keeps to herself, making her presence at an event like this very unusual.
Madam B waves her hand dismissively at you. “I don't plan on staying long. I just needed to discuss something with you before I take my leave.”
You groan internally. Typical conversations with her usually just end up becoming a long lecture for you. 
“I’m sorry, can it wait for later? I’m actually looking—“  
“It cannot,” she interrupts harshly. Her tone makes you instinctively wince and straighten your posture as you wait for her to continue.
She nods approvingly at your reaction before continuing, “Your father may not believe you're ready, but I disagree,” she says ominously.
You furrow your brow in confusion. "I'm sorry, ready for what?"
She smirks twistedly as she places her hand on your shoulder. "You remember the things I’ve taught you, don’t you, Y/n? About loyalty, compliance, devotion..."
As she continues speaking, a sudden ringing pierces your head, drowning out her words. You shut your eyes, holding your head in pain. 
After a moment, the ringing slowly subsides, and her voice becomes clear again.
“—need to get going, good luck in your search for the princess." Her hand tightens briefly on your shoulder as she passes you. 
"I sincerely hope you won't disappoint me."
You watch her walk away with confusion, trying to make sense of the strange conversation. 
What did she say to you? You try to remember, but the effort just gives you a small headache. You shake your head and continue on your original path, deciding to ask for clarification the next time you see her.
Upon reaching the kitchen, you open the door to find Natasha casually sitting on the edge of a table, playfully tossing little treats for Fanny to catch.
“Hiding from all of your admirers?” you tease.
At the sound of your voice, Natasha's lips curl into a grin as she turns to look at you.
“Very funny,” she says sarcastically, tossing a treat your way, which you dodge. The treat lands on the floor next to you, prompting Fanny to dart over to retrieve it. 
You extend your hand to give her a usual scratch in greeting, but the dog surprises you by suddenly baring her teeth and growling cautiously at you. Withdrawing your hand, you shoot Natasha a questioning look. Fanny has never acted aggressively towards you before.
Frowning, Natasha commands, "Fanny, stop." When the dog fails to obey, Natasha lets out a sharp whistle and tells her another command, "Find Yelena." 
Fanny growls at you once more before bolting out of the room.
Natasha brushes away the crumbs from her hands, offering you an apologetic look. "Sorry, she must have been upset about not being able to go outside today."
You brush off her apology with a nonchalant wave of your hand. 
“It’s fine, I understand.” You reassure her before playfully casting an accusing glance her way. “I could’ve taken her outside myself if only I didn’t have to return to the party with a certain missing princess.”
Natasha squints at you suspiciously for a moment before giving you a resigned look and sighing, "Did my mother send you to find me?"
"Yes, she did," you confirm. 
Seeing Natasha's disappointed expression, you sigh dramatically, "But the castle has so many rooms. It might take me a while to search them all to find you."
Understanding your implication, Natasha flashes you a grateful smile.
You make your way over to her, mirroring her sitting position on the table, and lightly nudge her shoulder with yours. 
“What’s wrong? It’s your birthday, you should be out there celebrating with everyone.”
Natasha let out a scoff, shaking her head. “It felt more like a political meeting than a birthday party.”
She turns her body to you, her exasperation plain on her face. “Did you know, within the first few minutes, I've already been pestered with dozens of marriage proposals, trade deals, and tax suggestions by many of the older nobles.” 
Her eyebrows furrow in thought. “I don’t think I even received a simple ‘happy birthday’ from any of them,” she remarks.
You offer her a sympathetic touch on her arm. The nobles have become increasingly persistent in asserting their opinions and influence on Natasha in recent months, especially since the announcement of her coronation date being set for the following year.
“So, what would you have preferred for your birthday instead?” You ask softly with genuine interest.
Natasha leans back with a sigh, resting her hands behind her on the table. "Honestly, I'd rather just spend the day training."
You chuckle in amusement. "You train every day. Think of something else—something that you always wanted to do."
Natasha tilts her head in thought before her eyes suddenly light up with excitement. She sits up straight and leans toward you with a mischievous smirk. 
“You could finally let me teach you how to fight with a sword.”
You roll your eyes and playfully shove her away. 
"I told you, no training."
She sighs in mock disappointment, “I should’ve just bought some wine with me when I left. At least that would make this day go by faster.”
In response to her comment, you pause for a moment, remembering Yelena’s mention of a flask of wine she had stashed in the kitchen, taken from her father’s collection. Natasha watches curiously as you stand and begin to rummage through the kitchen cabinets. 
You push aside ingredients and utensils, eventually spotting the wine flask tucked away on the top shelf. Stretching your arm upwards, you try to grab it, but even when you go on your tiptoes, your fingertips just barely graze the shelf’s top edge. 
Frustration and annoyance build up in you as you prepare for another attempt, but a hand on your shoulder stops you in your tracks.
Natasha’s face appears at your side, and she raises an eyebrow at you, a playful smirk on her lips. 
"As amusing as this is to watch, I feel like I need to intervene before you decide to start climbing,” she teases.
With effortless grace, Natasha reaches over your shoulder and smoothly retrieves the flask, a playful glint in her eye as she offers it to you.
You accept it with a pout. 
"I would've eventually gotten it." 
Natasha's smile widens as she gazes at you fondly. 
"I know."
As a result of her helpful action, Natasha's face now hovers near yours as you lean back against the counter. The only thing separating your bodies is your hands holding the flask between you. 
As your eyes lock onto hers, the atmosphere around the two of you seems to have suddenly shifted, becoming charged with some sort of unknown tension.
Clearing your throat awkwardly, you shift your gaze down to the flask as if studying it, unable to hold her gaze. Then with a small smile, you lift the wine to her in an offering gesture. 
“Come on, let's have a few drinks, and then we'll return to the party together. Your mother put a lot of effort into organizing this celebration, you know.”
Natasha throws her head back and groans at the thought of returning to the crowd of nobles.
You reach out and shake her shoulder reassuringly. "It'll be fine, Natasha. I'll stay with you the entire time."
Seeing Natasha consider your words, you press on, “Then tomorrow, we can head out to the lake for another celebration—whatever you want to do.” 
You roll your eyes playfully, “I’ll even let you show me some of the basics of using a sword.”
Natasha chuckles at your words, shaking her head with a hint of amusement in her expression, before finally giving you a nod in agreement.
“Alright,” she agrees.
“Great,” you slide out from your position, grabbing two goblets, and making your way to the central table.
With your back turned to her, you ask her curiously, “How did you even escape from your mother anyway?”
Natasha relaxes back against the counter as she begins to recount how she evaded her mother's attention.
“Yelena helped a bit…”
You make a sound to indicate you are listening as you start to pour the wine into the cups.
As Natasha continues to speak behind you, she remains unaware of your sudden expressionless face and glazed-over eyes. In your other hand, you pour another liquid into the cup alongside the wine.
Her voice calls your name in a question, causing your consciousness to abruptly return to focus.
Wait, what were you holding? 
You pause your actions, the unknown vial still half-filled, suspended above the cup. You try to examine the bottle, but your body refuses to move, frozen in place.
Your mouth opens, intending to call out to Natasha, who is currently waiting for your response, oblivious to your sudden panic. 
However, your eyes widen in shock when you hear your voice respond naturally to her question with words that were not your own.
You struggle to resist when you feel your hand try to resume pouring the unknown substance into the cup. 
Feeling that you are unable to stop the action completely, you concentrate on moving your hand away from the cup. Your hand trembles as it moves, until eventually, all you can do is watch in despair as the remaining contents of the vial spill into the second cup.
Your hand tucks the vial away and picks up the cups. You feel your face force on your usual smile as you turn to Natasha, concealing any signs of your inner turmoil.
“Happy Birthday, Natasha,” you hear your voice say, your hand trembling slightly as you offer the cup to her.
She gives you an appreciative smile and clinks her cup against yours. 
You watch helplessly as Natasha downs the entire contents of the cup, your inner voice screaming at her to stop; all the while, your own hand raises your cup to your lips for a drink.
In the next moment, Natasha's cup suddenly slips from her fingers as she staggers back against the counter. Unable to support herself, Natasha collapses to her knees, a violent coughing fit seizing her. 
You feel yourself finally regain control of your body, throwing aside your cup and rushing to her side while calling out her name in a panic.
You cradle her head in your arms, your heart pounding worriedly as blood drips from her mouth, staining your hands as you hold her.
“Y/n…” her voice sounds weak, but her eyes are filled with concern as she reaches for your face.
“It's going to be okay...you're going to be okay," you repeat, unsure if you're reassuring her or yourself, your trembling hand gripping hers tightly.
Approaching footsteps catches your attention. Looking up, you see Yelena and Kate come into the room, followed by Fanny, who draws nearer, whimpering in concern. 
Their eyes widen in shock as they take in the scene in front of them.
"What happened!?" Yelena rushes to your side, taking Natasha carefully from your arms and checking on her.
Reluctantly, you let Yelena take your place, your chest tightening as you gaze at Natasha, unable to explain.
In the midst of her pain, Natasha struggles to push Yelena toward you, her voice strained. 
“...Y/n…help Y/n…”   
You are about to reprimand her for worrying about you when she's the one on the ground, but before you can, Kate turns your body to face her, her eyes widening with panic upon seeing your face.
"Oh my god, Y/n..." she reaches out to you, her expression filled with worry.
Confused, you bring your hand to your mouth and see your fingers stained with your own blood. Your throat tightens suddenly, and you begin to cough violently as more blood fills your mouth. 
The room starts spinning as your vision blurs. Kate and Yelena’s mouths move as if calling out to you, but their voices sound distant and muffled in your ears. You feel your eyes close as your legs give way, and you collapse to the floor.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
The following days passed by like a blur for you. You drifted in and out of consciousness, uncertain whether you were awake or lost in your dreams. 
Your body remains persistently weak; even the simple act of breathing felt difficult at times. 
During this time, you occasionally caught faint whispers from familiar voices, sounding mostly like Wanda's and Pietro's, but sometimes you think you heard Kate and Yelena as well.
When you finally fully regained consciousness and opened your eyes, the person you saw was not one that you expected. 
Queen Melina sat in a chair beside your bed, her expression marked by a subtle frown as her gaze remained fixed on the wall, lost in her thoughts.
You attempted to speak to her, but your dry throat caused you to cough unexpectedly, capturing her attention. 
She reached for a cup of water on the nightstand and assisted you in sitting up so you could drink. 
The water provided a soothing relief to your parched throat, allowing you to gradually find your voice again. After gently placing the cup back on the nightstand, you managed to mutter a soft “thank you,” though your voice still sounded hoarse.
As you surveyed your surroundings, you realized you were in your room. A quick glance out of the window revealed that it was already late into the night, making the queen’s presence even more peculiar.
You clear your throat a little before asking her, “I don’t mean to be rude, Your Majesty, but what are you doing here?”
Queen Melina examines you closely before posing a question of her own. 
“Do you remember what happened?”
Her words prompt you to think as you try to recall your last memory. 
A sudden and sharp, stabbing pain in your mind causes your hand to instinctively clutch your head, and you shut your eyes tightly against the discomfort. 
Brief flashes of memories flicker before your eyes, eventually stopping at the most recent memory in your consciousness—Natasha on the ground, coughing up blood.
With a panicked start, your eyes flew open, and you turned to Queen Melina, your voice trembling.
"Natasha! How is she? Is she okay?"
Queen Melina places her hand on your shoulder, offering a reassuring touch. 
“Natasha is going to be fine. The physician says her body is still weak from the poison, but she will recover any day now,” she tells you.
A wave of relief washes over you, and you relax your tensed body at her words.
"Y/n, you were poisoned too," she reminds you, her expression turning somber. 
There’s a short pause, as though she was carefully choosing her words. 
"Your father returned shortly after receiving the news of your condition, and he discovered the culprit behind the poisoning."
An atmosphere of unease surrounds her as if she were considering how to share the information. 
“It was your governess, Madam B,” she finally says.
A feeling of betrayal envelops you at her words, but something about the revelation feels wrong. You shake your head as you slowly piece together the memories of that night. 
“No, that can’t be right,” you say hesitantly in disbelief, remembering how she had already left.
“She’s already confessed to the crime,” Queen Melina asserts, her expression cautious.
Your brows furrow as the memories become clearer. 
"No," you murmur, "It was just me and Natasha. I was pouring the wine, and then..." You trail off as you remember what you did.
“I added the poison,” you whisper, your voice filled with a mix of shock and horror. 
Your hands clench as you struggle to understand why you would do such a thing. You couldn't even recall how the vial of poison had come into your possession.
"Why did I...?" you question yourself, your voice barely audible as you grapple with the horrifying truth of your actions.
A sense of apprehension washes over Queen Melina when she realizes that you remembered your part in the troubling event. 
She reaches out and covers your hands in a comforting gesture.
"Y/n, you need to understand that what happened was not your fault. If anything, I am partially responsible for what happened to you," she explains gently.
Confusion fills your expression as you look at her.
"What do you mean?"
A look of regret and guilt passes across her face, and she lets out a sigh. 
"Madam B admitted to using a forbidden tactic that I helped to create during the war to force you to perform those actions."
Horror gripped you at the thought that you had been manipulated and controlled into harming Natasha. 
"How is that even possible?" you question.
Queen Melina shakes her head, her eyes filled with understanding that you want to know more, but she doesn’t want to overwhelm you with the details at the moment. 
“What matters is that those actions were not your own, Y/n," she says before adding, "I know you’d never want to do anything like that to hurt Natasha.”
A chill runs down your spine as a dreadful realization settles in. 
“Can this happen to me again?” you ask, your voice filled with fear.
Queen Melina hesitates, her expression grim and reluctant, as if she wished she could give you a different answer. 
"It's possible," she finally admits.
Your eyes widen, and panic starts to well up within you. 
She quickly places a comforting hand on your shoulders, sensing your distress.
"But Madam B has already been apprehended. She can't force you to do anything like this again,” she promises. 
She waits until your breathing calms down slightly before continuing.
“Due to the methods used in this situation, your father and I agree it would be best to keep what happened concerning Madam B and you a secret so as to not cause any further panic. We’ll come up with another explanation for what happened to the two of you. Nobody will know what actually happened that night…"
You drown out the rest of her words, unable to focus anymore. Despite her attempts to reassure you, the only thought that keeps lingering in your mind is the possibility of you hurting Natasha again.
On the following day, you make your way to the castle to visit Natasha who is still recovering in her room.
Sitting at the edge of her bed, you observe her quietly as she rests. Her complexion seems to be slowly regaining its usual color, though her face is scrunched in discomfort. 
Strands of her hair fell across her face, so you instinctively reached out to brush them aside. 
However, just as you were about to touch her, your hand began to tremble uncontrollably.
Fear courses through you, and you withdraw your hand immediately, clenching it into a fist against the bed. 
The haunting thought echoes in your mind—you were the reason she was hurt. 
Deciding to leave, you move to rise from the bed, but a hand falls weakly upon yours, gripping it gently.
When you look at her face in surprise, you notice Natasha's eyes are now opened slightly, as though she is in a dreamlike daze, yet her gaze remains focused directly on you. 
Her voice comes out in a whisper. 
You pause at her request, contemplating your next action. In the end, you remained by her side until she drifted back to sleep, her expression now peaceful and content.
That was the last time you were close to Natasha for a while. In the months that followed that day, you distanced yourself from her, too afraid of the possibility that you would lose control and hurt her again.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Present Day 
Your eyes snap open, the nightmare of that night once again jolting you awake. Feeling slightly disoriented, you find yourself staring blankly at the ceiling of your room, trying to recall what happened. 
Memories of the attack at the cemetery and your subsequent reactions flood your thoughts. 
You let out a weary sigh as you rub your eyes in frustration.
It had been a while since you'd experienced these kinds of panic attacks. They initially started after that night whenever you had nightmares about the incident, but as months passed, they became less frequent, giving you the impression that you had them somewhat under control.
However, Natasha being injured must have triggered it again after all this time.
You sit up suddenly at the thought, prepared to call out for Wanda to ask about Natasha’s condition when the sight of the princess in your room freezes you in your tracks.
Natasha was casually lounging in your desk chair, idly flipping through the pages of one of your books.
She looks up at your sudden movement, and you breathe a sigh of relief when you notice the bandages on her arm from where she had been cut. 
Apart from that, she appears relatively unscathed.
“You’re awake,” Natasha comments calmly. “That’s good. I was about to wake you up myself. Whatever you were dreaming about didn’t sound so nice.” 
As you rise from your bed, your gaze drifts to the window, where a gentle drizzle continues to fall from the rainy night sky.
You make your way over to Natasha, stopping in front of her and examining the bandages carefully with a light touch.
"What are you still doing here?" you ask, wondering why she hasn't returned home yet. 
Natasha wears a serious expression as she stands up, closing the book in her hand and placing it back on your desk.
"We need to talk about what happened."
