silversingsong ¡ 25 days
Gross Story: Rosado’s Infinite Wardrobe Malfunction
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FEH made inescapable clothing a real ass part of Fire Emblem lore, so naturally I'm going to exploit the fuck out of it with fetish nonsense and femboy ass. Enjoy!
Premise: In Paralouge 98-3 of Fire Emblem Heroes, Nel in a wedding dress explains that the units in FEH are bound to whatever embarrassing clothes they’re summoned in. This can, of course, be exploited for horny purposes.
WARNING: This story has ⚠️SCAT KINKS (Soiling, Hyper Scat)!⚠️
STOP READING NOW if you’re not into that! You’ve been warned!
Contains: Scat Kinks: Soiling, Hyper Scat, Exhibitionism 
Length: ~3100 Words
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“Good news, Lapis.” Nel began, dressed in bridal attire. “You cannot remove your outfit even if you want to. I tried just a moment ago.”
“S-seriously? Like, I’m happy to get my money’s worth out of this dress, but being locked into this same state forever is a little extreme!” Lapis reacted.
Lapis enjoyed the power flowing through her from a novella’s worth of text in this dress, but it felt weird wearing such nice attire for so long. She teased Nel’s assessment, and tried to rip the gown off, even flashing her breasts back at Nel in the process. There was just a moment of bare flesh, before a flicker in the universe, and a beautiful bridal gown replaced itself across her body. How amazing! 
“It seems as though we’re frozen in whatever moment we were in life as we were summoned to Askr.” Nel pondered. “I find this might grow slightly annoying with time, but I suppose I can deal with the circumstances for now. I do hope the Divine Dragon is around here somewhere, I would greatly enjoy seeing her face with me dressed like this…”
“I… I don’t know how I’m going to do combat in this sort of outfit, but it looks like we have enemies to deal with already!” Lapis remarked, grabbing her sword. 
Having assessed their strange inescapable clothes freshly summoned to the world of Askr, the duo turned their attention to battle. A soft face with long hair and adorable bows perched in his hair looked their way, gaze distressed, and worried beyond belief.
The two recognized him. “Oh! Rosado!”
Rosado winced at the two’s voices. He shuffled, thighs pinched together, hands clamping at his wide hips, feet pouting up and down.
“Rosado, are you alright?” Asked Nel.
“Where is it!? G-gosh, where is it!?” Rosado sighed.
Lapis joined in. “Rosado, I know you’re an enemy unit on this particular map, but do you need a moment? We can- Wait, you’re really not wearing any armor!?”
Only then did the two get a better look at Rosado’s revealing outfit. He was wearing his casual wear with a short flowing skirt, and underwear not at all concealed by his outfit. You could clearly see his pink panties peek out from beneath his black skirt as he desperately wobbled back and forth. 
As their wandering eyes inspected his feminine frame, those strong, clamping thighs squeezed together hard. He gasped in shock.
“Lapis! Nel! I was just summoned here. Do either of you know where a bathroom is?”
“I’m…” Nel paused. “I haven’t seen one.”
“Anything at all!?” Panicked Rosado
“I… Uh…” Lapis added. “Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bathroom here. Not even an outhouse…”
A ferocious rumble of tummy thundered through the air. Lapis and Nel could clearly hear Rosado’s roaring body. He doubled over, hands shooting for his gut.
Rosado grunted. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Please don’t look! Please don’t look, I can’t stop it!”
The duo looked startled. They wanted to honor his wish, but the sheer shock of their old ally’s panicked reactions kept their eyes hooked. Rosado’s back arched, and his hands darted for his underwear. Panties pulled aside and naked ass and cock hung right next to blades of grass. He sunk into a deep squat, thrusted out his big butt, and finally let go!
“HOOOOoooOOoooh!” He sung in relief!
With rude squicks of farting ass and heavy audible crackles, Rosado lost control and started shitting in public!
The relief sang clean across Rosado’s face. The burgeoning mass he’d rushed to the restroom to deal with before his temporal displacement summoned to Askr was finally dealt with.. His heavy cheeks flexed open, and showed their mighty strength. Nights upon nights of taking Ivy and Goldmary up his tight slutty asshole had morphed his shithole into an industrial grade turd cutter. Rosado’s whore sphincter was capable of holding onto astonishing amounts of matter in its deep recesses, powered by stat boosting meals his boyfriend Alear seemed to love feeding him. It felt so rude doing this in public. His poor prostate had grown so accustomed to these hard dumps, he couldn’t help but get stiff whenever the time for a bowel movement began. His cock flexed in the open air with his panties pulled down to the grass…
What!? Wait, no! His underwear wasn’t on the ground, it was wrapped right around his butt again!
“Aaa-AAAH!” Rosado yelped. “Oh please don’t look now! I can’t stop! I’m gonna… I’m… I-I’m… p-pooping….”
The request went unanswered, as the struggling mass of cute boy entranced the duo of women’s eyes. They had been staring at Rosado, particularly his heavy rump, this entire time. Even with this uninterrupted sight, they’d not even registered the moment his clothes rematerialized around his body. They didn’t even realize his panties were back on until it started to tent with a third bulge, a pointed brown one, between his impressive ass cheeks. Their jaws hung. Rosado… Rosado was really shitting himself! 
“Nnn-NgHHH!” Rosado grunted!
A push. His exit yawned wider. The big blunt round end to that cylinder of shit showed its true size and scope, and spread the cutie with ease. It crept forward in a sluggish shove, letting the crackles of a bowel movement clearly pierce the air. His face, blushing red from embarrassment, was clenched and focused, pushing hard. His shit had long since left the point of no return, where he could longer suck the behemoth back inside him, and try to potty dance to a toilet. It was coming. It was unstoppable! It pushed against his satin and deformed those pretty panties at will. The dense column of boyshit turned the fabric into a toilet!
Rosado took a breath and huffed to power his body’s betrayal of his dignity. The turd gained speed, an inch or so pouring out of his backside in a hard, dense loaf every passing second. It almost looked as if he was hiding a dildo in his underwear. The first turd had scarcely bent. Now, only as the resistance in his panties finally proved too great to overcome, did the thing finally start to bend and curl in on itself, and fold into a fat heavy boulder of filth in his underwear. 
Rosado groaned. The speed increased further, the densest bit of diameter now past. His sputtering asshole let the rest rush out, and squelch in a fat shit that finally broke contact with his defecating anus, and let the soiled underpants sulk under all that weight and heat.
Nel was a dragon and had scarcely taken movements that large. Lapis a human like her could shit that huge. They kept staring, open faces, bulging eyes, witnessing the shameless sight of femboy shame slammed right into unwilling underwear. 
Finally, the gross sputter of boy ass began to reside. Rosado huffed for breath, lungs empty after straining so hard to pump out all that poop. He looked back at his mess. His head twisted forward not a second later, cheeks flushed red, frazzled by his output.
Rosado’s underwear had just about completely lost its form. There was no tight squeezing anymore to cup his big cheeks. No, this was a stretched orb of fabric, positively packed with shit. The pink color had been stained deep with a telltale dark brown, and the shape well distended by the rocky topography of a massive boyshit. It was shameful, and gross, uncomfortably heavy. The more Rosado thought about how it was all something he did, the more his face flushed fuller with that stinging shame. He sighed in regret. 
