similoins · 4 months
Seomin was too afraid to tell Sana what happened. Sana wouldn't believe her. Seomin knew should would side with her boyfriend. All Seomin could do was keep her head down when she noticed Jungkook was in the room.
It had happened two weeks ago and since then Seomin hadn't seen Jungkook much, and she definitely didn't open the door for him again the next time he came around. She kept what happened to herself. She couldn't tell Jeongan because she'd only be disappointed in her for falling into the same rabbit hole she always did. Be strong, Jeongan would tell her. Constantly allowing others to disrespect you is you disrespecting yourself. She didn't want to tell Sooyoung because she'd been cheated on before and personally hated cheaters and all willing participants.
She wished she could talk to someone about it. She even wanted to tell Sana about it. Not only so Sana would get rid of Jungkook and he be removed from Seomin's life for good. But to also protect Sana. Sana didn't like Seomin, and Seomin had spent the first month trying to change that and eventually gave up. But Seomin never disliked Sana.
Seomin was sitting at Starbucks, waiting for her classmate to arrive so arrive to school so they could work on their group project together, when Jungkook sat across from her. She nearly spilled her drink, jumping in shock. Her eyes darted around for Sana, but she was no where in sight.
"Why are you being so weird?" He asked and Seomin didn't meet his eyes as she answered.
"Where's Sana?"
"Not here. Hey, look up." Seomin did begrudgedly and Jungkook's eyes trailed her face. "Are you feeling bad about it? For Sana?"
"Yes, I told you we shouldn't."
"Well, we did, and she's not going to find out so you should chill." He leaned back in his seat, as if getting comfortable, his legs spreading open a bit. Seomin looked away, as the thought that Jungkook was attractive crossed her mind.
"Have you been thinking about it?" Seomin was hesitant to answer. "Me fucking you again?" He continued. Seomin flinched at the words. Just then, her phone rang and Seungwan's name showed on the screen.
She quickly answered, looking away from Jungkook. Seungwan burst into a rant about someone cutting her off in traffic, but she'd finally made it. Seomin didn't let her hang up. She left the table, appearing fully immersed in the conversation with Seungwan, not daring to glance back at Jungkook.
She caught eyes with Chaeyoung while she was leaving. The short girl was giving her an odd look, considering they hardly ever interacted. Seomin briefly wondered if she'd unknowningly done something to the girl, but was quickly pulled back into conversation with Seungwan.
Seomin is walking to her apartment from the study area of the lounge when she hears a shout. She turns and sees Chaeyoung gesturing for her to come over to the study room she’s in. Shes alone and it reeks of weed. It looks like two other people were with her but they’d left with their stuff spread about.
"Yes?" Seomin questions. Chaeyoung takes a long sip of whatever's in her tumblr before she speaks. She has an obviously fake smile on her lips as she motions to the empty seat across from her.
"Sit for this." Seomin walks and sits down and waits for Chaeyoung to go on.
"To cut to the chase, I heard about you and Jungkook." Seomin's eyes widened and she held her breath momentarily. Jungkook was telling people. "Don't freak out. Mingyu and I are the only two that know. Well, were, now Sana knows. I just wanted to give you a heads up before you went in there."
"You told her?!" Seomin stands. Sana knows?! Seomin can't face her, she doesn't want to.
"Yeah, she was being a bitch, sorry." A brief smirk on Chaeyoung's lips were visible before she wrapped them around her tumblr straw again.
"She's going to hate me." Chaeyoung laughed, releasing her lips from her drink.
"Don't you think she should? You fucked her boyfriend."
"I didn't want to!" Seomin sat back in the chair exasperatedly. She had foolishly thought there was a chance Sana would never find out about her and Jungkook.
"Woah, what do you mean by that?" Chaeyoung pushed her drink aside and leaned forward. "He made you?"
"No. He didn't-" Her voice cracked. "I didn't want to. That's not the type of person I am."
Chaeyoung still looked concerned, but she didn't say anything else for a few moments. "Why did you do it if you didn't want to?"
