simonalkenmayer · 19 days
I really don't have the bandwidth to have my sole focus be on how much of a dumpster fire America/the world is.
The impending apocalypse.
War with Iran, Palestine, Israel, Russia, Ukraine, America, drugs etc. I'm sure there's more.
I have to take mental breaks and go oh hmm, cryogenics. Let's learn more.
I don't have assets to move, money for a bunker in a volcano with a fire moat ala Zuckerberg, and I'm fresh outta fucks to give.
Who do I want to vote for, since I've never voted. This criminal or this criminal? Damn that's rough. I don't think it matters. Does it matter? In all your time has it changed anything depending on which criminal was being marionetted about? Geriatric weekend at Bernies in office. Maybe it does? Again no fucks.
Vote for the one it’s easiest to work with to protect the ones you love.
There’s a clear winner there, in my opinion.
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simonalkenmayer · 19 days
Bo has been diagnosed with a degenerative bone disease. We discovered this because he suddenly couldn’t use his hind quarters or tails. It’s permanent. He has no control of his back. I have purchased him a wheelchair and diapers. He is on medications. But this condition will inevitably kill him. He’s only four. I am giving him everything I can to keep him comfortable and healthy. I do not want him to suffer.
It seems that the universe would rather I not pretend to be the proverbial “man” with a four legged best friend.
The cat has been tending him regularly.
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simonalkenmayer · 21 days
What do you think about the transhumanist movement and cryonics?
Thank you
I think humans will do as they please. I’ve no dislike of them wanting to preserve or change their state. Don’t we all? Well…we do if we have sophisticated intelligence. I do think, however, that cryogenics will not work, but I suppose I’ll see, won’t I?
Assuming I make it past your oncoming apocalypse, that is.
We have bigger fish to fry methinks.
Register to vote at vote.gov or truthfully be prepared for the worst. I’m already liquidating and moving assets. I know these things when I see them.
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simonalkenmayer · 2 months
Thank you. My vision rejoices
This is evie I stole their blog again and I’m changing the color!
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simonalkenmayer · 2 months
Evie I don’t know how to run this stupid thing. Please don’t leave it pink whatever you do. I beg. Please.
This is evie I stole their blog again and I’m changing the color!
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simonalkenmayer · 2 months
If you don’t fix it I’ll delete the whole thing.
This is evie I stole their blog again and I’m changing the color!
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simonalkenmayer · 2 months
This is evie I stole their blog again and I’m changing the color!
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simonalkenmayer · 2 months
For the anon that asked about what hope is. It’s the knowledge that all things change, and that there are things moving that you can’t see. Everything shifts. Help it along where you can and just keep that perspective. The vastness of time and space have more in them than you can perceive. Let that be the cornerstone: wonder. Awe.
That’s how you keep hope.
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simonalkenmayer · 2 months
Hello Simon, I hope it's alright to ask for advice. These past few months, I've struggled significantly with moving through my everyday life as I watch the genocide in Palestine. I've watched it all my life, but this is unparalleled. I've been turning frequently to history to find some comfort or a blueprint on how to respond, how to resist as community. I wanted to ask you, as someone who has seen humanity at its worst so many times, do you know how a person might keep faith in a better future?
When the camps were liberated during the war, and I saw for the first time, the carnage of it all, I felt a mixture of feelings, and rage was one. Another was guilt, that I hadn’t done something other than abstain. But I couldn’t fight another war. Even for a good cause. Humans trifle with life because they never actually believe they can die. And some seek any pleasure they can find—weak little children.
I’ve hated your species my entire life
But then again…I remember the rebellions, the revolutions, the drastic shifts in short periods. I remember art and technology. I remember that there is always a bigger picture. I remember after the great fire, so much destruction, but so few lives lost. I remember how people helped one another. I remember friends I have had, great moments of change, the poetry of your thoughts.
I have lived your species my entire life.
Humanity is not in defiance of nature. It’s not moving past it. It’s fulfilling it, and it will either rise, or it will fall silent. That is something each of you must decide separately.
I worry that your culture has become so disheartened and selfish, that it isn’t possible for people to have the courage they will need, but really…I’m not sure I blame them.
You must find the anger. The righteous fury. You must find the will to be furious and consistent and troublesome. Do EVERYTHING. And then remember how much your actions impact others you cannot even imagine.
I never thought people would ask me for advice when I published, but then it began happening. As many horrible traumatic stories I’ve heard preceding questions, I have just as many thanking me for taking it seriously. I did not expect to mean anything to anyone, but I have seen that it is possible to affect people I never knew I could.
I think back on my life and reexamine moments, and I wonder…how often did I affect someone without noticing and how might it have changed history?
Your actions, even the small ones, have weight, but you cannot do the action to receive immediate payback. You must pursue it because it’s right, and you’re ready for the long road.
Hopelessness stops action. Anger fuels it, so long as you can harness it and give it task after task. Listen to the weak, not the strong. Listen to the poor and the starving. Learn how to think rationally, systematically. To be critical. Help because you can and because it’s right. And as someone greater than I once said, look for the other helpers.
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simonalkenmayer · 2 months
Please pay attention.
It’s not just about party platform. It’s about money.
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simonalkenmayer · 2 months
Have you ever seen the movie Cry-Baby with Johnny Depp?
Cause I just did and wooo-boy. It's a movie that's for sure.
It’s a film. For certain
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simonalkenmayer · 2 months
Believe it or not I met a Roman Emperor. Caligula, when he was a boy. He was dressed as a tiny soldier. Looked like a doll. It’s my fault his father is dead, so what can I say.
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simonalkenmayer · 2 months
What is some of your favorite slang you've heard throughout the years?
How have words and language changed?
- Chey 🤍📝
There have been whole treatises written answering this. I’ll summarize.
The accent has drastically changed. Pronunciation has changed. There are fewer letters. More words. More types of words. More cultural references in speech, like “get in gear” or using small words for huge concepts we didn’t even have in my day, like discussing psychology by using programming language etc. the cuss words are fairly similar.
If you go to the hashtags Simon teaches Old Worda you will find some of my favorite slang.
Loitersqck, lickspiggot, so on.
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simonalkenmayer · 2 months
Hi Simone! Thought I'd drop by and ask how you're doing. Hope the hunting is going well :)
I’m well. Nearly done with my sound studio. Hopefully back to recording very soon
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simonalkenmayer · 2 months
I. I dont eat meat but. How can you eat humans and have a problem with humans eating capybaras? I mean they are pretty awesome animals, very chill, but like. So are pigs, meat is meat. I guess they are a lot cuter than humans but id like to think of myself as fairly adorable i mean im not cuter than a capybara but i try
I don’t need a rational justification. I like them so I claim them and if any human touches one, I’ll eat them. Period. Because I say so. It doesn’t need a rational reason.
Lord knows you humans seldom need rational behavior.
Why is house meat illegal here when it’s not in France? Why don’t humans eat cats and dogs here?
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simonalkenmayer · 2 months
Oh wonderful….
The Catholic Church says Capybara meat is fine for lent as it swims a lot and so is a fish.
Anyone who touches the Capybara meat will be considered edible by me for Lent.
Go on. I dare you.
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simonalkenmayer · 2 months
Have I ever mentioned that Christopher Marlowe was murdered by spies?
He was one for a time. Walsingham liked his cover, being something of an appreciation for the arts.
He was murdered because he got caught and was being investigated.
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