Well, at least he could simply take off his underwear, and carry this heap of filth off elsewhere.
“Sorry… about that…” Rosado apologized. “And I’m sorry I have to do this too, but I need to get rid of all this!”
Rosado’s thumbs sunk into his waistband. He pulled the garment down, an easy task with the raw weight of his insane dump keeping that fabric pinned to the earth He hesitated to stand back up; his erection was a little too big and obvious after enduring what should have been downright mortifying Throughout all this, the p-button still wanted everyone to know Rosado felt good..
“What!? No way!” Lapis suddenly shouted.
Rosado apologized “Sorry, I know this is so weird and gross and…”
Nel interrupted. “Rosado, we are not remarking upon your actions. It’s your underwear. They’re… they’re back on!”
“…What?” Rosado asked, pale in the face.
Rosado looked back at where he’d left the steaming heap of what was once his underwear. His spin around left nothing for his eyes, but he could clearly feel a dense heat radiating out from under his ass.
His soiled panties were back on, just as they’d been earlier. Worse yet, even after dumping so much, Rosado felt full to bursting with waste again.
“UUUUNNnngh…” Rosado spasmed. 
All the feelings that had sent his ass to the grass came thundering back, and made those knees beg to squat and shove all over again. His breath was heavy, every breath in trying to clench to that heap inside him, every out conceding the mass further down his tract. A rude noise escaped his bottom. The inevitable grew closer.
“Rosado, I should tell you about a development Lapis and I noticed about this world…” Nel began.
“Am I trapped like this!?” Shouted Rosado. “Am I stuck in this state I was summoned in!? I was heading to the toilet desperate to shit!”
“We… We think so, yes.” Lapis added. “We were in our outfits for a wedding ceremony when we got here and couldn’t take off our clothes. From the look of it, you-“
A heavy fart ripped out of Rosado’s anus, punctuated with a wet muffled corking as solid followed gas. Loud crackles sputtered like static as the whole boy shook, blushing so fierce, teeth clenched, ass roaring, panties descending even lower and fuller with his shame.
It wasn’t just the clothes, as more filth cascaded . It was if Rosado’s entire state had been reset, and all that hard packed shit returned to his gut. Except… why were his panties still full of poop!? Why was he refilling with all this, but he was still unloading into his seat!? Did soiling himself ride some fine line between the rules of this reality? Was the act of defecating somehow not anything this strange existence sought to reverse, but triggered his bowels to relapsed to a restored state!? Rosado wasn’t sure, he was too busy cutting the fattest turds of his life all over again! 
Fat, wide, bulky turds slipped out of Rosado in almost the same cadence, stretching hole, testing ass, tenting panties, sending an outrageous jolt through his body. He just kept shitting, ceaselessly. God, it felt even bigger this time!
Cruelest of all was what this dump continuously ramming out of Rosado was doing to his prostate.  Rosado was no stranger to anal play. When Alear and him were in the mood, nothing felt more magical than that nice wide length slipping inside his slut duct. He loved the sensation of something firm and hard rolling against his prostate. As the front of his underwear tented to life right before his allys in response to that obscene sagging back, he really wished he didn’t.
To think this obscene sight, this horrible exercise of bent knees and straining butt, could get even worse. Rosado’s lips tried to grunt, and a moan came out. The duo of women looked at him in surprise, then down to his underwear. His erection was way too obvious. How unlucky to be a hung, size-queen bottom this in love with anal! 
Rosado tried to think up an excuse, anything to divert attention from his shit-powered erection. It was a bad idea for his dignity, a great aid to the roaring need in his backside. Slipping into focus made it all the easier for his body to focus on the good feelings radiating from his backside, as shit kept slamming out. He gave another moan. This one he had no excuse for.
“Rosado… are you…?” Nel began.
“I’m sorry!” Panted Rosado. “I’m so sorry! My body is going insane, I can’t control it! H-haaaa! Nnn-NnNnngh!”
One last expanse of filth to end this horrible display. Another sputter of shit and a sputtering fart and the deed was over. Rosado panted. For strength, his legs clutching, his cock dewing at the tip of that tent.
Lapis looked on. “It’s… It’s like a full bag of manure back there!”
“Please don’t look!” Rosado remarked.
“His crotch… is getting ready for sex? Is this how the little ones, you humans, procreate? Do you defecate when it comes time?”
Mortal embarrassment rolled across Rosado’s face. Yet, his erect cock throbbed more and more.
Lapis was revolted. “What? N-no! I would never… Poop myself like a total embarrassment-“
“Wh-what’s happening to m-me!?” Rosado stammered through a grunted breath.
Why did those cutting words sting so good? He could see the sorry on Lapis’s tongue already, that she didn’t mean to say something so cruel in a precarious situation. Yet still, her blunt insult still tugged at Rosado with such delicious brutality. Why did such cruel things get him so excited? Any other day he would have ran away with his head in shame. Today? Mean things felt good. His heart stuttered at the sounds, powered by a cock flexing from such odd stimuli.
Rosado’s body had utterly betrayed him at every front; his aroused cock, his swirling mind, his thundering bottom. Unnerving thoughts were being unlocked in Rosado as he stared at the two women’s concerned, perplexed, disgusted glares. They felt punishing. Rosado suddenly liked punishment.
That horrible fullness returned yet again. God, why did it feel so nice? Rosado could feel the weight in his gut return fresh. He could feel the press on his prostate surge back. He could feel the need in his loins grow insatiable. And, as his raging cock talked to his whirling head, he could feel a need he could not reject.
He needed to be a little naughty.
“Hunnngh…” Rosado grunted.
The women looked at Rosado curiously. They could tell what an unflattering lurch like that foreshadowed. They could also sense this one was different, a brother to what had come before, one that didn’t quite sell the panic from previously.
The mass pressed deeper against Rosado’s boyspot. Heaven shot through his body, racing through a leyline parked right atop his big heavy girly ass. A fat dew drop squeezed out of his bloated cock, right into the tip of his tented underwear. It was clear as day to see; Rosado was about to poop himself, and it all got him so horribly aroused.
“Ooooh…” He moaned.
Nel cut the silence. “Rosado… Are you… Alright?”
Rosado’s ass answered first, with a heavy bellow of ass like a roaring beast.
His mouth caught up. “This magic is… It’s breaking me! I’m not built to poop this much. Get me out of this curse! I’m about to do something shameless!”
Lapis didn’t know what to do. “Rosado, that sounds… Are you going to… Your underwear is so…”
“D-don’t…” Rosado struggled.
Staring eyes, views paid his way. It was like the attention his art generated, but his whole body in sync. Common decency told him no. Unquenchable urges told him yes. 
“L-look…” He whispered.
And with that, Rosado’s cock demanded he put even more focus on himself, to sully himself silly, and achieve such fantastic release.
“D-d… L-look! LOOK! I’m… I’m pooping myself! I’M POOPING MYSELF!” 
Rosado’s backside breached, and a fresh fat log of the same shit being passed thrice kissed his underwear! 