"He kept asking." Seomin buried her face in her hands, embarrassed. This is why she could never go to Jeongan to talk about what happened with Jungkook. "He was so persistent," Seomin remembers his touch and his whispers in her ear. "I just... It just happened and I really wish it didn't."
"Girl, that sounds like rape."
"It wasn't rape." Seomin deadpanned. It couldn't have been rape because she remembers enjoying it. She enjoyed his hands gripping her hips and the sounds of their skin meeting. She enjoyed his grunts and how he squeezed her breasts. She even enjoyed knowing that while he had a girlfriend as beautiful as Sana Minatozaki, he still wanted to have sex with her. "It just wasn't."
Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes at the girl, stuck between suspicion and caution.
"So what are you going to tell Sana?"
"I don't know." Seomin stood from her chair. "Thanks for the heads up, I'm leaving." Chaeyoung moved along with the girl and Seomin scoffed, already seeing what the girl is planning. "Don't follow me."
"What if she tries to kick your ass? You'll need backup. You'll need me." Chaeyoung lifted her fist, jabbing at an imaginary enemy. "Got you bitch."
"Whatever." Seomin didn't feel like arguing with Chaeyoung knowing what was awaiting her upstairs. At least she'd have Chaeyoung as a witness if Sana tried anything.
The ride up to the elevator was Chaeyoung talking about how much a bitch Sana was and how Seomin did the world a favor by fucking her boyfriend and effectively fucking her over. Seomin tried not to pay too much attention to her.
Sana wasn't in the common area when the two entered the apartment. Seomin let out a breath of relief.
"Okay, you can leave now. I won't need back up." Seomin whispered, leaving the front door open so Chaeyoung could walk out.
"She's here, I saw her go this way not too long ago. Go knock on her door."
"No!" Seomin whisper-shouted. "Can you leave please?" Seomin was more on edge now, directing her anger at Chaeyoung for telling Sana in the first place. If it hadn't been for her, she wouldn't even have to deal with this.
"Aish, for a little slut, you're no fun." Chaeyoung muttered, sticking her tongue out at Seomin before walking off.
"Whatever bi-" Seomin held her tongue, remembering that Chaeyoung wasn't above getting physical, which is the last thing Seomin wanted at that moment. She quietly shut the door after Chaeyoung, but not quiet enough because almost immediately did Sana's room door swing open.
Seomin braced herself before turning around and meeting eyes with her roommate and she gulped, because Sana did look angry or sad or even shocked.
Upon their eyes meeting, a laugh bubbled up out of Sana's throat, sharp and unexpected. "Can you believe her?" Sana asked and Seomin's eyebrows furrowed, her mind moving a mile a minute until suddenly she got an idea, stemming from her own irritation with Chaeyoung.
"No, I don't. She's a liar."
And somehow, this worked. Coupled with Sana already having talked to Jungkook and him denying the whole thing, Seomin denying it and the two forming an allegiance of annoyance towards Chaeyoung. Sana was able to be convinced it was all just a lie Chaeyoung made up.
Seomin got to her room and couldn't remember the last time she'd been so relieved.
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similoins · 6 months
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similoins · 7 months
Jimin is the office slut, who gets fucked on top of her cubicle after work
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similoins · 7 months
Taeyoung and Jungkook have an OnlyFans and they specialize in #stuck
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similoins · 7 months
Taeyoung is Jungkook's geeky step-sister as of two years ago. She has big unflattering glasses that's almost comical. She has one friend, Jimin, who receives most of the male attention when the two are together, because Jimin likes to show off what she has. Taeyoung on the other hand, is more reserved and wears less flattering clothes.
Jungkook thinks most people don't know how hot Taeyoung's body is. Jungkook's seen it. Not intentionally, he's not sure Taeyoung even knows. But he's seen her getting ready for school through a cracked door before.
Taeyoung has nice tits, Jungkook thinks they're about a handful big. Her hips are small, but they still protrude.
He tried explaining how nice her body was to his friends, but they doubted him. They told him to take pictures of her and then they'd believe him.
Jungkook had a better idea. He invited his three friends over one night. Taeyoung didn't speak to any of them, she was a bit shy.