A feeling of dread washes over you when you realize the reason for her lingering presence. You shake your head at her.
"Just leave it alone, Natasha. It was nothing."
“That was not nothing!”
Natasha's supposedly calm composure crumbles at your words.
You're taken aback by her upset tone, eyes widening slightly; she has never raised her voice at you before.
Natasha closes her eyes briefly in frustration, taking a deep breath. When she opens them again, she fixes you with an intense gaze, her brow furrowed. 
"Wanda told me that you've had panic attacks like this before. Many times."
Your lips twist at her words, recognizing that it would be difficult to convince her to drop the subject now that she knew.  
You don’t blame Wanda for telling Natasha; you knew how concerned she was for you, often being the one who wakes you from your nightmares in the dead of night and stays with you to comfort you through your panic attacks.
When you don't deny it, Natasha’s shoulders drop defeatedly.
"I gave you space whenever you avoided me because I thought that was what you needed, especially after you almost died because of me." 
She runs her hand through her hair and sighs in frustration.
“But if I had known how much that night affected you like this, I never would have left you to go through that alone.”
You wrap your arms around yourself defensively. 
“I’m not your responsibility, Natasha. I can take care of myself,” you assert.
Natasha frowns in concern.
"I’m not saying you can’t,” she says, her voice gentle, “But you do have people who are willing to help you.” 
She reaches out for your hands, and with a delicate touch, she unwinds them from your defensive position. Her thumbs trace a reassuring pattern on the back of your hands. 
“You have me.”  
Natasha pauses for a moment before continuing.
“And you shouldn't feel guilty about what happened that night either,” she says.
You let out a disbelieving scoff in response, breaking eye contact and looking away. But Natasha’s touch under your chin brings your gaze back to hers. Her eyes are filled with unwavering belief.
“That was not your fault,” she insists firmly.
“That’s not true,” you counter, a sad smile tugging at your lips and a knowing look in your eyes. “And you know it, Natasha.” 
Despite your father’s attempt to conceal your involvement in the incident, there's no way Natasha hadn’t figured out that you were the only one who could have given her the poison.
Natasha stares at you for a moment before nodding her head.
“I know it was you,” Natasha acknowledges, her voice gentle but resolute. “But I also know that the reason I’m still alive is thanks to you.”
When you give her a disbelieving look, she shakes your hands meaningfully.
“I wouldn’t have survived if I had the complete dose of the poison.” Natasha points out, her tone emphasizing the significance of your action.
“That doesn’t change the fact that I did it,” you reply, your voice heavy with guilt.
“It matters when your actions were controlled by someone else,” she argues with conviction, surprising you. 
At your expression, Natasha gestures toward the book on the desk which you now notice was one of the books from the Queen about the Red Room.
“I had to learn about the Widow operations too, you know,” she explains.
“You are not the one at fault here,” she says again, determined to make sure you believe it yourself. She brings your hands to her chest, holding them firmly.
“I’m not afraid of having you close to me, Y/n,” Natasha says, already deducing your fear.
You pull your hands away from hers, crossing your arms with a feeling of uncertainty. 
“What if it happens again? What if the next time it’s not just poison, and I end up just stabbing you to death?” you ask with genuine concern, your fear for her safety etched across your face.
Natasha meets your gaze with unwavering confidence.
“Then you'll stop yourself. You are strong enough to break through. You’ve done it before,” she reminds you.
“Barely,” you scoff, doubting your own capabilities, considering you couldn’t even stop your own hands from poisoning yourself.
“Then we’ll find a way to remove the control so that this won’t happen again,” Natasha reassures you, her voice filled with determination. “We can figure it out together.”
You pause in contemplation at her offer. So far, your search for a cure has already hit so many dead ends.
Maybe it was time to try a different approach and accept some help from others, instead of shouldering everything yourself.
Hesitance and concern are still in your expression as you glance at Natasha who is waiting patiently for your response.  
“Are you sure?” you finally ask her.
Natasha’s eyes soften, her gaze never leaving yours.
“I trust you with my life, Y/n,” she says sincerely. “I always have.”
You observe her for a moment, seeing the seriousness in her gaze, before huffing lightly in disbelief at her faith in you. 
“You’re unbelievable, do you know that?” You push her shoulder lightly, shaking your head. “I think you’re the only person in the world who would want to stay friends with their attempted murderer.”
Natasha catches your hand in hers, intertwining them together, a wry smile on her lips as she tilts her head at you and shrugs her shoulders playfully.
“I think I would be more worried if she wasn’t such a kind person. And, maybe if she actually learned how to use a sword.” Natasha raises an eyebrow at you, her eyes glinting with amusement. “You know I’m still waiting for you to fulfill your promise to me about that.”
You shake your head in disbelief, a light chuckle escaping your lips.
It's incredible how she always makes you feel like nothing is impossible when you're with her. As you look back at her, a deep sense of gratitude washes over you for having her in your life.
That familiar tension that has been appearing recently between you two resurfaces again as you gaze into her eyes, and when Natasha tilts her head and smiles softly at you, you feel yourself instinctively move closer to her.
Suddenly, thunder rumbles outside as the rain intensifies again, breaking the peaceful atmosphere between the two of you and stopping you in your tracks.
Natasha turns to look out the window distractedly, giving you the chance to recover your composure. You touch your slightly warm cheeks in thought as you stare at her face.
Were you about to lean in?
You lower your hand quickly when Natasha turns back to you, giving her a small smile.
"I should head home," Natasha tells you.
You glance at the hard downpour outside and then down at your other hand, still clasped in Natasha’s. Swinging your hands lightly in contemplation for a moment, you give your suggestion.
“It’s too late for you to go back to the castle now, especially with the rain. Why don’t you stay here for the night?”
Natasha raises a brow at you, a teasing smirk forming on her lips as she gently tugs on your hand, drawing you closer.
“Y/n…,” she says your name slowly in a scandalous tone, “Are you asking me to spend the night with you?” 
Your face heats up at the suggestion, causing Natasha's smile to widen, confirming the blush now on your face.
“I-That’s not what I meant!” You stammer, your gaze shifting away from her playful eyes.
Natasha watches you fondly for a moment before pulling away with a chuckle. Releasing your hand, she gives you a grateful smile and turns to head for the door. 
“Thanks for the offer. I’ll check with Wanda to see which guest room I can use.”
As you watch her retreating back, you feel a lingering sense of anxiety, your mind still rattled from the nightmare earlier.
Without thinking, you reach out and grab her hand again, the words slipping out before you can stop yourself.
“Could you stay with me?” you wince, embarrassed by how it sounded, “—not…not like that—just until I fall asleep.”
A sigh escapes your lips as you admitted sheepishly, “I don't think I want to be alone at the moment.”
Natasha gives you an understanding look, gripping your hand firmly, and leading you back to your bed. She sits down with her back against the headboard and pats the space next to her.
“I’ll stay for as long as you need,” she tells you softly.
You give her a grateful smile as you settle down next to her in your bed. 
“Thank you, Natasha,” you say softly, closing your eyes.
“Good night, Y/n,” her voice whispers to you as you drift to sleep. You have to admit. That was one of the most peaceful rests you'd had in a long time, knowing Natasha was there as a steady and protective presence beside you.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
Part 7
a/n: Thanks for all the kind comments, it’s too bad Tumblr doesn’t let side blogs reply to them directly but I appreciate seeing them and reading all that you have to say. Thank you again for reading!
Taglist: @lightwhoranoutoflight, @taliiiaasteria, @romanoffprentiss, @canvascoloredin,  @silentwolfsstuff, @blacklightsposts, @arcturusseer, @presser24, @dvrkhcld, @jujuu23, @screechcat, @vivs46, @cd-4848, @youneversawmehereooooooo, @pancakefan7529, @confusedspaceotter, @natbelovasblog, @izzy-b09, @iamheartless 
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Avenger Lane chapter One
Summary: You and your wife Quinn move your family outside of New York City to Avenger Lane; a small private suburbia. There you face your toughest obstacle of your marriage. Will your marriage with Quinn be strong enough when a certain redheaded beauty captures your attention? 
Parings: Quinn Fabray x G!P Reader / eventual Natasha x G!P Reader
A/N: This originally was a one shot then I just kept writing. I overthink everything I write. I’m even overthinking the summary right about now. I may still post the original idea I had separately. I feel like this chapter needs so much more rewrites, but I feel bad for not posting on Friday like I had planned. I may end up taking it down and rewriting it, but let me know what you think. Chapter is named after the song Fresh Feeling by Eels 😅
Avenger Lane
Chapter One: Fresh Feeling
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“No baby that box stays in the garage!”
Natasha watched the blonde shout from the truck. 
“Why didn’t we hire movers again?” You gruffed setting the box in the garage.
“Because we are more than able to do this ourselves.” Quinn arched her perfectly sculpted brow.
Natasha watched you and your wife moving into your new home. She found it odd that you hadn’t really spoken. It had been your wife barking orders or nagging you every other minute. She took note of your biceps as you used a dolly to take a refrigerator inside.
“Hmhmhm.” Natasha hummed, smirking. You looked like a bronzed God lifting heavy things with your muscles. Her husband Bruce didn’t have a muscular bone in his body. 
She remembers their move into her home. He hired movers for her and spent the day he should have been helping her in his lab. He was a very smart borderline genius, but he constantly spent his time in a lab. 
She longed to know how you spent your days. The timer of her ovan dinged, bringing her out of her thoughts of you. She took out the now baked cookies letting them set as she looks for her favorite glass container. She grabbed the pitcher of lemonade and set it on the counter before placing each cookie in the container.
She made her way outside walking the short distance to your new home. She smiled at the dog that lifted his head from his spot on the porch.
“Oh hello.” You grin jumping out of the box truck as your dog trotted over.
“Hi neighbor, I’m Natasha. I live right next door.” Natasha smiled, eyeing your body but you’re too busy staring at the cookies in her hand to notice. You look from the cookies and lemonade to her eyes. You tilt your head trying to remember why her hair looks so familiar. “Oh, you’re the one with the motorcycle!” You exclaimed remembering her fiery red hair coming out of her helmet before she shot down the block back when you had first looked at the house.
“I am.” Natasha smirks.
“I would say let's ride one day, but my wife sold my bike.” You raised your brow at the blonde woman stepping out of the house.
“Not the bike thing again.” Your wife sighs hearing you talk about the bike incident.
“Yes, the bike thing again.” You jokingly glared. “Quinn, this is Natasha, she's our neighbor. Natasha, this is my wife Quinn.”
“Hello, nice to meet you.” Quinn gave a tight smile shaking the neighbors hand. She really didn’t feel like dealing with neighbors just yet. She still had so much to do today. Not to mention she now has to deal with your passive aggressive notations of the motorcycle she sold. 
She’s also not fully liking the redhead looking at you like she could devour you. You were Quinn’s wife and she absolutely hated when other women looked at you. There were times you swore she only married you so she could have that silent claim on you with a ring on your finger. Surely no one would make advances on a married woman. Right?
“Are those for us?” You gesture pointing down at the tray in the redhead’s hands.
“Y/N.” Quinn rolled her eyes. “I’m sorry she has manners I swear! Just not when it comes to cookies.” She huffed at how you and Your dog were just looking at the tray in her hands. “You’re as bad as Ollie Y/N/N.”
“It’s okay, really.” Natasha laughed as you huffed.
“Come on, I'll take that and we can have a chat for a bit.” You take the tray when Quinn pulls your arm a bit. Speaking low in your ear as Natasha finally gives Ollie pets that he had been patiently waiting for.
“Y/N we still have a lot to do.” Quinn warned as you watched Natasha interact with your pup.
“Quinn, it’s like 15 minutes you can rest for 15 minutes. Now stop being rude and go grab three glasses they’re in the cabinet. I just put them in there.” You inwardly huff at your wife’s rudeness in front of your new neighbor.
“I’m sorry, I can just leave this here-“ Natasha stood gesturing to the tray on the box truck.
“Oh don’t you dare apologize. I apologize; she’s just being a brat and a half. She’ll get over it.” you shrugged, grinning, taking the tray. “Now please let’s sit on the new front porch furniture that we’ll probably only ever use once.”
Natasha laughed following you towards the front porch. You set the tray down on the side table just as Quinn walks out bringing the 3 glasses.
“So Natasha, how long have you lived here?” Quinn asks, filling each glass.
“A few years now.” She nods. “It’s honestly the perfect place to live. Everything you need is just a 5 minute drive away. I’m not sure if you’ve met the other neighbors yet, but they’re all just the best.”
“Oh great! I was worried about nightmare neighbors.” You chuckled.
“Yeah it’s okay to say you’re safe here on Avenger Lane. Wanda, your other ginger neighbor is one of my best friends! She also just so happens to be the best cook on the block. She and her husband Vis moved here before I got here. They have two sweet boys. I’m sure Wanda, just like everyone else, will drop by later to welcome you both to the block.”
“So uh is your husband at home with the kids?”
“Smooth.” Quinn mumbled to you. Subtly wondering if this gorgeous redhead may be on your team.
“My husband Bruce and I do not have kids, but I hear the schools here are great. Do you two have kids?”
“We have two daughters.” Quinn gushed with a proud smile. 
“They’re both with their aunt right now.” You explain.
“Aww what are their names?”
“Beth and Finley.” You and Quinn say taking each other’s hand. Those little girls meant the world to both of you. 
“Oh that’s sweet, are they twins or?”
“No, Beth is 11 and Finley is two.” You cleared your throat.
“Oh wow that’s a pretty big age gap.” Natasha smiled not mentioning how you knocked your wife up at 16.
“Yeah after we finally got married we were ready for another.” Quinn smiled, squeezing your hand. 
Just then a car came up parking behind Quinn’s car.
“Sup bitches we’re here! Again I’m not lifting anything heavy!” Your friend and Quinn’s right hand woman Santana pulled in with her wife Brittany.
The Latina and her blonde wife strolled up, eyeing the redhead.
“They say gingers have no soul, but I’d let you suck the life out of me.” The blonde stared.
“Jesus Brittany.” You coughed up some lemonade.
“Natasha.” The redhead laughed, shaking her hand.
“Excuse my wife, she has no filter.” Santana smiled nodding.
“I only speak the truth.” Brittany shrugged nonchalantly.
“Please don’t hit on our new neighbor.” You chuckled.
“Ooh cookies!” Brittany gasped, grabbing one for her and Santana.
“Good God these are better than Berry’s cookies!” Santana gasped.
“For the love of everything that is holy do not tell her that.” You say quickly. “Where’s thumbelina 1 and 2?” You asked.
“You know how Blaine drives, you'll be lucky to have him here by the end of the day.” Santana scoffed.
“Y/N just emptied out the truck so we need to make another run to our old house. We’ve already gotten the big stuff.” Quinn explained.
“You mean I got the big stuff with help from Thor.” You arched your brow.
“Oh great you met Thor?!” Natasha beams.
“Yeah he was jogging and saw me struggling. He helped me with the washer dryer hook up! Even gave me a free gym membership.”
“Oh I’m glad he was there. Thor is a giant teddy bear.”
“Hm?” You turned from the redhead to your wife.
“San, Britt, and I are going to get another load.” Quinn said, grabbing the keys. “I’ll call Kurt and tell him to meet me at the house. He's a clean freak, he can clean it.”
You show her the container of cookies that she still has yet to grab. You know for a fact she loves cookies. She gobbled up Rachel’s cookies every time.
“Carbs babe.” She cringed, shaking her head pecking your lips before walking off. You scoffed furrowing your brow. “I guess Rachel’s cookies are carbless?”
“They’re vegan!” She shouted back.
“Hm sure.” You rolled your eyes snapping the top of the container back down.
“Yeah you better watch out Y/N you’ll get flabby!” Santana cackled getting in the truck.
“First of all, I keep it tight bitch!” You shouted lifting your shirt to flex your abs and arm muscles.
The girls cackled whistling in the truck before driving away.
“You definitely keep it tight.” Natasha blushed.
“Hell yeah I do!” You nodded cockily as your other neighbor pulled into her driveway. The redhead waved at the people in the van with a chuckle. 
“Hey Nat! I see you met the new neighbor!” The woman walked up to her as the boys played with lightsabers on her lawn. “Hi I’m Wanda!”
“Y/N.” You grin while shaking her hand. 
“Boys come introduce yourselves!” She shouts. The two boys ran up gasping when they noticed Ollie. Boys this is- I’m so sorry what’s your last name?”
Natasha bit her lip. She knew Wanda just wanted your last name so they could look you up later.
“It’s Y/L/N.” You smile.
“Boys this is Mrs. Y/L/N.”
“Oof sounds like I’m my mother.” You mumbled.
“Hi Mrs. Y/L/N, I’m Billy.”
“And I’m Tommy, can we pet your dog?”
“Heck yeah fellas; this is Ollie.” You say, shaking their tiny hands. They smiled giggling as Ollie licked them.
