silvasaliva · 7 months
i’ve never felt so young and childish than after knowing him. any great or amazing thing i see all i want to do is take it in my arms and run to show him. every fireworks show, movie, cityscape we see together all i do is look at him seeing it. i want to see everything in the world through the reflection in his eyes
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silvasaliva · 9 months
"you don't have to perform around me" sweetheart i have to perform in front of myself
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silvasaliva · 9 months
i have to get into bed twenty times a day or ill start following through on various threats ive made
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silvasaliva · 11 months
AITA? My doctor said I needed a COVID test and had me pee on a stick that he put in his pocket before asking me to leave.
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silvasaliva · 1 year
Newtons 4th law is that for every "it's so over" there's an equal and opposite "we're so back"
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silvasaliva · 1 year
tragedy enjoyers when a character perpetuates the cycle of violence they themselves were a victim of
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silvasaliva · 1 year
if i had absolute power i would be really chill with it actually. i would never corrupt absolutely. i would keep it real niceys. heart
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silvasaliva · 1 year
why’d god have to sacrifice jesus to do all that tho? like girl you made the rules just change em they’re whipping him
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silvasaliva · 1 year
mistakes are so normal and human and inevitable and necessary and real. if i make one however please put me to death
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silvasaliva · 1 year
i would be the best unreliable narrator i dont know shit that goes on around me
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silvasaliva · 1 year
Howl truly is the man of all time. He’s a playboy. He’s a malewife. He fell in love with a ninety year old woman. He’s a rugby player. He smells like hyacinths. He’s not a natural blond. When dying his hair went slightly wrong, he filled his home with slime. He has a PhD. He’s a wizard. He found a way to another universe and he told absolutely nobody about it. He makes video games about the magical universe for his nephews. He can’t play the guitar. He always takes a guitar with him when he’s trying to seduce a woman. He’s a self-proclaimed coward. He got drunk to trick himself into doing something dangerous. He overcharges for his services to rich people. He undercharges for his services to poor people. A woman invaded his home and declared herself his cleaning lady and he just let her stay. He loves spiders. He lies about his surname to everyone, including royalty. The true spelling of his first name is Howell, but we don’t find out until halfway through the book because the POV character thinks it’s spelled Howl. He’s even Welsh.
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silvasaliva · 1 year
Me, not knowing how cruising works: I like your shoelaces
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silvasaliva · 1 year
i want all my friends and followers and mutuals and acquaintances to know from the bottom of my heart: i don’t respond to your messages because i’m an insane person, i am insane medieval hermit software running inappropriately on modern queer hardware and social media scares me. it is not your fault
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silvasaliva · 1 year
The sluttiest thing a man can do is have a hairy chest
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silvasaliva · 1 year
Trees don't serve cunt
Think before you post
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silvasaliva · 1 year
So yes I think everyone should be forced to sit on a friend of a friend’s back porch and smoke a blunt with a scumbag. Just once.
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silvasaliva · 1 year
judas was probably like "jesus has pulled off so many wacky things, he'll get out of this one lickity split, and i get three shiny coins out of it, too"
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