silver-fairy Ā· 1 day
Iā€™ve had my thoughts about this and wanted to share it.
So like, you remember the episode(forget the number) where Shizuka goes to test Mouri, they run into a murder, then Heiji and Kazuha appears and then Heiji mentions how she didnā€™t come and visits him the hospital?
And like, I call BS! Cause you canā€™t tell me that Shizuka didnā€™t drop what she was doing and go to the hospital check up on her son. Maybe even sneak some food into the hospital. I get vibes of a loving and protective mother who would do whatever to protect her kids.
She went to Tokyo to test Mouri because of how many times Heiji got injured while he visited his bestie.
I can understand Heizo not coming right away. Especially if a criminal injured Heiji. Heā€™d made sure that the unlucky person is not going anywhere(and maybe even scare the hell out of them for daring to harm his son). Heā€™d also be messaging Shizuka, asking for any updates(and maybe a photo or two). And once heā€™s done, heā€™ll go over and join Shizuka at the hospital.
Heā€™d probably make a jab at Heiji for getting hurting, but he would also make sure that heā€™s good and that heā€™s getting what he needs. Also, he would defiantly ā€œgroundā€ Heiji(letā€™s be honest, Heiji would probably jump straight back into life without giving his body time to heal) and make sure heā€™s healed before letting him do detective or kendo.
Seriously, Gosho, give them moments of showing how good of parents they are to Heiji. (And like, maybe throw the other parents in there as well)
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silver-fairy Ā· 1 month
Hello! Heres the writing to go with your drawing. I had fun writing this. I hope that Iā€™ve done it justice. I adore this.
I have given Heiji a name for his shrunken form. I hope you like the name. I went with the one that means ā€œprotectā€. Honestly, there were so many different names that I could had chosen. I switched his name like, 3 times before settling on the one I did.
Also, I was tempted to call him Ellery, but seeing as Iā€™m thinking of having Kazuha know about him being shrunken, she would have vetoed that name so fast that it wouldnā€™t have even been suggested.
The double dashed in the writing it to help differ the POV(itā€™s all in third) perspective.
Anyways, enjoy!
Heiji blames those men in black for putting him in this situation. Had it not been for their experimental poison that turned him 6, he wouldnā€™t be here. Heā€™d probably be at home, sleeping or working on cold cases. Maybe watching a movie or annoying Kazuha.
And yet, heā€™s on the roof with the Phantom Thieves; balling his eyes out while they panic. Who knew that Heiji would see the day that the Phantom Thieves panic.
Had Heiji not been crying, he would find this whole thing hilarious. To know that they are panicking over a baby tooth falling out.
But seeing as heā€™s in the middle of crying, itā€™ll probably not be until later that heā€™ll laugh at their misfortune.
ā€œWhat do we do?!ā€ KID whispers to his twin.
ā€œWhy you look at me?! Arenā€™t you the one whoā€™s great with kids?!ā€
ā€œYouā€™re the one whoā€™s all buddy-buddy with the kid! So you should be the one to help him,ā€ KID tells Baron.
Baron opens his mouth to argue back when the roof door bangs open.
ā€œI finally found you gā€” what did you do to Mamoru-Kun?ā€
There, standing at the door is Hakuba Saguru. His hair filled with sparkling glitter ā€”he must had fallen for one of the trapsā€” glaring at the Phantom Thieves.
ā€œTantei-San, you wound me,ā€ KID declares dramatically. ā€œTo think you would forget our ā€˜no one gets hurtā€™ rule.ā€
ā€œClearly the rule wasnā€™t upheld since Mamoru-Kun is crying.ā€
ā€œItā€™s not our fault he tripped and knocked a tooth out,ā€ Baron says, crossing his arms. ā€œMaybe you shouldnā€™t let kids be apart of the chase.ā€
Hakuba opens his mouth to argue, only to get cut off by KID
ā€œWell then, we shall leave Tantei-Kun in your capable hands Tantei-San,ā€ KID says cheerfully as he grabs his twin by his scarf. ā€œSee you next Illusion!ā€
With that said, KID leaps off the side of the building, dragging a protesting Baron with him.
Hakuba runs over to the edge and he watches as KIDā€™s glider heads off into the night. Sighing, he turns around and goes over to Mamoruā€” who has started to calm down. Grabbing his handkerchief, Hakuba picks up the baby tooth and wraps it into to. Shoving it into his pocket, he lifts Mamoru up onto his feet.
ā€œYet another failure. Come Mamoru-Kun, letā€™s bring you back to Toyama-San,ā€ Hakuba says as he head towards the door.