“Well welcome to our little suburbia.” Wanda smiled, patting your arm softly. “Nat beat me to the cookies so I’ll have to think of something else to bring.”
“Oh you don’t have to do that.” You shake your head.
“You’re getting some kind of plate from me like it or not.” She laughed smacking your arm.
“Well thank you I’ll eat whatever you make me.” You snickered. “As you can tell from Natasha’s container I have eaten half of the batch already. I’ve definitely got a sweet tooth. My daughters are going to be upset if I don’t save them some.”
“Oh my God you have girls?! What are their names? How old are they?” Wanda asked excitedly, slightly jumping up and down.
“Beth, our oldest is 11 and Finley is 2.”
“Oh wow! She’s around the boy’s age! Finley sounds around Nathaniel's age.” 
“I’m pretty sure she is.” Natasha chimed in.
“Was that your wife I just passed in that moving truck?” Wanda gestured behind her.
“Yup that’s my lady; Quinn.” You gave a lopsided grin. “Speaking of my wife, I should probably get back at it. If I’m not done by the time she gets back I won’t be sleeping in our bed tonight.” You joked.
“You want some help?” Natasha smirked.
“We can help as well.” Wanda smiled sweetly.
“Nah, I’m good, I have Ollie to help me. Right Ols?”
Your dog looked up unphased before sighing and walking inside making the women and kids laugh.
“That’s the attitude, Ollie.” You chuckled.
“Alright boys, let's head back inside and you can help me make our new neighbors something!” Wanda beamed.
“Mom, can we make Ollie treats?” Billy asked; Tommy nodding by his side.
“We’ll make Ollie something special then huh?” She smiled winking. The boys cheered before running inside using a code to enter the house.
“I really don’t mind helping out. I have nothing to do today actually.” Natasha explained.
Your phone began ringing.
“Will you excuse me for a sec?” You ask; seeing your daughter FaceTiming you.
“Of course.” she nodded, waving you off.
“Hey princess, what's going on?” You smiled seeing Beth hanging upside down on her grandmother’s sofa. 
“Dad, I'm bored!” She whined. “Can I please come- whose that?” 
You inwardly laughed Beth was exactly like her mother. 
“Where’s mom?” She asked warily.
“This is our new neighbor Natasha. She made us cookies.”
Your daughter made a long drawn out whine. “I want cookies too. Can I please come and help?”
“Princess, I told you, you’re mom and I are very busy moving and getting everything ready for you and your sister. I need you to help your aunt with Finley.”
“But Fin is just watching cartoons and drawing.”
“Good.” You grinned.
“Daaaaaad!” She whined again.
“Your aunt is bringing you two tomorrow afternoon.”
“But I’m bored now!”
“Okay… How about you write us a new story for your first night here?”
“Yeah I guess I could.” Beth smiled widely. 
“Alright Princess, I'll talk to you later.”
“Okay I love you! Bye new neighbor!” She smiled and waved.
“Bye Beth I’ll make sure your dad saves you cookies.”
“Thank you Miss.” she smiled before ending the call.
You ended the call with a soft chuckle.
“How about I help you unpack and you put things where you want them? That way it’ll be done by the time Quinn comes back.”
“If you really wanna spend your time unpacking then fine.” You laughed.
“I’m not spending time unpacking, I'm spending time getting to know my new neighbor.” She winked.
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Chapter 2
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Here You Are - Masterlist
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x SingleMom!Reader
Summary: Natasha likes to think she's prepared for anything to happen. Nothing could ever surprise her because she was always prepared for the worst. But no one warned that she was sorely lacking in preparing for the best when it came to you.
[takes place after civil war & canon-divergent that Avengers made up and the Accords was abolished]
Please do not repost/translate anywhere. Reblogs/Comments are much welcomed ♥
Main Masterlist || Library Blog
Reminder there's no taglist but you can follow my library blog for notications <3
Series Warnings: 16+. suggestive themes. mature themes. explores themes of death/crime/violence. toxic relationships (not between nat & reader). slow burnish.
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❀ Prologue
❀ Chapter 1
❀ Chapter 2
❀ Chapter 3
❀ Chapter 4
❀ Chapter 5
❀ Chapter 6
❀ Chapter 7
❀ Chapter 8
❀ Chapter 9
❀ Chapter 10
❀ Epilogue
Extra Content
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Room 501
Genre: fluff 
Pairing: Natasha x reader
Word count: 1674
warnings: none <3
A/n: My lovelies I have been ~struggling mentally~ Nah I'm kidding I promise I'm fine. But I have been suffering with a major block and my personal life has been questionable which is why you've had little to no fics recently. I can't lie, the lack of interaction on these fics is disheartening but I know my lack of writing is also partly to blame. If I'm being honest, the dopamine I get from your interactions is what keeps me motivated to think up new scenarios and write them down. On another note, I have more fish.
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Your day had been going relatively well. You were driving back from a good day at work with the radio blasting and the windows rolled down. You were too engrossed with singing along to Adele to realise there was a motorbike weaving through the cars at a breakneck speed. You only realised when there was a sickening screech of metal on metal that the bike had spun underneath your car. A few moments after that the world turned to black.
When you awoke, you were in hospital with a minor concussion and a broken arm. The doctors asked a series of questions that you breezed through before declaring you well enough to go home. You asked them what had happened with the motorcyclist and the nurse and doctor shared a look before letting you know she hadn't woken up yet. You asked for her room in order to apologise but they refused, stating that they couldn't give you her room number but could leave a message with her. You asked for a pen and quickly wrote down a message on a used napkin.
It was 3 days after you had left the hospital when you received a text from an unknown number. All it said was 'floor 2, room 501'. You assumed it was the woman you had run over. The relief and guilt flooded your system simultaneously as you put your shoes and jumper on to go to the hospital. The whole way over you were battling with yourself - pleased that she had contacted you but embarrassed and upset about the circumstances. You told the front desk where you wanted to go and they directed you towards a flight of stairs. You hesitated before turning the doorknob of the room containing the woman you ran over. You gingerly stepped in, not wanting to wake her if she was asleep.
"I didn't know you'd be cute." Her voice was raspy - whether it was from staying in hospital or was just her natural voice you weren't sure.
Your cheeks heated up at her compliment. "Same here. I was worried you were old or something..." You trailed off, shifting your feet a little as an awkward silence filled the room.
"Come sit. I promise I don't bite." She had a look in her eye that told you she most definitely would bite but you sat in the chair next to her bed nonetheless.
She studied you intently before extending her non-broken hand to you "Natasha."
You shook it. "Y/n."
"At least now I know what name to sue." She winked at you and you let out a shocked laugh.
"Actually, we should probably exchange details so I can pay for the damage"
"No." Her answer was short and to the point. You barely knew the woman but you knew there was no point arguing and yet you did anyway.
"I literally ran you over. At least let me buy you a new bike."
"I'll let you buy me a drink." Her mouth curled up into a smirk.
"Sure. When are you out of here?"
"Not for a while. You have to sneak us out."
You looked at her, unimpressed. "I'm pretty sure that's against the rules."
"Against what rules?"
"The rules of life or something."
"Obey all the rules and you're going to miss out on the fun parts of life."
You glanced around the room, looking for a possible way out. Natasha looked pretty badly injured so you assumed walking all the way down the stairs and out the door would be out of the question. The windows were those suicide proof windows that didn't open all the way out which left only one other option.
"I decide where we're going and I take you right back here as soon as you finished your drink okay?"
Natasha thought it over "...fine."
You exited the room and asked for a wheelchair, claiming it was for your sick, old, aunt. You grabbed a scarf you saw on a chair and headed back to Natasha's room.
"Okay put this on your head." You handed her the scarf, positioning the wheelchair so she could slide into it.
Once she was sitting in the wheelchair, you grabbed the blanket that came with it and handed it to her. You looked at her before taking off your jumper and giving that to her too.
"I'm not wearing your jumper."
"Why not?" Your tone reflected the slight offence you took to her comment.
"A, it looks like a grandma made it and B, you might get cold." Natasha mumbled the last part, pursing her lips slightly while briefly avoiding eye contact.
"Well my grandma did make it. And you're wearing it because otherwise you'll be wheeling out of here very clearly in a hospital gown. Then you will be stopped and you wont get your drink."
Natasha grumbled as she put on the jumper and crossed her arms, which you took as an invitation to wheel her out.
You had taken her to a 24/7 diner and bought her a milkshake. By the look of disgust on her face, Natasha was expecting an alcoholic beverage but you were almost certain she wasn't supposed to be having alcohol while on whatever meds she was on.
"How's the milkshake?"
"Would have tasted better with vodka."
"It's an American diner Natasha. You'd have better luck getting pigs to fly than having vodka."
"Vodka makes everything taste better." Natasha took a long slurp from the straw, loudly smacking her lips to prove her point.
"You're either European or have a drinking problem."
Natasha lets out an ugly, genuine laugh and you think it's the prettiest sound you've heard. "How about both."
"Whereabouts in Europe?" The question seemed to sober up the mood.
"Russia originally." Natasha's eyes looked different, like she had gone back there momentarily.
"Oh wow." Truthfully you weren't sure what to say. There was clearly some deep baggage attached and as much as you wanted to, you didn't know this woman well enough to ask her without making her uncomfortable.
Natasha finished her milkshake in silence. Once she was done, you wheeled her back to her hospital room.
It was silly. You shouldn't be waiting by your phone like a lovestruck teen waiting for her crush to text her back. You were a fully grown woman. You had a life. You had an apartment you owned and a-
Your phone let out a ding and you dove across your bed to see who it was. You groaned and rolled onto your back as you realised it wasn't Natasha. It had been 3 months, 2 weeks and 5 hours since you had got milkshakes. You were beginning to think you might not ever hear from her again.
It was okay, you reasoned with yourself, you were getting your cast off today which means you can go back to playing the sports you've dearly missed. Exercise will keep you occupied from the redhead you ran over. You grabbed your keys and locked up your apartment before walking to the hospital.
When you arrived, you were directed to a doctor's office where they took your cast off. The whole process took less time than you thought and you thanked your doctor before heading out, only to bump into Iron Man.
"Woah watch it kid, there's a crippled old lady coming through."
"I am not-" Natasha rounded the corner, her words dying in her throat when she saw you.
Could this get any more awkward. Not only had you bumped into Iron Man, but you were now face to face with the woman you had been pining over.
Little did you know Natasha was pining just as hard.
"You okay Nat?" Steve asked.
"It's Captain America"
"Sorry kid, no time for autographs today. I just need to get my friend back." Steve attempted to usher Natasha along but she was rooted to the spot. For the first time in his life, Steve saw the spy's confident mask slip.
You looked from Captain America to Natasha to Iron man then back to Natasha.
You frowned and hit her on her arm. "You had me break you out when you're an Avenger."
"I'd say I was surprised you didn't recognise me but from the amount of time you spent staring at your shoes... it explains a lot."
"In my defence you looked like shit and there's barely any photos of you on the internet."
"Cap are you seeing this?" Tony whispered to Steve. "Natasha let this kid not only hit her but also insult her."
"I don't know what to do" He whispered back.
"You been looking me up sweetness?" Natasha's cocky tone was something you didn't know you missed.
"I mean not you. Well, yes you but I didn't know it was you. Don't look at me like that - it is absolutely not like that."
"Oh but I think it is." Natasha's eyes gleamed with amusement.
"Then how come you never texted?" You grew bold considering this was possibly the last time you would see her.
The two men took this as their cue to leave. They knew Natasha well enough that she would want privacy for this.
"I could ask you the same thing."
You looked at her sheepishly. It's true. You hadn't exactly texted her either.
"You've got a point there."
Natasha let out a sigh. "I guess I was worried. I wanted you to like me just as much as I like you but I've done some bad things in my time Y/n. Stuff I need to work out."
"I definitely like you and I'm sure your past isn't exactly rosy but no one's is. Besides, I'm not asking you to marry me, just maybe go on a date?" You looked at her, heart in throat, as you waited for her to respond.
"On one condition. I drive. I don't want to become an accomplice to murder."
You laughed "It was one time. But yes. That's probably safer."
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here for a good time, not a long time universe
a/n: guess this is what I'll name it
angst (-) // fluff (+)
Dive -
sleight of hand
Sorry In Advance (If I Let You Down) -
Your Fault For Loving Me -
Here For A Good Time, Not A Long Time -
pray they don’t forget my name -
251 notes · View notes
Sixth Sense - Part 2 ~ Natasha Romanoff
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Warnings: Foul Language, Fighting
Word Count: ~3.4K
Part 1 | Part 2
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“What about now?" 
"No…just no.”
“Ugh, I don’t get what I’m doing wrong!”
Natasha’s frustrated huff was received with a chuckle by Y/N, who tried burying her face against her pillow to muffle the noise, only to be whacked in the arm by the redhead.
“This sucks, you suck! I mean, who even invented this shit? Makes no logical sense at all.” Natasha refused to admit defeat so instead preferred condemning the game.
“It’s a kid’s game, Red.”
“Yeah, a very stupid one at that. Can I put this card over this one when they aren’t the same color? And what if they are the same color and the numbers don’t match? Can I add a +2 after you or not? You didn’t explain this well enough.” Natasha let her annoyance get the best of her and babbled all her words out at a speed far greater than what Y/N could ever pick up on.
Catching up on her misstep, she opened her mouth to apologize but when her remorseful eyes met her best friend’s all statements were lost.
“Why are you smiling at me like that?”
Y/N appeared to be caught off guard by the question, looking down at the bed covers under her and gulping dryly as she came up with an answer.
“I don’t think you have the mental capacity to play UNO.”
Natasha wasn’t expecting that, she huffed out in slight annoyance and nudged the chuckling Y/N in the leg before shoving the cards to the end of her bed and also laying down beside her best friend.
“Whatever. Gosh, I’m tired.” The red-head brought her arm up to cover her eyes, not noticing the dreamy gaze that had taken over Y/N’s eyes as she watched her.
“I’m on the lookout tonight, you can rest.”
Natasha furrowed her eyebrows and perched up, looking at the other girl with confusion, “You were on lookout duty yesterday, though. Tonight’s my night.”
“I was on lookout two days ago. Tonight’s my night.”
She quirks an eyebrow at the response, trying to backtrack her days to make sure she wasn’t being fibbed to.
“Y/N/N, are you trying to gaslight a master spy slash super hot assassin?”
Y/N’s lips tilted into a small smirk and she adjusted herself on the bed to be closer to Natasha.
Slowly lowering the redhead to lay on her arms, she began running her hand through Nat’s curls, making her, almost immediately, sigh in relaxation. “I don’t know, am I?” She whispered.
Natasha’s eyelids dropped and she couldn’t do anything but nod in response, enjoying the warmness that Y/N’s touch brought her.
She felt as if she was laying on clouds, “You’re comfy.” She confided quietly against Y/N’s chest, knowing the latter wouldn’t be able to hear her or read her lips.
Natasha slowly slipped further and further away from this reality, a peaceful dream world impatiently waiting for her. She was almost reaching it, when the steady scratches on her scalp were suddenly halted.
Groaning in resentment, she tilted her head, looking up to catch Y/N already watching her.
“Have you ever thought of escaping?”
The unexpected question made Natasha sit up with wide eyes and a fallen mouth, scooting away from Y/N as if the latter had stung her.
Not missing the tension that suddenly filled the room, Y/N also sat up and faced her best friend, reaching forward to grasp the redhead’s hand in her own.
“I just…I wa-why don’t w-” she cut off her stuttering with an annoyed sigh and played with Natasha’s fingers as she thought her words through. It didn’t matter how much time had passed nor how low long the two had been best friends…even nowadays at almost eighteen, Y/N would find herself nervous at Natasha’s more serious gazes.
“I don’t want to fight or kill anyone else, Nat. I don’t wanna hear stupid Madam B talking about Animal Planet again and I definitely don’t want to pretend like I don’t know you when there are other people around.” The desperation for something more was presented in her strained voice and furrowed eyebrows.
She clenched Natasha’s hand tightly as she spoke her next words, “I like you, Natasha. Why don’t we escape together and live freely? Just you and me.”
Needless to say, Natasha was caught off guard by the abrupt speech, having never heard such a narrative coming from Y/N before.
She pulled her hand away from her best friend’s and drew it up to feel Y/N’s head, searching for bumps.
“Did you hit your head when we invaded that warehouse some hours ago?” The question was genuine and the worry was obvious in Natasha’s gaze but Y/N only rolled her eyes and looked out the window of their hotel room.
Their graduating ceremony was almost here so they both had joked about this being their last chance at gathering the best possible youth memories. After that, they’d constantly be shipped around the world to accomplish mission after mission and God knows how lucky they’d have to be paired up on missions as frequently as they had been until now.
Paris didn’t seem to be too bad of an option for their last night together as teens. All they had to do was infiltrate a governmental warehouse that stored several classified documents. They were in and out in an hour without being seen, experience and skill making them as smooth with the operation as possible.
