simbrsims · 5 years
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♈️ Gen 1: Aries ♈️
Warren: Hi baby girl. Daddy can’t wait to hold you!
Warren: You’re so precious! I love you angel.
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simbrsims · 5 years
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♈️ Gen 1: Aries ♈️
Quinn: Hm, I think your name is Roxanna.
Quinn: Do you like that name, little one?
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simbrsims · 5 years
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♈️ Gen 1: Aries ♈️
Quinn: Hi beautiful girl. I’m your mama. Your daddy and I haven’t found the perfect name just yet, but we will.
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simbrsims · 5 years
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♈️ And so it begins... ♈️
Baby Aries is born!
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simbrsims · 5 years
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Quinn is getting tired from all this pushing. But she knows it’s worth it!
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simbrsims · 5 years
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**Later That Day**
Quinn: I think I’ve gone into labour!
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simbrsims · 5 years
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Quinn: I am so excited to have our baby.
Warren: So am I. You’ll be the best mom.
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simbrsims · 5 years
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Discussing baby names!
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simbrsims · 5 years
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Baby Aries is on their way! These parents couldn’t be happier!
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simbrsims · 5 years
2020 Zodiac Challenge!
Before you begin this challenge: 
Start your household with 4,000 simoleons.
You must live in a two bedroom/two bathroom house in Newcrest. 
The cost of the house must not exceed 12,000 simoleons.
Each baby must be born in their correct season if you have Seasons.
You must complete the Aspiration indicated for each generation.
The gender for each heir doesn’t matter, nor does their choice of partner.
If your sim has more than one child it will be at your discretion which child becomes the next heir, unless otherwise specified.  Heirs can be adopted.
Start with two parents who will raise baby Aries. When Aries is born, the challenge begins.
Toddler Trait: Independent
Traits: Hot-Headed, Perfectionist, Cheerful
Aspiration: Leader of the Pack
Season: Early Spring
Born in the Spring, you are a seemingly sweet little lamb, but you have an independent streak like nobody’s business. You have an obsession with blocks and this only furthers your need for perfection later in life.  As a teen you are often moody, to the dismay of your parents.  But, you always do your homework and extra credit, and you love having study groups over and playing chess.  Your favorite color is red and you love a nice sunny day by the pool; but nothing makes you happier than taking a project by the horns and seeing it through!
Goals: Max out the thinking skill as a toddler. Become a social media superstar and reach level 10 in the Public Relations branch. Master the logic and charisma skills. Must live in Oasis Springs as an adult. Have one declared enemy and maintain six good friendships.
Toddler Trait: Fussy
Traits: Materialistic, Art Lover, Ambitious
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire 
Season: Spring
A mid Spring arrival you were immediately causing a kerfuffle around the house. Like a bull in a china shop, you just never could sit still! As a child you finally found your happy place: parked in front of a blank sheet of paper with a crayon. And thus, your love of art began. Always a go-getter and expert organizer, you, like your parents, never back down when things get tough. You’re used to storming through life with a deep love of anything blue.  City living has always been your style!
Goals: Master the creativity skill as a child.  Always have either a maid or a butler. Must live in San Myshuno in a nice apartment as an adult, and retire to Del Sol Valley. Master the painting and gaming skills. Reach level ten of the freelancing career on the Electrified Arts branch. Only have one set of twins.
Toddler Trait: Charmer
Traits: Goofball, Dance Machine, Noncommittal 
Aspiration: Master Mixologist
Season: Late Spring
Upon your birth, Spring is about to fade into the warmth of Summer! You have a bubbly personality and are sunny like your favorite color yellow, but you also have a hard time making commitments. Unlike your parents, who were always bent on things being perfect, you are more of a go with the flow type person. You like to keep busy and are keen to just dance on through life, living it to the fullest! As a kid you are charming and in your teenhood you quickly make friends. Always willing to look at things another way, you never make any enemies and can accomplish anything once you truly set your mind to it. But finding love is a little harder, as you definitely won’t settle down with just anyone. 
Goals: Max out your communication skill as a toddler. Complete the social butterfly aspiration as a child.  Throw a party once a week and maintain several good friendships. Reach level ten of the comedy, mixology, and logic skill. Reach the top of the mixology career branch.  Marry late into adulthood.
Toddler Trait: Clingy
Traits: Child of the Islands, Slob, Family-Oriented
Aspiration: Super Parent
Season: Early Summer
Your parents were usually having a party or out and about on the town, so you grew up vying for attention wherever you could get it.  This led you to be loyal to anyone who stands by you, but also a little on the clingy side since you crave being at the center of it all. You also have a love for collecting seashells and postcards, so when you do have some alone time you often wander the beach or jot down a quick note to a penpal from far away. You are an expert at managing your finances so you don’t spend money on frivolous things, and live in a modest, gray-themed, home.  However, you seek to have a big family and give your kids all the love you feel you missed out on growing up. 