Heiji rubs his eyes to remove the remaining tears. He walks towards Hakuba as he sticks his hands into his pocket. Blinking in surprise, he removes the gem ā€”The Emerald Reefā€” from his pocket.
ā€œHowā€”?ā€ Heiji mutters, before shaking his head.
He doesnā€™t have time to mull over how. All that crying has made him sleepy and heā€™s rather have Kazuha or Nee-Chan to carry him than Hakuba.
ā€œHere,ā€ Heiji says as he thrust his hand to Hakuba, dropping the gem into the other boyā€™s hands as he starts to descend off the roof.
Now, to find the girls before Hakuba notices his slight sway and his fluttering eyes. Heiji will defiantly smack the Phantom Thieves with his bokken the next time he sees them.
Most random thought/idea for the Phantom Twins AU
Shrunken!Heiji at a Phantom Twin heist.
Something happens and Heiji burst into tears and starts to cry.
Phantom twins panic and chaos ensues. (Maybe add Hakuba blaming the twins and is like, trying to calm Heiji down and is failing)
Omg he could really use this panic against themā€¦but I think heiji is too sincere to fake it
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silver-fairy Ā· 1 month
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Compiled some basic information I know about drawing fat characters for beginners since I've been seeing more talk about absence of really basic traits in a lot of art lately.
Morpho Fat and Skin Folds on Archive.org (for free!)
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silver-fairy Ā· 1 month
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I am in love with @livmadart art and their AUs. So, hereā€™s a little Phantump!Conan made from air dry clay and acrylic paint. Hope you like it!
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silver-fairy Ā· 1 month
If your still talking request 16
"Nothing active on the scans." Tsukauchi sighed. "Which means this isn't a continuous effect. Whatever was done is done, which means it's not a simple matter of reversing it. The three of them have lost their memories of their own quirks and anything in their lives pertaining to quirks. Which in today's society is...considerable. We're running their prints through missing persons, but so far nothing."
"They'll need help." Yagi agreed. "At bare minimum a quirk expert to help them rediscovered what their quirks are and to help them gain control over them."
Tsukauchi pursed his lips. "Which wouldn't be a problem except one of them can see a national secret. You know what the Commission would do to get their hands on someone who could do that? We need a quirk expert who can be discreet, isn't in the commission's pocket, and can be trusted if they figure out what 'blond skeleton means."
Yagi was quiet for a minute. "I may know of someone."
Tsukauchi raised an eyebrow. "Really?"
"My successor. Quirk analysis is a hobby of his and he's quite good at it."
"You want to use a fifteen year old with a hobby?" Tsukauchi asked in disbelief.
"Do you have a better idea?"
And curse it all, he didn't.
Takagi did his best not to react as the group entered the hospital room where the three of them had been examined of signs of a 'mental quirk' affecting their memories. The reason was one of the people who entered was none other that the Moonlight Magician himself. On their way to the hospital Conan-kun had shown him a message on his phone pleading with him not to react when he saw Kaitou Kid again. That Kid was protective over his detectives and would likely keep on eye on them in a new disguise. Then Conan changed the message to say he was scared.
Takagi knew the second message wasn't for him. It was incase anyone took a look at the phone later or saw him show Takagi the message. Conan-kun was smart, everyone knew that. But far fewer people knew he could be incredibly manipulative too.
Kid wasn't the only one to enter the room. The other person was an actual kid, maybe a few years younger than Hattori. He also had bright green hair (maybe? Takagi really couldn't trust what his eyes told him anymore).
"I'm Midoriya Izuku," The kid introduced himself shyly and at least the voice seemed to match the age he was seeing. "I'm going to be acting as your quirk councilor until, you know, a real one can be found."
"Oi, isn't sending a kid to do a doctors job a real dumb idea?" Hattori asked Kid accusingly. (Of course, he didn't know that was Kid).
"Oh no, this isn't like a doctor or psychologist." Midoriya assured them. "There's no diagnosis or anything. Just figuring how your quirk works and how to make it work in a way for you. Including turning it off."
"Turning it off would be nice," Takagi admitted. What good was a cop who couldn't trust his eyes? Midoriya cracked open a new notebook.
"Let's break down your quirk. What do you see that has been different?"
"Conan-kun looks older to me. And the man who was with the Detective looked emaciated with dark sunken eyes. Those were the things at least that other people said I was seeing wrong." And Kid, but if Conan didn't want these people knowing about Kid, he should probably keep shut on that. "Hattori-kun looks the same, if that helps."