Tomorrow they’d be going back to Russia and Y/N saw this as her last chance to set things straight with Natasha.
She breathed in some air and suddenly faced the redhead again, “Tell me you don’t like me, Nat. Look me in the eyes and tell me that.” Her tone, as well as her usually soft gaze, were suddenly more strict and tense.
“I don’t lik-” Her sentence was interrupted when Y/N suddenly gripped both of her cheeks and turned her head to make her look at her.
“Look at me when you lie.” She whispered, clenching her jaw in what seemed to be irritation but also pain.
Natasha could read her too well. Every little expression on Y/N’s face, that had once appeared so bland and monotonous to her, was now a myriad of feelings, thoughts, and emotions.
Her gaze fell to stare at her best friend’s lips and she slowly found herself leaning in.
Gosh, the countless times she had wished to just let go of her fears and take those lips into her own. Taste them. See if they were as soft as they looked.
Natasha thought about what it would be like. To run away from the organization. Find herself a normal job and live a common life without worrying about whether she’d make it out alive tomorrow or not.
And then she pictured Y/N by her side.
“Just the two of us?” She whispered out, lost in the moment and looking for Y/N to guide her through the darkness.
“You and me, Red.” The latter replied with nothing but sincerity in her gaze.
Natasha couldn’t help but smile at the images that filled her head, reaching forward to gently cup the back of Y/N’s neck.
She was about to fully lean in and meet her best friend’s lips when something poked her thumb. Y/N was too caught up in the interaction to realize what was going on, but Natasha knew fully well what she was touching. The sharp little disk at the back of the other girl’s neck…a tracking device.
The one Dreykov would use to locate and capture them. He’d get them back- even if he had to use all of his Widows to do so.
He’d torture them and kill them. Parade their bodies around the Red Room as a lesson for every other girl.
’You escape, you die. This is your aquarium, trying to leave it will only result in you choking to death’
So Natasha pulled away at the last second and cleared her throat before looking away. Her gaze fell on the UNO cards at the end of the bed.
“Can’t we just go back to playing cards? This is our last real night as teens so why do we need to ruin it?”
Y/N was, visibly, caught completely off guard. Her eyes were almost fully closed since she was ready to be swept off her feet with a kiss that would take her breath away, so she didn’t fully catch Natasha’s words.
“W-what?” She stuttered out.
Natasha suddenly huffed and stood from the bed, marching from one side of the room to the other. Conflicted emotions shone brightly on her face.
She suddenly stopped and turned to Y/N with a clenched jaw and furrowed eyebrows.
“Listen, I accept whatever you are but you have no right to push your agenda on me and try to manipulate me into doing something as reckless as even thinking about escaping.”
The room was bathed in silence as Y/N tried to assimilate and think Natasha’s words through.
The redhead was emotional and her words came out fast, lips blurring together into an incomprehensible mess that she couldn’t read.
After the secret was revealed, Natasha was pretty quick to adapt to Y/N’s disability, even in an environment as unhelpful as the Red Room.
Whenever it was just the two of them, she’d articulate her words precisely, while making sure to not look like a clown like she did the first time she had tried doing that.
When they were surrounded by people and Natasha noticed the small hint of fear flashing through Y/N’s eyes whenever she didn’t understand something, she would sneakily and silently guide her back into clarity. Be it with little gestures, nudges, and sometimes even full-on encrypted messages.
Right now, though, unlike all of those times, Natasha seemed to be too caught up in her emotions, rolling her eyes in anger when Y/N asked her to repeat herself.
“Fucking hell, Y/N!” Natasha gripped her hair in frustration and approached the girl. She tapped Y/N’s chest a bit more forcefully than she initially intended to, “You.” “And me?” Natasha tapped her own chest before shaking her head, “Never gonna happen. Did you catch that?”
“Why are you treating me like I’m a fucking moron?” Y/N squinted her eyes in pure confusion and discomfort.
Natasha snickered, “Because you are acting like one! Thinking we could be a thing and then asking me to run away with you? I mean, where are we? Hollywood Boulevard? We are not in a fairy tale, Y/N. We belong to the Red Room so you better start fucking accepting that. Control your feelings and act like the damn top-class student you are. ‘Cause I’m done playing pretend with you. I’m done acting like everything is alright between us when we both know you have feelings for me and can’t control yourself. I. Am. Done.” Natasha asserted everything in one quick breath, not caring that Y/N wouldn’t have picked up on every single word she said, and collected her jacket and duffel bag from the floor.
Without looking back at her best friend, she snatched her weapons from the chair they had been set in and bolted out the door.
The next time Natasha saw her friend was three weeks after their fight at the hotel.
Y/N seemed to be avoiding her like the plague but it’s not like the redhead had foreseen any other reaction from her…she just hoped, deep down, they could miraculously continue being friends, despite recognizing very well how much of an asshole she had been.
Life went on for both of them.
They were both sent on two separate missions, and by the time Natasha arrived, she was rushed into the training grounds.
The test for her ceremony had begun.
Killing the man was harder than she originally thought and then fighting the super soldier was no easy task either. Natasha convinced herself that if she let go now, she could end all the suffering in her life. 
But Madam B knew her far too well to not know when she wasn’t committing 100% to a fight.
Natasha won and, in the blink of an eye, found herself strapped to a gurney with numerous nurses scrambling around her as she was being transported down a lengthy hallway.
The procedure left her alone with her subconscious for some hours.
When she woke up again, this time without her reproductive organs, she found herself already wanting to give up on the new life she had just started.
“I should’ve taken up on your offer to run.” The drugs still present in her system turned her mind foggy and made her smile sloppily at Y/N, who had been sitting on the ground beside the infirmary bed and holding onto her hand for the past three hours.
The Y/E/C eyed girl didn’t want to risk being discerned by one of the guards or the nurses doing their rounds, so the best solution was just ducking out of sight and hiding whenever someone came in.
“I’m not here to talk,” Y/N commented shortly and coldly.
“Yeah, why are you here then? I haven’t seen you in weeks.”
Natasha would have known the answer to her question if she wasn’t drugged out of her mind.
They had both been fearing this procedure for a while now and swore to be there for each other when the time came. So, when Y/N arrived back from her mission, bloody and exhausted, her feet seemed to form a mind of their own and she made her way to her friend.
That didn’t mean she wasn’t mad or disappointed, though, so she stayed quiet, ignoring the way Natasha squeezing her hand to get her attention brought butterflies to her stomach or the way such action made her rethink the redhead’s words from the other day.
“Your hair is surprisingly fluffy for the shit soap they give us here.” Natasha’s free hand suddenly met Y/N’s head.
The girl leaned forward and buried her nose in her best friend’s curly hair, loving the comforting but fresh scent Y/N always seemed to carry. The latter had been using braids for the past few days because of her mission, so it was normal for her hair to have more volume.
Natasha didn’t seem to pick up on this fact, though. “Very curly hair.” She commented with a surprised hum.
“And you always smell very good which is unfair to us common mortals.”
“Shut it, Natasha.” Y/N hissed out, not amused by the antics. If the drugged girl proceeded with her spurs, guards would be bursting through the doors any second now.
“Oh dear lord! God of fluffy hair and good smells-” the redhead was almost shouting, employing every trick in her books to get Y/N’s attention.
“-Natasha shut up!” Y/N whisper-shouted, pulling on Natasha’s arm.
“Please, bring back what was once mine and give me my best friend’s attention back! I was an ass and deserve puni-” Natasha’s loud exclamations were cut off by a hand that was suddenly clasped to her mouth, keeping her silent.
Now standing, Y/N seemed a bit more amused, rolling her eyes and looking away in an attempt to hide the growing smile on her face.
“You’re such an idiot.” She grumbled, peaking at the window of the room to see if Natasha had caused any commotion.
Not catching any unusual behavior in the empty hallways, Y/N turned back to Natasha and suddenly noticed the way she was already watching her with pure admiration and love in her green eyes.
Y/N let her go and tilted her head with curiosity, wanting to see what her best friend would do.
“I’m in love with you, Y/N.”
This considerably dampened Y/N’s mood, “What?”
“I love you with my whole being and I want to live with you and have kids and a cat and maybe a turtle an-”
Natasha was cut off by the other girl, “-No, no, no.” Y/N repeatedly shook her head, a deep frown taking over her face as her posture tensed up.
“Yes, Y/-” Natasha ignored the pain that coursed through her entire body to sit up and reach forward to cup Y/N’s cheek, only to have her hand slapped away.
“-No, no. Natasha, I get that you’re drugged but you’re being mean.”
“Y/N, I’m telling you the truth, let’s leave this place. Let-”
Once again, Natasha was cut off.
The redhead’s words seemed to be too much for Y/N. She shook her head again and backed away from the bed, “-Stop, stop it!”
She stared at the redhead with teary eyes and this appeared to be more than enough to bring Natasha back to her senses.
“I’ve been telling you that I like you since we were thirteen. You and I both know that I meant it romantically but you always brushed it off as a simple platonic comment. So you can’t just tell me those words after the one time you royally fuck up. I understand that you may not feel the same way, but using my feelings as leverage to make me forgive you is just mean.” Y/N finished her sentence with a hard glare on her face and used the sleeve of her uncomfortable spy suit to wipe away the tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Y/N…I’m so sorry.” A now much more serious and honest-looking Natasha spoke up, tears also filling her eyes.
She opened her mouth to continue her apology but her best friend beat her to it.
“I don’t wanna hear it while you’re like this. You’re gonna heal and during that time you better start making up a god damn good apology inside that head of yours to make me forgive you. In the meantime, you stay quiet and go back to sleep.” Y/N sniffled, once again whipping her tears with her sleeves and crouching down to sit on the floor. She silently held her hand out between them.
Natasha couldn’t help the small teary smile that reached her face at the action and interlaced their fingers.
She knew she had messed up…but she also knew she could fix it. She was going to fix it.
Natasha did as told and spent the week where she was bedridden because of the vasectomy coming up with the best apology she could muster.
She was discharged on Friday and Y/N had left for a mission one day before that, leaving Natasha an apprehensive mess while she waited for her return.
Unfortunately, Natasha was dispatched on a mission a week later, on the same Monday that Y/N arrived from her mission.
The redhead cursed her luck at their misaligned schedules, reevaluating her apology over and over again as she infiltrated the building where her mission was about to take place.
Fate appeared to have different agendas for the two girls, though, because that day Natasha would find herself face to face with the one and only, Clint Barton.
The man who offered her a getaway out of the world she was imprisoned in all her life. He gave her a second chance at life, an opening to redeem herself and make up for all the wrongs she had brought about.
He assured her she wouldn’t have to look back on this part of her life…that she could leave it all behind and move on to create a better future.
And Natasha accepted his propositions and surrender.
As the cuffed redhead strode inside the unfamiliar jet that would bring her to the United States and took a curious look around, Y/N opened her eyes for the first time after her vasectomy and also took a curious look around the familiar medical room she was laying in.
“Wakey, wakey, Y/N.”
She anticipated a mop of red crouching beside her bed and smiling up at her but instead found Madam B and Dreykov surrounded by armed escorts.
They didn’t look too pleased and readily dismissed her anguished cries, unhooking her from the machines and roughly hauling her across the Red Room towards Draykov’s office.
They shackled her to an uncomfortable wooden chair and sat in front of her, letting one of the guards hold a knife to her face.
“Now…what can you tell us about Natasha Romanoff?”
Taglist: @fayhar, @liladoesfanfics
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Crescent 6/? | Natasha Romanoff x MoonKnight!Reader
Summary: When Natasha Romanoff takes a job as head of security for Dina Jackson she has an ulterior motive- to find the tomb of Egyptian artifacts that the art world is racing for. Dina’s disgraced niece is charming, awkward, and under the influence of Khonsu, the God of the Moon.
Warnings: A poorly written fight scene. Oh, and horrible grammar!
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[Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five]
You had reached the center of Pennsylvania before Natalie pulled into a gas station that was sandwiched between two large fields with grain. They stretched into a vast nothingness that made you uneasy. There hadn’t been another car to pass you on the rural highway for at least an hour, and the conversation had died down between the two of you.
It felt good to stretch your legs, a small breeze moved past the grain, and the scent of grass filled your lungs. It had taken longer than expected to load the truck, and the sun threatened to vanish behind the horizon.
Get the scarab. Get the scarab. Get the scarab.
Khonsu’s voice was droning on, driving you absolutely insane for the last 150 miles. He sat idly between you and Natalie, poking his bony bird finger into your ribs like a petulant child. You excused yourself as she entered the information into the gas pump.
As soon as you rounded the side of the small station and entered the bathroom, you turned to face him, anger in your eyes. “Oh my god!”
Take it from her. What’s the problem?
“The problem is you pestering me like this. I’ll grab the scarab before we get to the city. We’re trapped in the same truck.”
He considered you for a second. You weren’t taking an Uber home across state lines, and you felt a deep cold pit in your stomach at the thought of betraying Natasha, with her soft eyes and her quiet stares. The thoughts had been swirling since your night at the inn and your conversation with Christine.
You had half the mind to confront her about it, her dealings with Stark. But then, as you lay half-asleep on the wooden floor, the nightmares. More than anything you wanted to hold her, wanted to make sure that she was okay despite the ache in your shoulder and the pain in your own mind.
You’re forgetting I control the night sky, child. I’ll get you home. I’ll get you to Egypt. Take the scarab before she can.
His voice was leveled in a deep growl. At that, you knew you had no other option. He flickered out and left you to splash cold, tin-scented water upon your cheeks to cool them down. You took a deep breath before pulling the door open to the cloying heat.
The gas pump had stopped and Natalie was nowhere to be found. Your heart rate spiked. Had she taken the scarab and run before you even got the chance to do the same? You removed the nozzle and screwed the cap back on the tank before pulling the side door open.
You watched carefully when she slid the scarab into the center console, kept your eyes drifting to it with sharp turns. Natalie hadn’t put much interest in it, reaching around for her water bottle but never grazing her fingers against the case.
Your touch closed around the case with a surge of adrenaline. It was a wonder, the scarab, still shining gold after all these years, all these circumstances. The case would inhibit you, maybe you could slide it into your pocket, and replace the case without anything seeming amiss.
The metal was cool in your hand, calming. It nearly quieted your mind just by holding it. There was a thrill too- one that rushed through you in a fraction of a second before it was replaced with guilt.
“God, I wish you hadn’t of done that.”
You slammed the back of your head against the metal frame of the van’s door, letting out a grunt of pain before you turned, rubbing the sore spot. She held a small bag filled with snacks, two water bottles, candy. It was the look on her face that startled you- not a coldness, but something terse, calculating.
“Huh?” You lilted your head, hopping down from the van, expertly shoving the scarab into the back of your jean pocket “You scared the hell out of me, Nat.”
She took a step closer to you, lifting her chin “You have the scarab.”
“I kept it there, I” She pinched the bridge of her nose, frustrated “purposely I kept it there because I thought… I wanted to believe…”
“Nat, you’re not making any sense.”
She let out a frustrated growl and surged forward slamming her hand against the ugly side of the truck. She was inches from your face, cornering you. You swallowed back the lump in your throat, and the arousal in your stomach. There was no vulnerability in the touch, not like last night.
“Don’t gaslight me, y/n. Give me the scarab. I won’t ask twice.”
“Why do you want it? It’s just a… a job for you, right? Like Stark Industries was just a job for you?”
Natalie showed a flicker of discontent before dropping the bag of food and pushing her free arm across your chest. There was a distinct lack of air, you grunted at the sudden aggression, her knee in between both of yours.
“Look around, Y/n. We’re the only two for miles. I can forget all of this if you give me the scarab and get back in the God Damn truck. It would be easy for me to take it.”
A small smile played at the corner of your lips. She pressed harder, enough to know that she was watching them the entire time. You tapped one of your fingers against her hip, signaling for her to let up, which she shockingly did.
“See, that’s where you’re wrong, Natasha.” You rasped, delighted by the look of confusion on her face. “It won’t be easy.”
The suit had engulfed you within a moment, warm and familiar. She stumbled back, a bit of shock on her features. It took a moment for her to gather herself. You hoped to the gods that the scarab was secure in your back pocket.
She threw a punch at the weak spot above your waistline before the suit could fully conform. Her hit was concise and calculated. You groaned, close to doubling over. You slammed your own fist against the side of her jaw, not as hard as you could have.
Natasha side swept your foot, knocking you onto your back. You grabbed onto her t-shirt as she leaned down for another hit, using the toe of your boot to flip her onto the pavement behind you. She landed like a cat, shoes sliding on the pavement.
“You know what I don’t understand?” You asked, flipping into the same position as her, mirroring her uncomfortable stance. “Why would they send an Avenger over something as inconsequential as a scarab and a tomb?”
“You talk too much.” She lilted her head to the side.
