silverowlannabeth · 10 years
Considering all the time I spend with him, you should.
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One of these days I'm going to be able to do this by myself
I doubt it, but I’m going to trust you on that. 
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silverowlannabeth · 10 years
Well of course you are.
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One of these days I'm going to be able to do this by myself
We’re not. — Are we? I don’t think we are.
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silverowlannabeth · 10 years
[laughs] You and your brother are so completely alike.
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One of these days I'm going to be able to do this by myself
With all this flattery I might start to believe you’re crushing on the wrong Apollo kid. I can’t blame you, I’ve got my father’s charm.
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I’m kidding. I’ve got the charm of a dead walrus so you’re safe.
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silverowlannabeth · 10 years
Maybe meaning yes.
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One of these days I'm going to be able to do this by myself
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silverowlannabeth · 10 years
Well that's very generous of you.
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One of these days I'm going to be able to do this by myself
Oh wow, you’re a sweetheart. Remind me to help you more often. [grins] You’re officially approved. I’ll tell Dorian to write you a song.
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silverowlannabeth · 10 years
[smiles] Must you always make everything sound so wrong?
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One of these days I'm going to be able to do this by myself
[Puts her leg down and slips his arms around her waist, giving her cheek a gentle kiss] Practice makes perfect, Annabeth. And I’ll always be here to help you with the more…strenuous activities.
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silverowlannabeth · 10 years
Several people. Doesn't mean I listen.
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One of these days I'm going to be able to do this by myself
you need to chill. You know, like chilling, lying in a hammock on the beach, sipping a drink, and stuff.
Work can wait for a bit. Has no one told you that before?
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silverowlannabeth · 10 years
I probably wouldn't do it anyway. It would cause an inconvenience to the rest of you because of clean up.
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One of these days I'm going to be able to do this by myself
But don’t tell him I said that. I’d hate to have dish duty for giving his girlfriend crazy ideas. 
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silverowlannabeth · 10 years
Well if I don't work it won't get done. And I do relax. This is me relaxing.
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One of these days I'm going to be able to do this by myself
Ew. Worcaholic. 
You know sometimes its good to relax. And not to work. Just chillin out and be a little loosen up y’know?
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silverowlannabeth · 10 years
Well, considering I still can't hold my own leg up I doubt that. But thank you for the compliment, dear.
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One of these days I'm going to be able to do this by myself
You’re well on your way, love.
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silverowlannabeth · 10 years
[laughs] I'd feel too bad.
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One of these days I'm going to be able to do this by myself
Next time burst through the door and scream. And record it. Oh, please do record that. Or you can throw cold water at him, don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me.
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silverowlannabeth · 10 years
If I'm sitting in the sun I'm usually reading or working.
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One of these days I'm going to be able to do this by myself
its not being lazy. Everyone has a different way of relaxing I guess.
Oh what about lying in the sun?
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silverowlannabeth · 10 years
I cannot tell you the amount of times I've walked in to see him and he's been sleeping. Believe me I know.
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One of these days I'm going to be able to do this by myself
That makes two of us. He and I aren’t on the best of terms, I think. I’m not really sure though but you should try the arena or his bed. He likes to sleep, for some reason.
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silverowlannabeth · 10 years
Speaking of your brother. Is he doing alright? I haven't seen him in a few days.
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One of these days I'm going to be able to do this by myself
[Grins and lowers her leg] It’s alright, always happy to help.
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silverowlannabeth · 10 years
[laughs] Sorry, you were the closest around. You can put my leg down now.
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One of these days I'm going to be able to do this by myself
Good, because I get that my brother loves you and all but I don’t really swing that way Annabeth.
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silverowlannabeth · 10 years
Being lazy does not count as relaxing.
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One of these days I'm going to be able to do this by myself
How is knotting your body into rediculous positions relaxing? Napping i relaxing. Coffee is relaxing. Napping on the beach is relaxing…
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silverowlannabeth · 10 years
I just use it to relax myself after training all day. Saves me a headache.
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One of these days I'm going to be able to do this by myself
I will never understand what women see in Yoga
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