silvrtcngue · 4 years
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     she slowly nodded, eyes traveling over the gardens, fingers digging into his arm just a little bit. astoria couldn’t help the laugh, just as hollow as his, her mind throwing all the pictures of what could go wrong at her.   “   don’t apologize for this, draco — no matter how pure we are, we are still humans and are not meant to be a ray of bloody sunshine all the time,   “   she said, a tone just a little  too bitter. she didn’t want him to feel bad or guilty of it or… she just wanted a moment of breath.   “   you can buy me some ridiculously expensive chocolates for turning this conversation in that direction if it make you feel better, though. i never say no to a good chocolate,    “   she tease in a lighter tone, a smile ghosting on her lips.
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                                       there’s  a  shake  of  his  head  ,  ❛    try  explaining  that  to  my  parents.  they’d  disagree.    ❜  his  father’s  words  rang  in  his  ears  a  little  too  loud  as  he  spoke.  yet  ,  speaking  to  astoria  seemed  to  calm  him  some.  it’s  what  eases  draco’s  shift  ,  from  the  doom  &  gloom  to  a  much  lighter  tone.  ❛    chocolates  ?  hmm  ?  i  think  i  can  manage  that.  any  particular  type  of  chocolates  ,  or  should  i  just  surprise  you  &  hope  for  your  approval  ?    ❜
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silvrtcngue · 4 years
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     “   — of course it’s not, at last not when i’m alone and in my room - not very pureblood of me, but draco, it has pockets!   “   she said, gently closing the door. normally, astoria would give him her so-called ‘ doll-swirl ‘ to show-off the casual dress, but instead, she moved through the room to one of the other doors ; if she would do the swirl, draco would have to catch her before she does hit the floor and that’s not something she wanted — it would be so awkward for both of them 
   “   if you think my closet isn’t large enough for me to get in and change there comfortably, we need to talk about the manor of yours,   “   she threw back with an easy smile, for a moment leaning against the wall with a  ‘   it’s not that bad, get a grip, think of daphne, come on  ‘   thoughts. astoria tilted her head a little bit, a playful smile forming on her lips and she lifted a brow.   “   don’t worry, mr. malfoy, your virtue is safe here… maybe,   “   she teased before getting into the closet, leaving the door open just a little bit to hear him talking but not showing anything. she took a breath and walked to one of the dresses that would work for today, nice, simple, dark green and elegant.   “   are you ready to come back to hogwarts?   “   she asked a little louder, getting started to get ready.  
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                                     ❛    wearing  comfortable  clothes  in  your  own  bedroom  ?  how  scandalous  !  ms.  greengrass  ,  you  ought  to  be  ashamed  of  yourself  !    ❜  there’s  a  flicker  in  his  eyes   ━━━  a  hint  of  the  man  who  once  was  ?  ❛    it’s  just...  peculiar.  i’ve  just  never  heard  of  someone  dressing  in  their  own  closet  ,  is  all.    ❜  his  own  bedroom  is  large  ,  &  his  closet  is  a  decent  size  ,  though  he’s  not  quite  sure  it’s  as  large  as  hers.  style  isn’t  something  he  thinks  much  of  ,  despite  his  family’s  reputation.  it’s  why  he  sticks  with  a  similar  style  in  most  of  his  attire.  even  tonight  draco  is  donned  in  his  signature  black  suit.