"The same as he does in your memory, but your memory's been altered." Midoriya said, almost as a stream of thought. "And if you see someone whose variance isn't extreme you might not comment on it, which mean others wouldn't correct you, so there might be more variance you're unaware of." He was scribbling quickly in his notebook, then lifted his head. "Takagi-san, could you please describe me to the best of your ability. Hattori-kun, Conan-kun please correct him on anything he mis-sees."
"Green hair." That would be the one that should be wrong, but no one reacted to his words. Okay. "Green eyes. Freckles. Height about 166cm. White T-Shirt that says 'Jacket', Black Pants. Red Shoes."
"Does anything see unusual about my shoes?" Midoriya's voice quavered, like he didn't want to point it out, but had to for the test.
"I don't see a brand I recognize, but other than that no." What else? "Skinny arms and hands-"
"And that's where I have to stop you." Hattori cut in. "Midoriya's definitely done some intense physical training. Kid's jacked."
Midoriya looked at his own arms in surprise and then a wide grin flashed on his face. While his previous statements where said like a stream of consciousness, this was a mumblestorm of which only a few words like 'perception' and 'reflection' were understandable.
Conan and Heiji shared a look. They didn't know anything about quirk stuff, but they understood the way Midoriya's mind was working. He thought like them, just focused on 'quirk's' instead of cases.
Midoriya broke out of his mutterstorm. "Conan-kun, would you consider yourself mature for your age?"
"Yes?" Conan answered tentatively while Hattori nodded vigorously.
"Do you feel you fit in with people of Hattori-kun's age range as well or better than your peers."
"Why?" Conan asked with narrowed eyes.
"Because when Takagi-san looks at you, he looks at about the same height as Hattori-kun, so I'd guess he's seeing you as the same age."
"I have friends in my age group." Conan hedged. "But I have friend Hattori's age too."
Midoriya was practically vibrating and Conan recognized it well. It was the reaction of solving a case, of having that final clue slot in place. He'd learned to suppress it because with murders, well vibing with excitement wasn't appropriate. He supposed Midoriya was under no such constraint.
"Takagi-san, I believe your quirk lets you see someone as they seem themself! What you see isn't the physical reality, but their own self reflection!" Midoriya gestured to his arms. "This is actually kind of recent. I spent most of my life being told I was a scrawny weakling and I guess that's still in my own self image. Conan-kun sees himself at a age closer to Hattori because he views himself as more mature. All Might...actually it's best if you don't mention that to anyone. Ever." Midoriya looked bashful.
"So about turning it off?" Takagi pressed.
"So usually quirks come in around four. Up until that point kids had no access to them so they get a feel for having their quirk turn on and off and from there learn control. But you've had those memories erased while your quirk was in the 'on' position, so you have no variance to inform you how to turn it off. I think some experimenting with quirk suppression cuffs, or quirk like Aizawa-sensei's would help you find your off switch. After that it's just a matter of practice."
"Okay, Takagi-san. We have the start and a plan for you. What about you, Hattori-kun and Conan-kun? Obviously heteromorphic quirks are out, but have you noticed anything?" Midoriya looked at the other two expectantly.
Conan crossed his arms. "Why are you so sure we have these 'quirks' anyway. Takagi-Keiji could have just been hallucinating?"
Midoriya bit his lip. He couldn't say because Takagi-san had seen with All Might was a literal national secret, he was trying to deflect away from it. "There's sort of a shorthand test. It does occasionally throw false negatives, but never a false positive."
Conan narrowed his eyes. "So even if we fail your 'test', it's not acknowledging we may not have quirks."
"False negatives are rare enough you'd generally be considered quirkless." Midoriya gave a shaky smile. "I was a false negative that didn't manifest my quirk until about a decade later." "And what quirk is that?" Conan pressed.
Midoriya turned to the Doctor he'd come in with. "Can I demonstrate?"
Only Takagi saw how flustered Kid looked in that moment. "As long as you don't break anything." The 'Doctor' allowed.
"At least I'm already in a hospital." Midoriya grumbled, earning concerned looks from all, before he took a deep breath and accessed full cowling, green lightning dancing along his skin. "I'm keeping it at a very low level for demonstration purposes. Otherwise there would be red marks on my skin." Midoriya explained. "My quirk is called Superpower. It stockpiles energy that I can then feed into myself to boost my strength and speed. However my ability to feed myself this energy and adapt to it aren't a one to one ratio and I can -and have - shattered my bones." The green lightning faded. "The best current theory as to why my quirk manifested a decade late is that I would have killed myself if I'd gotten it any earlier."
