The Bear's Tooth || Demetri & Ramsey
“There’s got to be a joke about this. A con and a hitman walk into a bar…” He shot Ramsey a sidelong grin as the taller man opened the back door of the vehicle for him. But as he stepped onto the sidewalk he slipped into a new accent like he would a suit jacket, trying it out for size. “Russian makes my mouth feel full of cotton,” Demetri said, taking another draw at the cigar. He missed his cigarettes already, but it was all part of the game. As Ramsey closed the door behind him the pair started towards the double doors of the building, a high-end, famously exclusive club with a Russian bear's head, teeth bared, on the thick glass panels. Demetri wondered how easily a bullet would crack that glass as the hulking doorman opened the doors ahead of them and gestured toward a podium just inside the entrance with a man standing behind it in a black and white suit.
"Your name, sir?" the man asked, scanning his face. Dem knew it wasn't one he recognized, and he got the feeling the man knew every face that came and left through those doors. It was to his and his friend’s advantage that he didn’t know theirs, though. They would have never made it past the beast out front if he had--not without a fight.
"Anatoly Dolohov."
"I apologize, sir, but your name is not on our list of members."
He arched his eyebrows, then, his gaze moving from the man to Ramsey and back again. "You think I do not know that? I am here to meet a friend. In fact, I am a few minutes late."
The tux looked him over again, but he crooked his lips in mock annoyance, knowing he would pass the inspection as long as the little schmuck didn’t dig too deeply. The crest on his cuffs, the cut of his suit, it would pass. The con cleared his throat. “Excuse me, but I think my friend would not like it if he is kept waiting any longer,” he said, the accent thickening further with his irritation.
With a nod, the man behind the podium called his attack dog forward. He moved around to Ramsey’s front, and, though Demetri noted the perturbation on his friend’s face, he allowed the pat down. Not that he would find Ramsey’s weapons if the man didn’t want him to, and clearly he didn’t, for they were being ushered on into the club proper in moments. It was seething with people inside the main rooms, a real big event. Ramsey kept his distance, just a pace back from his left elbow. It was a classic bodyguard stance; Dem could practically feel the Irishman scanning the people around them for threats. That seemed to be universal among both hired guards and killers. He, on the other hand, kept his eyes in the direction he was walking, moving them only to run over a server in a short, shimmery number. Confidence and cockiness. No one would be able to tell that Ramsey was the one leading the operation in a million years. Not until it was too late.
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"Like I could beat your glorified sardine can down the road in my wheelchair, Crane."
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"If you put even a speck of dust in my car, I’ll cut off your legs. How does three-foot-seven sound?”
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At her answer, Demetri gave the woman a lopsided smile. "Ah, but are you avoiding refusing me, or the prospect of an actual drink? Club soda does start to lose its charm after a while," he said as they made their way over to the long table. Some people didn't touch the alcohol, but he didn't have such reservations.
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"So, were you writing in that book for yourself or someone else?" he asked, looking up at her as he handed her a glass of wine.
Cheers || Demetri & Marcella
Marcella Adams was forced to attend the extravagant hotel opening. She was one of the few press allowed into the hotel as her boss was, apparently, of high reputation. Not that she cared, really. She loved journalism and, even if she was working for a damned Lenin here, she didn’t really mind being in the center of the events.
Writing something in her notepad, Marcella realized she had a company only when the man spoke next to her. Arching her eyebrow, Ella smirked and closed her notepad. “Who am I to refuse such a gentleman?”
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"That's real funny, especially the tenth time hearin' it. Maybe I'll take the job, long as it means fillin' your place with coal. Or--better yet--your car."
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"It’s almost Christmas. Have you considered a side job as one of Santa’s elves?"
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Archetype Inspirations - The Trickster
He hides behind many masks, changes them with a split of his soul, laughs at his foes and allies with the same coldness that glistens in his eyes. His charm and cruelty reflects in biting jokes and beautiful lies that he smiths with the rapidness and intransigence of pouring rain, his tongue a marvelous organ of flesh and muscles that draws you in until you start to lose yourself in his never-ending circle of chaos and control.
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“Layers” Character Meme
Name: Demetri Avery/Dolos
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Style/Color: Brown, short and slicked back
Height: 5'7"
Clothing Style: That depends on the con.
Best Physical Feature: What's not to love?
Your Fears: None. Abandonment, betrayal
Your Guilty Pleasure: All of them. I'm just missin' the guilty bit.
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: Cops.
Your Ambition for the Future: Surviving long enough to see it, preferably.
Your First Thoughts Waking Up: This isn't my bedroom.