You didn’t need to look up who the woman that you’d shared odd intimate moments with was. It had clicked the instant she woke up screaming after a fitful sleep. The trauma of being an Avenger, the murmured name of Clint slipping past her lips. Still, you hadn’t said a thing, didn’t want to say a thing in fear that whatever you had, no matter how scarce, would crumble as it did now.
Natasha sprung forward and landed a right hook in the same spot Khonsu had been incessantly poking for the past three hours.  She used her left hand to land another punch, this one you blocked, using your weight to throw her into the side of the truck.
“It’s kind of my thing,” you grasped the collar of her t-shirt and pulled her back up, her toes barely touching the ground. “Talk and talk and talk so they underestimate you. Never felt that way with you, though. You never underestimated me.”
“you’re smart,” She panted before slamming her knee up hard enough to wind you. You didn’t’ loosen your grip, but she harbored her strength, throwing you down onto the pavement once more. Natasha straddled you, both of her hands pinning yours to the ground. “I think your family underestimates you.”
You panted under her weight. You felt every inch of her against you, that same soft scent that she carried making you dizzy. It would be easy, you thought, to throw her off of you. One hit and you could make sure she wouldn’t be a problem for the rest of the trip. Black widow or not, you figured there were ways.
“Miss Romanoff, shouldn’t you buy me dinner first?” You asked, a playful upswing to your voice.
She tightened her grip on your wrists. “What are you?”
You let out a labored breath and allowed the suit to fall away from you. Your eyes blinked back to their normal color, your hair messy from the altercation. You swore you could see a flicker of pain and regret on Natasha’s features. She loosened her grip, but didn’t’ move, wouldn’t move.
“Someone who needs the scarab more than you.” You whispered.
Natasha had pulled herself away from you reluctantly before ordering you to get in the car. You didn’t protest. The small beetle was still in your back pocket and the Black Widow made no move to swipe it from you. You both were travel-worn and disgruntled. Her hands were tightened against the steering wheel, jaw clenched.
She pulled into the first roadside diner that came into view. The Starlight was adorned with two sweeping strips of LED lights around its roof. There was silver on nearly every exposed surface and large windows that allowed you both to see scarce patronage inside.
Once inside, she chose a booth in the back corner. Her stare was switched from kind to a venomous expression as the waitress awarded you both with menus and before going back to rolling silverware.
“Do you think they have good hot chocolate here?” You asked, studying the menu.
“Right, probably the packet stuff.”
Natasha kicked you under the booth, the toe of her shoe slamming into your knee. You jerked back, wounded. When you looked up over the menu, she was frowning at you. It was an adorable frown, but it was there, nonetheless. “Ow?”
“Y/n, do you know easy it would be for me to get you back to New York? Get you thrown into a glass-plated cell, a collar around your neck, limiting whatever the hell you displayed back there.”
“Ooh, Kinky.”
She slammed her fist down on the table. The silverware and cup filled with sugar packets rattled. The waitress leveled you both with a curious stare. Natasha let out a small growl and lowered her voice to a harsh whisper. “I want to believe that you have a good explanation. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, but I need you to take this seriously. We don’t have much time.”
This caught your attention. You leaned back in the seat and stretched your arm over the booth. The waitress came back and took Natasha’s order for a chocolate chip waffle, and yours a grilled cheese with a pickle on the side. You could never beat a good roadside diner grilled cheese.
“Do you still work for the Avengers?” You asked.
“Not anymore. SHIELD, yes. But the Avengers are something different now.”
“And SHIELD, they’re the ones that sent you after the scarab?”
“That’s not how this is going to work.” She settled herself into the booth as well. “I’ll answer your questions, but you have to answer mine too. Starting with that suit that I just saw… materialize.”
You dumped the creamers out between the both of you before you began to stack them like a pyramid. It was a nervous habit that you culminated with your mother. She would organize them expertly before you knocked them down and did the same, in a different design. It kept your hands busy.
“Has my aunt ever mentioned the Egyptian Deities before?” Natasha shook her head, stare dark. “Right, well, there are hundreds, thousands. A god for each natural and supernatural occurrence. The Egyptians worshipped them and created power around them. They were very public figures for a millennium, but, things have changed now.”
“You’re speaking as if this is more than myth.”
“It’s much more than myth, Natty.” You said, placing the final creamer on the top of its throne. “Over the years, the Deities have gone into hiding, have instead completed their ultimate will through avatars instead. Some are good, some are bad, all were once human.”
You watched her carefully. Was this hard for her to believe? She had been to space, had taken down a massive purple douche who pulled away a good percent of the world’s population for some time. Her eyes gave her away, a curiosity that you could play on, could lean into.
“Two years ago, I met Khonsu, the God of the Moon, the night sky. He did me a favor by making me his avatar. I do his bidding and he… keeps me alive.”
“And the suit?”
“One of his gifts,” You waved your hand, knocking down the pyramid. “All the avatars have them.”  
The waitress set down your plates in front of you. Natasha picked up her fork in haste, slathering her waffle in copious amounts of syrup while you toyed with a fry between your forefingers, a small smile on your face. She cut the corner off and took the angriest bite of waffle you’ve ever seen. A smile graced your lips.
She scrunched her nose with a frown. “What?”
“What do you,” you took a bite for the fry, chewing thoughtfully “I mean, what do your employers want with the scarab. With the Valley of Kings? My aunt has her pompous reasons. I have mine, albeit unclear.”
She set her fork down. “Classified.”
“You’re kidding, right? I just told you I’m the puppet of an ancient Egyptian bird god, and you can’t divulge why you want the fancy paperweight in my pocket.”
“Assuming I believe you.”
“Oh? You want me to demonstrate?”
“No!” She grasped your wrist. The contact was electric and warm against your skin. It sent a wave of comfort all the way to your center. You swallowed the lingering taste on your tongue. Natasha looked devastatingly pretty in the dim overhead lights. Her green stare flicked, for just a moment, towards your lips, she retracted her hand. “Don’t.”
Her voice was small, “Do you know what Hydra is?”
“Nazi assholes that Captain America fought off, right?”
“Right. The first wave of them. They’re still around today in a smaller capacity, hidden in everyday life. We got word that in the Valley of Kings, they operate a secret testing facility. A dangerous one amongst the beauty of the ancient art.” She shook her head “That’s all we want.”
You took a long sip of your drink, washing down the taste of greasy fries and regret. Natasha watched you, the way your throat moved, the way gears ground inside your head. There was a hidden strength to you that she hadn’t seen before. Something she hadn’t thought to look for until you morphed into the servant of an ancient god.
“I’m afraid I can’t let you leave here with the scarab.” You finally said, leaning forward, pushing the plate of half-finished food to the side. Natasha let out a chuckle at that, and you glared at her, but she waved her hand to continue. “The way I see it, we need each other.”
She leaned forward, the booth creaking “or, I can leave you here. Bleeding dead, your choice.”
“Yeah, but you wouldn’t’ do that.”
“You’re so sure?”
Truth was, you weren’t. You had read stories about the Black Widow assassin. There were so many people willing to kill her for what they wanted and yet, she escaped every single time. She stood hand and hand with earth's mightiest heroes. Faced off against an advanced computer system, an ancient alien with a massive metal glove. You were nothing. You were gambling.
A street vigilante was nothing compared to her, but then again, you edged closer to the supernatural side of things: witches, and werewolves, and ancient gods. She had a technical standpoint while you frankly, didn’t.
“I’m positive. Because you think I’m cute.”
Natasha choked on her drink, spewing water over the paper menus with little bee designs on the corners. She sputtered, much unlike a superspy. A type of pride welled in your chest. You crossed your arms and smirked at her.
“Excuse me?”
The waitress came back over and slid the check between both of you, not knowing which one carried a wallet in the situation. You snatched the brittle paper before Natasha could, pulling a few twenties out of your pocket and placing them down.
“I think we should get back to the city, don’t you? My aunt will start to worry. We need to get the scarab to her.”
“She can’t have that.” Natasha worked her hand through her hair “You… You can’t have that. I don’t care how cute you are, you’re a thorn in my god damn side. I’m taking that Scarab and leaving your ass here, which is a mercy. Got it?”
You nodded, standing at the base of the table “Oh, sure. You report back to SHIELD with your scarab and deal with the worst PR nightmare Dina can throw at you. Trust me, she’s pulled it with me and I’m family. Come on, I’m driving.”
“You are not.”
She patted herself down for the keys and shot you a venomous glare when you held them up, little pink keychain and all. It was a talent, really, driving people to anger the way that only you knew how. You’d never cross the line with Natasha and wouldn’t admit that her pouting face was borderline adorable.
The night had grown chilly, the two of you exiting the diner. Natasha’s hand found your shoulder. You flinched at first, breathing in the thickness of rustling wheat and wet asphalt. With a deep breath, you turned to face her.
“This is the worst of circumstances.” She said, her voice soft, hand trailing down the edge of your jacket. You watched her fingers carefully, breath catching. “Because in any other…”
You wanted to lean forward and kiss her, to capture her lips in yours, tangling your fingers in her hair, breathing in her scent. Her stare flicked towards your lips, and your breath caught- because this beautiful woman, shaded in the purple diner light, had an undeniable hold on you. Stronger than Khonsu, even.
Natasha had leaned closer, her lips ghosting over yours. “In any other circumstances, I wouldn’t have to do this.”
There was a hot flash of electricity against the side of your neck, and then an undeniable pain. You opened your mouth to protest, but nothing came out, just a small and soft noise as you fell into Natasha. Your muscles tightened, rigid and immobilized. You crumpled to the wet asphalt, nose pressed into the crook of Natasha’s neck as she held you carefully.
You swallowed hard, mouth dry as the blue volts of power faded from the device she kept on her dainty metal bracelet. You found yourself feeling foolish, and suddenly tired. But more than anything, an intense longing for what could have been.
Taglist [Let me know if I forgot anyone!]: @almaperegrinspipe @justyourwritter69 @maddess @bxrbiewrites @jasminebelding @fayhar @i-need-somebody-else @sapphic-girl @pianogirl2121 @strangegardentaco @ohmy-godyes @littlebluestone @kacka84 @143bc @lenam07 @tforjatp @iwishforausername @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @honeymoonbbie
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Fresh Kill - Series Masterlist
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Mob!Natasha Romanoff/Fem!Vigilante!Reader
Summary: You were doing the world a service, actually, taking care of those who treated their partners with violence and anger. What you didn’t realize was that you had caught the attention of the city’s mob, and they want you to work for them.
i saw a prompt for a serial killer!reader/butcher!natasha fic on @reminiscingtonight’s blog, and i decided to take a stab (no pun intended) at the prompt.
Fic Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, graphic depictions of murder, graphic description of blood, strong language, mentions of domestic abuse, this is a 40′s au, so there is also period typical sexism and homophobia
please take these warnings seriously when deciding whether or not to read this fic. they are there for a reason. This fic is rated M and while there is no sexual content, it is intended for mature audiences only. There’s no harm in stepping back and not reading this.
Status: complete
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The Wager || P.P - Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
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Main Masterlist | Natasha Romanoff Masterlist | Prissy Princess Masterlist
Summary: After the argument between you and Natasha, neither had you had spoken for a week. You just wished that she would have given you a chance, rather than making a judgement.
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of smoking, Sparring, Sword training, Mentions of bullying.
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Reader, Wanda Maximoff x Reader (Platonic), Carol Danvers x Wanda Maximoff (Married), Carol Danvers x Reader (Platonic).
Word Count: 5.6K
A/N: I'm so sorry it took me so long to get part 2 out to your guys! I swear it won't take as long to give you guys part 3! I hope you like it and it was worth the wait, all feedback and reblogs are appreciated!
Part 1 | 2 | 3
It had been about a week since the mud incident with Carol, the scolding from Wanda, and the bad breakfast invitation with Natasha, but you’d made sure to keep yourself occupied so you weren’t annoyed at Natasha’s assumptions of you. Yes, you were trying to get into Natasha's good books, but that didn’t mean you were going to pressure her and make her uncomfortable.
You just wanted a chance.
You grunted when Carol pinned you against the gym mat once more, her signature cocky smirk plastered on her face and you huffed pushing her off you so you could stand back on your feet. Carol watched you closely, she tilted her head in slight confusion, and then folded her arms whilst she stared you down.
“You’re distracted; What’s going on?”
“I haven’t really spoken to, or seen, Natasha since the whole incident last week. I understand she hates the situation, but neither of us really have a choice. I think it’s just getting to me more because she won’t even let me establish a friendship with her, I was really excited to get to know her.”
Carol smiled sadly at you, understanding your frustration. She moved to place a comforting hand on your shoulder. You sighed, grabbing your workout towel to wipe the sweat from your face, and then just gave a half shrug. “I honestly think I might give up, last week really did hurt me. I asked her out for breakfast, and got her that gift, just to be nice. There wasn’t an ulterior motive.”
“You’ve got to remember that scheming and ulterior motives are all that Natasha is used to, up until now that is. You’re not a quitter, we both know that, but I really think you need to talk to her about how last week made you feel, neither of you will be able to build anything on sour feelings and misunderstandings.”
“When did you get so wise?” You laughed as you chucked a water bottle to Carol, which she caught with ease, and she half-shrugged with a playful smile. “I’ve always been wise, I just act like a dipshit because it’s more fun, plus it bugs my wife.”
“Fair enough.”
The sound of the gym door opening caught both of your attention and you smiled gently at Wanda as she walked in, to which she gladly smiled back, and then moved to stand beside her wife.
“Natasha has been looking for you,” Wanda explained gently, making sure to keep her voice soft. After seeing you more, since you had started hanging out with Carol, she was well aware that Natasha was a sore spot for you. Your body was quick to react and you immediately tensed at the mention of her name.
“She has? Why? What have I done wrong now?”
“Y/N,” Wanda sighed and you just shrugged, picking up your gym bag and slinging it over your shoulder, as you refused to meet Wanda’s gaze. “I think she was looking for you to apologise, but you can’t tell her I told you. If she knows that I told you, she won’t apologise to you just because she’s so stubborn.”
“Okay, I won’t say anything. Can you maybe text her or something for me? Tell her I’m going back to my room to shower, so she can come and find me in like 20 minutes?”
“Okay, I’ll message her now, please just be patient with her. I know you’re already being patient, and she definitely appreciates it. She just refuses to admit it and doesn’t want to show that she is becoming comfortable with the idea of having you around.”
“Really?” you asked, stunned at the confession from the shorter redhead, and Wanda gave you a warning look because that’s definitely something else that you shouldn’t really know. Still, she felt determinedly stubborn about helping you. “Okay, okay, my lips are sealed. Thank you though, I really do appreciate it, I’ll stay patient.”
Wanda gave you an appreciative smile before you moved to do your handshake with Carol, saying goodbye to the duo and then left the gym to go to your room. Once you were in the comfort of your room. You decided to have a shower, wanting to try and mentally prepare yourself for what you expected would be the world’s most awkward conversation by having a shower.
As if she had set a timer, you heard a knock on your bedroom door exactly 20 minutes after you’d left Wanda and Carol in the gym. It wasn’t hard to think that Natasha was probably just as nervous as yourself, if not more so, considering her behaviour towards you the last time you’d spoken.
“Y/N? Are you in there?” Natasha spoke gently from the other side of the closed door. This conversation between the two of you could go one of two ways. The first way, the way you hoped, was that it would go well and the two of you would be able to discuss what happened without agitating each other. The second way, the way that you dreaded, was that despite your intentions, Natasha’s stubbornness and your sarcasm would lead to an argument.
“Just a sec!” you called back, pulling your black jeans up your legs and throwing your white oversized hoodie over your head. Once you’d deemed yourself presentable, you made your way to the bedroom door and opened it to reveal Natasha holding a box, dressed in blue flared jeans with a white turtleneck. You smiled softly at the sight of her. “Hey Nat…asha. Hi Natasha, would you like to come in?”
“If that’s okay,” Natasha smiled gently; you quickly nodded, before you stepped aside to allow her into your room. You closed the door and moved further into your room to clear a space on your bed for Natasha to sit. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” you answered softly, not wanting to come across as too eager to speak to her. You started to crack your knuckles and fingers as your nerves increased. Natasha winced slightly at the sound of your fingers cracking, but bit her tongue so she didn’t scold you for it, not like how she scolded you last time for chewing the inside of your cheek.
“I um, I brought you something. I thought you might like it, it’s nothing much, but I figured you’d appreciate it,” Natasha shrugged as she passed you the small box. You smiled gratefully as you carefully unwrapped the gift, slowly starting to feel nauseous as it reminded you of the previous week when you gifted Natasha the new art supplies.
Your brows furrowed when you saw a metal flick lighter with flower engravings in it with your initials, alongside a matching cigarette case. You glanced up at Natasha who had a sheepish, yet knowing, smile on her features. “I um, I saw you the other night in the gardens when I went for a walk because I couldn’t sleep. I wasn’t like, stalking you or anything.”