His throbbing tent pole surged and sputtered shots of white clean through his underwear as he lost a load to his own dense shit!
The unthinkable happened. Rosado stared at the woman and simply began masturbating. His raging body demanded it. Their shocked eyes only spurred him along. He let his body take total control, drenched in shame. Each gaze made every heap of shame falling against his prostate feel even better! 
“Can’t stop… pooping… c-cumming… feels too GOOD.”
It seemed to gain volume every emission. That first dump had been big. That second was huge, roughly twice the volume. This newest was thrice as big. It was as if the curse was shoving all that poop back inside him, and compensating for what was in his panties, but never actually removing it. It had to be why these thick shits were dominating his boy spot hard enough to make him cream his underwear cleanly through the fabric.
“C-cumming! CUMMING! CUMMING HARD!” Rosado roared!
Rosado’s ass and cock shot in synchronized rage! A fat heap of turd thundered out his backside and left a lumpy dent in the seat of his totally overstuffed panties! His raging erection shot thick white, his body totally enraptured by his shit-driven ass fucking. Hot heaps of his love drenched the grass, and flung itself all over the women’s heels! Rosado had totally lost it. He’d fallen to the strength of his own ass. He’d climaxed harder than any lover he’d ever known had made him, all from taking a massive shit!
Lapis and Nel couldn’t stop watching, in horror and intrigue. Something had to stop this, right? Perhaps defeating Rosado would send him back to some acceptable state?
Lapis readied her sword and swung at the shit-stacked femboy’s ass. The impact normally obliterated units, but the blade bounced off the half naked defecating cheeks if it were rubber. Nel gave a try with her dragon stone. Again, nothing.
Rosado barely noticed their assault, eyes clenched tight, teeth grit, body far more focused on spilling bowels than sword strikes. His stance adjusted slightly.
A fourth wind to that movement. Another thick wad of white clean through his underwear. Only then did Lapis and Nel remember the framing of their circumstances, enemies units on a map, and notice the eight status effects afflicting them since initiating combat on the shitting femboy. 
They took a step. Their HP dropped to 0. The map was cleared. Rosado’s multi-minute long attack animation of himself defecating continued as his anus thrashed the orgasm out of his dick, ass first.
Of course, Fallen Rosado being a unit from 2031 effortlessly outclassed the hilariously outdated 2024 seasonal units. They didn’t even have fetish skills attached; those powerful skills Fire Emblem Heroes had given out once they pivoted the game to pleasing their perverted fanbase. 
Fallen Rosado was by far the worst of this year’s fallen units. While he did finally introduce Fart Slut Impact 4 and Flow Bowels 3 to the 4 star skill pool, it was still outrageously outclassed by Rearmed Camilla’s infernal miasma. At the very least, he was useful for inheriting Disposal Strike 4 from Valentine Tharja. Outside of clearing PVE maps however, there was little reason to use him when everyone already had Readjourned Ivy from A Hero Rises 2030 for free, effortlessly burying foes in hyper shits.
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silversingsong ¡ 1 month
Safe and Sound, an ABDL Story by CradleQuill (Reupload)
Disclaimer: All content is fictional, consensual, and intended only for mature audiences. All characters depicted are adults aged 18+ _
You woke up in a wet bed next to your partner. You were so ashamed. You hadn't wet the bed since you were a little kid. Your cheeks burned hot as you shook your partner awake, and he looked at you with sleepy, confused eyes.
"What is it, baby?" He asked.
You couldn't meet his gaze. Each time you glanced at him for more than a millisecond, your eyes darted away and looked toward the bed in shame. He placed his hand gently beneath your chin and drew your eyes to meet his. "Baby, whatever it is, you can tell me."
That was when he noticed the wetness. You'd soaked the sheets completely, his side of the bed included. He patted the bed, feeling the dampness left by your little accident. He offered a half-smile.
"It's okay, honey," he told you. "These things happen. There's no need to be embarrassed; it's really not a big deal." You leaned into his shoulder, and he pulled you into an embrace. He was so kind, so understanding. He was always such a prince.
You both undressed the sheets together, and he threw them in the wash while you tended to the stain. You knew he was right. It was just a one-off occurrence, and these things happened sometimes. You probably had too much to drink the night before. It wasn't like it was going to happen again.
And it didn't, at least not at first. But a week went by, and then another, before you woke up with wet sheets once again. He was just as understanding as the first time, but you were even more embarrassed. And you swore you could hear a hint of concern in his voice. He probably thought there was something wrong with you. He even asked if you were having nightmares, to which you responded no, you hadn't been.
Over the following month, the bedwetting became a more and more common occurrence. At first, it was just once or twice a week. But then, slowly, it progressed to three or four times. You were waking up wet more than half the week. One day, you came home from work and found a mattress protector on the bed. Your boyfriend was kind, he didn't mention it. And you didn't either because you knew it was for the best. You really did need it.
But the bedwetting didn't stop, and the mattress protector could only help so much. You could see it on your boyfriend's face; he was growing tired of waking up to a soggy bed and a sobbing girlfriend. If he even saw you that way anymore. Lately, he hadn't wanted to be sexual with you, and you couldn't blame him. Who would want to sleep with a bedwetter?
Each night, you grew more and more depressed, knowing you'd wake up with wet sheets once again. Until one night, your boyfriend stopped you as you were getting ready for bed. "Honey, we need to talk," he said. Those words struck fear in your heart and sent a sinking feeling through your chest.
You immediately began apologizing. "I'm sorry," you said. "Please, I know the bedwetting has been a huge problem. I'm sorry. I'll get it under control, I promise! Please just don't break up with me…"
He looked stunned at your sudden outburst. "Honey, nobody's breaking up with anyone, I promise." He guided you to the bed and sat you down next to him. "You're right that the bedwetting has been a problem, baby girl, but I won't leave you over it. I just need you to trust me. Can you do that for me, love?"
With tears fighting to escape your eyes, you simply nodded. He entered the closet and returned with a bright pink package of something you didn't initially recognize. Until he tore open the back and pulled out what was unmistakably a pull-up, like the ones for potty training. You couldn't keep the tears from flowing.
"I know, baby," he said. "I know it's embarrassing, but I think you need them. They'll help keep you dry. And look, these ones aren't for little kids; they're for bedwetters just like you. I promise this doesn't change how I feel about you. You just need some protection at night."
It took several minutes for the tears to subside, but you knew he was right. You needed this, and you did trust him, now more than ever. You stood up and slid down your pants and panties while he held the pull-up open at the sides. You stepped into the childish undergarment, and your boyfriend pulled it up nice and snug around your hips. At first, you felt a hot pang of shame hit your cheeks, but that sensation soon faded into something else. You felt… safe.
That evening, your boyfriend tucked you into bed and held you all throughout the night. You were the little spoon, and you felt his crotch rub up against your padded bottom. Each time it did, you felt that same pang of embarrassment wash over you as chills ran down your spine, but he didn't seem to notice. Eventually, you fell asleep.