"So what's this test?" Hattori asked, likely trying to steer the conversation away from the idea of self-destructive superpowers.
"It's called the toe test-"
"Really?" Conan asked dryly.
"Yeah. It's called that because it has to do with foot structure. Shortly after quirks became a thing, one of the other changes in humanity was in foot shape. One less joint in the little toe and a slimmer foot in all."
With an almost offended huff Conan slid off his hospital slipper, only to stare at his foot like he'd never seen it before. The little toe was shorter. The shape of his toeline was different. And for the first time since this started it felt real. "Right, I know whoever messed with your minds made you think this was weird, but it's completely normal. It fact you guys are more normal than me." Midoriya gave a comforting smile. "We'll figure this out." He clicked his pen. "But it is important we figure out what your quirks are. While I'm an extreme case, there is a chance of accidentally hurting yourself or others. Since anything relating to your quirk has been erased, sensations that you would have found normal now might seems unusual. For example, my best friend growing up had sweat that smelled like burnt caramel. It was normal for him, but if all details of his quirk were erased from his mind, he'd find that really weird." "Your friend power was having his sweat smell good?" Hattori wrinkled his nose. "No, his quirk was his sweat was chemically similar to nitroglycerin and he could ignite it at will." Conan, Hattori, and Takagi balanced, and Kid held onto pokerface by the skin of his teeth.
"But it is an example of something fairly innocuous that would give us an idea. Has there been anything like that?"
"All Might, I fear in making Midoriya your successor, you've deprived the world of a brilliant quirk councilor." Nedzu said calmly.
"Sorry?" All Might said awkwardly.
"Oh don't be. We'll just have to make sure he's honing that skill as well as his fighting techniques. I am also interested in the child. Of all three of them he seems the most-" shrewd? paranoid? "Well, I find this Edogawa Conan a very interesting person. "Tell me, are we still looking for a place to keep them safe?" "We are." Tsukauchi confirmed. "Consider it taken care of." Nedzu clicked off his phone and walked into the room. He delighted in the way the younger two startled at his appearance, but worried at the way the elders eyes flicked from his actual height to one more normal for a human. Oh dear, had he managed to gain a human self image in trying to fit in with them? He hoped not, but some self reflection may be due. "Principal Nedzu?" Midoriya asked. Oh dear, his thoughts had startled him right out of his usual introduction. "Greetings. As Midoriya-kun has stated, I am the Principal of UA and I'm here to make you three an offer." "What's UA?" Hattori asked. Nedzu laughed. "Oh this shall be delightful. I've never gotten to show my school off to someone who hasn't heard of it. UA is a high school, one that Midoriya-kun here attends. As you three need somewhere safe to stay, I'm opening our doors. We have some on-campus apartments and it just so happened an opening for Hattori-kun in General Education as one of the students there is transferring to another course." "Shinso's transfer is going through already?" Midoriya beamed.
"It would be a waste of time and talent not to," Nedzu said, as if he hadn't just rushed the transfer to make room for Hattori. "It would also be a simple thing to set up a private tutor for Conan-kun once we've established where he's at, educationally." "Why?" Hattori challenged, crossing his arms. "Aint it a weird thing for a school to be offering. And I heard you guys say we needed to be protected, would a school be safe enough?"
Nedzu smiled. He pulled a plastic card from his vest and handed it to Hattori. "I know you have no memory of what this is. Your idea of heroes comes from pre-quirk era comics about vigilantes. Heroes in reality are professionals licensed by the government who have chosen a career dedicated to risking life and limb to protect others. And not only myself, but every member of my faculty have this card. In addition, aside from general education, every other track is dedicated to heroes work in some manner or form. This is a globally recognized school. As such the need for security is paramount, and ours rivals any government facility. UA is here to help and no cost will be spared. That being said, Takagi-san, I would appreciate it if you would be willing to be an addition to that security once you've trained your quirk. The League does have a shapeshifter on hand in one Toga Himiko, and being able to see through her disguises would be a welcome boon."
"In that case we'll want to see if his quirk works through cameras and if it does if it's only through live feed or if it's recording and still photos as well. That might also help to see if it works on psychic impressions or by connecting to the subject's mind like Shinso's does. And if it doesn't that using photographs as a spot the difference could be a good way to train whether his quirk in on or off-" Midoriya's mumbling ceased to be intelligble at this point and he scribbled rapidly in his notebook." "As I said earlier, Midoriya-kun's dream of being a hero robbed the world of an excellent quirk councilor." Nedzu chuckled. "Of course if he'd decided to be a quirk councilor, the world would have lost a great potential hero, so I suppose no winning there." He truned his attention back to the three, retrieving his hero license back from Hattori. "Do you agree to come to my school?" "We don't exactly have a lot of options." Hattori sighed, while Conan next to him looked grumpy. "I became a policeman because I want to help people. If I can keep the students safe I want to do that." Takagi nodded.