Jungkook entered Taeyoung's room that night, not knocking, hoping to catch her in the midst of something. She was sitting criss cross in bed, looking down at her laptop with intent eyes, one hand under her pajama pants, playing with herself Jungkook imagined. She quickly removed her hand from her pants upon Jungkook walking in. Her face flushed as she shut her laptop.
"Why didn't you knock?!" She got out and Jungkook smirked.
"What were you watching?" He asked, and came and sit beside her, Taeyoung scooted a bit away from him, crossing her arms as her cheeks continued to flush.
"What do you want?" She almost whined.
Jungkook mulled over exactly what he wanted to say to his step sister.
"I want you to let me fuck you." Taeyoung's eyes widened.
"Are you serious?"
"Yes, and I know you'd like it too considering what I just caught you doing. Why don't you let me fuck you? Have you ever came with a dick inside of you?" Jungkook ran his fingers under her shirt, along her side.
"You're my brother," Taeyoung just about spit out, having trouble speaking after the ridiculous request.
"Step brother, you know how it goes. Are you going to let me fuck you or not?"
"No. What if mom or dad hear?"
"They're out of town, remember."
"What about your friends?"
"They'd love to watch." Jungkook said into her ear, pulling her closer into him around her waist. He breathed into her ear. "Let me fuck you. I'll even let you choose how you want it. I can fuck you in all the ways you want to be. You can trust me, tae."
Taeyoung gives in and let's Jungkook undress her. She tries not to think about their parents or Jungkook's friends as he massages and sucks her tits. As he grabs her hips and pulls her into him.
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similoins · 3 years
Jungkook doesn't like this Taeho kid. Apparently Hyoseon knows him and he's creeped her out, even putting his hands on her! He doesn't want him hanging out with his baby sister. He sounds like a complete weirdo from what he hears from Jiyoon and Hyoseon (who is coworkers with his father).
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similoins · 3 years
"What do you think?" Silver asked upon walking into their room. Silver never wore makeup, the girl didn't know how to put it on. Though it wasn't as if she needed any as she was a natural beauty.
But right now, her eye lids were lined in crooked eyeliner on top of top blue eyeshadow. It looked painfully beginner and not flattering. Was there a nice way to say this? Shadow thought.
"It could use a little more work."
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similoins · 3 years
A guy, not particularly one that Silver has feelings for or anything, hurts her feelings. She cries about it later and it affects Shadows studying, so she asks Silver what's wrong and comforts her by sitting on her bed and wiping away her tears.
Shadow didn't expect to get to close and personal with the girl. She had just wanted her to stop crying so she could continue studying. But seeing someone as pure of heart as Silver upset, upset Shadow herself.
"I know you hear this all the time," Shadow started as she brushed Silvers fallen hair behind her ear. "But you're beautiful Silver. That means a lot of guys are going to want some of your time, and you need to be careful who you share it with."
Silver sniffled, nodding once, her eyes on her lap before she looked up, her eyes meeting Shadow's.
"I don't hear it from you," Silver rubbed at her nose, "ever."
Shadow rolled her eyes. "Would you like me to tell you more often?" She sarcastically asked to which Silver eagely nodded. Shadow narrowed her eyes at the door, thinking of her ranking yet again, when she remembered she'd been told it's hard to decipher when she is being sarcastic due to her monotonous accent.
"Okay then," Shadow moved to stand from Silver's bed, but the tall girl grabbed her wrists.
Shadow blinked at the girl. How long was she expecting Shadow to sit on her bed?
"I have to finish studying."
"I know." Silver threw her arms around Shadow, squeezing the other tight. "Thank you for the talk. It means a lot."
Shadow patted her back. "You're welcome." And waited for her to release.
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similoins · 3 years
King Art & Vivi
All have different dads, but somehow King ends up taking care of his two siblings.
They can barely make ends meet, as King lost his scholarship and had to pause his education to keep a roof over their heads. They don't live in the nicest apartment.
They have a cat named Lock.
King is still good at programming so he does that as a job.