When you woke, you immediately felt the back of your pajamas and all around your sides, but there was no wetness to be found. The pull-ups, or "Goodnites" as they were called, worked perfectly. You slipped your hand down the front of your pajamas and felt the soaked padding beneath your private parts. When you felt the padding, a jolt of electricity hit you, and your legs quivered. You were… turned on by this. There was no way you could ever admit it, but you knew it was true, no matter how much you didn't want it to be.
Quietly and slowly, so as not to wake your boyfriend, you began rubbing the padding between your legs. Little sparks of pure bliss tickled along your spine, and your mouth fell agape as you breathlessly wanted to moan. You didn't want to wake your boyfriend, but you couldn't stop. You just kept rubbing, and soon enough, you began arching your back and tensing your legs.
As you finished in your soaking wet pull-up, you looked over at him, still sleeping, unaware of how naughty and pathetic his girlfriend was behaving right next to him, all while sharing his bed, no less. He stumbled awake a few minutes later while you sat there in your shame. He found you there, still in bed, still in a puddle that was at least contained to your diaper this time.
"How did it go, sweetheart?" He asked. You looked at him with sad eyes but didn't answer. He felt around your butt and found no wetness, so without even asking, he checked the front of your pull-up with his large, stern hands. The moment he gripped the front of your diaper and gave it a good squeeze, you let out a little gasp as you heard the padding squish in his grip.
"It looks like these held up well," he said while rubbing the front of your padding. He had no idea what he was doing to you, but he was turning your brain into absolute mush. You wanted to say something, anything to make him stop. But then, when he finally did, you found yourself desperate for more. You'd already made yourself cum in your soaked pull-ups, but something ached within you to have him rub you until you arrived once again.
That was the beginning of your new, babyish routine. The few dry nights a week you had dwindled into nothing until you were soaking yourself every day. Each night, he'd help you into your pull-ups. And each morning, you'd wake before him, giving you just enough time to rub yourself in your squishy diapers. The danger of having him catch you and seeing how pathetic you truly were only turned you on more. You were losing yourself in your padding, and the worst part was you didn't want it to stop. It was consuming you, and all you wanted was to sink deeper.
The longer this went on, the more you'd wet, until your pull-ups couldn't hold all your pee anymore. Waking up in a soaked diaper and a wet bed made you feel even more like a helpless baby. And your boyfriend didn't stand for it long. Over the weeks, he'd started talking down to you like a child. So when he showed you your new thick, tape-on diapers with a silly design all over them, you couldn't even act surprised.
The thicker padding kept your sheets dry, even with your larger accidents. But they posed their own problems. Your boyfriend wasn't just helping you step into them anymore. Now, he was laying you on the bed, pulling the padding up between your legs, and taping you into your glorified baby diapers. And every time he changed you into one, you couldn't help but get wet in a different way. You knew he noticed it, but he never said anything, which confused you even more.
And with how thick these diapers were, you couldn't make yourself cum in them just by rubbing the front anymore. You would have had to slip your hand down the front. But your boyfriend taped them up so tight, and they were so crinkly, you were too afraid to try it. So each morning, you'd just sit in bed humping against your hands and not even finishing before he began stirring awake.
One day, while he was changing you into your diaper, your boyfriend stopped with your diaper still untapped. He looked at you, gazing lovingly into your eyes, and you could tell he wanted to say something. "What is it?" You asked.
"Honey," he said, taking a second to pause, as if to carefully consider his words. "I've noticed that your diapers… turn you on." There was no hint of judgment in his eyes, but the shame washed over you all the same. You hid your face in your hands and started crying as he hushed you and cooed at you.
"Baby, baby, it's okay. I don't mind it. I think it's kind of cute, honestly."
"Y-you do?" You managed to squeak out between sobs and sniffles.
He nodded. "Don't get me wrong, I didn't know what to make of it at first. I caught you rubbing them a few times, but I pretended to sleep through it. But lately, I've seen the way you hump your diapers in the mornings, and it's been turning me on, too, seeing you look so desperate like that. I never thought this would be something I was into… or that you'd be into. But here we are."
You couldn't speak. You kept asking yourself if you were in a dream as the world around you began to bob as if stuck in the current of a river. It was like you were a part of the world but distinctly separate from it at the same time. He smiled at you, seeing how desperate you were for him, how every inch of you begged him to come closer.
He left your diaper untapped and crawled into the bed and on top of you. He took the opportunity to slip inside you, and as he did, a burst of pee escaped your bladder and squirted all over him. He didn't turn away. He began thrusting repeatedly into you, and your eyes rolled almost into the back of your head. It was the best sex you'd ever had, and when he was done, he finished inside you and taped you up into your diaper. You could feel the mess he left there leaking out into the padding, along with a few more dribbles of pee.
He laid down next to you and pulled you into his arms. Every sensation in your body was euphoric. And as you stared into his eyes, they looked more soft and tender than they ever had before. "There there, baby girl. You did such a good job for Daddy, little one." The moment the words left his lips, that familiar static shock ran throughout your body, and you slipped further into a place that had been long lost to you, a headspace of complete comfort and quieted thoughts. You knew you wanted to be his little girl forever if you could, and as Daddy held you that night, you knew that the dynamic of your relationship had changed forever, but also for the better. _
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silversingsong ¡ 1 month
I want to slowly unpotty train you.
Disclaimer: All content is fictional, consensual, and intended only for mature audiences. All characters depicted are adults aged 18+ _
I want to slowly unpotty train you. I’d start by having you wear pull-ups at night beneath your jammies. You’d be so comfy, snuggled up beneath the covers with Daddy’s arms wrapped around you. I’d give you soft pats on your padded bottom and make you feel so at ease. I’d gently encourage you to wet them. That's what they're for, after all. And before too long you’d be wetting then every night.
I’d convince you to wear them during long car rides, just in case you fall asleep or can’t hold it quite long enough to make it to the potty on time. But then I’d make sure not to stop until after you’d had an accident. Then I’d gradually have you start wearing them more and more often during the day, like when we’re out shopping. I’d make sure to keep us busy so there’s no time for bathroom breaks. Besides, you don’t really want to use those nasty public bathrooms, do you? Using the protection under your pants is a much better option.
You’d be wearing pull-ups almost all the time. And most mornings, you’d wake up unsure whether or not you had wet during your sleep. Until over time, more and more often you’d wake up with a leaky pull-up and soaking wet sheets beneath your bottom. I’d put you back in thick, crinkly diapers, because the pull-ups just aren’t enough to hold your accidents anymore.
You’d be in diapers every night and pull-ups during the day, until I pointed out how much you love your diapers. How safe and swaddled they make you feel. I’d tell you Daddy loves you in diapers too, and I’d start putting you in then during the day as well. You’d let little leaks out here and there until you barely noticed when you were wetting anymore.
Soon enough, you wouldn’t have any control left at all. You’d helplessly fill your diapers wherever we are, even in public and in front of friends, family, and strangers. And you’d just grow more and more embarrassed, and more and more dependent on Daddy’s kindness and care. You’d grow to love your diapers until you were nothing more than the helpless, thumb-sucking little diaper baby you’d always secretly wanted to be. _
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silversingsong ¡ 1 month
Piss yourself for me.