What You Think About the Most: This war.
What You Think About Before Bed: I'm not gonna remember any of this in the mornin'.
You Think Your Best Quality Is: My winning personality.
Single or Group Dates: I'm not really one for dates.
To be Loved or Respected: Respected.
Beauty or Brains: Beauty's easier to manipulate.
Dogs or Cats: Dogs.
Lie: All the time, love.
Believe in Yourself: Usually.
Believe in Love: Who do ya take me for, a teenage girl?
Want Someone: Long as it starts an' ends in the bed.
Been on Stage: All the world is my stage.
Done Drugs: Want a list?
Changed Who You Were to Fit In: I am who I need to be, dependin' on the situation.
Favorite Color: Red.
Favorite Animal: Something that can take care of itself... coyote.
Favorite Movie: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Favorite Game: Takin' other people's money.
Day Your Next Birthday Will Be: October.
How Old Will You Be: Twenty-seven.
Age You Lost Your Virginity: I don' know, fourteen maybe?
Does Age Matter: Course it does.
Best Personality: Gullibility.
Best Eye Color:  Blue.
Best Hair Color: Brunette.
Best thing to do With a Partner: I like just about everythin'.
I love: Money.
I feel: Like I need a smoke.
I hide: Everythin'.
I miss: Nothin'. I like how things are.
I wish: I could get a decent night of sleep.
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Cheers || Demetri & Marcella
Liquor companies hadn't fared too well since the prohibition, not legally, anyway, but the ribbon cutting ceremony for the swanky new hotel downtown proved that the rest of the players on the board were still kicking. Demetri stood in his spit-shined shoes and cheered with the best of them when the red ribbon fell. And when the owner and his business partners and their wives walked through the front doors for the first time, he followed right behind them. Money and information flowed at these things, and he was determined to be there to catch it.
As he entered the spacious foyer, he amended his earlier thought that liquor companies weren't faring well. He looked to his left, and caught sight of a woman who had been standing near him outside. She was perhaps the only one in the joint not attached to a suit's arm. He'd found the more chatty he got at things like this, the less likely it was he'd be caught, so he went for it. "Might I pour you a drink, miss?"
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Character Questions
☠ : Are there any recent/daily thoughts they have about death or dying? ☯ : Do they believe for every darkness there is a lightness? If not, why? ♥ : Name one thing about the way their emotions work that they despise. ☆ : Would they ever wish upon a falling star? If so, what would they wish? ☁ : Describe how they would spend a stormy, overcast/rainy day. ☂ : Storms or clear skies?  εжз : What about nature do they find calming? What about nature do they find disagreeable? ☎ : List three or more people they would call out for during an emergency. ☛ : What is their typical response to being given orders? ☢ : Describe a thought or dream that would cause them to have a mental meltdown. ✄ : Are there any reasons why they would ever think of self-harm? If so, what are they? ❤ : Describe a physical action that shows complete trust.  ❥ : Describe a verbal way they would express complete trust. ✗ : Explain how they portray feelings of hostility or dislike. ⊗ : What is something that causes them to question themselves?  ☾ : On a sleepless night, what would they be found doing? ☤ : Is there anything about their health they are continuously on edge about? Something they disregard? ✓ : Name at least two people who can trust them with their life.  ❣: Describe a way that will earn affection (whether platonic or romantic) from them. ✖ : Describe a way to make them uneasy or apprehensive. ♆ : Are they prone to violent outbursts or thoughts?  ✏ : What are their creative outlets?  ✉ : Do they tend to rely on words or actions more? ♡ : Is there a certain scent that brings about nostalgia? If so, describe a memory this scent brings back.  ۞: Are there any inner demons they can never seem to get rid of? What are they?
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• 1k ** babe Dave Franco danielsnowmans • na We Heart It.
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Character Development 1: Basics
Character name? Demetri Avery/Dolos
Age and DOB? Twenty-six. October 12
Any Nicknames? "Dem" is the only one he doesn’t cringe at.
Hair Colour? Brown
Eye Colour? Brown
Accent (if any)? His voice is pretty neutral naturally, a least for a NYC accent, but he’s an amazing imitator of different accents. He stresses his natural one for everyday use unless the situation or joke calls for something else.
Height? 5’7”
Weight? 175lbs
Type of Clothes? Depends on the con. His normal wear is classy, though not ostentatious unless he has reason for it to be.
Scars or birthmarks? How they got their scars, if any. He has a noticeable scar on the left side of his jawbone, near his ear, that extends down his neck a couple of inches. He wasn’t always as good at getting out of trouble as he is now.
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