"Excellent. We'll have you three moved to the faculty apartments." Nedzu clapped his hands. Paws? "And we'll still put every effort into helping you with you quirks, of course. While Hattori-kun's is still a mystery it sounds like Midoriya-kun has plans for Takagi-san, and having an intelligence quirk myself I can certainly help Conan-kun with his-" "We don't know that!" Midoriya's head shot up and his pen ceased it's rampant scribbling. "Yes, Conan-kun is obvious extremely intelligent, moreso for his age, but that doesn't mean it's his quirk! David Shield is considered on of the greatest genius of my Mom's generation and his quirk just makes his finger bones rubbery! Hatsume and Melissa are also geniuses and one has zooming eyes and the other is quirkless! Yaoyaorozu has an insane ability to store and retain information and her quirk lets her turn her fat cells into other materials. While I certainly wouldn't rule out an intelligence quirk you can't just assume-" It was at this point Midoriya's brain caught up to who he was contradicting and he froze.
Nedzu only chuckled again. "Think of it this way, Midoriya-kun. Like earlier with the toes test, you acknowledged that have a foot structure similar to your own doesn't necessarily mean they would be quirkless, but it would be safe to identify as such. Perhaps Conan-kun does not have an intelligence quirk, but in lieu of signs of another quirk it is safe to assume he does at this moment."
"Yes, sir." Midoriya sad in a tone that was more begrudging acceptance than agreement.
"Now let's get ourselves started on transferring you all to the campus as well as preparing assessments for Hattori-kun and Conan-kun." ~
Once they had left, Kid returned to the hidey hole he'd made for himself and let panic show on his face.
It had been good to see his three detective all doing reasonably well. At least until Midoriya had starting talking about quirks and he'd compared it to his own knowledge of quirk factors and then had to catch the thought because what the hell were quirk factors? Except he knew what they were. In fact he seemed to know a lot about quirk medicine he shouldn't have known. But the doctor he was impersonating would.
Was this his quirk?
Well, he'd need to test if it was. And if he gained the knowledge of who he disguised himself as, then disguising himself as Midoriya might help him analyze it.
Of course he didn't have the resources he did back in his own world (He was sure this was reality transfer. He wondered what explanation his detectives had come up with.), nor the usual amount of time he would have normally spent studying his target. But he could make do. Casual attire, makeup freckles, doing his hair to mimic Midoriya's unruly curls (he couldn't dye it green and he hoped that wouldn't affect it.)
He walked around his hidey hole, letting himself get into character, and then picked up the notebook and pen he'd absconded with. "Kaitou Kid's quirk syncs with his highly trained art of disguise, allowing him to access knowledge and information the person he's disguised as would know. This makes him even more tricky to prepare against for heists, as he can learn what the security measures are by spending some time as Nakamouri or whoever he's targeting."
Ooo, he hadn't had time to process that. Of course that depended on whether they still had these powers- he felt a shift like something unsettling. Right, staying in character, Midoriya would call them quirks.
"Apparently even thinking too much out of character can disrupt the connection. The disguise, being purely makeup would remain, as well as Kid being able to outwardly stay in character, but he'd loose the ability to access new information until he was able to resume the right mentality to activate his quirk again."
Kaito brushed a green curl out of his eyes, then froze, a grin spreading on his face. "Kid's quirk also contains at least a minor shapeshifting aspect, supplementing his trained skill. While useful in a pinch, it should not be relied upon as it would likely fade during a mental 'character break'. And Long term transformations tend to be harder to maintain, like the muscle form All Might uses to hide his injury from One For All-"
Kaito leaned back and digested what he'd just wrote, the knowledge of the impossible quirk and the 200 year old supervillain swirling in his head. His hair turned back to brown as a quiet Kuso escaped his throat.
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silver-fairy Ā· 1 month
sweet 16
Detective Conan + BnHA
Usually solving a murder took observation, cleverness, and deductive prowess.
Usually It was not a matter of Conan and Heiji walking in on a woman bludgeoning the victim in the head with what looked like a rather large piece of bismuth with two officers of Tokyo Metropolitan in tow. (It couldn't be. Bismuth would shatter when hit against a skull, not deal the obviously lethal damage it had)
"Suda-san, why?" Takagi gasped.