Disclaimer: All content is fictional, consensual, and intended only for mature audiences. All characters depicted are adults aged 18+ _
Piss yourself for me. Lay in bed with me and wait until after I fall asleep, then wet yourself right then and there without a care in the world. Feel the warmth spread throughout your pajama bottoms and seep into the bedsheets. Relax and drift off to sleep in a puddle of your own making, knowing full well we'll both wake up in it the next morning.
Take a seat on Daddy's lap and wrap your arms around my neck while you bury your face in my shoulder and grind away against my leg. Start slowly letting a few trickles out here and there while you profusely apologize and get all blushy, and then just unleash and let the whole flood out as you mindlessly hump and fill your pants and panties. Tell Daddy how sorry you are that you just can't stop humping because it feels so good to be such a dirty little girl for Daddy.
Go on a long drive with Daddy. He'll sit you in the passenger's seat and buckle you in, then halfway through the drive, when we're nowhere close to a potty, put your hands between your legs and start squirming in your seat. Let out little whines and tell Daddy you hafta go potty so bad, and you don't know if you can hold it until we get home. And then, right as Daddy pulls into a gas station, piss yourself all over Daddy's car seat and act like a total baby about it. Whine for me, even let a few tears out.
Hold Daddy's hand and cling to him as he drives you to the nearest supermarket and drags you inside in your soaking wet pants with a noticeable damp stain on the butt. And blush bright red while struggling to hide your face as Daddy takes you down the diaper aisle and makes you pick out pull-ups to wear, right in front of all the other shoppers. I'd make you carry them and hand them to the cashier yourself, all while your face was bright red.
Be Daddy's good little girl and piss yourself for him <3 _
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silversingsong ¡ 1 month
"But I don't need diapers!"
You say it with a whine, kick, and a pout. With all the conviction you can stir up in that meek voice of yours. As if saying it with more force will somehow make it more true. Fake it 'til you make it, right? Except that hasn't worked for you so far.
Daddy rolls his eyes at you. "You do need them, kiddo. Or have you forgotten about all those accidents you've been having?"
"I haven't had any accidents!" Your cheeks burn, but you insist on trudging down this course of argumentation, even if that means you won't be going gently. No, you'll go kicking and screaming, like a child having a fit and throwing a temper tantrum.
But Daddy sees through your false bravado. He stands there, smirking at you, as if he already knows every word you're about to say before even you do. "Oh really? Then who's been wetting your bed every night lately?" He points to a pile of your wet sheets on the kitchen floor, stinking of urine and begging to be washed.
"I... I..." You tighten your fists and stomp your feet. The anger boils up inside you, building and building, until it's ready to overflow.
"Aww, what's the matter? The little baby can't find the words? Or are you just out of excuses, kiddo? Go ahead, tell me how that pile of wet sheets isn't your fault. Or tell me how you've had six daytime accidents in the last four days. Come on, Daddy wants to hear it."
"Daddyyyyyyyy!" You let out the longest whine, a release from all the tension building up within you. But right as you let out your frustration, something else releases too. Your stomach cramps, forcing you to hunch over. Before you know it, a warm wetness is spreading over your crotch and flowing down your pants, followed by another sensation. The backside of your pants filling up as you helplessly huff and push out a big mess in your undies.
Daddy watches you, folding his arms and tapping his foot. You stand there, too afraid to look him in the eyes, but you can feel his glare all over you, interrogating every inch of your body. His eyes burn a hole in that shield of a facade you've been putting up, and once your pee stops trickling, and you've made your last push into your pants, the sudden, immense relief sends you falling to your knees.
Daddy walks over to you and rests a hand on your shoulder in a comforting pat. "There there, honey. Don't fret. You just proved what a little pants filler you are, so now we can skip the theatrics and go back to getting you in a diaper, right where you belong."
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silversingsong ¡ 1 month
The Pull of Love, an ABDL Story by CradleQuill
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Disclaimer: All content is fictional, consensual, and intended only for mature audiences. All characters depicted are adults aged 18+
Image Credit: @babyvivi, who graciously granted me permission to use their photo. <3 _
This was a new experience for Vira. The sensation of a pull-up hugging her hips, of the padding between her thighs. As she laid in bed, she tossed and turned, trying to find the most comfortable position. All the while, her pull-up rustled from the movement, faintly crinkling as the cloth-backed material rubbed against her pile of blankets. She hadn’t expected it to be so difficult to relax while wearing them. She was alone for the moment, so it wasn’t like anyone could see her wearing the childish pink undergarment.
Perhaps it was enough that she knew. And that she knew her girlfriend knew, even if she wasn’t back yet. Vira had been wetting the bed off and on for as long as she could remember. Ever since she was little, she would wake up to the familiar feeling of wet, clammy sheets. Her bedwetting tended to come in waves, with her sometimes even going several months of managing to keep her sheets dry, only to then wet every night for weeks at a time.
Vira’s little bedwetting issue waned over time, becoming more infrequent as she aged into adulthood. But over the last few months, her little problem had creeped back up on her. It started as just a one-off accident, nothing to be too concerned about. She was sleeping over at her girlfriend’s house when she woke up early in the morning, before the sun had even risen, only to find herself in soaking wet sheets, with her girlfriend, Celia, asleep beside her.
Vira panicked, wanting more than anything in that moment to just disappear, but she knew she would have to tell Celia. Her accident was far too big to hide, and her panties were soaked. There would be no way to blame anything else, but she assured herself it would be okay, and that Celia would understand. And she did. After Vira gently massaged her girlfriend awake, Celia was nothing but compassionate.
There was no judgment in her eyes, not a hint of annoyance in her tone. There was just a soothing, almost melodic rhythm to her words as she consoled Vira, telling her it wasn’t a big deal, and that sometimes these things happened. Vira knew she was right. Sometimes these things did happen. They just happened to her more than others. But she was determined to do something about that. She would stop drinking so close to bedtime, and she would make sure to pee right before she fell asleep. She was an adult, already nearing her mid-twenties. This wasn’t going to become a frequent issue again.
And for a while, her precautions worked well. She stopped drinking after 8:00 PM, and always forced herself to sit on the toilet before bed, even if she didn’t have to go, until she finally peed. If Celia noticed her going to all those extra lengths, she was gracious enough to not say anything about them. They continued sleeping over at each other’s homes, and the next few weeks went by without issue.
But then one day, the two of them went to see a scary movie. Vira wasn’t much one for horror films, but Celia loved them, and she wanted to partake in her girlfriend’s hobby with her. So the two of them went to see the latest horror thriller haunting the local screens and causing all the moviegoers’ screams.
Celia made it through the whole movie without issue, of course, but Vira was on the edge of her seat the whole time. Every time there was a jump scare or moment of building tension, she gripped the armrests of her chair and dug her fingernails into the fabric, bearing down and gritting her teeth through the scene. By the end of the movie, she was actually quite proud of herself for how well she did, and Celia was ecstatic at what a good time she had.
They laughed and held hands the whole way home, reveling in each other’s presence and company. Celia was so impressed by how well Vira did. She even said she was so brave and really pushed herself out of her comfort zone. Vira felt the pride seep in as her cheeks burned blushing, and the two of them fell asleep that night holding each other, basking in the other’s warm embrace.