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similoins · 4 years
“I think Jimin has a drinking problem.” Namjoon grumbled after the topless orange haired girl threw back another shot, handed to her by Jangmi excitedly. Jimin was on her knees on Jangmi’s kitchen counter, dancing as best as she could that way.
“She doesn’t. I would know. She just gets crazy at parties.” Hyoseon assured Namjoon. She knew her roommate. She also knew Jimin drank every day. She wasn’t going to tell other people that though.
Namjoon hummed in acknowledgment, looking around the room for his fiance. She was no where in sight. He figured she was in the bathroom. “I’m gonna go find Tae.” Namjoon told Hyoseon who nodded as he left.
“We should’ve stayed home.” Yoongi said from the couch as he saw Jangmi begin to suck on Jimin’s exposed breast. “Its loud and too many people and I’ve already seen enough boobs for the day. Can we leave?” Yoongi asked his wife.
Seojin didn’t want to leave. The party was more exciting than being home with the twins she’d recently had. She enjoyed the sight of Jangmi licking Jimin’s breasts as if it were ice cream.
Seojin shook her head. “No Yoongi I’m having fun. Lighten up a bit grumpy. Look,” She pointed to Namjoo trying to get an Oreo from the center of her forehead to her mouth with out touching her face.
Yoongi sighed, crossing his arms. “You need something to drink. I’ll go get you something.” Seojin stood from the chair going to get drinks from the kitchen. Hyoseon replaced her in alarm speed which surprised Yoongi because he didn’t see her coming at all.
“Hey Yoongi.” She greeted sipping on something through a straw. “You don’t look like you’re having fun.”
“Because I’m not.”
“Is it because you brought your wife?”
“She’s the only reason I’m here.”
“Oh.” Hyoseon didn’t like Seojin. She didn’t believe a girl could be that sweet or that perfect. She didn’t understand how she’d ended up marrying someone like Yoongi.
Taeyoung was talking to Seojin in the kitchen, holding her up. Yoongi didn’t stare too long, instead paying attention to Namjoo’s stupid shenanigans.
“What are you doing?” Yoongi asked Hyoseon who had her hand wrapped around his thigh now. He made no move to stop her or even look at her.
“You said you were bored so..”
“So what? Getting felt up at a party doesn’t make it any better.”
“What if I gave you head?”
“Can you leave?”
“Yes, sorry.” Hyoseon left the couch. Yoongi turned to see what was taking his wife so long to see her still talking to Taeyoung who seemed closer to her than before. Yoongi wished they were at home.
After a few more minutes of waiting for Seojin he decided to go tell her he was going home without her. He stood up and began making his way to the kitchen when he was suddenly pushed down.
“What the fuck?” Yoongi turned to glare at whoever just pushed him, they were also on the floor. Jungkook? “You asshole. Why the fuck did you do that?” Yoongi sat up, glaring down at the boy who was paying him no mind.
Jungkook ignored him. “It was a joke! You need to calm down or at least wait until we get home.” Yoongi lifted an eyebrow looking up so see Yoona glaring down at her husband.
“It’s not fucking funny Jungkook. Grow the fuck up and start looking at the big picture. You’re lucky I didn’t punch you in your fucking neck.” Yoona punctuated her last sentence with a kick to Jungkook’s goods. He gasped holding himself.
“I should’ve seen that coming.” He wheezed out. Yoona marched off.
“What did you do?”
“Joked about getting Jangmi pregnant so I could have a baby that looks just like me.” Yoongi looked at the younger for a few moments before snorting. Jangmi and Jungkook did share some similarities in their looks.
“Do you wanna stay at my house tonight?” Yoongi asked. Jungkook’s eyes flickered to his in wonder. Looking over Yoongi’s face to see if there were any signs of something more than just friendliness. Yoongi smirked.
“Yeah, do you wanna go right now?”
“Go out the back, I’m gonna tell Seojin I’m leaving. I’ll meet you at the house.”
‘There you are. Where did you get that you nerd?“ Hyoseon laughed at Namjoon who was sat on Jangmi’s bed reading a book.