The woman smiled, the expression all the more horrifying for her blood splattered face. "For this of course. That idiot Kawahara wouldn't give it to me. Not for money, not for me proving it was just 'fake' bismuth, though he had no idea the real value of what he had." She cradled the crystalline metal in her arms like it was an infant.
She was insane. Conan had met several people who were not mentally well, who killed for the dumbest of reasons, but he couldn't remember seeing insanity on this scale.
"Suda-san, put the stone down." Takagi said gently. Sato was uncharacteristically quiet, but Conan had figured out why a little bit ago.
"You're not taking it from me." Suda stood up and the crystal began to glow. "So now you'll all have to go far enough away so you can never come back."
'Sato' lifted her arm, the gun she was bringing to bare heavier and misshapen for a police firearm, but it didn't have the chance to go off. The four of them were swallowed by rainbow light.
The vertigo was overwhelming. There was no up or down, no motion or standing still. And it made the moment it stopped just seemd to make it all the more worse.
"I think I'm going to hurl" Heiji moaned.
"Sato-san? Are you okay? Sato-Kaitou Kid!?" Takagi exclaimed.
"Can't be surprised you got caught, you pulled out your cardgun." Conan snarked, not quite able to sit up yet."
Okay, never mind. That startled Conan up. Had he turned back? No, he was still Conan, but Takagi was looking at him in shock. Or rather, right above him, where his head would be if he were his proper size.
"Takagi-keiji, that's Conan-kun." Kid said slowly, but in his own voice. He seemed to accept the jig was up for him.
"No it's not, it's Kudo-kun! I'm not blind."
"Err, it's really not. Like yeah, Sato-san turned out to be Kaitou Kid in disguise, but that's still Conan."
For once Heiji got his name right.
"Not it's not, that Kudo. And Kid's not in disguise, he's wearing his usually white suit. Isn't...he?" It seemed to be dawning on Takagi that no one else in the room was seeing what he was seeing.
"What's going on here?" A man who looked like he belonged in a comic book convention marched in
"Tsukauchi I need your help"
Detective Tsukauchi looked at his phone in annoyance. "You know I'm working on a big case right now Vibes."
"Just for a minute? I saw something really weird with my quirk and found two adults, a teen, and a kid. One of the adults is either hallucinating or lost control of his quirk and all of them...claim superpowers don't exist and heroes are only in comic books. I need to know if their pulling my chain to hide something or if they've been attacked by a villain with a mental quirk." The sympathy in his voice made it clear Vibes was leaning towards the latter.
Which was terrifying in the long term. A villain who could make a small group of people forget a main cornerstone of society and modern life...those four may have been a trail run for something bigger.
"Go." Toshinori urged him. "We've been spinning our wheels for hours anyway."
"Is that All Might?" Vibes asked over the phone.
Tsukauchi sighed. "We'll be right there."
"We?" Toshinori sounded surprised.
"You get frustrated when you don't feel you're being useful." Tsukauchi pointed out. "As you've said, we're spinning our wheels, so let's be useful."
"Blond skeleton!" Takagi yelped as two more people entered the room.
Conan kept a sharp eye on their reaction and Heiji was doing the same. Yep, a momentary flash of fear on the face of the normal looking man and a guy who looked even more like he stepped out of a comic book. And while comic book guy was blond, he was the opposite of a skeleton.
And yet...whatever was going on with Takagi seemed to be revealing things people wouldn't want known. He saw through Kid's disguise, literally. He saw Conan as Shinichi. And he saw that big guy as a skeleton. What could it mean?
"My name is Tsukauchi Naomasa with the TMPD." Instant alertness from their group, who knew of no such man working there. "I am legally obligated to inform you that my quirk is Lie Detector. I'm going to start with something simple. Can you tell me your names?"
"Takagi Wataru." Takagi answered nervously.
"Hattori Heiji"
"Edogawa Conan."
"Lie." Tsukauchi simply stated.
Conan stiffened and Takagi yelped.
"What wrong?" Heiji asked. "I just saw Ku-Conan-kun look severely injured. But he didn't seem to be reacting to it, so it's probably not real?" Takagi sounded just this side of hysterical,"
"True except for the name."
"Will you give it a rest!" Conan snapped. "There's no such thing as superpowers. And no one's a human lie detector! Even the best detectives are subject to falling for misdirection and tricks."
Tsukauchi sighed. "True."