That night, Vira woke to her heart racing as she gasped for air. She shot up in bed, ripping the covers off herself and clamoring to the wall, where she felt safer and less exposed. Her dreams that night had not been kind to her. Haunting images of ghostly ghouls and ghastly sights flooded her mind, and even after she’d woken up, she couldn’t get them to cease their assault of her senses.
Vira was so scared she didn’t even notice that her panties were soaked once again. She was covered in sweat from head to toe, and the state of her underwear was the last thing on her mind. When Celia stirred awake to ask her what was wrong, she quickly realized the issue. She held Vira, even as she stood there in her sweaty, pissy clothes. Celia just consoled her, telling her it would all be alright, that she was there now. And at the sound of her melodic reassurance, Vira finally let herself relax. She clung to Celia, who held her tight and rubbed her back, until finally Vira was able to go clean herself up.
Celia offered to help, but there was no way Vira was letting her girlfriend help her clean up her bedwetting accident. So Vira pushed through it on her own, just as she had the time before. Celia seemed hesitant to let her do it alone, but she understood and relented. Once the bed was clean and the sheets were in the wash, Celia urged Vira to join her back in bed, but Vira refused. She stayed up the rest of the night, afraid that if she slept, not only would her nightmares return, but so too would her bedwetting.
Vira spent the next few days at home. Each night, she had another nightmare. And each morning, she woke up to a racing heart and soaking wet sheets. She tried everything she could think of to stop the accidents, but nothing worked. Not drinking before bedtime only made her dehydrated, and she still woke up wet. And sitting on the toilet for hours yielded no result. She was miserable, and the lack of quality sleep was making her even more cranky.
Celia had grown worried about her. She started coming over every evening after work, bringing Vira soup and a movie to watch together. These movies were much less scary, though. They were all cartoons meant for children, but Vira had to admit they brought her some comfort. She refused to let Celia spend the night, though, as she knew she would wake up in another pair of wet sheets each morning.
At first, Celia was understanding and obliged with Vira’s wishes. But as time went on, and Vira’s mood didn’t improve, Celia grew more and more concerned. One night, as they were watching a movie on the couch, Vira drifted off to sleep. She’d been struggling to keep her eyes open through the entire film, and despite her best efforts, she could not put off the call to sleep any longer.
Vira had no nightmares that night. She slept peacefully, and when she woke, she found her head on Celia’s lap. Her girlfriend had fallen asleep petting her hair, both of them still on the couch. For the first time in over a week, Vira’s heart was steady and calm, and she wasn’t afraid for her life as if she were being chased. But as her senses returned to her, she realized one thing had not changed. Her pants were still wet.
She’d peed all over the couch. A full puddle that had soaked the polyester, leaving a clear stain for all to see. The tears welled up, and though she tried to hold them back, she couldn’t stop them from overflowing, just like her bladder had. Celia woke to the sound of sobbing, and she hushed her girlfriend and continued petting her hair.
“There there, it’s alright honey,” she cooed.
Vira couldn’t find any words. She needed her girlfriend to hold her just to not have a nightmare, and even when she didn’t have one, she still woke up soaking wet. Her cheeks burned hotter than ever before, and she couldn’t look Celia in the eyes. As always, Celia was understanding and loving, even in the face of her girlfriend throwing what was in all reality a very childish pity party.
For the next few weeks, Celia spent almost every night at Vira’s place, only leaving to go to work, and only going home when absolutely necessary. Vira’s bedwetting didn’t stop. At first, she continued to insist on cleaning up each mess on her own. But as the days went on, and she grew more and more frustrated, Celia began cleaning up after her. She did all the laundry and hung the sheets out to dry.
The longer this went on, Vira noticed a change in Celia’s tone. She was still loving and kind, but her words grew more and more condescending, as if she were speaking to a child, someone so inferior to her that the very idea of them being equals would have been nothing more than an amusement. Part of Vira hated it. She wanted to lash out, to say something, but she feared that would just make her seem even more childish. And another part of her adored being doted on and taken care of, even if she would never admit it.
One day, Celia returned to Vira’s house late after work. Vira had prepared dinner for them, but it had grown cold while she waited. Immediately, she knew Celia’s absence was her fault. She was growing tired of her, getting fed up with having to take care of a bedwetting baby for a girlfriend. As soon as Celia walked through the front door, Vira was already apologizing to her. She told her how sorry she was, how she understood no one could desire a partner like this, and how she would understand if Celia needed space. The whole time, Celia just stood there, still in her coat, with a white grocery bag over one arm.
Once Vira was finished, Celia put the grocery bag down on the kitchen table, where the cold food awaited them. Vira stood there quietly in her shame, waiting for a response. “Honey, you’ve got it all wrong,” Celia said.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m not upset with you, not at all. I know you’re embarrassed about these... accidents of yours, but it really isn’t a big deal. I don’t mind doing your laundry or cleaning up after you. I kind of like getting to play Mo-... house wife; it’s fun.”
Vira blushed harder and averted her eyes. “Look at me,” Celia said. She reached for Vira’s chin and pulled her eyes up to meet hers. “You have to believe what I’m telling you. I can’t do very much about those mean thoughts lingering about in your head, but I can tell you the truth of the matter with my words. So please try to hear me when I say them. Can you do that for me?”
Vira nodded, feeling like a scolded child receiving a gentle lecture from a parent.
“I love you. I am completely enamored with you in every way imaginable. These accidents change nothing about that, or how I see you. You’re still my partner, the woman I love. I’m not upset in the slightest. I’m just worried about you. For a while there, you were hardly getting any sleep. And since I’ve been here, it’s gotten better, but I will have to go home at some point, and I’m worried about leaving you without my protection. So...” She took a deep, long breath. “I brought you something. Please don’t freak out right away. Just breathe for a moment and take it all in.”
From the grocery bag, Celia pulled out a pink package. Pull-ups, the same ones Vira wore when she was younger and still wetting the bed. She immediately hid her face in her hands.
“I know you’re embarrassed, sweetie, but I really think this is for the best. You won’t have to worry about waking up in wet sheets anymore. And besides... I kinda think it’s cute, in a way.”
Vira’s face shot out of her hands. “Y-you do?” It was Celia’s turn to blush and look away. Her cheeks burned the same shade of pink as the package of the pull-ups. She just nodded.
“What do you find cute about them?” Vira continued.
“I just... like taking care of you. They make you seem, I don’t know... kind of helpless, I guess. But in a good way! I’m sorry, I know I’m not making any sense...”
Vira looked down at the floor. She thought for a moment, diving deep within herself to see if this was really what she wanted. Once she took the next step, she could never go back. Their relationship would change forever, and Vira didn’t know if she was ready. But she wanted it so badly. It called to her, and she yearned to meet its call.
“I-...” Vira hesitated. “I kind of like it too... Not the bedwetting part! Or the... pull-ups... But the part about you taking care of me. It’s... nice.”
Celia looked at her wide-eyed, and Vira twiddled with her thumbs. “S-say something,” Vira said. Celia just burst out laughing. Vira huffed and gave her girlfriend a big pout. “Don’t laugh at me!”