“Jangmi has that big ass bookshelf and this looked interesting. I found Tae but she wanted to talk to Seojin so I came in here to read.”
“You’re so fun at parties.”
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similoins · 5 years
Jiyoon gets sent to stay with Yoona because school and late moving and she meets Jangmi and Jangmi loves everyone so they become quick friends. They actually end up becoming best friends. Jangmi's popular but somewhat of an outcast at the same time.
Sooyoung is popular and an asshole to them both.
Taeho and Jangmi start hanging out. She kind of ditches Jiyoon. It's not like they were friends long anyway, but Jiyoon gets her feelings hurt because she really liked Jangmi.
She complains about this to Yoona one day after school and Jungkook turns the TV down to listen in on the conversation because he heard his sisters name mentioned and he's suddenly pissed.
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similoins · 5 years
Jungkook and Yoona moved from newcrest so Spring Valley because it was closer to Jungkook's parents. It's also where his little sister Jangmi took residence and Jangmi was Jungkook's favorite person.
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similoins · 5 years
Seojin and Sehoon are super close and Ye kind of dislikes Seojin for being so close to her husband and Yoongi just thinks the whole situation is weird. Sometimes he wonders if Seojin likes his father more than him, but she quickly reminds him that isn't the case.
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similoins · 5 years
Jungkook and Jangmi are best friends.
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similoins · 5 years
Jiyoon moved in with Yoona in August to start the school year off at Spring Valley High School. Their parents were moving later on in the year.
Yoona's parents did not know Yoona currently lived with a 22 year old male or else Jiyoon would definitely not be sleeping in said 22 year old males bed.
Jungkook was now sharing bed with Yoona again. Yoona protested and physically kicked him out of the bed multiple times until she just gave in and let him share it with her under conditions he allow no one else in their bed, unlike last time.
Jungkook listened.
Not long after Jiyoon was occupying Jungkook's bed, Yoongi had showed up at her door after asking for her address to send postcards. She should've known better.
He was broke and he needed a place to crash temporarily.
Yoongi brought his own laptop and other production equipment with him. It seemed that and a suitcase of clothes was all he had to to his name. He didn't tell anyone he sold all of his furniture and other assets. He had a plan.
Yoongi produced out of Jungkook's bedroom while Jiyoon slept. She slept on the couch in there too. He pretty much never left.
It took Jungkook a little over a week to mention it.
"How olds Yoongi?" Jungkook asked, one evening. He was getting ready to go to work at the bar. His shift starting at 6.
"24, what does that have to do with anything?"
"I just wanna know why a 24 year old has been holed up in my room all week on his computer. He hasn't left the house once. What's he doing?"
"Music. You know that." Yoona scoffed. Yoongi had always loved music and wanted to become a rap star. He still had his dream obviously.
"How long are you going to let him make his music? Because right now, he pretty much has it made. I know he's your baby bro, but baby siblings are the main ones to take advantage of you. Believe me, I'd know."
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similoins · 5 years
Seojin looked back and forth between the brands of an emergency contraceptive. She knew she had to get one. She couldn't have Yoongi's children just yet, but that didn't stop her from entertaining the idea. She wondered if he'd be happy when she told him she was pregnant.
She couldn't wait for the day, for now, she grabbed the emergency contraceptive and left the store. She scheduled an appointment with her doctor for birth control that day too.
She was doing the right thing, wasn't she?
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similoins · 5 years
Yoona didn't know how bad of a person she was for wishing Jimin would come onto to Jungkook and Hyoseon somehow find out and break up with the girl.
She just couldn't stand Jimin. She couldn't see why someone as cool and funny as Hyoseon would fall in love with her.
If that happened, Hyoseon would be heartbroken. Hyoseon had already opened up to the girl telling her about her shameful jealous tendencies and how she felt she didn't deserve Jimin. Silly girl.
She couldn't hurt Hyoseon, no matter how bad she wanted to hurt Jimin. She couldn't win in any case because hurting Jimin would only result in a hurt Hyo and she didn't want that. She didn't want that at all.
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