                                       despite  her  words  ,  he’s  faced  the  opposite  direction  ,  leaned  against  the  wall.  draco  was  raised  to  be  a  gentleman  after  all.  ❛    i  suppose  i’m  as  ready  as  i’ll  ever  be  ,  although  i’m  not  particularly  excited.  i’ve  been  made  prefect  this  year  ,  so  i  can  add  that  on  top  of  my  quidditch  duties  ,  &  everything  else.    ❜  he’s  sure  his  parents  must  be  pleased  by  the  fact  ,  but  it  only  adds  to  his  pile  of  worries  about  the  upcoming  year.  ❛    what  about  yourself  ?  how  ready  are  you  ?    ❜
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silvrtcngue · 4 years
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     she took a deep breath, walking by his side with ease. it was better there, making her feel less closed. astoria turned her head a little to cast a look at the blonde and smiled lightly.   "   yes, thank you. i had a lovely time so far and I hope it will remain that way…   "   she hesitated for a second.   "   though, it seems like fate has other plans for us, isn’t it?   “   she shakes her head slightly.   ”   how’s your vacation going? peacefully, for now, I hope?   "
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                                     he  lets  out  a  faint  chuckle  ,  but  there’s  no  humor  behind  it.  ❛    i  suppose  peaceful  might  be  one  way  to  phrase  it.  i’ll  admit  ,  i’ve  mostly  kept  to  myself  for  a  while  now.    ❜  it’s  strange  ,  given  that  he’s  used  to  being  surrounded  constantly.  he  doesn’t  dwell  on  the  fact  ,  &  simply  offers  a  small  shrug.  ❛    i  don’t  imagine  it’ll  be  peaceful  for  much  longer  ,  no  matter  which  way  things  turn.  hopefully  we’ll  be  able  to  enjoy  it  a  bit  longer  before  it  all  turns  to  shit.    ❜  draco’s  face  softens  just  then  ,  as  he  realizes  the  words  that  slipped.  ❛    sorry  ,  didn’t  mean  to  bring  down  the  conversation.  force  of  habit  nowadays.    ❜ 
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silvrtcngue · 4 years
❛ I may be more sophisticated, but you’re not exactly barbaric, Draco. ❜ She replied with a soft smirk. It seemed practically impossible to become uncivilized with their upbringing. Elegance and manners were drilled into Pansy like pesky nails during her youth. ❛ Merlin, I don’t think I’ll ever be that desperate. I’d rather starve myself than eat the rubbish they have here. ❜ The raven-haired witch chanted with a melodramatic tone. Pansy could admit to Draco that she visited the pub far more than she cared to. Its proximity to Diagon Alley and her laziness to travel further could not go unnoticed. ❛ I was doing some shopping in Diagon Alley, and this was the closest establishment. I think I needed a quick bit of encouragement before stepping foot into the old Parkinson manor. Normally I’d hide from anyone who might recognize me here, but I know you’ll keep my secret. ❜ The Slytherin witch hardly had any love for her family’s drafty home. It reeked of desperation and negative energy. ❛  What are you doing here? ❜
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                                       he  can’t  lie  to  her  ,  even  if  he  wanted  (  which  strangely  enough  ,  he  didn’t  ).  ❛    been  coming  here  a  lot  ,  actually.  i  just  need  to  get  away  from...  well  ,  you  already  know.    ❜  there’s  a  moment  of  silence  that  follows  ,  &  his  cheeks  flush.  was  it  shame  ,  or  simply   the  alcohol  ?  difficult  to  say  on  draco’s  end.  ❛    home  isn’t  exactly  very  homey  at  the  moment.  so  ,  instead  of  brooding  around  there  ,  i  come  here  to  do  it  in  peace.  not  exactly  the  most  elegant  establishment  ,  but  people  here  don’t  ask  questions.  or  even  care  about  me  ,  for  that  matter.    ❜  so  much  has  changed  in  him  the  past  couple  of  months  ,  he’s  hardly  acting  himself  anymore.  it  was  only  a  short  while  ago  draco  was   conjuring  up  the  infamous  ‘potter  stinks’  badges  with  his  friends.  now  he  kept  himself  to  the  shadows  ,  avoiding  anything  that  could  possibly  send  attention  his  way.  ❛    i  take  it  things  are  going  similarly  on  your  end  ?    ❜
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silvrtcngue · 4 years
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       ‘   i  gotta  be  honest,  i  think  all  ale  tastes  like  piss,  so  i  guess  i’m  buggered.   ‘      she  replies  with  a  sigh,  she’d  been  hoping  to  grab  a  quick  lunch,  or  even  a  cup  of  tea,  but  that  prospect  suddenly  looked  highly  unlikely.      oh  well,  at  least  the  company  didn’t  seem  terrible,  after  all,  she’d  never  really  believed  in  judging  people  based  on  their  house.
