silvery-vixen · 4 years
I mean, pan, but close enough for me to share!
did you know there are bisexual flowers and they’re perfect
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silvery-vixen · 4 years
People all over the world have been watching that election and talked to their american online friends. We listened to you and we tried our internet best to help you through this fight with comments and memes to make you laugh. We, and I am sure I speak for a lot of Europeans when I say this, are incredibly proud of you! Not only did you put up with 4 years of tyranny, no you fought through it! You protested against unfairness and suppression. You stood together in these incredibly trying times and I am just so genuinely happy for you!
Just want to say how proud of i am of america right now. Removing a dictator during a dictatorship is near impossible (typically it takes civil war or a death/ power vacuum) but for four years you’ve been fighting back and now you’re fighting a heavily rigged, horribly unfair election and not giving Trump that “landslide victory” dictators typically get. I want you to know that many of us across the world, see those 50/50 looking results and don’t see america as half and half but 30% cultists who were given an easy vote and 70% people who’s vote was very hard to get out (we saw the lines, we saw the fake ballotboxes) and often outright thrown away. We hear that more people voted for Biden than have ever voted for a candidate before. We see your judges fighting to have every vote counted and the diverse new congressfolks you’ve voted in. The narrative of a close race omits that one team had skates on a downhill road and the other had an obstacle couse littered with dirty needles, fences to break through, barbed wire to crawl under and rabid dogs blocking the way.
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silvery-vixen · 4 years
This is the stuff I'm on this website for
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silvery-vixen · 4 years
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thursday needs a meme, here’s my attempt to contribute. it’s thursday and i’m here to help. thanks
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silvery-vixen · 4 years
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silvery-vixen · 4 years
Boy, thay escalated quickly
And it’s always the same 2 blue eyes comparisons. The ocean or the sky. Like come on at least be creative.
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silvery-vixen · 5 years
Do you mean “human incarnate” by nikkiRA ?
Do you know any blogs that can help me find a good Omens fic? I can't find it. It's where Aziraphale gets punished to become human (by archangel Michael) and Crowley can not handle it, trying to find any way to fix this.
@aziraphales-library is one such place, they have a lot of fic recs but also try to help find fic! (and i’m gonna be @’ing them again tomorrow when i post my smut recs list lmao sorry! i’m just trying to spread the word of a good resource.)
i’ve seen a few fics like that around, but i’m not sure which one you’re specifically looking for anon! (i don’t really read fics where one or both of them are forced into mortality tbh). anybody know?
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silvery-vixen · 5 years
90% of writing advice can be thrown out the window for your first draft.
Show don’t tell? Ignore.
Basic grammar and punctuation? Unnecessary. 
Physical descriptions of characters? Don’t need to bother. 
Solid plot? That’s for later. 
The words don’t come as fast when you’re thinking of the best way to put them together. It doesn’t have to be pretty, or much more than inconsistent nonsense.  The point is to have it exist.
Effective storytelling is for subsequent drafts! Go write some nonsense! 
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silvery-vixen · 5 years
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Had to share my brain spaghetti with you real quick
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silvery-vixen · 5 years
purge of 2002? of 2012? what ARE those?
Oh, how quickly the past is forgotten. 
They are part of the reason A03 is a thing now. Not the whole reason, but part of it. 
The Great Purges of 2002 and 2012 are when ff.net got a wild hair up their ass about THINK OF THE CHILDREN and nuked any fic posted on there that was explicit. Thousands upon thousands of nc-17 smutfics were lost.
It’s what led to the creation of alternate hosting sites for smutty fic…AdultFanfiction was the one I went to…but thousands of fics would never be recovered. 
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silvery-vixen · 5 years
what if instead of drops, rain fell all at once.
like, a two inch thick sheet of water just goes thwap, and then it’s sunny again
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silvery-vixen · 5 years
writer emotions
In The Zone 
Inspiration level of dried up mud 
Idea chaos cavorting through your head like bunnies on crack, never making it onto the paper 
o shit its 3 am 
cat lugubriously puking small and pathetic hairballs onto paper 
after-submission cold sweat 
i’m going to break my character’s hands in the next chapter *laugh of evil glee* 
typing sad scene while crying 
reading the chapter you wrote late last night confusion 
guilty trickle of procrastination 
slamming face against desk headache 
writing fan fiction of own books daydream 
i am the next tolkien 
i am the next rejected sack of shit to be yeeted out of a publisher’s back door
clever metaphor delight 
drained exhaustion after writing a couple thousand words 
euphoric, exhausted emptiness of finishing a book 
rereading first draft nausea
research hole 
screaming at wikipedia 
overwhelmed by the mess youve made 
cheeto dust on the keyboard mid-writing snacking 
typo typo typo 
what do i write next existential crisis 
when your brain does the nope 
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silvery-vixen · 5 years
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Inktober Day 1: Overgrown ruins @lonelytofu Sorry for reusing your promts from last year, but the list is really good. Since I’m more of a writer, than of an artist, I will be writing daily prompts on AO3 and only every now and then add a sketch to it.
