silver-lydia · 1 year
[smiles softly and kisses her softly]
Pretty one.
[carefully slips into her dream and smiles, watching them softly]
- Lydia
[she’s laying in a sunny field of wildflowers, laughing softly as she watches the clouds]
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silver-lydia · 1 year
[grumbles softly and peeks up at them]
You're a menace-
[carefully slips into her dream and smiles, watching them softly]
- Lydia
[she’s laying in a sunny field of wildflowers, laughing softly as she watches the clouds]
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silver-lydia · 1 year
[pouts softly]
You're not letting me winnnnnn!
[buries her face in their chest]
[carefully slips into her dream and smiles, watching them softly]
- Lydia
[she’s laying in a sunny field of wildflowers, laughing softly as she watches the clouds]
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silver-lydia · 1 year
[bites her lip gently]
Nope~ Look, I'm even visiting you in your dreams! That's how much I love you!
[carefully slips into her dream and smiles, watching them softly]
- Lydia
[she’s laying in a sunny field of wildflowers, laughing softly as she watches the clouds]
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silver-lydia · 1 year
[squeaks and giggles]
Not possible! I love you the absolute most!
[carefully slips into her dream and smiles, watching them softly]
- Lydia
[she’s laying in a sunny field of wildflowers, laughing softly as she watches the clouds]
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silver-lydia · 1 year
I love you most~
[grins up at her]
[carefully slips into her dream and smiles, watching them softly]
- Lydia
[she’s laying in a sunny field of wildflowers, laughing softly as she watches the clouds]
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silver-lydia · 1 year
[kisses them softly]
I love you.
[carefully slips into her dream and smiles, watching them softly]
- Lydia
[she’s laying in a sunny field of wildflowers, laughing softly as she watches the clouds]
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silver-lydia · 1 year
[smiles and snuggles against her]
Doesn't mean you're not extremely sweet.
[kisses her jaw]
[carefully slips into her dream and smiles, watching them softly]
- Lydia
[she’s laying in a sunny field of wildflowers, laughing softly as she watches the clouds]
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silver-lydia · 1 year
[wraps her arms around their waist]
You're too sweet.
[carefully slips into her dream and smiles, watching them softly]
- Lydia
[she’s laying in a sunny field of wildflowers, laughing softly as she watches the clouds]
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silver-lydia · 1 year
[kisses back softly and cups her cheek]
I love you too. So, so much.
[leans her head against their shoulder]
I'm glad. You deserve good things.
[carefully slips into her dream and smiles, watching them softly]
- Lydia
[she’s laying in a sunny field of wildflowers, laughing softly as she watches the clouds]
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silver-lydia · 1 year
[walks over and lays beside them, smiling at her]
See anything interesting, love?
[carefully slips into her dream and smiles, watching them softly]
- Lydia
[she’s laying in a sunny field of wildflowers, laughing softly as she watches the clouds]
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silver-lydia · 1 year
[snuggles against them]
I love you~
[wraps her arms around them and whines softly]
Noooooo, stayyyyyyy! Wanna cuddle my pretty girl.
- Lydia
[giggles softly and kisses her head]
I’m not going anywhere baby, I promise.
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silver-lydia · 1 year
[wraps her arms around them and whines softly]
Noooooo, stayyyyyyy! Wanna cuddle my pretty girl.
- Lydia
[giggles softly and kisses her head]
I’m not going anywhere baby, I promise.
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silver-lydia · 1 year
[whines softly]
Seeee? Very not fair.
[wraps her arms around them and whines softly]
Noooooo, stayyyyyyy! Wanna cuddle my pretty girl.
- Lydia
[giggles softly and kisses her head]
I’m not going anywhere baby, I promise.
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silver-lydia · 1 year
[bites her lip]
Noooooo, it's you!
[wraps her arms around them and whines softly]
Noooooo, stayyyyyyy! Wanna cuddle my pretty girl.
- Lydia
[giggles softly and kisses her head]
I’m not going anywhere baby, I promise.
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silver-lydia · 1 year
[kisses back eagerly]
You're the adorable one.
[wraps her arms around them and whines softly]
Noooooo, stayyyyyyy! Wanna cuddle my pretty girl.
- Lydia
[giggles softly and kisses her head]
I’m not going anywhere baby, I promise.
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silver-lydia · 1 year
[looks up at them and grins]
Still! Never leaving! You're trapped here forever, doomed to cuddles for eternity!
[melts into her touch]
[wraps her arms around them and whines softly]
Noooooo, stayyyyyyy! Wanna cuddle my pretty girl.
- Lydia
[giggles softly and kisses her head]
I’m not going anywhere baby, I promise.
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