“I’m sorry,” Celia said, wiping a tear from her eye. “You’re just so cute when you’re embarrassed.” Celia walked forward and pulled Vira into a gentle but firm hug. Vira felt held, felt safe there in Celia’s grasp, as if she had been dangling above a cliff for so long, and now someone had her. Truly had her.
“I would be happy to take care of you. But that means you’ll have to be a good girl for me. And that starts with letting me help you into your pull-ups tonight. Do you think you can do that for me, hun?”
Even through the sheer embarrassment, Vira nodded into Celia’s shoulder. That night, Celia did just as she said she would. She helped Vira out of her panties, then into her new nighttime underwear. First one leg, then the other. Then she pulled the pull-up up between her thighs and over her hips, leaving it snugly in place.
Celia wouldn’t stop gushing over how adorable her girlfriend looked, and even though it was super embarrassing, Vira didn’t want this newfound form of attention to stop. Celia apologized for being so late and for letting the food get cold. She told Vira to sit tight while she ran out to grab some fast food for the two of them. That way, it would give Vira some time to get used to her new padded protection.
After Celia was out the door, Vira laid down in her bed, letting herself feel the embrace of the pull-up. She tossed and turned, trying her best to get comfortable. After some time, she felt a small twinge in her bladder. She needed to pee. She went to hop out of bed when an idea hit her, one that sent shivers down her neck and back. Sure, she could pull the pull-up down and use the toilet, but that sounded so... boring.
It would be much more interesting if she pretended to fall asleep and just wet herself right then and there. It was a silly thought, and she wasn’t really going to go through with it. Until she got to wondering if Celia would like it. If she would enjoy coming home to her girlfriend taking a little nap, only to wake up needing a change. Then she thought about what it would be like for Celia to change her wet pull-up, and her mind was made up.
Vira remained in bed. She took a deep breath and relaxed her bladder muscles until, after a few minutes, a slow, steady flow began trickling out. It took a lot of effort to not stop herself, but she powered through it, wetting herself all the while. The warmth spread through the padding, getting sucked up to the point she didn’t even feel very wet anymore. Suddenly, the sensation thrust Vira back to her childhood. To wet pull-ups after nighttime accidents. To potty training struggles when she was only a toddler. And then finally, to the serenity of being a baby. Of not having a single care in the world. Before she knew it, while basking in that serenity, she really had fallen asleep.
When Vira next woke, Celia was there, leaning over her and smiling down. “Time to wake up, sleepyhead. I see somebody had a bit of an accident while I was gone. What happened, honey? You just couldn’t stay awake?”
Vira didn’t know what to say. Part of her was humiliated, hearing her girlfriend talk to her, a fully grown adult, like she was a child. But deep down, she knew she wanted this. She loved it. The slight teasing, the invitation to give in, to just let go. She needed it, and in that moment, she decided once and for all that she would embrace it.
“M-mommy...,” Vira said. “I hadda accident... W-will you change me?”
For a second, Celia looked taken aback. But just as fast as her surprise had arrived, it faded as well. She smiled even more lovingly, the corners of her mouth gently curling. “Of course, honey. Mommy will be happy to take care of that for you.”
This one turned out a fair bit longer, and more of a slow-burn, than my usual work on here. But I think it turned out fairly well, and I hope you all enjoy it <3
Make sure to check out @babyvivi's blog and give her a follow! She's adorable and super sweet :) _
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silversingsong ¡ 1 month
Under His Watchful Eye - An ABDL Story by CradleQuill
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Image Credit: @daddysbaby4eva, used with permission
Disclaimer: All content is fictional, consensual, and intended only for mature audiences. All characters depicted are adults aged 18+ _
Imagine having to send a picture to your Daddy every evening, of you in your PJs, with the waistband of your diaper peeking out over the top. You fibbed one too many times, insisting to him that you were wearing your protection and that he didn’t need to check, only for you to wake up the next morning with your soaking wet sheets sticking to your skin. You weren’t sure what was more humiliating, having to wear diapers to bed every night in the first place, or having to show your Daddy proof that you were padded.
Now imagine, each night, Daddy sends you back a text asking you to put on a little show for him. He wants to see every side of you. The way your diaper hugs your hips, how it accentuates your curves. Most of all, he wants to see the diaper’s bulkiness as your pajama bottoms struggle to contain the extra thickness. He wants to know that if you were to walk outside right now, no one could ever mistake you for anything more than a toddler, just the way he liked it.
What would you do? Would you follow his instructions, obeying his every wish and putting on a little show for him? One for just the two of you, in a space you could create together. Where there were no prying eyes, but where there was also no way to hide. Would you open yourself up to him, allow yourself to be completely vulnerable, at the mercy of him? Or would you hide, too afraid to let someone see that side of yourself? The side of you that’s always been there, lurking in the depths, that you’ve been too afraid to let see the light of day.
Imagine what it would be like to show that side of yourself to him. To let go, to relinquish all your worries and cares. To just be you, unadulterated, in all your babyish glory. Could you give in? Could you let him get that close? Imagine yourself, as you truly wish to be. The carefree little girl that’s been within you this whole time, always in the back of your mind, observing and hiding away until it was her time to shine.
Imagine letting her out. Imagine finally letting her roam free. Imagine Daddy holding her and loving her and taking care of her, always. Just the way you’ve always longed for. But you don’t have to imagine, do you? Because this is your life now. This is the life you’ve built with Daddy, and as much as you grapple with the ramifications internally, you already know what you’re going to do.
You’re going to let that little girl run free, uninhibited by the expectations of the “real” world. You’re going to watch her as she leaps into Daddy’s arms, which have been waiting right there this whole time, ready to catch her. These moments of hesitation, they always give way in the end. Because you know he’s got you, that he’s here with you, and that he wants this just as much as you do.
Imagine that sense of giving in, of letting someone else carry all your burdens and fears for a little while. And imagine him meeting you there, right where you are, and catching you. That’s what it means to be his little girl. That’s why you allow yourself to wet the bed, to show him all these embarrassing and childish sides of yourself. Because you know he loves you, and that he’ll always be there to hoist his little girl up over his shoulders and carry her across the finish line, even when her little legs are too tired to cross it themselves.
That’s why he’s your Daddy, and that’s why you’re his baby girl. You don’t have to imagine anymore, little one. Daddy has you. He’s got you. And he always will. _
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silversingsong ¡ 1 month
No Turning Back - An ABDL Story by CradleQuill
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Disclaimer: All content is fictional, consensual, and intended only for mature audiences. All characters depicted are adults aged 18+
Image Credit: @crinklecutie, used with permission _
You aren’t an adult anymore, not by any stretch of the imagination. I mean seriously, how can you even pretend you’re an adult while walking around with a full diaper sagging from your hips? If you’re going to behave like this, then I have no choice but to treat you like exactly what you are. A helpless little girl who can’t stop having accidents in her pants. Are they even accidents at this point if we expect them on the daily? When was the last time you actually made it to the potty like a big girl? Can you even remember?
