silvrmccnz · 3 years
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guys, meet melon 🥺 i’m fostering him for the next three weeks and he owns my heart already.
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silvrmccnz · 3 years
this is random but my dumb ass read that kiss ass anon as them trying to say they are the biggest kiss ass to u as in they like to kiss your ass..............
SHER i'm dead. lmao
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silvrmccnz · 3 years
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silvrmccnz · 3 years
happy birthday, @cocained​​ ! ♡         you’re one of the most amazing people i have met on here and i assure you, this place would not be the same without you !! thank u for remaining one of my closest friends year after year, for your friendship and your kindness. we have some of the most perfect ships in the entire rp universe and no one can tell me otherwise !! i am so grateful to have you in my life kelly, you really are one of a kind. love u so so much. ♡ ♡  
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silvrmccnz · 3 years
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     “   i  can’t  be  there   ––   i’m  sorry,   but  we’ve  been  over  this,   haven’t  we?   ”
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"i know we have, but why can't you?" the question falls from crimson lips almost hesitantly as hazel hues flicker down the male's features. "it would mean a lot to me if you came. i just...i don't want to face my family without you."
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silvrmccnz · 3 years
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     “   so..   you’re  engaged  now?   so  soon?   ”
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               "yeah," grayson tells her with a soft shrug, pearly whites biting the inside of his cheek. sure, maybe the engagement hadn't been his idea, but he was slowly coming to terms with it. "what do you mean so soon? i mean, i have known her for years." 
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silvrmccnz · 3 years
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“oh yeah? i’m cute, am i?” blake wiggles his eyebrows a little, amused. it’s not as if compliments aren’t exchanged between them often but still, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t stroke his ego when sienna offers him kind words. he lets out a thoughtful hum, scratching the back of his neck before nodding. “yeah, i guess i could come.” he wasn’t so much fond of hanging out with royals, other than sienna, however for her he’d definitely make an effort. “you just let me know when and where.”
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              " a little bit," maybe more than just a little bit, but grace wasn't ready to admit it out loud just yet, probably never would. their friendship meant more to her than she could put into words, the last thing she wanted was to complicate things. "yeah? are you sure? it's probably going to be boring as hell," she warns him with a soft laugh. "it's next friday, actually, here at the castle."
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silvrmccnz · 3 years
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          “  my  mother  is  too  polite  to  tell  you  she  hates  you  to  your  face  and would  rather  stick  a  needle  in  her  eye  than  have  you  be  around  the  house  .  in  fact  -  she’d  prefer  it  if  we  don’t  see  you  at  all  this  summer  .  ”   their  back  and  forth  bicker  is  petulant  and  unnecessary  but  it’s  how  their  relationship  had  always  been  .  in  truth  ,  she  knows  her  words  are  a  blatant  lie   .  even  without  hunter  acting  as  their  buffer  ,  the  pair  would  be  forced  into  spending  time  together  by  their  mothers  -  who  were  even  closer  friends  than  milo  and  hunter  .  she’s  about  to  turn  towards  the  house  when  she  pauses  ,  blue  gaze  dancing  around  the  boy’s  features  ,  contemplating  whether  to  voice  her  next  set  of  words  .  there’s  excitement  riddled  in  eden’s  eyes  ,  unable  to  hide  the  small  smile that  snakes  it’s  way  onto  her  features  ,  “  you  going  to  that  party  tonight  ?  ”  head  tilts  slightly  in  question  ;  an  invite  had  come  in  the  form  of  an  instagram  dm  —  a  rarity  as  eden  typically stayed  home  ,  blending  into  the  background  while  the  two  boys  made  friends  with  all the  locals  and  tourists  ,  stumbling  home  at  odd  hours  of  the  night  ,  eden  often  covering  for  her  older  brother  . 
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     "that doesn't sound like your mother at all," if milo didn't know better, he would probably believe her with, but he did. he knew how much she despised him and his company, always had. their friendship or lack off had been this way for as long as the male could remember it. he's about to throw a snarky remark her way when her question registers with him, causing strong eyebrows to frown together. "don't tell me you'll be there." that was the last thing he needed right now. not only his best friend wouldn't be here for the entire summer, he would have to put up with his annoying yet incredibly hot sister. "i am, but honestly don't feel like you have to go, in fact, i would prefer if you didn't." he points out, an amused smirk on his lips. "but since i know you can't stay away from me, i guess i'll see you at the party?"
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silvrmccnz · 3 years
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         “  don’t  really  pay  attention  and  yet  here  you  are  …  asking  me  about  a  rumor  .  you  making  exceptions  tonight  ,  sienna  or  am  i  just  special  ?  ”  his  tone  teeters  on  the  edge  of  teasing  ,  but  it’s  hard  to  tell  with  him  .  a  smirk  slinks  it’s  way  onto  the  side  of  taut  lips  as  he  lifts  a  shoulder  in  response  ,  free  hand  busies  itself  as  he  pulls  a  carton  of  marlboros  from  his  back  pocket  .  “  you  hear  that  rumor  about  your  boyfriend  being  kind  of  an  ass  ?  ”  he  says  finally  ,  rolling  the  thin  cigarette  between  digits ,  “  some  truth  to  that  one  too  .  you  should  ask  him  about  it  .  ”  he  stuffs  the  carton  back  into  his  back  pocket  ,  the  small  flame  from  his  lighter  looking  minuscule  compared  to  the  bonfire  that  roars  next  to  them  .  he  turns  his  head  ,  blowing  smoke  away  from  her  before  eyes  are  swinging  back  and  taking  her  in  ;  he’d  be  lying  if  he  said  he  hadn’t  noticed  her  prior  to  tonight  .  “  where  is  he  ,  by  the  way  ?  he  send  you  over  to  distract  me  while  he  keys  my  car  ,  or  something  ?  ”  
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                  "touché," crimson petals curl into a small, defeated smile before the female speaks up once more. "maybe you're special, who knows. i mean it's only been like two minutes, it's too soon to tell." sienna teases, piercing blue hues following his movements before focusing on his warm gaze once more. "oh, i did." slender arms cross over her chest as she gives him a nod. "and he didn't have a nice thing to say about you." not that she could blame him, whatever had started their argument had left her boyfriend with a black-eye. his next question steals a small yet amused laugh from her. "i don't know, he's out here somewhere, probably too busy with his buddies to even notice i'm gone." wouldn't be the first time, more often than not she found herself wondering if their relationship was even worth it. "you're not going to ask if i want one?" she questions, gesturing towards his cigarette. she didn't smoke, hell her parents would kill her at the mere thought of it, but that he didn't know.