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                                       ❛    well  ,  you’re  in  the  wrong  pub  ,   i’m  afraid.    ❜  the  leaky  cauldron  was  no  fine  dining  ,  a  fact  that  was  to  be  expected.  it  was  difficult  to  imagine  any  delicacies  from  such  a  lowly  place  ,  but  that’s  what  draco  seemed  to  prefer  nowadays.  here  ,  he  could  blend  in.  it  was  an  odd  comfort  he  hadn’t  expected  to  find  when  first  waltzing  in  ,  but  is  now  happy  to  have  nonetheless.  ❛    if  you’re  looking  for  better  food  &  drinks  you  might  want  to  try  farther  down  ,  or  even  somewhere  outside  of  diagon  alley.    ❜
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silvrtcngue · 4 years
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“draco. stop fretting.” she looked at her son with a stern look before looking back to the dress in her hands. “we need to get your robes tailored in before you start school again.” she went on,examining the details of the dress. fine taste. narcissa always had them. “fifth year- it seems time flies. i remember my fifth year. the year that your grandmother told me of my arrangement to you father.”
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                                      he’s  heard  the  story  many  times  in  his  life  ,  but  now  there’s  an  unsettling  feeling  bubbling  inside  of  him.  ❛    i  remember.    ❜  there’s  a  pause  ,  his  face  twists  in  concern.  ❛    are  you  &  father  considering  the  same  for  me  ?    ❜  dread  laces  his  words  ,  despite  his  efforts  to  hide  it.  living  with  the  malfoy  family  name  ,  his  path  has  been  decided  already.  draco  knows  this.  it  always  seemed  that  he  would  have  plenty  of  time  before  thinking  about  any  of  that  ,  but  now  ?  time  was  running  away  from  him.      
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silvrtcngue · 4 years
@silvrtcngue· said:   ❛ So what, you’re just going to stay in your room alone while everybody else is out having fun? ❜ 
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     “   maybe i have fun on my own, here,   “   she dug her fingers harder into the door frame, watching draco a little speechless.it wasn’t that she didn’t want to go out and join the rest, no matter how boring the event could be — she simply couldn’t ; it was humiliating, the fear she will fall down just because she wakes up feeling weak and knew it’s not a good sign. and yet, now, having the other seek her out made her felt a little… astoria bites her bottom lip, for a moment looking down before nodding gently and opening the door more, making a step back.   “   come in —- i will just change quickly, then,   “   she said, suddenly feeling exposed with her oversized hoodie-like dress and bare feet. 
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                                      the  blond  takes  a  small  step  inside  ,  his  eyes  taking  in  the  hoodie  that  she  wears.  ❛    erm  -  yeah.  probably  for  the  best.  not  that  what  you’re  wearing  is  bad  per  se.    ❜  his  eyes  shift  down  to his  own  attire,  a  black  button  down  with  slacks  to  match  ,  obviously  more  formal  in  contrast. ❛    i  mean  ,  you  certainly  look  more  comfortable  out  of  the  two  of  us  ,  i  will  give  you  that.    ❜  he  offers  a  small  laugh  ,  a  sight  rarely  seen  these  days  by  the  youngest  malfoy.  ❛    do  you  want  me  to  wait  outside  the  door  instead  ,   while  you  change  ?  i  mean  ,  as  long  as  you  promise  to  come  out  ,  afterwards.    ❜
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silvrtcngue · 4 years
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ron had wanted a bit of a drink and instead of trying to steal from sirius or risk his mother being disappointed with him, he just decided to take the knight bus to the leaky cauldron and grab something from there. it also helped that it lead to diagon alley and he could pretend that he wanted to buy something if he was questioned when coming back.
ron slid into the nearest empty chair, not bothering to check for a better sit and tried to wave down the bartender. after a couple of minutes with no success, he heard the person next to him speak and turned around only to immediately scowl. “ i’m glad i asked for your unwanted opinion, malfoy. perhaps you should stick with terrorizing muggleborns instead of giving me food recommendations.” ron said with a harsh tone before turning back to the bar.