You know what this means, don’t you? No more big girl privileges. That’s right. No more staying up late. From now on, you’ll have an early bedtime. No more changing yourself, either. Little girls who can’t even realize when they’re filling their diaper can’t be expected to put their diapers on by themselves, so I’ll just have to take care of it for you from now on. I don’t want to hear any whining. You should have thought about these consequences before you let yourself get to this point. Or did you think I’d never address these behaviors of yours? If you did, that was foolish.
Where were we? Ah yes, I was pointing out all the big girl privileges you don’t have anymore. No more big girl drinks, that’s a good one. Oh, I don’t want to hear any complaints. If you can’t sleep through the night without waking up with wet sheets, then you don’t need to be drinking alcohol. It would just make you even more incapable of controlling yourself. Unless that’s what you want? Is that it?
You don’t want to have to control anything anymore, do you? You don’t want to be in charge? You want someone to come along and take care of all your needs for you, even when it comes to monitoring your bathroom habits. I don’t care if it’s embarrassing when I say it out loud; you should be embarrassed. Grown women who behave like little girls, filling their pants and waiting for their caregivers to change them, they deserve to feel their cheeks burning when they have their childishness pointed out to them. This is what you wanted, isn’t it? For someone to see you as you are, as you really are? Not the facade you put up, the one where you pretend to be a capable, independent woman qualified to take care of yourself.
No, you wanted someone to see you for who you really are. A petulant little child who needs to be put in her place. Well congratulations. I’ve seen you for who and what you are, and I’ll never be able to unsee it. This is how I’m going to treat you from now on. We both know you can’t stop having accidents and whining about it like a little girl, but even if you did stop, there’s no going back now. You can’t unring this bell, kiddo. I’ve seen through all those walls you put up, and I know what you really need. So go ahead, be a good girl for me, and tell me that this isn’t just what you need. Deep down, it’s what you really want too, isn’t it? Go ahead, admit it for me, and I’ll make all your silly little fantasies come true. _
Find CradleQuill on: Instagram | Subscribestar | Tumblr | Twitter
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silversingsong ¡ 2 months
Stuck in poopy diapers and plastic pants for the past 5 hours. Nose hook in. Forced to eat out of a dog bowl and record a humiliating video professing my love of poopy diapers. Normal Wednesday activity for a diaper cuck 🤤
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silversingsong ¡ 2 months
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I don’t think my little outfit hides my diapers very well…. Uh oh …. My tummies grumbling !!
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silversingsong ¡ 2 months
I can say I have similar thoughts seeing you💖🫶
Not gonna lie, as someone who's going to be starting on hrt soon I kinda want to follow in your steps...
Aww thanks sweetie, that means a lot to hear cuz I'm still learning to love myself and see the woman I am in the mirror. Just remember that everyone's mileage varies, but you'll feel so much better once you're on HRT, like it'll just make sense finally. Congratulations btw and good luck!!! 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵
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silversingsong ¡ 2 months
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310 notes ¡ View notes
silversingsong ¡ 2 months
Wha WAH WOAH TIBBIES holy frick holy fuck your breasts are amazing💖😵‍💫💖
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tittiessss and diapies so wet an thicc that I can't close my leggiesss
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silversingsong ¡ 2 months
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I wake up like this every morning, truly I am blessed
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silversingsong ¡ 2 months
Any Christmas "presents" this year, crinkle butt? You certainly seem like the sort of girl to forget the potty in favor of presents 😆
Christmas Blow-Out
My boyfriend and I were invited to his family's Christmas party. Since they all witnessed me mess myself at Thanksgiving earlier in the year there was no need to hide my diaper anymore. I wore cute Christmas themed pajamas and tried not to worry about my fresh diaper being visible.
When we went inside all eyes were immediately on me, I could tell they were looking right at my bum. My face turned red and I tried to ignore their stares but I couldn't help feeling embarrassed about them all knowing I'm wearing a diaper.
"Staying clean?" my boyfriend's uncle teased me right away.
"Let's check!" my boyfriend quickly chimed in before I could even answer. He pulled the waistband of my diaper and peeked down the back of it. I was humiliated having my diaper checked like this in front of his whole family.
"All clean!" my boyfriend announced to the room.
We sat around the living room, chatting, watching Christmas movies, and being merry until it was time to open gifts. My boyfriend's grandma began passing presents out to everyone.
"this big one is for you!" she smiled as she handed me a large gift box.
I thanked her and was just about to rip into the wrapping paper when I got the sudden urge to go #2. I clenched my cheeks and tried to hold it in, I didn't want to have an accident while everyone was watching me and waiting for me to open my present. I tried my hardest to control myself but it was no use- I had diarrhea. My face went pale as I felt my body give up on holding it.
Loud squirting and squelching noises started to come out of my bottom as I stood there completely frozen. Tears began to form in my eyes as a hot gushes of poo were quickly filling my diaper. The air began to smell terrible and it was undeniable that I was having a messy, sloppy, accident.
"Uh oh~" my boyfriend's mother sang. "Someone's making a mushy!"
I sniffled and cried from embarrassment as I felt my mess squirting up my crack and spreading out over my entire bum. I couldn't stop my mess from flowing. My diaper was completely full of wet poop.
"h-help!" I yelped out to my boyfriend. I couldn't stop pooping and my diaper was reaching full capacity.
My boyfriend just sat back with his family, watching the disaster in my pants take place. "Just finish up!" he encouraged me.
I knew it was going to happen but it was still quite shocking when I felt a gush of poo escaping my diaper. Diarrhea had began flowing out of the leg holes and dripping out. I was having a complete blow out in front of them. My cute pajama pants started to turn brown and that's when they all realized what was happening.
"Uh ohs! Someone's having a bit of a blow-out!" my boyfriend teased. I was fully crying now, standing there with a loaded diaper and poop flowing down my legs.
"Go ahead and keep opening your gift, sweetheart. Let's see what Santa brought you!" his grandma said.
I sniffled and nodded, trying not to focus on the burning hot mess in my pants. I continued unwrapping the gift. Inside the box was a huge pack of diapers. I was embarrassed and humiliated but it was obvious that I needed them.
"That's perfect!" my boyfriend cheered. "Come here, poopypants, let's get you all cleaned up!".
I waddled over to him, squishing with every step, trying my best not to spill anymore poop out of my destroyed diaper.
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silversingsong ¡ 3 months
There's something so magically perfect about sitting down on the toilet and proceeding to use your diaper. Like, yes, you could use the potty- it's right there, after all! But it's just so much easier, so much better, to use your diaper.
Maybe you just don't want to take off the diaper because you don't feel right without that thick padding between your legs. Or maybe you just want to sit in a soggy diaper because it feels so good to be a wet little baby. Maybe you want your Mommy to reward you by letting you have some special playtime with the buzzy toy. Maybe you want her to praise you, tell you that you were so close to using the big girl toilet, then proceed to change you into an even thicker diaper.
Whatever the case is, whatever reasoning you came up with in your little baby brain, you're actively choosing your diaper over the big girl toilet. You're choosing to be a little baby when you have the option to use the potty like a big girl. And I think that's beautiful.
What a good little diaper girl you are.
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silversingsong ¡ 3 months
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