You let out a small chuckle and your eyes caught Natasha’s, but she was quick to look away, doing her best to hide the blush that she felt creep its way up her neck and onto her cheeks. The lighter was beautiful and, though you knew your habit was not, you appreciated the thought even more so than the actual gesture. You cleared your throat.
“Thank you, they’re beautiful; I love them,” you spoke truthfully and sent Natasha another grateful smile as you pocketed the lighter alongside the case and rubbed your hands together awkwardly. The tension in the room was suffocating both of you, but neither of you knew the best way to diffuse the situation.
“Would you like to-” “I’m really sorry-”
The two of you let out a small laugh, and you took a deep breath before looking up at Natasha. “You have a beautiful laugh,” you commented, not missing the way her cheeks turned a deeper red from her already flustered state, “I’d love to hear it more...if you’d let me that is.”
“That’s actually why I came to talk to you,” Natasha confessed, tapping each tip of her finger to her thumb and then repeating it, not realising she was showing you a nervous tick of hers. She sighed, “I came to apologise for my horrible actions last week. I shouldn’t have accused you like I did; I should have known you were kind enough to get the gift just because you thought of me, rather than it being a transaction. Also, I’m sorry that I didn’t end up joining you for breakfast, I heard that you didn’t even end up having breakfast yourself?”
You nodded to confirm what she had heard. Natasha was quick to frown before she placed her head in her hands and then let out a small sigh before she lifted her head to continue. “I was completely out of order, and in all honesty I wish you had yelled at me, or cussed me out or something similar. I know that sounds silly, but the fact that all you did was send me a glare before you stated your case, instead of shouting at me, made me feel even more guilty about what I did. I hope you can forgive me and my rudeness.”
“I’m not going to lie and tell you that what you said didn’t hurt me, because it did. I’m also not going to tell you that it was okay, because it wasn’t.” Natasha frowned at your words and fought the urge to tear up. Natasha was never the kind of person that got reprimanded for such things because, usually, the person she did it to would have left or she would have stayed away. “But, I can say that I accept your apology and I would love to build some form of relationship with you, even if you’re adamant that it stays a friendship. All I ask for is a chance.”
“And you won’t rush me, or pressure me?” Natasha questioned quietly, looking down at the floor as she picked at her fingernails and refused to meet your gaze until you knelt in front of her. Surprisingly, she felt comforted by your presence, even more so when you held her hands as gently as possible, as though she was a porcelain doll which could shatter.
“I swear to you, I will never ever do anything to make you feel uncomfortable or pressured. I’m here to comfort you, and make sure that you’re happy, nothing else.”
Natasha nodded, sending you a small smile, still picking at her fingernails and you raised your eyebrow as a subtle smirk appeared on your features. “Picking at your fingernails is a horrid habit,” you quoted in a teasing fashion, a small chuckle falling from your lips as it took Natasha a moment to recognise the same playful scold that she’d given you the previous week.
“You ass!” She pitifully whined and gave a playful hit to your shoulder, before she stood up straight and made her way towards your bedroom door as though she was about to leave. The sudden shift made you panic, but you didn’t hesitate to go after her and gently grab her wrist to stop her.
“Nat I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-” You stopped when she turned to face you with a cheeky smile and then you huffed slightly, “Ha ha ha, very funny. You got me.” Natasha let out a small laugh and gently patted your cheek in a jokingly condescending fashion, to which you rolled your eyes and pouted, “You suck.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever. Do you fancy coming to get some lunch with me? If you’re not busy that is,” Natasha nervously rushed out, fully prepared for her proposal to be rejected, but she was surprised to see a gleaming smile on your face as you nodded excitedly.
“I’d love to, that’d be really great,” you agreed, opening the door and doing an overexaggerated bow, “After you m’lady.”
Natasha raised her eyebrow, tucked her bottom lip between her teeth to try and stifle a large smile. She did an overexaggerated curtsy as she pretended to hold the edges of a large dress and laughed. “Why thank you, you’re such a gentlewoman.”
You followed Natasha out of your room and started to walk towards the dining area and you sent her a cheeky smile, “We better get there quick, because I bet you any money that Carol will have eaten all the strawberries by now.”
“How much are you betting?” Natasha enquired, a knowing smirk spread across her lips.
“20 bucks,” you replied nonchalantly, a small spring in your step because you were confident in how much you knew your best friend in and out. Natasha playfully bumped shoulders with you, to which you pretended to be wounded and she nodded, smiling wider than you’d ever seen.
“You’re on, may the best woman win.”
“As you wish, your highness.”
You were in fact correct, Carol had eaten all the strawberries and that resulted in the two of you having a playful squabble over it, to which Natasha and Wanda just tuned you both out to have a conversation between themselves. After you had all finished lunch, the other 3 were all called to do various jobs, or attend meetings, which meant you had to entertain yourself.
You made your way to the gardens, your favourite place to be, and pulled a cigarette from the silver case that was snug in your back pocket before you hid behind a pillar to keep your habit out of view.
Luckily, you were able to get at least 10 minutes of calm silence until you started to hear the ruckus of some of the younger children nearby. Usually the sound of children was comforting to you, but you didn’t like how this kind of noise sounded; it sounded harsh, cruel, and the laughter didn’t bring the certain joy as it usually did.
You kept your cigarette in your mouth as you peered around the corner, still hid behind the pillar, and smiled softly when you saw Yelena with some other kids. Then, you frowned when you saw that they were obviously much bigger and were holding something in the air out of her reach. It didn’t take you long to recognise it was her teddy that she carried everywhere with her, and she never let anybody touch it.
“Little shits,” you muttered distastefully, frowning even more when Yelena ended up falling over when she lost her footing from trying to reach her teddy. You let your cigarette hang loosely from your lip as you made your way over, making sure to be as hidden and quiet as possible so that they didn’t see you coming. Once you had gotten closer, the voices became a lot clearer and you weren’t impressed.
“Awww, is the little baby crying because she can’t reach her teddy?”
“You’re being mean, and rude. Please just give her back!”
“Why should we, pipsqueak?”
“Because I said please, or…or I’ll go and get my big sister!”
“Ooooh, we’re so scared.”
You tensed your jaw, taking a long drag of your cigarette before you jumped out from behind the bushes and stomped your feet loudly. This was followed by you letting out a, surprisingly loud, animalistic sounding roar. The sudden appearance and loud noise startled the kids which made them drop Yelena’s teddy and run away, but you were quick to gently grab Yelena and pull her into your arms to stop her from running.
Her panicked shouts suddenly stopped at the sound of your voice, and the nickname that only you called her, and she quickly turned to face you before smiling wide. You gave her a lopsided smile as you placed her on the ground, kneeling to her height, and passed her the teddy back.
“Y/N! You saved my teddy, thank you,” the small blonde grinned, but then her eyes narrowed at the cigarette still loosely held in the corner of your mouth. You watched her grimace, and scrunch her nose up in disgust, so you took it from your mouth to put out with your thumb and placed it back in your cigarette case. “My mommy says that those are death sticks.”
“Well, I couldn’t let you and Teddy be in danger, could I? And, your mommy is right, they’re not very good for you, so never ever have them, okay?”
“So why do you have them? If they’re bad for you?” Yelena questioned curiously, her head tilted to the side as she looked at you for an answer.
“Because…Because, I’m an adult and I’m allowed to make bad decisions,” you hesitantly explained, not wanting to say the wrong thing and then eventually have to deal with the wrath of Melina. “Anyways, enough about that, how long have those little brats been picking on you? And why?”
Yelena just shrugged, kneeling back down onto her blanket to continue the tea party she was having. You followed suit by sitting down with her, ridding yourself of your hoodie now that the weather had improved. “A little while, but it’s fine, they give up after a little bit.”
“Have you told anybody?”
“No, I don’t want anybody to get in trouble. I don’t want to get in trouble either,” she explained, pouring you a cup of ‘tea’, which was actually just a small plastic mug of water and you frowned a little as you clinked cups with Yelena. “It just makes me a little bit sad. Natasha used to come and play with me all the time, so that meant nobody would bother us, but now she’s got lots of different jobs and things she needs to do all the time. It isn’t fair.”
“Well, because I’m only a guest, I don’t have to do any of those borrrrring jobs,” you exaggerated, and you watched Yelena try and fight her overeagerness at what you might say, her lips beginning to turn upward. “So, you could always come and find me? I’ll always come and play with you, I can teach you some really cool things too. If that’s what you wanted to do, anyway.”
“Really? What kind of cool things?!” Yelena shouted as she scrambled onto you, essentially vibrating in excitement as she shuffled in your lap to get comfy. A small smirk appeared on your lips whilst you leaned closer to Yelena, as if you were telling her a secret. You hummed in faux anticipation before you whispered in her ear.
“Have you ever wanted to learn how to use a sword?”
“Keep your back straight; If you don’t keep it straight you’re going to lose your balance. If you lose your balance, your opponent will get the upper hand and you will lose, you hear me?”
Yelena nodded and straightened her back, holding her dominant hand out in front of her, and gripped the handle of her blade tightly. Her small arms shook slightly from the weight of the training blade, but you knew she could handle it.
“Like this?”
“That’s perfect Yelena, you’re leaning quick.”
“Yes, teacher.”
You chuckled at Yelena’s title for you, humoured by her enthusiasm, and then you shook your head looking at the 9 year old. “You’re funny, no wonder Natasha is so witty if she has to keep up with you. But, I'm not technically one of your teachers, so just calling me by my name is fine.”
Yelena nodded, watching you closely as you held out your own training blade in your hand and easily spun it around your fingers. Yelena gripped hers tighter as you motioned for her to come forward. “Come get some, Lena.”
You watched as she lunged forward at you, making sure to stay light on her feet, and went through the moves and routine that the two of you had been practising for the past hour or two. Her hits gradually got harder, quicker, and more precise as she became more passionate. Her confidence started to improve significantly and you smiled widely as she blocked your advances.
“Look at you go! You’re doing fab, kiddo.”
Yelena smiled wide as she easily blocked you and used all the force she could muster to push you back, making you lose your footing slightly. She smiled triumphantly and parroted your words back to you. “If you lose your balance, your opponent will get the upper hand and you will lose, you hear me?”
Your jaw dropped in shock before you playfully narrowed your eyes at her, “That’s how you wanna play it little Lena? Someone is starting to get a bit big for their boots.”
“Nope, just confident I can beat you.”
“If you’re that confident, let's make a wager,” you suggested, shrugging your shoulders slightly as you lowered the weapon and walked towards Yelena. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she lowered her own blade, “What’s a wagger? I thought that’s what dogs' tails did, they wagged.”
“No no, a wager, not a wagger. A wager is a bet, so if you win you get what you ask for, if I win I get what I ask for, get it?”
“Okay, what do you want?”
Your movements faltered and you took a deep breath as your brows furrowed, what did you want? A chance with Natasha…but you’ve got that, and getting her kid sister involved would definitely not help your case, so what else could you do?
“Okay kiddo, if I win, you have to help me wash my horse.”
“I hate chores,” Yelena whined and you chuckled slightly and shook your head before you bent down to her height, your hand resting comfortably on her shoulder. “Unfortunately Lena, that’s life, life is a chore and it is most certainly not fair. Now, what is it you want if you win?”
“If I win, I want you to stop smoking…or at least smoke less. I’ve seen you do it a lot, and it makes people sick. I don’t want you to get sick,” Yelena frowned.
You frowned gently, sighing softly, as you gently used your index finger to make her look at you and you smiled softly before she continued. “You’re not as good at hiding as you think you are, you’d be rubbish at playing hide and seek.”
“I guess you’re right, you’re very observant and smart, for your age and if that’s what you want, I’ll do my best for you, okay?”
“Okay, thank you,” Yelena whispered as she hugged you tightly, resting her head underneath your chin and you held her close.
You smiled and kissed her forehead before moving to your original position, lifting your training blade to point it at Yelena. The request Yelena made played at the front of your mind, and the look of upset she gave you made it feel as though your heart had been ripped from your chest. Whether Yelena beat you or not, you were going to stop, for her.
“Rules are, the first person to get 3 hits to their opponents body wins, is that okay with you?”
“Got it!”
You nodded and allowed Yelena to make the first move, watching her closely as you analysed her steps, and you smiled at seeing how much she’d progressed just from a mere few hours ago. It was her significant progress that made it less of a shock when Yelena was able to get the first hit on you, making you release a surprised yelp as her weapon struck your wrist and she let out a ‘HA’ of triumph.
This continued for a couple of more minutes, the two of you both having 2 hits on the other, so the winner would be decided by the next hit and the two of you slowly moved around in a circle. Yelena’s eyes narrowed as a playful smirk appeared on her features, “So…have you got my sister to go on a date with you yet?”
Your steps faltered slightly at the sudden question, and Yelena was quick to recognise the mistake and use it to her advantage as she hit you hard in the gut, followed by a loud ‘Hi-YAH’. You groaned loudly and collapsed to your knees holding your stomach, falling onto your side to try and gain your breath back after Yelena winded you.
“Fucking hell, kid, you’ve got a strong hit on you.” You complimented, sending Yelena a smile before you released a wheezy laugh and reassured her that you were fine and just needed to catch your breath back. Before Yelena even had the chance to reply, you both tensed when you heard a strong voice boom across the gardens.
Natasha was quick to run over and kneel beside you, checking you for any injuries as she babbled out instructions to help, and you just shook your head at her panic. Natasha turned to give Yelena a warning glare, but you quickly brought Natasha’s attention back to you once you had sat up.
“Don’t get mad at Yelena, all of this was me. Yelena saw an opportunity to win and she took it, as she should have. She’s an incredibly fast learner and extremely talented, you honestly should be really proud of her,” you explained gently, hoping that Natasha wouldn’t be too mad.
“Y/N, she’s 9 years old and a princess, why is she running around and hitting you with a sword?” Natasha scolded, watching you closely as the two of you rose to your feet. You sighed gently, running your fingers through your hair. “Well? Are you going to tell me, or are both of you going to act like you’ve not heard anything?”
You glance at Yelena and tilt your head slightly towards Natasha in a silent show of support for Yelena to tell Natasha everything that had happened. Yelena gulped slightly and moved to stand beside you, her small hand gripping yours tightly before she looked up at Natasha with teary eyes.
“We’re sorry, Natty. Y/N taught me because I-I was playing on my own and some of the older kids came over to steal my teddy. W-When they stole my teddy they held it above their heads so I couldn’t reach and wouldn’t give her back to me even after I said please, and then Y/N came and scared them away,” Yelena's small laugh broke the tension of the conversation as she remembered the way you jumped from the bushes and roared like a wild animal. “It was so funny, Natty! She jumped out and roared like a big bear and the other kids ran away, so that meant I was able to get my teddy back.”
“You…roared?” Natasha questioned, her eyebrow raised but a cocky smile on her face, knowing that you had to admit it, especially considering Yelena had gone into detail about it. You nodded slightly, as you gave Natasha a lopsided smile, and she shook her head in amusement before she leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek. “Thank you, for taking care of Yelena.”
“It was my pleasure, she’s a sweet kid.”
“Can I keep practising my sword training with Y/N? Pretty pleaseeeeee,” Yelena whined, tugging on Natasha’s jeans in an impatient fashion, whilst the redhead pretended to be in deep thought about it and slowly nodded before she smiled down at Yelena. “Fine, especially if she is as good as she makes out to be in her wild stories…I watched her get tackled down by Carol last week, just so you know.”
“Wow Natalia, you’ve wounded me,” you gasped dramatically whilst Natasha smiled at you before she shook her head, ignoring your dramatics, and you hummed in deep thought. “If you doubt my skills so much, how about you duel with me, Natalia? You can choose what’s at stake.”
Natasha’s eyebrows raised in amusement and you knew full well the redhead could never resist a challenge, or a game. She shrugged slightly, taking the training sword from Yelena. “Hmm, I guess so, but let’s make it interesting. If I win…I want you to not roughhouse with Carol for a week, and you’re going to come with me to do real ‘royalty’ etiquette things.”
You pouted at her suggestion, ready to argue your case. But, she was quick to press her index finger to your lips, “But if you win…I’ll let you give me a kiss.” Natasha smirked as she watched you swallow thickly and tuck your bottom lip between your teeth.
“Natasha, we don’t have to do that-”
“I am very confident in my abilities Y/N, and I wouldn’t bet something I wasn’t comfortable with. Now, stop being a nervous nellie and pick up your weapon,” Natasha instructed firmly and you were quick to obey as you both took your stance.
Natasha hesitated and then looked at you shyly, her cheeks flushed red as she cleared her throat, “Do you fancy um, telling me what you taught Yelena? Just to compare…nothing else.” You giggled slightly and nodded, walking Natasha through what you taught Yelena and she nodded at the end and took a deep breath.
“You ready, Natty?” Yelena shouted as she took a seat on your hoodie, wrapping herself in it. Natasha glanced at her younger sister, smiling when she saw the wonder in her eyes, and then nodded.
“I’m ready.”