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                                    he  simply  rolls  his  eyes  in  response.  of  all  the  people  in   the  world  to  sit  next  to  him  ,  of  course  it  would  be  weasley.  ❛    you  dislike  when  i  do  go  around  terrorizing  muggleborns  ,  yet  you  complain  when  i  don’t  ?  maybe  you  should  figure out  what  you  want  from  me  first   before  giving  me  contradicting  suggestions.    ❜  there’s  a  sigh  that  comes  next  ,  &  draco’s  gaze  shifts  towards  the  door.  no  ,  he  wasn’t  leaving  just  because  of  the  redhead.  the  slytherin  was  there  first  ,  after  all.  ❛    i’m  surprised  potter  isn’t  around  ,  considering  you’re  always  following  him  around  like  a  lost  puppy.  i  don’t  think  i’ve  ever  seen  you  alone.  did  he  &  granger  finally  get  tired  of  you  ?    ❜  
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silvrtcngue · 5 years
The familiar voice by Pansy’s side could hardly go unnoticed. Frankly, the raven-haired witch probably recognized Draco Malfoy’s voice more than most students at Hogwarts. She supposed that came from their common house and growing up in similar circles. ❛ Draco, you know me better than that. I’ve always been much more of a wine girl. ❜ The young woman hinted with a light smirk, raising her brow in wondering why the Malfoy heir chose to frequent the Leaky Cauldron. Pansy hated the notion of seeing anyone she recognized there, but somehow she felt that Draco would keep her secret. ❛ I don’t think I’ve ever tried the food. It doesn’t look like something I’d enjoy. ❜
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                                    his  eyes  lift  to  meet  those  of  his  dearest  friend.  ❛    i  do  ,  in  fact.  you’ve  always  been  the  more  sophisticated  one.    ❜  a  trait  he  wishes  he  had  himself  ,  especially  during  these  times.  they  were  dark  indeed.  ❛    the  food  ?  i  suppose  that  all  depends  on  how  desperate  you  are.  i  don’t  think  either  one  of  us  are  in  that  position  currently.  so  ,  just  in  case  you  were  curious  i  wouldn’t  recommend  trying  it  out.    ❜  despite  all  of  its  flaws  &  revulsion  ,  draco  was  quite  content  frequenting  the  pub.  here  he  was  just  another  bloke  wanting  a  drink  ,  practically  a  nobody.  compared  to  the  rest  of  the  world  where  he  was  draco  malfoy  ,  pureblood  &  heir  to  the  malfoy  legacy.  a  title  he  didn’t  necessarily  want  to  live  up  to.  ❛    i’m  surprised  to  see  you  here  ,  actually.  didn’t  think  this  kind  of  place  would  be  somewhere  you’d  willingly  walk  into.  everything  alright  ?    ❜
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silvrtcngue · 5 years
      for once in her life, hermione jean granger didn’t have a plan. the day was open book, with nothing more or less to do. every thrift shop had taken her gaze at least once by now, maybe even twice, and the book stores had nothing new. well, safe for anything she’d be interested in reading. romance novels were more or less —- boring. that is precisely the reason she’s striding down the cobble stone road, quiet in her thoughts of her friends and what the future held for them as a unit, that was until a strangely familiar silver head of hair caught her attention.  eyes widen enough, alertness piercing the swell of her russet hues. she allowed a long moment of silence as she sweltered in his presence. cheeks glowing a firm rosy hue that spread from cheek bones down to the arch of where her neck ended and her spine begins. 
      lately she’d been finding herself in the pubs in her surrounding vicinity, probably more than she ever cared to admin. sitting down with a nice glass of butterbeer or fire whiskey, free to be at ease with the impending thoughts that continuously clogged every crevice of her cognize. her hand reached for the door, eyeing up towards him with irises hidden behind the thickness of her lashes, peering indecisively. “hello malfoy,”  it was always fickle to think about what the future has to offer, and the possible decisions that would have to be made if things tuned for the worse. that’s why she was going to save herself the trouble and invite him, with her. “care for a pint or two?”
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                                    the  slytherin  is  headed  towards  the  familiar  pub  ,  after  a  long  day  of  wandering  aimlessly.  it’s  all  he  can  do  nowadays  to  avoid  his  own  emotions.  it  was  that  ,  or  finding  himself  lost  in  his  family’s  library.  even  then  ,  there’s  a  chance  of  him  running  into  his  parents.  so  ,  this  is  how  he  spent  most   of  his  days.  it  was  an  unfortunate  sight  ,  but  these  past  few  months  have  worn  him  down.  as  his  thoughts  trail  off   ,  gray  eyes  catch  sight  of  a  familiar  gryffindor  heading  towards  the  same  direction  as  him.  draco  thinks  he  should  turn  the  other  direction  &  find  another  pub  to  avoid  whatever  unpleasantness  would  be  had.  but  there  was  no  avoiding  hermione.