Goals: Complete the seashell and postcard collections. Join the babysitting career and marry someone who is in the business career. Write five children’s books. Live in the same town that you grew up in but retire to Sulani once your children are all adults. Have at least three children and maintain a good relationship with all of them. Master the parenting and fishing skills.
Toddler Trait: Wild
Traits: Cat Lover, Self-Assured, Outgoing 
Aspiration: Master Actor
Season: Summer
You grew up with a pride of siblings that were always game to help you put on a show for mom and dad.  Though you sometimes found your parents to be a little on the overhearing side, you did enjoy all the attention you got as a kid.  Though, that may have fueled your ego a little bit. As a teen you are popular and join a club of like minded folks who love to have a good time. You are fashionable and rock orange and bright colors like nobody’s business. You love being a little spoiled and don’t mind still living at home if it means you get free room and board. Any skills you put your mind to you excel at, and as an adult you are friends with all of your coworkers.  You dream of finding a soulmate who is just as vivid as you are, but the world of the rich and famous can sometimes lead to heartbreak…
Goals: Complete the social butterfly aspiration as a child. Join the Paragons as a teen and take over as the head of the group.  Live at home until you are a young adult and then pack up and move to Del Sol Valley. Reach level 10 of the acting career; master the charisma, photography and singing skills. Always have a cat.  Marry an elder and have an affair with a coworker that results in a pregnancy. Do not have any other pregnancies and do not remarry once your spouse dies. 
Toddler Trait: Inquisitive
Traits: Bookworm, Dog Lover, Romantic 
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Season: Late Summer
You were raised by a single parent who was often off chasing fame, which left you home with the nanny and your beloved family cat.  Finding solace in your love of animals sparked a passion in you from a young age to want to give every animal a loving home.  Graced with a large inheritance, you open your own veterinary clinic in Brindleton Bay.  Sweet and blessed with good looks, you are able to befriend both humans and animals with ease. Your only shortcoming is that you often overthink everything and are set on finding perfection, even if you aren’t sure what perfection looks like. Nestled in your cozy emerald cottage, you dream of finding your soulmate, but your lofty ideals keep you from seeing the uncut gem right in front of you. 
Goals: Move to Brindleton Bay as a young adult and begin working as a barista. When your parent dies, open a vet clinic using your 50,000 inheritance (you can motherlode this to yourself once your parents dies).  Do not quit your job as a barista until you are married.  Master the pet training, veterinarian, and wellness skills.  Date/flirt with all of your coworkers but do not marry any of them.  Marry a neighbor at the end of adulthood and maintain a solid relationship with them.  Always have a dog. 
Toddler Trait: Angelic
Traits: Neat, Genius, Unflirty 
Aspiration: Academic
Season: Early Fall
You spent many days frolicking around your parents’ vet clinic learning how to deal with panicked pet owners and make sure that things turned out right in the end.  The cats especially, imparted a calm wisdom on you that encourages you to seek balance in life.  While you may not have nine lives, you are determined to make your life as jam-packed as possible. As a child you are good at both the arts and sciences, and this leads you to seek a wealth of knowledge in all fields later in life. You decide university is the right path for you, and quickly learn that you have a knack for debate.  This prompts you to seek a career in Law, dishing out justice left and right.  You are quick to rise through the ranks, emboldened in your pink power suit.  Just as long as your house is neat and tidy, everything’s coming up aces!
Goals: Master the Mental and Creativity skills as a child.  Always do your homework, extra credit, and any school projects.  Do not date until you are a young adult.  Master the floral arranging, research and debate, and bowling skills. Enroll in the University of Britechester and join the debate guild.  Earn a distinguished degree in history. Join the Law career and excel to the Judge branch. Marry a fellow university student while still at school and only have two children.  Move to Windenburg after graduating university. 
Toddler Trait: Independent
Traits: Jealous, Paranoid, Insider 
Aspiration: Strangerville Mystery
Season: Fall
You parents taught you from a young age that if you wanted something bad enough, you could have it.  Hard work and determination are ingrained in you, and with a venomous jealous streak, no one is going to stand in the way of your passions.  Growing up in a house where everything was black and white made you accept that life has rules, and you always knew you’d join the military as a result.  As a child you would spend hours watching movies and reading books to fulfill your craving for knowledge, but it also caused you to discover mystery and a whole new world of paranormal happenings.  Your blood runs maroon with a need to be the very best, and the very best is what you will be!
Goals: Master the imagination skill as a toddler and the mental skill as a child.  Move out to Strangerville as a teenager and join the manual laborer part-time job.  Master the fitness, video gaming, and fishing skills. Complete the Strangerville mystery and join the military career.  Marry a sim from Selvadorada.  Collect every type of frog.  Never miss an opportunity to help your kids with their homework.  Visit Sylvan Glade and the Forgotten Grotto.