“Bring it on, ‘Natty’,” you teased, not missing the way her cheeks flushed and you tilted your head in amusement. Natasha was quick to strike at you, and soon the two of you were in the same predicament as you had been with Yelena, where you were both tied. “You amaze me everyday, darling.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere, sweetheart.”
Just like with Yelena, the teasing made you falter, especially considering it was from Natasha calling you some term of endearment. You felt Natasha’s sword hit the side of your leg and you sighed softly. You let yourself fall onto one knee, then looked up at Natasha, who towered over you.
“I think…that means I win.”
You continued with your dramatics and presented your training sword to Natasha, who laughed gently before she helped you back to your feet and smiled up at you. “You would be correct, you won, and you surprised me yet again.”
“Well, in my eyes, I don’t think that last hit actually hit,” Natasha shrugged. You tilted your head in confusion, watching closely as she took a step closer towards you, and you took a shaky breath in. “So, I think you should claim your prize.”
You smiled gently at Natasha before you leaned forward, gently placing your lips on the soft skin of her cheek, and then laughed slightly at the shocked look on Natasha’s face once you had pulled away.
“I’m going to respect your wishes of taking this slow, building something special and spectacular with you. I’ll see you tomorrow for breakfast,” you whispered calmly and moved away from Natasha and towards Yelena to give her a tight hug. “And I’ll see you tomorrow little miss, be good for your sister.”
“I will, promise.”
You looked over at Natasha once more, blew her a kiss with a cheeky smile on your face, and then made your way back towards your room, leaving the two sisters together. Yelena skipped over to Natasha, still wrapped in your hoodie and let out a small squeak of surprise when Natasha lifted her into her arms.
“So…what do you think of Y/N?” Natasha interrogated, wanting to know exactly how her little sister felt about you. From what she could remember, you were the only suitor to have ever shown any kind of interest in Yelena, or even acted like she existed, and to Natasha that was one of the most commemorable things somebody could do.
“I love her! She’s so funny, and she’s nice, and she REALLY likes you, Natty. She kept talking about this morning or something, saying she was happy she got to have food with you. Why?”
“No reason,” Natasha responded quickly, internally wincing at her speed of reply, knowing it sounded suspicious. That was confirmed with the way that Yelena narrowed her eyes at her older sister, before she grabbed her face in her little hands and forced Natasha to look at her.
“I’m 9, not stupid. I saw how red you got when she was complimenting you, AND how you got even more red when she kissed your cheek.”
“You, little miss, are too smart and observant for your age.”
“That’s what Y/N said when I told her I wanted my prize to be that she stops smoking so she won’t get sick.”
“Interesting. Now come on, I’ll sneak you some ice cream before you have to go and start getting ready for bed, yeah?”
Natasha smiled and shifted Yelena into a more comfortable position in her arms, and her mind drifted back to you. The fact that you refused yourself the opportunity to kiss her, because of the conversation the two of you had earlier in the day; it made her feel respected and listened to. The other thing was that you cared deeply for her sister, enough that you would change your habits and lifestyle to make her happy, and you defended her in the way an older sister would.
As much as Natasha would like to deny it, you were definitely starting to squeeze your way through the cracks of the wall that surrounded her heart, and she didn’t mind it one bit.
772 notes · View notes
The Blind Date - Series
gif creds: @lcufeysons
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Summary: Hilarity and a whirlwind adventure ensues when your best friend Sam sets you up on a blind date.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
404 notes · View notes
There was a lot to be said for hiding in the shadows.
Warnings: blood, canon typical violence, swearing (maybe)
Rumors Masterlist | part one
"What you doing?" If you didn't look up then he wasn't there. You repeated the mantra in your mind as you carefully drew Steve's blood. "Doc, you ain't ignoring me, are you?"
Steve's chuckle made you sigh, finishing up what you were doing to turn and find Natasha, wearing a familiar sweater, supporting Clint who's leg was at an odd angle. Instead of saying anything you turned back to Steve and began drawing a second vial of blood.
"You want him in bed six or nine?" Natasha asked from behind you. You didn't respond, listening to them shuffle away, Clint's muted pained grumbles following them.
"You know, Doc, I think he's got a crush on you." Steve spoke up and you rolled your eyes. When you had successfully drawn four vials of blood you let Steve go and organised your paperwork before finding Clint in bed nine, exactly where you expected to find him.
Bed nine was furthest from your desk, where you spent most your day while you weren't treating patients. Not somewhere you'd like to be trapped with Clint talking your ear off.
"You been for an x-ray?" You asked. Your question was answered when Natasha presented you with a folder, Clint's x-ray showing the break in his bone. "You shouldn't be here then. Dr Walsh is the Orthodox surgeon."
"Walsh is busy with back surgery right now. He said you should be able to reset the break and but it in a cast." Natasha informed you and you sighed again, looking over to Clint who was poking the swelling in his ankle.
"Rogers thinks you've got a crush on me, you know." You told him, reading over the radiographer's notes. "Reckons that's why you keep hurting yourself."
"You like Nat's sweatshirt?" Clint asked, continuing to poke the swelling. He whined when you smacked him with the folder of his notes and held his hand to his chest with a pout.
"It's great, real cute." You told him drily and went in search of Ayla, leaving the spies to bicker behind you.
You applied the last of the plaster to Clint's leg. He had fallen asleep almost ten minutes ago and you had never been as grateful for anything in your life as you were for the tiny snores leaving his lips. He had babbled on endlessly as you reset his ankle, had him x-rayed again to make sure you had gotten it right and then began making up his cast.
Natasha had sat in the corner, quiet and brooding. If you didn't know her better you'd think she didn't trust you to do your job. But you did know her better and you knew while Clint was vulnerable she would watch him like a hawk, just as he would do for her.
One of the first things Natasha had told you was that there was three moments in life in which people were overtly vulnerable. While they were injured, while they slept and while they were in love. You were still a little green around the gills at that time and the conversation had terrified.
Now looking over your unofficial adopted assassins you smiled. Both of them were asleep. You left them to it, drawing the curtains around his bed and making your way to your desk where you began writing out your notes.
You didn't hear her join you however much later it was but you felt her presence, felt her enter your space. She had your sweatshirt sleeves wrapped around her hands, her hair tied back out of her face. She was still angled so that she could see Clint but she was sitting on the counter next to your desk.
"Didn't get a chance to wind down after your flight?" You asked quietly. She hummed quietly, still watching Clint. She reached out blindly, with perfect aim, and picked up your coffee cup.
She removed the lid and inhaled before frowning to herself. She still took a sip, blinking tiredly. You didn't even bother protesting, filing Clint's notes away beside the rest of his teams. His file was noticeably twice the size of anyone else's.
"We have a debrief now." She told you and you nodded, looking over your shoulder at Clint who was fast asleep. Vulnerable.
"You want crutches or a wheelchair?" You asked her, leaning back in your seat, observing her. She seemed relatively unscathed from the mission besides the tiredness that was drooping her eyelids and the slight curve to her shoulders.
"Wheelchair. He's gonna moan the whole way up." She sighed and you swallowed your laugh when she looked over from him to you. "It's like having a child."
"Is it too late to put him up for adoption?" You asked quietly, standing up and stretching your arms towards the ceiling. "Give him back, or however it works?"
"I lost the receipt. Apparently that was important. Now I've gotta keep him." She shrugged, stretching up herself.
"If you get lucky he might run away and join the circus." You told her, making your way down to the supply room and pulling the door open. You signed out one of the wheelchairs and brought it down to Clint's bed where Natasha was trying to rouse him, a small smile on her lips.
"One can only hope, Doc."
"You ready to be another experiment, Rogers?" You asked. You held the syringe up for him to see before injecting it into his IV bag and he grunted in pain, trying to smile at your joke. On his other side was Bucky who looked pale with worry.
"Might start using those parachute things." Steve grunted through clenched teeth. You rolled your eyes with a sigh and finished with the syringe, placing it back on your trolley.
"It would be even better if you started using that brain." You told him with a sigh. There was nothing you hated more than feeling powerless, feeling like you couldn't help someone. Steve had broken eight bones falling from an airplane. He hadn't jumped. He had been kicked off it.
Broken bones were easy with normal people. Well, as normal as your other patients ever got. Pain meds and setting the bone. Care for comfort after that point.
Steve was not as easy to treat. He burned through pain relief like it was nothing, morphine included. It led you to having to set his bones without any pain relief.
You had taken initiative, testing all the enhanced individuals of the tower in an attempt to formulate something that could help in these situations. Unfortunately with Steve's healing factor you didn't get a chance to use it before setting his bones. Both yourself and Dr Walsh had worked quickly to set both of Steve's ankles to right followed quickly by his left elbow and right shoulder, the other four ribs didn't need to be reset with good luck.
Now the hardest part was remaining still while he healed. It was a lot harder to do while he was in pain and so you had offered the first of your attempts to create pain relief for him.
Bucky had been watching him since you had suggested it, having had much worse results when bodily experiments happened. He was watching you close enough that you could feel his gaze even with your back to him.
"How's the patient?" You sighed heavily and Steve laughed through clenched teeth. You turned to find the spy twins at the end of Steve's bed. Natasha had her left arm in a sling and a sloppy bandage on her right forearm. Clint seemed unscathed for once.
"You come down here to see me or the good doctor?" Steve asked, jaw clenched tightly with the pain.
"One of us is here to see you." Natasha promised and you rolled your eyes, brushing past both of them to wash your hands at a near by sink.
"You want to follow her around then go ahead Clint, I won't be offended." Steve chuckled, sounding a little more relaxed. You paused in place, turning back to him and tilting your head.
"How ya feelin', Stevie?" Bucky asked. Steve's heart rate had returned to it's usual pattern like he wasn't fighting off the pain anymore. From the droop to his eyelids you would guess that was the case.
"Feel good, Buck. Sleepy." Steve told him, slightly slurring his words. Bucky looked up to you and you shrugged. Being sleepy was a side effect of strong pain relief.
"Go to sleep, pal. I'll be here when you wake." You left them to it, listening and Clint and Natasha muttered goodbye, following you back to your desk.
"Good job, Doc." Clint looked impressed. You were proud of yourself but you weren't going to brag in front of Clint. You wouldn't give him the satisfaction.
"Is there a reason you're still here?" You asked, almost bored. You took a seat at your desk, sighing when both of them hopped up onto the counter by your desk in sync. "And why you seem like you're staying?"
"We're bored, Doc. We came to pick your brain about a few things." Clint grinned and you looked to Natasha who only sighed. Clearly she was just there because Clint was.
"Four." You said, typing up notes on Steve's treatment.
"Four?" Clint asked. "I can ask four questions?"
"Three." You counted down. "Technically two."
"Okay, jeez. Slow down, will ya?" Clint asked before groaning.
"One." You turned to face him and he looked you over, eyes narrowed. He took his time, thinking harder than you've ever seen. Finally his eyes settled on something before he smiled slowly.
"How'd you get your sweatshirt back?" The familiar sweat shirt was folded on your desk from when you had taken it off this morning. You looked back at it before furrowing your eyebrows.
"All the questions you could've asked you chose the worst one." You sighed. "I asked for it back."
"Interesting." Clint tapped his fingers against his chin like a cartoon character and you rolled your eyes. "Very interesting."
"Riveting stuff. Now you have something to gossip about with the trainee medics." You sighed.
"When did you get it back?" You tilted your head to the side and frowned at him.
"You're all out of questions." You told him and he whined turning to Natasha who shrugged at him without emotion.
"Tell me." He whined and she raised her eyebrows.
"That's a big five answer. You willing to risk it?" She asked and he considered her question for a moment. "You'll only have two left if you do."
You watched the cryptic exchange before Clint sighed in defeat, shaking his head. "Not this time."
He hopped off the counter and left the wing with slumped shoulders. You looked to Natasha who only shrugged her shoulders.
"I will never understand your relationship with him." You told her with a sigh and she smirked.
"Gotta keep you on your toes, Doc."
You had been a doctor for long enough now that you had gotten used to the noises that came with the work. You were used to the heart monitors beeping, the groans of pain and even the sound of people throwing up.
You kind of hated silence. Silence in the medical field was foreboding, it meant something bad was coming.
"Kind of quiet, isn't it." A round of intense shushing followed Agent King's outburst but it was too late. Like saying Macbeth in the theatre, you never said quiet in healthcare.
Agent King had been in getting stitches removed and you regretted making him wait by filling out paperwork first. If you had just gotten him in and out it wouldn't have happened.
The doors burst open and you caught a flash of her red hair while Steve gently laid her on the bed. She was pale, much paler than usual and you used to her side, abandoning King and his stupid stitches.
"At least four bullet wounds. She's lost a lot of blood, Doc." Steve told you. Clint and Bucky limped in behind Steve, grim faces as they supported a wheezing Tony.
"I'll get a bag of O neg running-"
"B positive. Her blood type is B positive." You choked out before flying into motion, your hands moving of their own accord while your mind got stuck on the smear of blood across her otherwise pale cheek.
"How is she?" You technically weren't on shift. Technically you had been sent home because you had been on shift over eighteen hours. Which really just meant you were sitting vigil by Natasha's bed, only moving when there was something to be done that Ayla couldn't cover for you.
"Good. She's breathing on her own, heart is steady." You told Clint automatically, your eyes tracking the dips and rise of her pulse on the monitor.
"You should get some sleep, Doc. I can watch her from here." You looked away from the monitor and back to Clint before sighing. You didn't move and he didn't fight you on it. You curled up in place on the chair, pulling your knees up to your chest. Your sweatshirt smelled faintly floral, a far cry from your usual vanilla perfume.
When you woke there was a blanket wrapped around you and Clint was lying across the bottom of Natasha's bed, scrolling through his phone. Natasha was awake, her eyes assessing her surroundings.
"How you feeling?" You asked quietly and they both looked to you.
"Better." She promised quietly. "Get me some clothes?"
Clint moved before you could, leaving you both alone and she gestured you closer. You unwrapped the blanket taking a seat by her side on the bed, careful of all the wires and tubes.
"You give all your patients this much follow up care?" She asked quietly and you sighed.
"You were out for a long time." You told her quietly, looking down at your hands. "Not like you."
"We all have our down days, Doc." She offered you a pained smile. You reached up to push her hair back behind her ear and she caught your hand, holding her to cheek. "You going to kiss me or just treat me like glass?"
Clint paused in the door way, Natasha's clothes in hand. He smiled at the pair of you, foreheads pressed together, basking in the quiet together.
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Bruises and Cuts
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Warnings: Parental abuse, injurries, mild language, soft nat, angsty though.
Word Count: 1,103
A/N: Heyyyy. Thank you for the request, love. <3 Hope you enjoy. (This is a college AU) Uhm… not me giving the end of this fic One Direction song vibes… HAHA.. never. 
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anything for my princess
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word count: 1.9k - part 2
© luvr-bunnyy pls don’t use my headers or writing without permission
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, illicit drugs, uncomfortable situations, violence, etc. typical euphoria things. NO SPOILERS!!
[a/n; alright! here's my first ever fic on this blog. it is a Lexi fic because there aren't enough here on tumblr and it's appalling. pt. 2 will be up tomorrow. enjoy! - yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´-]
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When Lexi had confessed her feelings for you, it was a huge surprise. Obviously, you were ecstatic. On cloud nine basically but it was a surprise nonetheless.
Especially when Rue had told you how Lexi reacted when they had kissed for the first time.
You weren’t sure how Cassie would react seeing as you were her age and one of her friends but she was more than glad that Lexi had finally confessed.
Unbeknownst to you, she had been on the receiving end of many rants about how attractive you were and how her heart beat faster every time you were near.
Lexi was a ridiculously sweet girlfriend. She baked cookies and banana bread for you, she memorized your coffee order, constantly doted on you, planned insanely cute dates, etc etc.
Not that you were pushing for anything to move quickly but whether she realized how heated and stir crazy she made you was still up for debate but if she knew then she was amazing at playing coy.
“So? What do you think?” Lexi asked sheepishly as she held her hands behind her back and anxiously swayed a bit.
You were stood at the open front door as she was showing off her outfit for the party you were going to.
It was different than what she normally wore. You couldn’t help but feel adoration and love course through you as you let your eyes trail her body.
Chunky platform boots that seemed to make her legs look longer.
A tight black mini skirt with a small slit on her right thigh that hugged her hips perfectly.
A maroon off-the shoulder crop top with puffy sleeves that was a shimmery silk and made her collar bones a little more prominent.
As you stuttered over what to say, you could see Cassie and Maddy, Kat, BB, and Mrs. Howard watching with amusement just a ways away.
But seeing as you hadn’t answered right away, Lexi grew a little self conscious and nervous.
“(Y/n)?” Hearing her dejected tone of voice quickly snapped you out of your trance.
“Sorry. I was just….you look-“ Your heart seemed to beat a million times faster as each second passed.