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silvrmccnz · 3 years
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   when damian walked into the hospital room, his smile widened when he saw how happy he made the little girl just by stopping by. that’s all he really wanted was to make her day and make her experience a little easier here. he couldn’t help but to just study her features for a moment, there was a little voice in hsi head that said that they looked like his but he quickly pushed those thoughts out of his head since he knew that wasn’t true. lyanna had moved on, that was the only logical answer that he could keep playing over and over again in his head since he couldn’t believe the other possibilities that it could be. “hey sweetheart.” he said with a grin as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed. “ah, really? do you watch me play a lot?” he said with a little chuckle, just glad that at least she had a smile on her face. when the little girl held up the number three for his jersey, he chuckled and clapped his hands before going in to give her a little high five. “right on the first try, not bad kiddo. did your mommy ever tell you that we went to school together?” 
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                   "i do! but sometimes mommy doesn't let me stay up." the little girl explains with a soft frown that is quickly replaced with a shy smile. at the male's question, she pauses, glancing at her mother for some kind of unspoken approval before she nods. "she did." but that was all lyanna had told her. the brunette hadn't figured out how to tell the little girl about who her father was and why he wasn't around, so she lied, told her he was traveling around the world. "that sounds like such a long time ago," the female comments with a nervous laugh, her steely blue hues meeting hers. "you still kinda look the same though, and that's a good thing."
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silvrmccnz · 3 years
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   shannon’s grip tightened around his waist when she heard the roar of the engine and she quickly buried her face into his back. this as the most fun she had in such a long time and already her heart was beating faster than ever before.  it wasn’t just from the motorcycle ride, but just from the whole experience of being with grayson and going on this little adventure. she knew that no one would see them, or at least that’s what she hoped and if they did she knew she could just bat her eyelashes at her dad and make everything go away. she let him take the lead, and hen they got to a little local bar, her excitement grew. “oh my gosh.” she said with a grin as she squeezed his waist again once he parked. “that was amazing. can you take me on another ride after this? maybe you can drive me around on this thing, that was so much fun.” that and they’d have to spend some more time together, which was all she really wanted. a she finally hopped off, she handed him the helmet back with another smile on her face. “c’mon, get a little bit excited.” 
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                          there was nothing grayson loved more than riding his motorcycle. he remembered the first time he told his father he wanted one, the older male had tried to stop him and almost had a heart attack when he saw him on one, but he loved it too much. he loved how free he felt whenever he was on it, the way the wind blew past him, everything about it was pure perfection. an amused grin is playing on his features as they pull into a stop, hands reaching for his helmet before he focuses his attention back on the female. "so you liked it?" unable to hide the surprise in his tone, he lets out a soft chuckle."sure, but if we get caught, it's on you." he muses, his larger palm reaching out for hers. "come on." he tells her before he grabs her hand and leads her towards the entrance.
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silvrmccnz · 3 years
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alexis was never one to double her sexuality, and she never did. was she curious and has to thought about experimenting? sure, but a huge part of her knew for a fact ( or she thought was a fact ) that she was straight. however, lately, she found herself swaying a little. reading the little comments that her fans had left made her heart swell in a way that it never did before when she thought of charlotte… not that she didn’t already have fond feelings for the female. it just intensify it and made it harder to deny so when the other ask for her to just put her phone away, she did. “i have enough drafts to keep them entertained anyway,” her shoulders shrugged as she leaned in closer to the other. her arms wrapping around the others almost too naturally as her head came to rest on the other’s shoulder. “i’m all yours this weekend then, hm?” her eyes flickered to the other female as she tilted her head upwards just a little. wide doe eyes looking at the other. for someone else looking in, these two almost looked too much like lovers to just be merely best friends.
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                       "good," a soft smile almost immediately tugs at the corner of her petals, finally meeting her eyes as a familiar feeling washes over the brunette. the same feeling she had felt a thousand times before whenever the two girls found themselves in each other's company. "that sounds good to me," perfect even. all she wanted was for them to focus on another for the weekend, even if that meant going back to their chaotic lives on sunday evening. "i think we should have breakfast for dinner," she suggests after a soft pause, a laugh escaping her as she nudges her sides playfully."what do you say?"
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silvrmccnz · 3 years
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     jasmine tookes
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silvrmccnz · 3 years
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It’s a fighting pose, you’re a total poser. I’m not a poser.
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silvrmccnz · 3 years
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silvrmccnz · 3 years
but what about “your ex hired me to make you fall in love with me then break your heart but oops i think i fell in love and now i’m conflicted what the fuck is happening i’m supposed to hurt you ow what am i sUPPOSED TO DO” that’d be rad
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silvrmccnz · 3 years
i think you are the bee’s knees✨💕
you own my heart miss lu and i would v much like to keep you forever. 🥺
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