                                       he’s  surprised  to  find  she  wasn’t  slamming  the  door  on  him  ,  or  landing  him  another  blow  to  the  face.  instead  ,  she’s...  friendly.  he’s  not  used  to  it  &  it  takes  a  moment  to  process  before  he  clears  his  throat.  ❛    yeah...  yeah.  i  suppose  i  could  go  for  a  drink.     ❜  his  curiosity  was  piqued  ,  there  was  no  denying.  what  could  be  her  motive  ?  there  had  to  be  one  up  her  sleeve  somehow.  as  the  blond  steps  inside  he  eyes  her  with  raised  brows.  instead  of  questioning  her  though  ,  he  relaxes  his  features.  ❛    i  suppose  it’s  cliche  to  ask  what  a  girl  like  you  is  doing  here.  i  didn’t  take  you  as  the  type  to  be  seen  in  a  place  like...  this.    ❜       
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silvrtcngue · 5 years
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     if she will need to send another polite smile, just one, astoria will end up screaming her throat raw. and yet, she just took a breath and walked through the crowd ; her parents are somewhere around and she knew better than making a scene —- it would reflect not only on her but on an entire family. she saw something light from the corner of her eye and yes, there was a familiar blond. she didn’t know draco malfoy too good, but he had that face like he was trying hard to not snap or yawn and she moved quickly, hand touching lightly his arm as she smiled to his company.      “    — i’m terribly sorry for interrupting,   “   she said in soft tone than made people think she is just sweet, naive girl and she wasn’t above using it when needed. astoria turned her head to blonde and nodded gently.   “   draco, would you be a dear and walk me to the gardens? i would love a little company while catching a breath.   “
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                                    he’s  lost  in  his  mind  ,  as  usual  these  days.  echoes  fill  his  mind  ,  constant  nightmares  of  the  future  to  come.  his  future  ,  to  be  more  specific.  the  blond’s  mind  was  racing  ,  &  although  there  was  a  book  in  his   hands  ,  he  struggled  to  focus  on  the  words  written.  there’s  a  voice  ,  &  draco  looks  up  to  see  a  certain  redhead.  draco  does  a  double  take  before  realizing  she  wasn’t  a  weasley.  ❛    oh  ,  you’re  alright  astoria.    ❜  he  shuts  the  book  ,  not  bothering  to  bookmark  his  page.  ❛    sure  ,  i  don’t  mind  at  all.    ❜  truthfully  ,  he  was  grateful  for  the  distraction.  he  stands  up  ,  &  takes  her  arm  ,  starting  for  the  gardens.  a  moment  of  silence  falls  ,  as  draco  isn’t  sure  what  to  say.  he’s  not  as  familiar  with  the  girl  ,  despite  them  being  in  the  same  house  ,  &  small  talk  isn’t  exactly  a  strength  of  his.  ❛    so  ,  i  take  it  your  summer  is  going  well  so  far  ?    ❜  it’s  the  only  thing  he  could  come  up  with.  
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silvrtcngue · 5 years
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a soft sigh escaped from his lips at the familiar voice beside him, fingers going to pinch at the bridge of his nose as if to prepare himself for the unavoidable headache, “malfoy.” the last time he’d seen the slytherin had been at a pub and harry had been drunk and ended up revealing his darkest secrets to the other, “i think i’ll stick with just a butterbeer this time. probably better for the both of us.” 
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                                    the  slytherin  smirks  as  soon  as  he  recognizes  the  voice.  ❛    suit  yourself  ,  potter.  but  be  warned  :  they’re  nothing  like  madame  rosmerta’s.  the  ones  here  just  taste  like  piss.    ❜  draco  recalls  their  last  conversation  ,  shame  filling  in  his  chest.  for  some  reason  ,  he  can’t  help  but  want  to  slip  up  when  it  came  to  harry.  something  he  should  avoid  ,  yet  he  can’t  seem  to  find  the  motivation  to  leave  the  pub.  