Taking a deep breath, you calmed your nerves and gathered your thoughts, making sure to keep it appropriate since her mother was like right there.
“Lex, you look gorgeous.” You silently held your hand out and she quickly slipped her hand into yours. “Like I’m speechless.” She blushed, cheeks turning into adorable little tomatoes.
“Come on…” You muttered as you brought your joint hands to your lips and pressing a kiss to the back of her hand. “Give us a little twirl.”
Holding her hand above your heads, you gently twirled her in a circle. Maddy and Cassie squealed in excitement, Kat and BB yelling something along the lines of ‘get it girl!’ and Suze whistled.
“Okay, okay!” Lexi laughed shushed them before turning to face you once more. “Let’s go.” She gently squeezed your hand.
You frowned before turning to the other three girls “You guys aren’t coming with us?”
“We’ll go together to give you guys some alone time.” Cassie teased, Maddy made a V with her fingers and stuck her tongue out in between it.
You shook your head in disbelief. “I- okay. See you guys later.”
“No funny business Miss (Y/N)!” Shouted sternly but her smiling eyes gave her away.
“There never is!” You playfully saluted her with your unoccupied hand before pulling Lexi away to your car.
You opened the passenger door and in a posh accent said, “Milady.” which she giggled at. That giggle sent your heart into a frenzy.
You had to take a breath before entering the car.
As you drove, windows down, and RedBone by Childish Gambino played through the speakers, the sudden feeling of a hand on your thigh made you glance over at Lexi.
“What’s up babe?” The way that the pet name rolled off your tongue made her shiver.
“Nothing…” She muttered. Blushing and looking away.
Smiling fondly, you let her be as you continued to drive. Being in a relationship with her was very interesting. She had still been getting used to the intimacy, both emotional and physical and she appreciated that you were so patient but she knew of your past relationships.
Overhearing your retellings of one night stands or passed sexual experiences with your ex(es) while having sleepovers with the girls and it frustrated her.
Not because she was jealous or anything but because she wanted you to just have your way with her.
She would never admit it but recently, she had been fantasizing and daydreaming about you WAY more often. Mainly about your lips. How they would feel against her body, how they would feel between her thighs.
The thought alone had her thighs clenching together.
Your hands were also another part of you she found herself drooling over them. The thick rings that adorned your fingers. The way they looked flexing over the steering wheel-
“Are you okay?”
“Hmm?” Her eyes widened as she moved her gaze from your hands to your frowning face.
“You spaced out for a second, we’re here.” You spoke gently, nodding your head in the direction of the windshield.
She glanced over and you were right. There was an enormous amount of teens loitering outside the house. Plumes of smoke floating into the air, the sound of muffled music finally reading her ears.
“Oh…right.” She turned red once more. “Sorry.”
“No worries princess.”
As the both of you walked into the party, you were quite aware of the stares pointed towards Lexi. Normally, you wouldn’t have minded but these stares were hungry and wandering...lingering. Lingering too long at the edge of her skirt, at the swell of her breasts that were accentuated by her top.
Slipping your hand out of hers, you moved your arm around her waist and tugged her closer to you. She glanced at you and could see the way your jaw clenched and your eyes narrowed and she grinned.
You were jealous.
Once you guys had settled, Lexi had spotted Maddy, Cassie, and Kat.
“Hey, I’m gonna go look for Fez. I’ll be right back, okay?”
“Okay! Bring me another drink on your way back?”
“Of course princess.” You leaned down and she bit her lip as you placed an open mouth kiss at the place where her jaw connected to her neck.
Your relationship with drugs wasn’t as concerning as Rue’s and Lexi made it a point to have a conversation about it with you at the beginning of your relationship.
You smoked weed, occasionally partook in molly with Maddy and Cassie but that was about it. Never really doing anything harder than that. However there was one time you taken a hallucinogen with Rue and had a terrible trip. She was worried as fuck when she got a call from Elliot saying that he needed help getting you home.
She has spent a few hours helping you off of the high. Then she spent the night crying in your arms, explaining how worried she was.
Whatever…back to the main story.
“Hey Fez, Ash.” Ash nodded at you.
Fez sat up.
“Hey ma’, how’s it goin?”
“Not too bad Fez, business still booming?”
“Shiii…you know it is ma. You here with ya girl?”
Your girl…that made your heart swell.
“Yes I am.” He grinned at your blissed out smile just at the mention of her.
“Aye that’s what up man…I won’t keep you long then. What can we help you with?”
“You got any joints left?”
“I think I do…” He muttered as Ash looked into a black backpack and pulled it a little plastic box.
“We got three left.” Ash glanced up at you.
“Then I’ll take all three.”
“That’s twenty-five big ones (Y/n).”
Lexi was waiting for you by the patio entrance when some guy she didn’t recognize approached her.
“Hey baby, how’re you doing tonight?”
“Oh uhm I’m okay.” She responded uncomfortably. Self consciously wrapping her arms around her slightly exposed midriff.
“You know, I can’t believe that a pretty girl like you is here alone.” He licked his lips, backing her up against the wall.
“Oh I-I’m not…”She trailed off, beginning to feel her fingers fluttering against her sides with nerves.
“Sure looks like it. I don’t see your boyfriend around.” His hand then came up and he ran a knuckle down her cheek.
“Hey man, I don’t mean to alarm you but-“ Fez pointed over your shoulder as you slipped the joints into your jacket pocket. You turned to see where he was pointing, and it made your heart stop.
Lexi was backed up against a wall, some guy had his hand pressed firmly to the wall beside her head and the other was touching her cheek. What made you see red was the way Lexi’s eyes were glossed over with tears and her bottom lip was trembling.
Dropping the money in Ash’s lap, you made your way over to this idiot making your girlfriend uncomfortable.
Cassie had noticed and frowned, alerting the girls around her. Maddy, Kat, Jules, and Rue.
“What the fuck? Where’s (Y/n)?” Rue asked.
“I don’t know but we should fucking do something.” Maddy had basically growled.
“Uhh I don’t think we need to.”
Their heads snapped over to Jules and looked at her like she was insane and before Maddy could go off, Jules pointed over at the patio doors.
In you walked, a scary look on your face as you shrugged your jacket off and tossed it haphazardly on a table.
You gripped the back of the guys shirt and pulled him off of Lexi. The guy was angry and turned to you, opened his mouth to say something but he never got the chance. You had swung your fist and nailed him on the cheek.
They all gasped and the music stopped as someone screamed. The crowd separated and they watched as the guy hit the ground and you followed. Straddling his body and sending punch after punch.
As much as they agreed with your actions, they had to stop you or else you’d probably beat the poor guy to death.
However, someone had beat them to it. Nate had taken it upon himself to break it up. He leaned down and wrapped both arms around your waist and pulled you off.
“Get off of me asshole!” You thrashed in his hold and he let you go, putting his hands up.
Huffing a deep breath, you smoothed your clothes down. “Fucking keep your hands to yourself, bitch.” You growled, spitting at the battered boy on the ground.
Realization hit you as you looked around, everyone shocked. Some even looking at you like you were a monster. Then you looked at Lexi.
She was horrified, tears were flowing down her cheek as she looked at you in what you thought was fear.
“Fuck..” You sighed. “Fuck I- Lexi…” You reached out to her and she took a step back. The action completely obliterating your heart.
Taking this as your cue, you made your way out. Accidentally shoulder clipping Rue as you did.
“(Y/n) wait!” She called but you ignored her. Reaching for a full bottle of whiskey and grasping it, the way your knuckles flexed around the neck making you wince.
Then you were gone.
Lexi turned around and her eyes landed on your jacket. She grabbed it and placed it over her shoulders. Your smell permeating her nose and calming her nerves.
“What the fuck just happened?”
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I’m only dreaming
Request from @poptartpoppyy: How about something With Natasha and an S/o who tends to fall asleep a lot and in random places.
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader - Fluff with some hurt/comfort.
Thank you for the request! And sorry for the whiplash, I went from extreme fluff to sad times in a second. 
Natasha didn’t know what to make of it. One minute you would be paying attention, the next you’d drift off and sleep anywhere you were. Literally anywhere.
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Could you do a part two to "when you're not around" with the aftermath maybe? The voice belonging to a teammate of theirs and y/n trying to move on but Natasha won't let her. And everywhere she turns she sees Nat or the woman the voice belongs too. If at all possible a character death*cough cough*y/ns to fully traumatize Nat bc I'ma dick and she ruined the best thing she ever had.
Hello, tada. This is not my natural genre of story. So, apologies if it's not so good. <3
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Word Count: 1.4K
A/N: This directly follows another story called When You're Not Around.
You saw Carol a week later at the Avengers' Compound.
You weren't living with Natasha anymore. You weren't sure if that meant that she now was.
Carol watched you from across the room. Rhodey kept up his quiet conversation, but her eyes tracked you instead. Her face was stoic.
You clenched the fist that she couldn't see, willing yourself not to cry. You hurried to the elevator, forcing yourself to seem relaxed.
Carol's eyes were too perceptive. She knew exactly what she'd done.
The doors opened at last and you walked into the only other person you didn't want to meet.
Natasha touched your shoulders automatically as she tried to steady you.
'Sorry.' You muttered, slipping out of her hold as you walked around her body.
'Y/N.' Natasha murmured and you tried to ignore a flashback to the most humiliating night of your life. You hated hearing her say your name now.
You stared blankly at the space just behind her, Natasha seemed undecided as to whether she should reenter the elevator. You didn't acknowledge her until the doors had closed again. You pretended that you hadn't smelled her shampoo, that you didn't still love her.
Finally alone, you let out one long exhale. You pressed back against the hard mirrored wall. Your life felt too claustrophobic.
You found yourself thinking about her as you began your workout in the gym. Not about the way that Natasha had made you feel that night.
But, about all the moments that had come before.
You remembered another night. Coming home to find Natasha dancing alone in the living room. Her earphones trailed down her front, to the phone in her pocket.
Her grin as she caught sight of you in the doorway. The sway of her hips as she walked towards you, leading you back to her makeshift dance floor.
Time had always been better spent when you were with her.
You had a full team meeting scheduled in the afternoon. It became immediately clear that rumours had spread. Pepper squeezed your shoulder sympathetically as she walked past you.
Natasha took the seat beside you when she entered. You wondered if it was years of habit, or intentional. You started to turn in your chair, preferring to face the meeting leader.
Until you realised who it was, Carol stood up at the head of the table. She tucked her shoulder-length blonde hair behind her ear. She'd never looked so awkward before.
Someone muttered something behind you and you knew instinctively what the comment was about.
Carol's eyes flickered to you. Shock stabbed you as you caught the obvious resentment in her stare.
The room suddenly felt far too small. You scraped your chair back without warning.
Natasha touched your thigh as if to stop you.
'Fuck off.' You muttered, getting to your feet.
'Must be so embarrassed.' You heard another quiet murmur as you left the room. Tears pricked your eyes as you realised how impossible your hopes of returning to something like normalcy had been.
Your chest felt painfully tight.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket.
You ignored it, heading back to the lobby.
Natasha always knew you too well.
As the elevator doors opened, you saw her rush out of the door to the stairwell.
'Leave me alone.' You demanded quietly as she hurried towards you.
'Can't we move past this?' Natasha asked, voice close to pleading.
You stopped in your tracks, incredulous at her words.
Your arms flew in the air with frustration.
'Why the fuck do you think I'm here?' You shouted, gesturing to the building around you.
Natasha looked like she hadn't been sleeping. You tried not to wonder if Carol was around when she had nightmares.
'We're not seeing each other.' Natasha told you abruptly. 'I, we, thought it would be better for the team.'
You bit down on too many angry retorts. You hated the bitter pain of this. You hated it because you still loved her.
Natasha looked scared. She looked smaller than you remember, shoulder's hunched slightly.
Some instinct, deep inside you, kicked in and the fight left you all at once.
'Just do whatever makes you happy.' You muttered, voice dropping as the hopelessness overwhelmed you.
When you walked away again, Natasha let you leave.
It was easier you found, for you to stay silent.
Natasha and Carol had a softer kind of intimacy than you'd expected. You couldn't ignore it on missions.
Carol kissed Natasha's cheek every time they left the quinjet. Natasha wrapped her in a tight hug every time they reunited afterward.
Your dynamic with the rest of the team didn't work anymore. For too long, it had just been you and Natasha as a pair.
You didn't know your other teammates as well as you thought. Soon, they stopped trying to engage you in conversation. You understood why. The time period for pity lapsed, and you still didn't know how to smile and mean it.
Someone left a pamphlet on depression in your locker at the gym. You started feeling ice cold in your chest.
The funny part was that sometimes it helped.
Seeing Natasha happy wasn't painful.
Sometimes, it was the best part of your day.
Her smiles with Carol were just as bright as they'd been with you.
You realised, after a few months, that Natasha didn't watch you guiltily anymore.
Now, her eyes skimmed over you completely.
You tried your best to focus on the missions.
There was no one who wanted you.
But, there were often people who needed you.
Your birthday was not a day that you’d been looking forward to. You were not naive enough to think you’d enjoy it this year.
Last year, Natasha had spent a quiet day with you.
She’d surprised you in the afternoon. She'd asked you to you lie on your back on the sofa, grinning mischievously as she lay right on top of you.
Then, she’d kissed you for every year you’d been in this world.
She’d asked if you were excited for next year.
For the chance to get one more kiss.
This year, no one remembered the date. There would be no surprises. You tried to keep focused on the assigned mission instead.
Nobody spoke to you on the flight over to the ship that had been hijacked. No one even looked at you.
You found yourself walking behind Natasha and Carol across the deck of the ship. Their hands were joined. Suddenly, you noticed the flash of metal, the ring on Natasha’s finger.
The new heaviness in your bones made it hard to keep going.
Maybe that’s why it happened.
The man you were fighting landed an unexpected blow. It knocked you sideways. Before you could stand up, another was standing over you. His foot pressed down on your chest so hard that you could feel your ribs breaking.
You heard a scream that wasn't your own. You followed the sound.
It was Carol. You followed her gaze, knowing what you’d see before you saw it.
Natasha was fighting at the very edge of the ship. The railing behind her had already been destroyed. She wasn't going to win.
For the first time, you extricated yourself from your fight faster than Carol could. You sprinted across the deck, not sure if you could breathe, and not caring either way.
The man had Natasha on the ground, his gun was cocked and aimed. You didn’t hesitate, you were in his blindspot but you only had one chance.
Natasha’s eyes were the last thing you saw.
You were happy with that.
You slammed into the man, tumbling together over the side of the ship.
It was Carol who retrieved your body out of the sea.
It was Natasha who sat with you in the back of the quinjet. Curled over your lifeless frame. She was crying, but she didn’t know why.
It took her nearly a day to accept that you were dead.
It was the doctor at the hospital who commented on the date. The exactness of your age for the death certificate.
The world fell apart for Natasha then.
There were so many memories that she never thought about if she could help it.
Moments with you that never stopped being perfect, even after you’d broken up. Even after she’d ruined everything.
Sometimes, good things were easier to ignore.
Your birthday had been one of those memories.
Maybe that’s why she hadn’t thought about it. Or maybe she’d just forgotten. That was harder to stomach.
They found one present for you back at the Compound. It was small, perfectly wrapped and awaiting your return.
Pepper had remembered.
Now, Natasha had a few more perfect memories of you.
Your hands, far too cold and still wet from the water.
A depression pamphlet, found crumpled in your gym locker.
The too-bright flowers at your funeral, given by people who'd forgotten about you when you were still alive.
They were the worst moments of her life, but they were also the last ones with you.
Taglist: @whofan88 @lostandsearching @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo @xxromanoffxx @b-5by5 @peggycarter-steverogers @iblameitonclint @natasha-danvers @reminiscingtonight @magicallymaximoff @mindofwesley @blackxwidowsxwife @wandaromanova @wandavixen @peabrain112 @theperfectlovestory @wellsayhelloaagin @owloftheshadows @wickedmuses @strangegardentaco @hallecarey1 @marvels-writings @alexzz13 @ic-4u @007giu @natashabelovas @iliketozoneout @chasethemoon @p0orbaby @tastetherambeau @rightwereyouleftme @wouldirunofftheworldsomeday @whataloadof
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Welcome To Wonderland
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Intro: Hello, lovelies!! I hope you guys are having a good day/night!! This idea came up while I was listening to this song and wouldn’t go away till I wrote it!! Hope you guys enjoy!!
Note: Hades!reader x Persephone!Natasha. For the past three years, you and Natasha had not been on the best of terms, what else would you expect when you force someone to stay somewhere they don’t want to be? After a certain encounter, will Natasha see you in a new light?
Word Count: 1943
Being the god(dess) of the Underworld, you saw a lot of people enter, people who cry about ending up here, thinking that there was only one part to it, not the vast world that it really was, you saw people who killed others, people who lived calm and quiet lives, people who saved others, and it was up to you to decide where they all went, it was a stressful job really, but you had no choice in the matter.
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