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silvery-vixen · 5 years
Ways to un-stick a stuck story
Do an outline, whatever way works best. Get yourself out of the word soup and know where the story is headed.
Conflicts and obstacles. Hurt the protagonist, put things in their way, this keeps the story interesting. An easy journey makes the story boring and boring is hard to write.
Change the POV. Sometimes all it takes to untangle a knotted story is to look at it through different eyes, be it through the sidekick, the antagonist, a minor character, whatever.
Know the characters. You can’t write a story if the characters are strangers to you. Know their likes, dislikes, fears, and most importantly, their motivation. This makes the path clearer.
Fill in holes. Writing doesn’t have to be linear; you can always go back and fill in plotholes, and add content and context.
Have flashbacks, hallucinations, dream sequences or foreshadowing events. These stir the story up, deviations from the expected course add a feeling of urgency and uncertainty to the narrative.
Introduce a new mystery. If there’s something that just doesn’t add up, a big question mark, the story becomes more compelling. Beware: this can also cause you to sink further into the mire.
Take something from your protagonist. A weapon, asset, ally or loved one. Force him to operate without it, it can reinvigorate a stale story.
Twists and betrayal. Maybe someone isn’t who they say they are or the protagonist is betrayed by someone he thought he could trust. This can shake the story up and get it rolling again.
Secrets. If someone has a deep, dark secret that they’re forced to lie about, it’s a good way to stir up some fresh conflict. New lies to cover up the old ones, the secret being revealed, and all the resulting chaos.
Kill someone. Make a character death that is productive to the plot, but not “just because”. If done well, it affects all the characters, stirs up the story and gets it moving.
Ill-advised character actions. Tension is created when a character we love does something we hate. Identify the thing the readers don’t want to happen, then engineer it so it happens worse than they imagined.
Create cliff-hangers. Keep the readers’ attention by putting the characters into new problems and make them wait for you to write your way out of it. This challenge can really bring out your creativity.
Raise the stakes. Make the consequences of failure worse, make the journey harder. Suddenly the protagonist’s goal is more than he expected, or he has to make an important choice.
Make the hero active. You can’t always wait for external influences on the characters, sometimes you have to make the hero take actions himself. Not necessarily to be successful, but active and complicit in the narrative.
Different threat levels. Make the conflicts on a physical level (“I’m about to be killed by a demon”), an emotional level (“But that demon was my true love”) and a philosophical level (“If I’m forced to kill my true love before they kill me, how can love ever succeed in the face of evil?”).
Figure out an ending. If you know where the story is going to end, it helps get the ball rolling towards that end, even if it’s not the same ending that you actually end up writing.
What if? What if the hero kills the antagonist now, gets captured, or goes insane? When you write down different questions like these, the answer to how to continue the story will present itself.
Start fresh or skip ahead. Delete the last five thousand words and try again. It’s terrifying at first, but frees you up for a fresh start to find a proper path. Or you can skip the part that’s putting you on edge – forget about that fidgety crap, you can do it later – and write the next scene. Whatever was in-between will come with time.
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silvery-vixen · 5 years
Me: *Walks through leaves*
Leaves: *crunch*
Me (externally): ☺
Me (internally): 🍂🎃🍁💀🍃👻🍁💀🍃🎃🍁🍁🎃🍃🍁👻🍃👻🍁💀🍂🍃👻🍂🎃🍁🍁👻🍃🎃🍁💀🍃🍁👻🍃🎃🍁💀🍃💀🍁💀🍃🍁👻🍃🎃🍁🍃🎃🍂👻🍁🎃🍃🍁👻🍃🍁🍃🍂💀🍃🎃🍁🎃🍁🍃🍂🎃🍁💀🍃🎃🍂👻🍃👻🍁🎃👻
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silvery-vixen · 5 years
Hm well my family is celebrating the old Celtic/Neo celtic holidays like Samhain, Alban elfed/ litha and Yul (and several more) and some of those dates do allign with the christian holidays. But that's because the Christians kind of set their holidays on already existing ones of older times, because it was easier for the "common folk" to just rename their important days instead of rescheduling them all together.
So we celebrate Yul (winter solstice) instead of christmas and we do so on the 21. Of Dezember and we do celebrate Ostara on the 21. Of march (spring equinox) instead of easter, but that's not because we are culturally Christian but because Christians are, in fact, culturally Celtic.
So to anyone who doesn't want to be culturally Christian, just be culturally Celtic instead :D
it’s amazing to me how unaware culturally christian people are of… the fact that they’re culturally christian like
they really just. don’t know. and won’t listen when people tell them that like
even if you’re an atheist, the way you talk about God and religion is christian af
y’all truly believe that you can celebrate christmas completely secularly, devoid of any connection to christianity
y’all just have no idea and it shouldn’t shock me anymore but it still does sometimes
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silvery-vixen · 5 years
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It's a Purrito. No comment. #lynntriestodraw #wtf #scribble https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Q9_E9Iz2p/?igshid=zm9jotubc86q
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