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silvrtcngue · 5 years
“”, ??, & xoxoxoxoxo harry
send  “”  for  a  letter  that  WASN’T  SENT.
dear  harry  ,
         things  are…  worrisome  around  here.  whispers  are  all  around  me  ,  yet  i  can’t  understand  what  they’re  saying.  i  worry  about  my  father’s  involvement  with  cedric’s  death  ,  &  what  will  most  likely  be  asked  of  me  in  the  future.  things  must  not  be  easy  for  you  ,  i  know.  but  there’s  a  plot  ,  &  although  i  don’t  know  what  that  is  i  know  it’ll  be  bad  &  well  ,  ——  i  can’t  tell  you  anything  otherwise  i’ll  be  considered  a  traitor.  i  suppose  there’s  no  way  i  can  send  this  to  you…
send  “  ⁇  ”  for  a  DRUNK  letter.
potter  ,  
         i  keep  trying  to  think  of  a  way  to  tell  you  the  truth.  it’s  very  nearly  come  out  in  uh...  certain  conversations.  so  ,  with  a  bit  of  liquid  courage  i  just  want  to  say  how  terrified  i  am  of  the  future.  i  don’t  want  a  war  ,  or  anymore  deaths.  i  want  a  normal  life  ,  outside  of  pureblood  expectations  &  such.  my  family  would  never  allow  such  things  &  i  hate  to  think  of  what  would  become  of  them  if  i  were  to  escape.  it’s  a  scary  world  out  there  now  ,  it’ll   only  get  worse.  hence  ,  why   i  spend  most  of  my  time  hiding  out  in  various  pubs.  anyways  ,  that  is  all  i  can  say  for  now  if  i  don’t  want  this  ending  up  in  the  wrong  hands.
———  draco  malfoy.
send  “  &  ”  for  a  LOVING  letter.
dear  harry  ,  
         i’m  not  really  sure  how  to  put  these  words  onto  paper.  they’ve  been  stuck  in  my  head  for  some  time  now  ,  but  i’m  not  sure  how  i  can  articulate  them  correctly.  i’ve  been  taught  to  hate  you  ,  but  truthfully  i  don’t.  now  don’t  go  around  thinking  i’m  suddenly  in  love  with  you  or  something…  i  definitely  don’t.  there’s  a  part  of  me  that  wishes  things  were  different  ,  that  we  were  different.  maybe  we  would’ve  been  friends…  or  something.  anyways  ,  i  just  wanted  to  get  that  off  my  chest.  please  ,  let’s  keep  this  between  us  ?
———  draco  malfoy.
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silvrtcngue · 5 years
✘⁇ “”
send  “  ✘  ”  for  a  hateful  letter.
dear  granger  ,
         you’re  such  a  pain  ,  you  know  that  ,  right   ?  you  must.  it  amazes  me  someone  of  your  status  manages  to  top  my  scores  every  single  year.  even  with  your  constant  rule  breaking.  honestly  ,  you  should’ve  been  expelled  years  ago.  even  my  father  thinks  so.  you  might  want  to  watch  out  ,  dumbledore  may  not  be  around  to  protect  you  &  your  friends  forever  ,  &  you’ll  be  returned  to  your  precious  muggle  life.
———  draco  malfoy.
send  “  ⁇  ”  for  a  drunk  letter.
hermione  ,  
         that’s  such  a  weird  name.  no  doubt  what  you  get  for  having  muggle  parents.  what  is  it  they  do  in  the  muggle  world  anyways  ?  anyways  ,  i  know  we’re  not  exactly  friendly  ,  &  that’s  my  own  doing.  things  have  been  strange  since  the  end  of   the  school  year.  all  i  can  seem  to  do  is  spend  my  time  at  the  pubs  ,  or  locked  away  in  my  home’s  library.  i  don’t  know  why  i’m  saying  all of  this  ,  maybe  it’s  the  drinks.  maybe  i’m  not  as  lost  as  everyone  thinks  i  am…  it’s  probably  the  drinks.  none  of  this  makes  sense  &  i’ll  probably  regret  saying  all  of  this  in  the  morning.  sorry…  for  everything.
———  draco  malfoy.