Toddler Trait: Silly
Traits: Kleptomaniac, Bro, Lazy 
Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast
Season: Late Fall
Life in your house growing up was always about getting a bullseye, but you’ve always felt there was more to life than following the status quo.  Life as a military brat gave you the freedom to wander the great outdoors, and your family trips to Selvadorada taught you the beauty of nature.  As a kid you spent countless hours playing on the monkey bars and swimming.  In your teenhood you meet some fellow outdoor enthusiasts who live off the grid and make due with what they can scrounge for.  While you aren’t so sure that the unplugged life is for you, you do enjoy the thrill that comes with scrounging for loot.  Maybe if you can snag something worth a million Simoleons you can live your life decked out in purple silk? Or perhaps you’ll just settle for a life under the stars.
Goals: Master the Movement skill as a toddler and the Motor skill as a child. Join the Renegades as a teen and skip school at least three times to visit The Bluffs. Master the mischief, herbalism, and Selvadoradian Culture skills. Reach level ten of the criminal career.  Camp at least three times in Granite Falls. Marry your highschool sweetheart. Live off the grid until you are an elder.  
Toddler Trait: Charmer
Traits: Childish, Hates Children, Squeamish 
Aspiration: Archaeology Scholar
Season: Early Winter
Even though you are born in the early months of winter, you are a firecracker from day one.  As a kid you spend many days tagging along as your parents search for anything they can steal to add to their collection, but you aren’t interested in stealing junk.  Instead you realize that all that glitters is gold, and you want everything that glitters for your own!  In highschool you are the GOAT of your friend group, even if at times you are a bit whiny and childish.  You somehow always charm your way into getting what you want.  A family trip to visit your grandparents in Selvadora digs up a need to find treasure, and you decide right then that you want to be an Archaeologist.  Digging in the warm brown soil you find riches bigger than your wildest dreams… and bugs (to your nauseated dismay). 
Goals: Join the Scouts as a child and master the creativity skill.  Date at least three classmates as a teen and then become their enemy after breaking up.  Freelance as a writer.  Master the archeology, gourmet cooking, and charisma skills. Marry a mermaid/merman and move to Sulani once your firstborn child is a toddler. Have at least one non-mermadic child (your non-mermadic child will be baby Aquarius).
Toddler Trait: Fussy
Traits: Loner, Vegetarian, Child of the Ocean
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Season: Winter
Some people claim you were born with your head in the clouds, but you’ve always been much more content under the sea.  Full of lofty dreams you grew up dreaming of living in a sandcastle and swimming with the dolphins for hours and hours.  Your often out-of-the box solutions make you a little bit of an odd duck, but that is ok as you don’t mind spending time on your own.  Wandering the lush tropics of Sulani you find nature calls you to protect it, so you give up eating meat and set out to conserve the beautiful place you call home.  But will the shimmering turquoise waters cause you to make a life changing decision?
Goals:  Build a sandcastle every weekend by yourself.  Do not make any close friends until you are a teen, and then only make one best friend.  Maintain that friendship into adulthood.  Master the creativity, photography, gardening, cooking, and violin skills.  Reach level three in the gardening career before switching jobs to become a conservationist. Eat the mermadic kelp as a teenager.  Marry a spellcaster and retire to Glimmerbrook as an elder. 
Toddler Trait: Wild
Traits: Erratic, Glutton, Creative
Aspiration: Purveyor of Potions
Season: Late Winter
Winter is about to melt into the soft green of Spring when you are born, but a delicate bloom you are not. Raised by a mermaid and a spellcaster in the quaint town of Glimmerbrook, your family still always stood out like a sore thumb. You craved acceptance by your peers, but they always found you a little fishy.  Your dream is to come up with a spell that would give you an endless supply of cupcakes, because cake never hurt anybody.  A little crazy and insanely crafty, you first dabble in magic out of boredom.  But as an adult you realize that you can make your limited spellcasting skills work to your creative advantage, and you decide to put a little more effort into your mystical education.  There will just always be that ravenous part of you that can’t say no to cake!  Now if there was only a love spell to find you the perfect mate…
Goals: Practice on the Junior Wizard Starter set as a kid and master the Mental skill. Complete the whiz kid aspiration as a child.  Join the drama club as a teen. Master the comedy, baking, and handiness skills.  Become a level six Spellcaster by adulthood.  Own your own bakery and only make money by selling baked goods and working part time as a fast food employee, do not have a fulltime job.  
** if you do this challenge please use #2020ZodiacSimsChallenge so I can see your creations, either on here or on the gallery! My origin ID and Instagram name are both ChaChaSims93, follow me and share your creations on insta too! **
for the Google Docs version of this challenge please click [ here ]
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