"Well F-"
"LANGUAGE, YOUNG VIBES," All Might boomed, (albeit pleasantly. The man didn't sound angry, just loud). "WE NEED TO GET THESE FOUR TO A HOSPI-WHERE DID SHE GO?"
She? Oh right, Kid had been disguised as Sato-san. And had managed to escape while they were distracted by Conan. Great.
"We need to find her." The first comic book guy sounded like he wanted to curse, but didn't want to be scolded again. "We don't know who did this to them or if they'll tie up loose ends."
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silver-fairy Ā· 2 months
Hello! Hope that your day is well. Two quick questions about your amazing Phantom Thief Twins AU. Where is Ran in this? Do we still get to see her interaction with this Shinichi? Also, how does Heiji fit into this? With him, I can see him dragging Shinichi onto cases(only if Shinichi still wants to be a detective) or like, Heiji is the one who got shrunken and Shinichi is helping him out. Have a great day!
Hi! I would be happy to answer ^_^ the image of a thief Shinichi taunting tiny Heiji is just too good not to draw! While he has no interest in being a detective, his sense of justice is such that he canā€™t let a murder go unsolved, and Heiji is happy to encourage thatā€¦as for Ran, Sonoko drags her to a heist to try and catch a glimpse of the famous thievesā€¦but ends up getting a much closer look than expected. Sheā€™s leery of the Phantom Baron, since sheā€™s not too sure he isnā€™t a real life demon, and at the same time, keeps running into an odd student and his twin brother. Since they arenā€™t childhood friends, things have to build up slowly
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silver-fairy Ā· 3 months
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He too dreams about it.
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silver-fairy Ā· 3 months
Reblog if you remember this motherfucker:
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silver-fairy Ā· 3 months
You know what is a bit funny, is that Shinichi is older, but acts as the younger brother. While Heiji is younger, but acts as the older brother. Cause Shinichi was born May 4th and on Heijiā€™s page, it says his birthday is September 24th.
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Inspired by this post by @detshin even when he is cured, Shinichi still falls into the annoying younger role
Case closed count: episode 784
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silver-fairy Ā· 3 months
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A little Hakukai White Collar AU~
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silver-fairy Ā· 3 months
Ladies and Gentlemen! May I present a song that I feel fits Kaito KID well. If you have not heard of this song, enjoy it. If you have, enjoy it again.
Thank you for coming to me Ted Talk.
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silver-fairy Ā· 4 months
O.O!!! :Dc wait a second.... Aquaman >.>
Good JOB Brain! That IS a good idea!
Don't know if YOU GUYS all know this? But Arthur? Son of a Lighthouse keeper and the Queen of Atlantis? THAT Arthur Curry aka. Orin? Has CONSIDERABLY enhanced durability. Like... *hit by a car* "ha. Cute." Enhanced.
It's because of the DEEP Sea water pressure he's built for.
I bring this up? Because the man is a legit BAMF. Absolutely TERRIFYING near any body of water. Dude has SUPER STRENGTH AND HYDROKINESIS. Not ONLY are YOU filled with water, but every street corner in the world has pipes! He is NEVER not armed.
That's not including the "yes I can ask a lobster to take your dick off" thing.
But most of all? He has the RAGE. The lifetime of injustice after injustice. His home under attack, his people suffering and regarded as LESS. The poison dumped into their air. Their lands taken, PRESUMED the property of land dwellers.
Treated as criminals and monsters should they DARE defend themselves.
Yet? He is a leader. A husband, father, mentor. The death of his child can not take from him that title. Nor years numb that pain. He strives to be good. Be wise. Live well.
Yet? There is once AGAIN fuckery in his ocean. Some "secret" lab. Poking at a swirling green portal. At the BOTTOM OF THE SEA. For God's sake, they DO REALIZE, you can't HIDE things from him down here, RIGHT?
It looks radioactive.
He refuses to have that so close to Atlantis.
Sends a notice up to the Watchtower, a call back to his Wife, and leads the gaurd team in. Painfully easy, really. Bog standard humans, caught off gaurd. Right until one of them does something... stupid.
He tries to blow the place. Destroy evidence. It would kill all of them. Which is not Arthur's main concern. No, what IS? Is that it would dump radioactive SOMETHING into the waters near Atlantis.
He dives forward. They struggle. A button is smashed and...
Their containment field drops.
They had been keeping it in a perfect vacuum.
Arthur is sucked in.
Watches, in free fall, as his men's faces turn to horror. As they desperately dive to follow him. Loyal. True. But ultimately too late. He curses himself as he loses sit of them. But forces himself to focus, twist, get his feet under him. His is in air, above LAND.