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silvrtcngue · 5 years
send  “  ⁇  ”  for  a  drunk  letter.
pansy  ,  
         i’m  currently  in  the  leaky  cauldron  ,  thinking  about  what  a  stupid  name  that  is.  what  kind  of  pub  is  it  ?   not  the  very  good  kind  ,  i’ll  say  that.  leaky  cauldron.  just  say  that  aloud  a  few  times.  tell  me  it  doesn’t  just  sound  revolting.  to  be  fair  ,  this  place  kind  of  is.  before  you  ask  ,  yes  ,  i’m  slightly  drunk.  things  are  not  good  here  &  there’s  nothing  else  for  me  to  do   ,  really.  hope  your  summer  is  better  than  mine  has  been.
———  draco  malfoy.
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silvrtcngue · 5 years
send  “  @  ”  for  a  SCARED  letter.
dear  sylvanas  ,
         i’m  not  sure  why  i’m  writing  this  to  you  ,  exactly.  things  are bleak  here  in  malfoy  manor.  there  are  whispers  all  around  ,   i  can  feel  the  restlessness  surrounding  me.  it’s  like  i  can’t  breathe  anymore  ,  trapped  in  this  prison  with  no  hope  of  escape.  you’re  an  auror  ,  right  ?  tell  me  how  bad  it  really  is.  not  the  crap  they’re  feeding  from  the  daily  prophet.  what’s  really  happening  out  there  ?  is  it  as  bad  as  i  think  it  is  ,  or  worse  ?  i  just…  i  need  to  know  what’s  really  happening.  there  are  constant  whispers  and  yet  i  hear  nothing  here.  please.
———  draco  malfoy.
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silvrtcngue · 5 years
@ + sirius / ⁇ + wolf / % + astoria
send  “  @  ”  for  a  SCARED  letter.
dear  sirius  ,  
         i’m  not  sure  if  this  owl  will  actually  reach  you.  i  have  no  idea  where  you’re  hiding  out.  i  suppose  that’s  for  the  best  with  all  this  talk  of  you  helping  aunt  bellatrix  &  some  of  the  other  death  eaters  escaping.  i  know  it  wasn’t  you.  
a  part  of  me  isn’t  sure  whether  or  not  i  should  be  writing  a  letter  to  you.  if  my  parents  would  find  out  there  would  be…  unpleasant  consequences.  i  suppose  that’s  why  i’m  writing  to  you  in  the  first  place.  you  &  aunt  andromeda  are  probably  the  only  others  who  understand  how  i’m  feeling  right  now.  with  the  dark  lord’s  return  ,  i  know  my  family  will   want  me  to  join  his  cause.  the  thing  is…  i   don’t  want  to.  i’m  terrified  of  the  idea.  but  i’m  also  terrified  of  what  would  happen  to  my  parents  if  i  ran  off  ,  or  decided  to  join  the   other  side.  i  just  don’t  know  what  to  do  now…  everything  about  this  scares  me  to  death.  anyways  ,  i  hope  all  is  well.
———  draco  malfoy.
send  “  ⁇  ”  for  a  DRUNK  letter.
dear  wolf  boy  or  whatever  ,  
         why  did  your  parents  name  you  wolfgang  hawke  of  all  things  ?  they  just  mashed  two  animals  together  ??  that  doesn’t  even  make  sense  ??!  also  ,  sorry  about  the  handrwriting  i’ve  had  a  drink…  or  a  few.  also  may  have  spilled  some  on  this  parchment.  again  ,  sorry.  anyways  um  bye  i  guess.
———  draco  malfoy.
send  “  %  ”  for  a  CURIOUS  letter.
dear  astoria  ,  
         i  hope  your  summer  has  been  enjoyable  so  far.  or  at  the  very  least  ,  tolerable.  mine  hasn’t  exactly  been  perfect  ,  but  i  won’t  bore  you  with  the  details.  since  you  asked  about  my  hair  (  &  no  ,  you  may  NOT  touch  it  !  )  i  had  a  question  concerning  yours…  you’re  not  secretly  a  weasley  are  you  ?  don’t  worry  ,  i  won’t  tell  if  you  are
  ———  draco  malfoy.
p.s.  i’m  only  joking  ,  or  well  ,  sort  of.  you’re  too  good  to  be  one  of  them.
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