He hits HARD.
But not the ground like he had planned.
He's slamed, at an awkward, frantic, angle and knocked off course. His weight crashing down onto a scrawny slip of a boy, who weezes and struggles to get a proper grip. His arms not quite long enough to go all the way around his barrel of a chest.
He helps, by slinging an arm over his young savior.
Only then, does he notice, the tiny crown of ice and nebula, poking at a jaunty angle from the child's head.
Their landing would be rough, had Arthur not caught them, once he gets close enough to the ground. The young royal gasping for air, having clearly pushed his limits to get to Arthur in time. He hauls himself up. Not yet a man, but not as young as Arthur feared. His eyes glow.
"Hoooly SHIT. Are you okay?! I hit you really hard! I'm so, SO sorry! I panicked! And-"
Honestly? A little bruised. But nothings he's going to ADMIT too.
More concerning? The injuries.
There's a screech of tires turning sharp corners. Sirens getting closer. The young king whips around. Terror seeping onto his face. It gives Arthur an unobstructed view of pointed ears, softly glowing skin with star like freckles, and scars that creep up the child's neck. He does not like the picture being painted.
"We have to GO. Now. Please, I'll explain in a moment! But we have to go NOW!"
Really, REALLY does not like the picture. And he has WAYS of dealing with such things as this. But safety first. Prioritize the children. They go. He vows to get answers. And all around Amity? Certain individuals days are NUMBERED.
@babbling-babull @hdgnj @the-witchhunter @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation @lolottes @nerdpoe
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silver-fairy Ā· 4 months
I've always saw it that Jellal wasn't dead. He was severely injured and on death's door, but not dead. That he was in like, a stasis state probably in part of the coffin he was in and due to the Etherion.
I suspect that the coffin was a magical item. What kind, I don't know but it was probably something that sustains whatever is in it. Like, it doesn't heal them but it also doesn't let them deteriorate.
As for the Etherion, we know that too much can kill a person, but not how much(it probably varies from person to person depending on how much magic they can hold). We also know that Etherion is what they call the magic and that mages absorb that to replenish their magic.
What I think is that the Etherion was both killing and saving him(I want to say it's like electricity). Plus with the coffin and whatever it does, keep him living long enough for Wendy to heal him and remove the Etherioin poisoning him.
So she didn't revive him from the dead, she revived him from a stasis state.
So there was something I forgot to mention that I went "what?" With during the oracion seis arc. Wendy apparently as tasked with resurrecting Jellal. Now I don't know if it was a mistranslation or Mashima just forgetting his own lore, but I would've figured resurrection magic to be a dark magic with consequences.
Like I thought Zeref got cursed for messing with life and death. If that's the case why was wendy able to do it so inconsequentially?
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silver-fairy Ā· 4 months
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silver-fairy Ā· 5 months
If your plot feels flat, STUDY it! Your story might be lacking...
Stakes - What would happen if the protagonist failed? Would it really be such a bad thing if it happened?
Thematic relevance - Do the events of the story speak to a greater emotional or moral message? Is the conflict resolved in a way that befits the theme?
Urgency - How much time does the protagonist have to complete their goal? Are there multiple factors complicating the situation?
Drive - What motivates the protagonist? Are they an active player in the story, or are they repeatedly getting pushed around by external forces? Could you swap them out for a different character with no impact on the plot? On the flip side, do the other characters have sensible motivations of their own?
Yield - Is there foreshadowing? Do the protagonist's choices have unforeseen consequences down the road? Do they use knowledge or clues from the beginning, to help them in the end? Do they learn things about the other characters that weren't immediately obvious?
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silver-fairy Ā· 5 months
Mythology AU master post
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Starts here
1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 // 18 // 19 // 20 // 21 // 22 // 23 // 24 // 25 // 26 // 27 // 28 // 29 // 30 // 31 // 32 // 33 // 34 // 35 // 36 // 37 // 38 // 39 // 40 // 41 // 42 // 43 // 44 // 45 // 46 // 47 // 48 // 49 // 50 // 51 // 52 // 53 // 54 // 55 // 56 // 57 // 58 // 59 // 60 // 61 // 62 // 63 // 64 // 65 // 66 // 67 // 68 // 69 // 70
71 // 72 // 73 // 74 // 75 // 76 // 77 // 78 // 79 // 80 // 81 // 82 // 83 // 84 // 85 // 86 // 87 // 88 // 89 // 90 // 91 // 92 // 93 // 94 // 95 // 96 // 97 // 98
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